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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

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Montag, 18. November 2013

Your 8 hourly digest for Salafismus in Facebook ; Salafisten Islam Koran Moschee

Salafismus in Facebook ; Salafisten Islam Koran Moschee
Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. 
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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
Nov 19th 2013, 01:51, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


 kuffar - Social Mention: Burak Karan, Mantan Pesepak Bola Profesional Jerman Yang Berjihad Di Suriah Selasa, 13 Muharram 1435H / November 19, 2013 Shoutussalam – Jihad Suriah telah menyedot perhatian banyak orang, dari beragam kalangan yang beraneka usia, gender, ras, negara dan profesi. Setelah sebelumnya mantan rapper terkenal Jerman bernama Deso Dogg diketahui berhijrah dan berjihad di Suriah, kabar baru-baru ini menyebutkan salah seorang pesepak bola muda Jerman juga berada disana. Majalah berita bulanan Jerman, Der Spiegel melalui situs onlinenya pada Senin (18/11/2013) menyitir nama pemuda berumur 26 tahun bernama Burak Karan. Ia dikabarkan ikut berjuang dengan kelompok Jihadis di Suriah. Ada yang mengatakan ia menjadi prajurit Jabhat al Nusrah, sementara sumber lain menyebut ia bersama Daulah Islam Iraq dan Syam (ISIS). Akan tetapi, sejumlah sumber mengatakan ia telah gugur syahid di wilayah Azaz, perbatasan Turki-Suriah yang berada di bawah kontrol ISIS. Wallahu a'lam. Burak Karan syahid pada Oktober lalu, setelah terkena ledakan bom yang dijatuhkan pesawat rezim Bashar Assad. Di negaranya, pemuda Turki kelahiran Jerman tersebut dikenal sebagai pemain sebak bola profesional. Para pengamat melihatnya sebagai pemain muda berbakat untuk diikutkan dalam tim sepak bola Nasional Jerman. Tapi ia berhenti dari kehidupan karir sepakbola pada 29 Maret 2008. Saat itu umurnya menginjak 20 tahun. Pertandingan terakhirnya di tim kedua Alemannia Aachen bersama Lewis Holtby, yang kini bermain untuk Liga Premier Inggris di tim sepak bola Tottenham Hotspur dan telah bermain tiga kali untuk tim nasional Jerman. Burak Karan, pemain tengah yang berasal dari kota barat Wuppertal itu telah bermain untuk Jerman selama tujuh kali di tim U- 16 dan tim U-17. Beberapa mantan rekan dalam timnya adalah Sami Khedira , Dennis Aogo dan Kevin Prince Boateng yang kini menjadi bintang sepak bola. Pada bulan Januari 2008, ketika Alemania Aachen membeli Karan dari tim Hannover 96, pelatih barunya Thomas Hengen mengatakan sesuatu tentangnya, " Dia memiliki penglihatan yang tajam, pengoper bola yang sangat terampil dan sangat bagus yang sanagt kita butuhkan untuk menduduki posisi ini." Namun semua uang dan ketenaran sepakbola itu tidaklah begitu menarik bagi pemuda Muslim yang sangat taat ini. "Uang dan karier tidak penting baginya," kata saudaranya, Mustafa pada suratkabar Bild, seperti yang dikutip oleh International Business Times. Marcus Olm, mantan pelatihnya di Hannover 96 menyaksikan sosok Karan yang sangat religius dan tak pernah meninggalkan sholat wajib lima waktu. "Baik ketika kami sedang berlatih atau berada dalam perjalanan jauh,ia tetap menegakkan sholat " kata Marcus Olm pada surat kabar Die Welt. Karan lantas mulai aktif membuka-buka internet dan menyaksikan kaum muslimin menjadi korban pembantaian kuffar. Mustafa mengatakan bahwa Karan sangat bingung dan sedih, memiliki kemauan kuat untuk berjuang membela kaum muslimin yang tertindas. Hal itulah yang melatarbelakanginya untuk meninggalkan karir cemerlang keduniawiannya di kancah sepak bola. Menurut Intelijen Domestik Jerman, Burak Karan pada bulan April 2010 pernah mencoba berangkat berjihad di Afghanistan bersama 2 orang kawan sesama muslimnya di Wuppertal, Emrah Erdogan dan saudaranya, Bunyamin Erdogan. Bunyamin Erdogan gugur syahid dalam serangan pesawat tak berawak AS pada Oktober 2010. Sementara itu, Emrah Erdogan diadili di Frankfurt pada bulan Juni tahun ini, dengan dakwaan menjadi anggota al Qaeda di Pakistan dan Mujahidin al Shabaab di Somalia. Dia diduga telah berada di wilayah perbatasan Pakistan – Afghanistan antara bulan Mei 2010 dan Januari 2011, dan bergabung dengan al Shabaab pada Februari 2011. Emrah ditangkap di Tanzania pada Juni 2012 lalu diekstradisi kembali ke Jerman. Kantor Federal Kejaksaan Jerman lantas meluncurkan investigasi terhadap Karan karena diduga mendukung organisasi Jihad Global. Tapi pengembangan kasus ini tak bisa berjalan banyak. Setelah lama menghilang dari peredaran, tiba-tiba ia muncul di sebuah video yang diunggah di Youtube pada tanggal 22 Oktober. Dalam video tersebut, nampak Karan dengan nama Abu Abdullah at Turki sedang memanggul senapan serbu Kalashnikov dan menceritakan pertempurannya melawan milisi komunis PKK Kurdi. Burak Karan telah menunjukkan tekad dan keinginan kuatnya membela kaum muslimin, dengan berjihad dan syahid di Suriah. Taqabalahullah saudaraku, semoga Allah menempatkanmu dalam barisan para syuhada'. Aamiin..!
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    kuffar - Social Mention
    Burak Karan, Mantan Pesepak Bola Profesional Jerman Yang Berjihad Di Suriah Selasa, 13 Muharram 1435H / November 19, 2013 Shoutussalam – Jihad Suriah telah menyedot perhatian banyak orang, dari beragam kalangan yang beraneka usia, gender, ras, negara dan profesi. Setelah sebelumnya mantan rapper terkenal Jerman bernama Deso Dogg diketahui berhijrah dan berjihad di Suriah, kabar baru-baru ini menyebutkan salah seorang pesepak bola muda Jerman juga berada disana. Majalah berita bulanan Jerman, Der Spiegel melalui situs onlinenya pada Senin (18/11/2013) menyitir nama pemuda berumur 26 tahun bernama Burak Karan. Ia dikabarkan ikut berjuang dengan kelompok Jihadis di Suriah. Ada yang mengatakan ia menjadi prajurit Jabhat al Nusrah, sementara sumber lain menyebut ia bersama Daulah Islam Iraq dan Syam (ISIS). Akan tetapi, sejumlah sumber mengatakan ia telah gugur syahid di wilayah Azaz, perbatasan Turki-Suriah yang berada di bawah kontrol ISIS. Wallahu a'lam. Burak Karan syahid pada Oktober lalu, setelah terkena ledakan bom yang dijatuhkan pesawat rezim Bashar Assad. Di negaranya, pemuda Turki kelahiran Jerman tersebut dikenal sebagai pemain sebak bola profesional. Para pengamat melihatnya sebagai pemain muda berbakat untuk diikutkan dalam tim sepak bola Nasional Jerman. Tapi ia berhenti dari kehidupan karir sepakbola pada 29 Maret 2008. Saat itu umurnya menginjak 20 tahun. Pertandingan terakhirnya di tim kedua Alemannia Aachen bersama Lewis Holtby, yang kini bermain untuk Liga Premier Inggris di tim sepak bola Tottenham Hotspur dan telah bermain tiga kali untuk tim nasional Jerman. Burak Karan, pemain tengah yang berasal dari kota barat Wuppertal itu telah bermain untuk Jerman selama tujuh kali di tim U- 16 dan tim U-17. Beberapa mantan rekan dalam timnya adalah Sami Khedira , Dennis Aogo dan Kevin Prince Boateng yang kini menjadi bintang sepak bola. Pada bulan Januari 2008, ketika Alemania Aachen membeli Karan dari tim Hannover 96, pelatih barunya Thomas Hengen mengatakan sesuatu tentangnya, " Dia memiliki penglihatan yang tajam, pengoper bola yang sangat terampil dan sangat bagus yang sanagt kita butuhkan untuk menduduki posisi ini." Namun semua uang dan ketenaran sepakbola itu tidaklah begitu menarik bagi pemuda Muslim yang sangat taat ini. "Uang dan karier tidak penting baginya," kata saudaranya, Mustafa pada suratkabar Bild, seperti yang dikutip oleh International Business Times. Marcus Olm, mantan pelatihnya di Hannover 96 menyaksikan sosok Karan yang sangat religius dan tak pernah meninggalkan sholat wajib lima waktu. "Baik ketika kami sedang berlatih atau berada dalam perjalanan jauh,ia tetap menegakkan sholat " kata Marcus Olm pada surat kabar Die Welt. Karan lantas mulai aktif membuka-buka internet dan menyaksikan kaum muslimin menjadi korban pembantaian kuffar. Mustafa mengatakan bahwa Karan sangat bingung dan sedih, memiliki kemauan kuat untuk berjuang membela kaum muslimin yang tertindas. Hal itulah yang melatarbelakanginya untuk meninggalkan karir cemerlang keduniawiannya di kancah sepak bola. Menurut Intelijen Domestik Jerman, Burak Karan pada bulan April 2010 pernah mencoba berangkat berjihad di Afghanistan bersama 2 orang kawan sesama muslimnya di Wuppertal, Emrah Erdogan dan saudaranya, Bunyamin Erdogan. Bunyamin Erdogan gugur syahid dalam serangan pesawat tak berawak AS pada Oktober 2010. Sementara itu, Emrah Erdogan diadili di Frankfurt pada bulan Juni tahun ini, dengan dakwaan menjadi anggota al Qaeda di Pakistan dan Mujahidin al Shabaab di Somalia. Dia diduga telah berada di wilayah perbatasan Pakistan – Afghanistan antara bulan Mei 2010 dan Januari 2011, dan bergabung dengan al Shabaab pada Februari 2011. Emrah ditangkap di Tanzania pada Juni 2012 lalu diekstradisi kembali ke Jerman. Kantor Federal Kejaksaan Jerman lantas meluncurkan investigasi terhadap Karan karena diduga mendukung organisasi Jihad Global. Tapi pengembangan kasus ini tak bisa berjalan banyak. Setelah lama menghilang dari peredaran, tiba-tiba ia muncul di sebuah video yang diunggah di Youtube pada tanggal 22 Oktober. Dalam video tersebut, nampak Karan dengan nama Abu Abdullah at Turki sedang memanggul senapan serbu Kalashnikov dan menceritakan pertempurannya melawan milisi komunis PKK Kurdi. Burak Karan telah menunjukkan tekad dan keinginan kuatnya membela kaum muslimin, dengan berjihad dan syahid di Suriah. Taqabalahullah saudaraku, semoga Allah menempatkanmu dalam barisan para syuhada'. Aamiin..!
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:28
    Shoutussalam – Jihad Suriah telah menyedot begitu perhatian banyak orang, dari beragam kalangan beraneka usia, gender, ras, negara dan profesi. Setelah sebelumnya mantan rapper terkenal Jerman bernama Deso Dogg diketahui berhijrah dan berjihad di Suriah, kabar baru-baru ini menyebutkan salah seorang...
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 kuffar - Social Mention: সত্য বলতে গনতন্ত্রী ভায়েরা গনতন্ত্রে বিশ্বাসী ইসলামে না । তাদের কাছে ইসলাম থেকে তাদের দলের মূল্য বেশী ।তাদের আরেক টা বিরাট সমস্যা হল তারা তাদের নেতা দের শিয়াদের ন্যায় মাসুম মনে করে ।তারা ভাবে তাদের নেতারা পাপ করতেই পারেনা । অথচ তাদের বিরুদ্ধে যথেষ্ঠ প্রমান আছে ।তবুও তাদের বাচাতে অলটাইম ইসলামের আচরয় নেয় । তাদের মত তাদের নেতাগনের জন্যই ইসলাম টিকে আছে যে তাদের নেতাদের অন্যায় করা সত্বেও সাজা দেয়া যাবেনা । অথচ ইসলামে কে অপরাধ করলো সেটা কোন বিষয় নয় বরং অপরাধটাই মূখ্য বিষয় । তবুও তারা তাদের জন্য লাগাতার আন্দোলনের ঝড় তুলে যাচ্ছে অথচ কখনো দেখলাম না তারা কখনো থাবা বাবাকে যারা জাহান্নামে পাঠিয়ে দিয়েছে তাদের ব্যাপারে কোন কিছু করতে । যে পাচ ভাই নিজেদের কথা চিন্তা না করে শরিয়ত অনুযায়ী নরকের কীট থাবা বাবা কে কতাল করে ছিল তাদের মুক্তির ব্যাপারে গনতন্ত্রী ভায়েদের নিরবতা সত্যি আশ্চয্য করে !! তাই বলতে ইচ্ছে করে "গনতন্ত্রীই রয়ে গেলে মুসলীম হলে না ।"
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    kuffar - Social Mention
    সত্য বলতে গনতন্ত্রী ভায়েরা গনতন্ত্রে বিশ্বাসী ইসলামে না । তাদের কাছে ইসলাম থেকে তাদের দলের মূল্য বেশী ।তাদের আরেক টা বিরাট সমস্যা হল তারা তাদের নেতা দের শিয়াদের ন্যায় মাসুম মনে করে ।তারা ভাবে তাদের নেতারা পাপ করতেই পারেনা । অথচ তাদের বিরুদ্ধে যথেষ্ঠ প্রমান আছে ।তবুও তাদের বাচাতে অলটাইম ইসলামের আচরয় নেয় । তাদের মত তাদের নেতাগনের জন্যই ইসলাম টিকে আছে যে তাদের নেতাদের অন্যায় করা সত্বেও সাজা দেয়া যাবেনা । অথচ ইসলামে কে অপরাধ করলো সেটা কোন বিষয় নয় বরং অপরাধটাই মূখ্য বিষয় । তবুও তারা তাদের জন্য লাগাতার আন্দোলনের ঝড় তুলে যাচ্ছে অথচ কখনো দেখলাম না তারা কখনো থাবা বাবাকে যারা জাহান্নামে পাঠিয়ে দিয়েছে তাদের ব্যাপারে কোন কিছু করতে । যে পাচ ভাই নিজেদের কথা চিন্তা না করে শরিয়ত অনুযায়ী নরকের কীট থাবা বাবা কে কতাল করে ছিল তাদের মুক্তির ব্যাপারে গনতন্ত্রী ভায়েদের নিরবতা সত্যি আশ্চয্য করে !! তাই বলতে ইচ্ছে করে "গনতন্ত্রীই রয়ে গেলে মুসলীম হলে না ।"
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:38
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 kuffar - Social Mention: COUNTER-STRIKE! IKALAWANG BAHAGI!!! Bismillah walhamdulillah wassalatu wassalamu ala Rasoolillaah amma ba'ad; Binigyan ni Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) ng kapanatagan at pinatatag niya sa relihiyon si Propeta Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa salam) at pagkatapos ay inutusan Niya siya na huwag malungkot sa pagtahak sa Landas ni Allaah lalo na para sa kasagutan ng mga hindi mananampalataya. Sinabi ni Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala): " kung kaya, huwag kang magdalamhati sa kanilang di-paniniwala sa iyo."..[Surah Al-Maedah :68] nangangahulugan ito na hindi dapat malungkot ang Propeta (salallaahu alayhi wa salam) sapagkat ang mga kuffar na ito ang siyang sumisira sa kanilang mga sarili at ang Gabay ay tanging kay Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) lamang nakasalalay at Siya ang higit na nakakaalam kung saan at kanino dapat igawad ang gabay katulad ng Kanyang sinabi: Katiyakan, ikaw, O Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa salam), ay hindi mo kayang gabayan ang sinumang nais mong gabayan, kundi ang paggagabay ay nasa Allâh (subhanahu wa ta'ala) lamang na ginagabayan Niya ang sinuman na Kanyang nais tungo sa paniniwala at nagpapatnubay Siya para rito,..[Surah Al-Qasas : 56] at sinabi pa Niya; O Muhammad, ay hindi ka Namin ipinadala bilang tagapagmatyag sa kanilang mga gawain upang kuwentahin mo ito sa kanila, kundi ang tungkulin mo lamang ay magparating ng mensahe. [Surah As-Shura :48] Ang tanging tungkulin lamang ng Propeta (salallahu alayhi wa salam) ay ang iparating ang mensahe, ngunit ang gabay ay nakasalalay sa Kamay ni Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) katulad ng Kaniyang sinabi; Katiyakan, sa Amin sila magbabalik pagkatapos ng kamatayan, pagkatapos ay walang pag-aalinlangang Kami ang magtutumbas para sa kanila at pagbabayarin sila sa anuman na kanilang nagawa. [Surah Al-Ghashiyah : 25-26] Hindi pananagutan ng Propeta (salallahu alayhi wa salam) kung ang mga taong inanyayahan niya ay hindi yumakap sa Islam. Ang tangng tungkulin lamang niya ay ang magpahayag ng katotohanan, linawin ito at ituro ang daan patungo rito, ganito ang ginawa ng Propeta (salallahu alayhi wa salam). Tama! Obligasyon natin na ipagtanggol ang Sugo at ituwid ang mga nagmalabis sa pagtuligsa sa kanya. Tungkulin ng mga Muslim na ituwid ang mga maling paratang na ito ngunit ito ay magagawa lamang sa pamamagitan ng paghahain ng mga ebidensya at sa paggamit ng kaalaman. Ang pagtatama at pagtutuwid ay hindi dapat haluan ng kayabangan, ka-arogantehan, pagiging masama, walang puso, marahas, o kahit pa nga sa pamamagitan ng demonstrasyon. Katotohanan na ang mga gawaing ito ay magdudulot ng kasiyahan sa mga hindi mananampalataya at nais nilang ang mga Muslim ay kumilos na parang hindi sibilisadong tao. Sasabihin nila "tingnan ninyo ang mga Muslim na ito, mga mababangis na Muslim na ito, mga mamamatay tao, nagpapasabog ng mga gusali". Ganito ang nais mangyari ng mga hindi mananampalataya, gayong alam nila ngunit hindi nila pinag-aakala na sila ay nakapananakit na sa Islam at sa Propeta (salallahu alayhi wa salam). Gusto lamang nilang galitin ang mga Muslim upang maipakita na hindi sibilisado ang mga Muslim, na sila ay hindi makakayang pigilan. Hindi ipinahihintulot na sagutin o gantihan mo ng kapwa kasamaan ang kasamaan na ginawa sa iyo; sa halip ay katotohanan ang isasagot natin sa kasamaan na ipinakita sa atin, ang tanging sagot natin sa kasamaan ay ang pag-aanyaya at pagtawag tungo sa mas higit na mainam, na mayroong kalakip na kaalaman, matinding pangaral, at pakikipagtalastasan sa pinakamainam na paraan. (itutuloy...inshaAllah!)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    kuffar - Social Mention
    COUNTER-STRIKE! IKALAWANG BAHAGI!!! Bismillah walhamdulillah wassalatu wassalamu ala Rasoolillaah amma ba'ad; Binigyan ni Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) ng kapanatagan at pinatatag niya sa relihiyon si Propeta Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa salam) at pagkatapos ay inutusan Niya siya na huwag malungkot sa pagtahak sa Landas ni Allaah lalo na para sa kasagutan ng mga hindi mananampalataya. Sinabi ni Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala): " kung kaya, huwag kang magdalamhati sa kanilang di-paniniwala sa iyo."..[Surah Al-Maedah :68] nangangahulugan ito na hindi dapat malungkot ang Propeta (salallaahu alayhi wa salam) sapagkat ang mga kuffar na ito ang siyang sumisira sa kanilang mga sarili at ang Gabay ay tanging kay Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) lamang nakasalalay at Siya ang higit na nakakaalam kung saan at kanino dapat igawad ang gabay katulad ng Kanyang sinabi: Katiyakan, ikaw, O Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa salam), ay hindi mo kayang gabayan ang sinumang nais mong gabayan, kundi ang paggagabay ay nasa Allâh (subhanahu wa ta'ala) lamang na ginagabayan Niya ang sinuman na Kanyang nais tungo sa paniniwala at nagpapatnubay Siya para rito,..[Surah Al-Qasas : 56] at sinabi pa Niya; O Muhammad, ay hindi ka Namin ipinadala bilang tagapagmatyag sa kanilang mga gawain upang kuwentahin mo ito sa kanila, kundi ang tungkulin mo lamang ay magparating ng mensahe. [Surah As-Shura :48] Ang tanging tungkulin lamang ng Propeta (salallahu alayhi wa salam) ay ang iparating ang mensahe, ngunit ang gabay ay nakasalalay sa Kamay ni Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) katulad ng Kaniyang sinabi; Katiyakan, sa Amin sila magbabalik pagkatapos ng kamatayan, pagkatapos ay walang pag-aalinlangang Kami ang magtutumbas para sa kanila at pagbabayarin sila sa anuman na kanilang nagawa. [Surah Al-Ghashiyah : 25-26] Hindi pananagutan ng Propeta (salallahu alayhi wa salam) kung ang mga taong inanyayahan niya ay hindi yumakap sa Islam. Ang tangng tungkulin lamang niya ay ang magpahayag ng katotohanan, linawin ito at ituro ang daan patungo rito, ganito ang ginawa ng Propeta (salallahu alayhi wa salam). Tama! Obligasyon natin na ipagtanggol ang Sugo at ituwid ang mga nagmalabis sa pagtuligsa sa kanya. Tungkulin ng mga Muslim na ituwid ang mga maling paratang na ito ngunit ito ay magagawa lamang sa pamamagitan ng paghahain ng mga ebidensya at sa paggamit ng kaalaman. Ang pagtatama at pagtutuwid ay hindi dapat haluan ng kayabangan, ka-arogantehan, pagiging masama, walang puso, marahas, o kahit pa nga sa pamamagitan ng demonstrasyon. Katotohanan na ang mga gawaing ito ay magdudulot ng kasiyahan sa mga hindi mananampalataya at nais nilang ang mga Muslim ay kumilos na parang hindi sibilisadong tao. Sasabihin nila "tingnan ninyo ang mga Muslim na ito, mga mababangis na Muslim na ito, mga mamamatay tao, nagpapasabog ng mga gusali". Ganito ang nais mangyari ng mga hindi mananampalataya, gayong alam nila ngunit hindi nila pinag-aakala na sila ay nakapananakit na sa Islam at sa Propeta (salallahu alayhi wa salam). Gusto lamang nilang galitin ang mga Muslim upang maipakita na hindi sibilisado ang mga Muslim, na sila ay hindi makakayang pigilan. Hindi ipinahihintulot na sagutin o gantihan mo ng kapwa kasamaan ang kasamaan na ginawa sa iyo; sa halip ay katotohanan ang isasagot natin sa kasamaan na ipinakita sa atin, ang tanging sagot natin sa kasamaan ay ang pag-aanyaya at pagtawag tungo sa mas higit na mainam, na mayroong kalakip na kaalaman, matinding pangaral, at pakikipagtalastasan sa pinakamainam na paraan. (itutuloy...inshaAllah!)
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:09
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 kuffar - Social Mention: 'Islam is not just a religion comprising only prayers, fasting and Hajj but it is a Deen, a complete way of life, which is not only "Ibadaat" but also an economic system, ruling system (Khilafah), judicial system, social system etc. This system was not meant just for the Prophet (SAW) or the Sahaba but for all mankind and for all times and places. We are not left with the choice of following the Messenger of Allah in "Ibadaat" only and running our public affairs, state affairs and foreign policy according to the capitalist or communist model. Surely if the Prophet (SAW) had only called for prayers and fasting, the Kuffar of Quraysh would not have inflicted severe mental and physical punishment on him. It was his call of uprooting the whole Kufr system and implementing Islam as a whole, which unnerved the Kuffar and drew such a harsh reaction. Instead of following in the footsteps of Western Kuffar states, we should have realized that we are the Ummah who was assigned the duty to guide all mankinds. Allah (swt) says, "You are the best Ummah that has been raised up amongst mankind. You enjoin right and forbid evil and you believe in Allah" (TMQ). We should have guided the Western nations to leave secularism and adopt Islam as their "Deen" but instead we ourselves became secular and limited Islam to just Ibadaat. We should realize that Western nations adopted secularism because Christianity did not give them solutions to their problems, and in their desire for progress they dumped Christianity and took it upon themselves to lead their lives as they wished. Islam is not like Christianity, in fact it is a complete way of life and if we also limit Islam to just our personal life, in the name of progress, we will surely go far astray. This is the reason for the decline of the Muslim Ummah and no amount of prayers or cries will have any effect unless we resume the Islamic way of life as a whole and respond to Allah's command "O you who believe, enter into Islam completely and follow not the footsteps of 'Satan', indeed he is an open enemy for you (TMQ 2:208)". This can only be done by following the same method of revival that the Messenger of Allah took, re-establishing the Khilafah and carrying Islam to all mankind by way of Jihad.' From 'Secularism: A kufr Aqeedah' by Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    kuffar - Social Mention
    'Islam is not just a religion comprising only prayers, fasting and Hajj but it is a Deen, a complete way of life, which is not only "Ibadaat" but also an economic system, ruling system (Khilafah), judicial system, social system etc. This system was not meant just for the Prophet (SAW) or the Sahaba but for all mankind and for all times and places. We are not left with the choice of following the Messenger of Allah in "Ibadaat" only and running our public affairs, state affairs and foreign policy according to the capitalist or communist model. Surely if the Prophet (SAW) had only called for prayers and fasting, the Kuffar of Quraysh would not have inflicted severe mental and physical punishment on him. It was his call of uprooting the whole Kufr system and implementing Islam as a whole, which unnerved the Kuffar and drew such a harsh reaction. Instead of following in the footsteps of Western Kuffar states, we should have realized that we are the Ummah who was assigned the duty to guide all mankinds. Allah (swt) says, "You are the best Ummah that has been raised up amongst mankind. You enjoin right and forbid evil and you believe in Allah" (TMQ). We should have guided the Western nations to leave secularism and adopt Islam as their "Deen" but instead we ourselves became secular and limited Islam to just Ibadaat. We should realize that Western nations adopted secularism because Christianity did not give them solutions to their problems, and in their desire for progress they dumped Christianity and took it upon themselves to lead their lives as they wished. Islam is not like Christianity, in fact it is a complete way of life and if we also limit Islam to just our personal life, in the name of progress, we will surely go far astray. This is the reason for the decline of the Muslim Ummah and no amount of prayers or cries will have any effect unless we resume the Islamic way of life as a whole and respond to Allah's command "O you who believe, enter into Islam completely and follow not the footsteps of 'Satan', indeed he is an open enemy for you (TMQ 2:208)". This can only be done by following the same method of revival that the Messenger of Allah took, re-establishing the Khilafah and carrying Islam to all mankind by way of Jihad.' From 'Secularism: A kufr Aqeedah' by Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:06
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 kuffar - Social Mention: "PAGE Of A Mujahid Brothers and Sisters Fear Allaah . i repeat to You My statement Fear Allaah do not display right away news that you get from sources especially if its from the Kuffar Akhy . Ya Akhy Fear Allaah Ya Ukhty Fear Alllaah that that person comes in the day of Qiyaamah and Complains to Allaah that this person said lies on him? so Investigating the Reliability of the News conveyed by Wicked People Allah the Exalted says, ﻳَﺎ ﺃَﻳُّﻬَﺎ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻳﻦَ ﺁﻣَﻨُﻮﺍ ﺇِﻥ ﺟَﺎﺀﻛُﻢْ ﻓَﺎﺳِﻖٌ ﺑِﻨَﺒَﺄٍ ﻓَﺘَﺒَﻴَّﻨُﻮﺍ ﺃَﻥ ﺗُﺼِﻴﺒُﻮﺍ ﻗَﻮْﻣًﺎ ﺑِﺠَﻬَﺎﻟَﺔٍ ﻓَﺘُﺼْﺒِﺤُﻮﺍ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﻣَﺎ ﻓَﻌَﻠْﺘُﻢْ ﻧَﺎﺩِﻣِﻴﻦَ ﴿ ٦﴾ O ye who believe! if a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done. Allah the Exalted ordered investigating the news that sinners and the wicked bring, to make sure of its authenticity. Otherwise, if the sinner's word is taken for granted and a decision is based on it, regardless of whether the information is true or not, the authorities will be taking the lead of the sinners. Allah the Exalted and Most Honored forbade taking the path of the corrupted and sinners. This is why groups of the scholars of Hadith refuse to accept narrations from narrators whose reliability is unknown, for they might be from among the wicked people, in reality so be carefull Advise My Family Ayman"
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    kuffar - Social Mention
    "PAGE Of A Mujahid Brothers and Sisters Fear Allaah . i repeat to You My statement Fear Allaah do not display right away news that you get from sources especially if its from the Kuffar Akhy . Ya Akhy Fear Allaah Ya Ukhty Fear Alllaah that that person comes in the day of Qiyaamah and Complains to Allaah that this person said lies on him? so Investigating the Reliability of the News conveyed by Wicked People Allah the Exalted says, ﻳَﺎ ﺃَﻳُّﻬَﺎ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻳﻦَ ﺁﻣَﻨُﻮﺍ ﺇِﻥ ﺟَﺎﺀﻛُﻢْ ﻓَﺎﺳِﻖٌ ﺑِﻨَﺒَﺄٍ ﻓَﺘَﺒَﻴَّﻨُﻮﺍ ﺃَﻥ ﺗُﺼِﻴﺒُﻮﺍ ﻗَﻮْﻣًﺎ ﺑِﺠَﻬَﺎﻟَﺔٍ ﻓَﺘُﺼْﺒِﺤُﻮﺍ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﻣَﺎ ﻓَﻌَﻠْﺘُﻢْ ﻧَﺎﺩِﻣِﻴﻦَ ﴿ ٦﴾ O ye who believe! if a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done. Allah the Exalted ordered investigating the news that sinners and the wicked bring, to make sure of its authenticity. Otherwise, if the sinner's word is taken for granted and a decision is based on it, regardless of whether the information is true or not, the authorities will be taking the lead of the sinners. Allah the Exalted and Most Honored forbade taking the path of the corrupted and sinners. This is why groups of the scholars of Hadith refuse to accept narrations from narrators whose reliability is unknown, for they might be from among the wicked people, in reality so be carefull Advise My Family Ayman"
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:16
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 kufar - Social Mention: جو ظلم راولپنڈی میں ہوا ہے ہر مسلمان کی آنکھ اشکبار بار ہے میں کسی فرقے کو نشانہ نہیں بناؤں گا پر وہ لوگ جنہوں نے یہ ظلم کیا ہے بے گناہ بچوں کو ذبح کیا اور نمازیوں کو شہید کیا ان کو کیفرے کردار پر پہچنا چاہیے چاہے وہ جس فرقے کے لوگ ہوں اور لعنت ہو ان پے جو اس بات کو کسی اور جانب لے رہے ہیں بس ان لوگوں کو صرف اتنا کہوں گا کے اگر انکے گھر کا کتا بھی کسی کی گاڑی نے نیچے آ جا اے تو معاف نہیں کرتے یہاں تو محصوم بچوں کو ذبح کیا گیا ہے اپنے اپ کو ان لوگوں کی جگہ رکھ کے سوچو جن کے گھر کے چراغ بجھ گے ہیں پھر تمہیں پتا چلے لعنتی لوگو کجھ خدا کا خوف کرو بڑے تم امن کے پجاری ہو !!!!!!!
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    kufar - Social Mention
    جو ظلم راولپنڈی میں ہوا ہے ہر مسلمان کی آنکھ اشکبار بار ہے میں کسی فرقے کو نشانہ نہیں بناؤں گا پر وہ لوگ جنہوں نے یہ ظلم کیا ہے بے گناہ بچوں کو ذبح کیا اور نمازیوں کو شہید کیا ان کو کیفرے کردار پر پہچنا چاہیے چاہے وہ جس فرقے کے لوگ ہوں اور لعنت ہو ان پے جو اس بات کو کسی اور جانب لے رہے ہیں بس ان لوگوں کو صرف اتنا کہوں گا کے اگر انکے گھر کا کتا بھی کسی کی گاڑی نے نیچے آ جا اے تو معاف نہیں کرتے یہاں تو محصوم بچوں کو ذبح کیا گیا ہے اپنے اپ کو ان لوگوں کی جگہ رکھ کے سوچو جن کے گھر کے چراغ بجھ گے ہیں پھر تمہیں پتا چلے لعنتی لوگو کجھ خدا کا خوف کرو بڑے تم امن کے پجاری ہو !!!!!!!
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:50
    راولپنڈی سانحہ ایک شیعہ کے کیمرے سے قید وہ ثبوت جس میں حکومت کو اسانی ہوگی انصاف دینے میں ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ چلو پنجاب حکومت اپ تو صاف دیکھا دیا کو بیرونی سازش والے کون ہے ؟ 0:41 0;43 3:36 4.26 ان سیکنڈ اور منٹ میں غور کریں کیا فرمایا جارہا ہے ؟
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 kafir - Social Mention: 10 Surah Al-Qur'an Dapat Menghalangi Dari 10 Ujian Besar Allah SWT 1. Surah Al-Fatihah dapat memadamkan kemurkaan Allah SWT, 2. Surah Yasin dapat menghilangkan rasa dahaga atau kehausan pada hari Kiamat, 3. Surah Dukhan dapat membantukita ketika menghadapi ujian AllahSWT pada hari kiamat, 4. Surah Al-Waqiah dapat melindungi kita dari kesusahan atau fakir, 5. Surah Al-Mulk dapat meringankan azab di alam kubur, 6. Surah Al-Kauthar dapat merelaikan segala perbalahan, 7. Surah Al-Kafirun dapat menghalangi kita menjadi kafir ketika menghadapi kematian, 8. Surah Al-Ikhlas dapat melindungi kita menjadi golongan munafiq, 9. Surah Al-Falq dapat menghapuskan perasaan hasad dengki, 10. Surah An-Nas dapat melindungi kita dari penyakit was-was. Silahkan DICOPAS/SHARE info ini kesejumlah orang yang anda kenal dan Insya Allah ridho Allah akan dianugerahkan kepada setiap orang yang anda kirim.aamiin Semoga Bermanfaat. Fillow: @im_moeslim Sumber: "Mozaik Islam"
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:24PM  

    kafir - Social Mention
    10 Surah Al-Qur'an Dapat Menghalangi Dari 10 Ujian Besar Allah SWT 1. Surah Al-Fatihah dapat memadamkan kemurkaan Allah SWT, 2. Surah Yasin dapat menghilangkan rasa dahaga atau kehausan pada hari Kiamat, 3. Surah Dukhan dapat membantukita ketika menghadapi ujian AllahSWT pada hari kiamat, 4. Surah Al-Waqiah dapat melindungi kita dari kesusahan atau fakir, 5. Surah Al-Mulk dapat meringankan azab di alam kubur, 6. Surah Al-Kauthar dapat merelaikan segala perbalahan, 7. Surah Al-Kafirun dapat menghalangi kita menjadi kafir ketika menghadapi kematian, 8. Surah Al-Ikhlas dapat melindungi kita menjadi golongan munafiq, 9. Surah Al-Falq dapat menghapuskan perasaan hasad dengki, 10. Surah An-Nas dapat melindungi kita dari penyakit was-was. Silahkan DICOPAS/SHARE info ini kesejumlah orang yang anda kenal dan Insya Allah ridho Allah akan dianugerahkan kepada setiap orang yang anda kirim.aamiin Semoga Bermanfaat. Fillow: @im_moeslim Sumber: "Mozaik Islam"
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:18
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 kafir - Social Mention: MENGENAL TIPUDAYA (STRATEGI) SYI'AH DALAM MEMURTADKAN KAUM MUSLIMIN Mengenal Tipudaya Syi'ah Oleh: Mujiburrahman Abu Sumayyah Akhir-akhir ini ramai lagi dibicarakan tentang Syi'ah di negeri ini. Hal ini tidak lain karena lembaga yang diklaim milik Syi'ah yang selama ini "sukses" menyembunyikan jatidiri mereka mulai terbongkar melalui pengakuannya secara tersirat. Namanya bangkai, sepandai-pandai orang menyembunyikannya, pasti lama-lama bau busuknya akan tercium juga. Namun, ada sebagian kaum muslimin yang beranggapan hal ini bukanlah suatu masalah yang perlu diributkan dan dibesar-besarkan. Tak perlu masalah Sunni-Syi'ah dibawa-bawa ke negeri ini, karena bagaimanapun juga keberadaan kelompok Syi'ah di negeri ini tidak akan membahayakan bagi masyarakat Sunni, bahkan akan menjadikan rahmat bagi umat Islam ini. Dan bagaimanapun juga, bagi mereka Syi'ah adalah saudaranya semuslim. Anggapan-anggapan seperti ini biasanya muncul dari seseorang yang tidak mengetahui hakekat Syi'ah, baik mengenai bentuk kesesatan ajaran yang ada di dalamnya ataupun tipudaya (strategi) mereka dalam memurtadkan kaum muslimin Ahlus Sunnah. Sehingga, diantara merekapun ada yang bisa enjoy hidup seatap dengan penganut Syi'ah. Ada yang bisa hidup rukun di tempat kerjanya. Ada pula yang saling bergantian menghadiri kajian ta'lim, dan lain sebagainya. Sehingga diantara kaum musliminpun ada yang menyempatkan dirinya untuk mengikuti beberapa pengajian atau majelis ta'lim yang diadakan oleh kalangan Syi'ah, dengan alasan bahwa pengajian yang dihadirinya disampaikan dengan halus, lemah-lembut, mengajarkan kecintaan kepada keluarga Nabi, tidak pernah mengajarkan kebencian kepada para shahabat, mengajarkan kecintaan dan persaudaraan kepada sesama muslim, baik Ahlus Sunnah maupun Syi'ah dan lain sebagainya. united2-201209181925141Pada akhirnya, tak berselang lama merekapun akan bersikap antipati kepada orang-orang yang berusaha membongkar kesesatan Syi'ah dan menganggapnya sebagai biang pemecah belah umat, penentang Allah yang menginginkan umat ini bersatu, bahkan tak segan-segan mereka akan menjulukinya "wahhabi". Itulah salah satu bentuk tipudaya Syi'ah dalam memurtadkan kaum muslimin. Namun, untuk lebih jelasnya, saya akan menguraikan beberapa tipudaya Syi'ah yang tidak banyak diketahui oleh kaum muslimin, dengan maksud agar nantinya umat Islam di negeri ini pada khususnya tidak terjebak ke dalam tipudaya mereka yang disusun secara halus, rapi dan pasti. Mengingat bahwa perkembangan Syi'ah di negeri ini semakin menggurita, atau sebagaimana dikatakan ust. Farid Ahmad Oqbah, "Sangat mengkhawatirkan." Namun, ini hanyalah sebuah pengamatan pribadi. Artinya, ini hanyalah beberapa tipudaya (strategi) Syi'ah dalam memurtadkan kaum muslimin ini yang saya ketahui. Dan kemungkinan masih banyak tipudaya mereka yang saya pribadi tidak mengilmuinya. Semoga bermanfaat, semoga Allah ta'ala melindungi dan menjauhkan kita dari tipudaya setan berwujud manusia yang berusaha menghancurkan Islam dan kaum muslimin. 1. Slogan Perdamaian dan Persatuan. Ini adalah slogan jadul, alias jaman dulu. Maksudnya slogan tersebut mereka gembar-gemborkan semenjak berkuasanya Khumaini di Iran setelah lengsernya presiden Reza Pahlevi. Akan tetapi, ternyata slogan dusta itu hingga kini masih menjadi senjata yang ampuh untuk meluluhkan hati dan membinasakan aqidah kaum muslimin di negeri ini. Buktinya, sebagian kaum muslimin pun banyak yang tertipu dengan slogan ini, sehingga tak sedikit dari mereka yang mengharapkan bersatunya Ahlus Sunnah dengan Syi'ah. Padahal bisakah Ahlus Sunnah dan Syi'ah bersatu sementara pokok-pokok ajaran keduanya sangat bertentangan jauh sejauh antara ufuk barat dengan timur? Pertanyaan yang tak butuh jawaban, artinya sangat mustahil antara keduanya itu untuk disatukan sampai kapanpun. Lalu, apa maksud mereka menggembar-gemborkan slogan tersebut? Banyak yang tidak mengetahui maksud tersembunyi dari slogan perdamaian dan persatuan yang digembar-gemborkan Syi'ah tersebut. Perlu diketahui, bahwa slogan tersebut hanya mereka gembar-gemborkan ketika mereka dalam kondisi minoritas sebagaimana di negeri ini. Mereka mengharapkan perdamaian agar mereka bisa leluasa menyebarkan ajaran-ajaran sesat mereka di tengah-tengah masyarakat Ahlus Sunnah tanpa adanya intimadasi dari masyarakat Ahlus Sunnah itu sendiri. Adapun maksud dari persatuan dan penyatuan di sini tidak lain adalah peleburan aqidah Ahlus Sunnah ke Syi'ah. Sebagai bukti nyata adalah kebanyakan pemeluk Syi'ah fanatik saat ini adalah mereka yang dahulunya kaum muslimin yang mendukung upaya bersatunya Ahlus Sunnah dan Syi'ah. Sehingga aqidah Ahlus Sunnah yang mereka bawa sejak lahirpun akhirnya hancur tak berbekas. Harus diketahui pula, bahwa slogan perdamaian dan persatuan ini tidak akan berlaku lagi bagi mereka ketika jumlah mereka mayoritas, sebagaimana kita lihat di Iran dan Irak. Namun, di negeri tersebut slogan itu berubah menjadi pengusiran dan pembantaian. Kaum muslimin di negeri ini harus melihat realita yang sesungguhnya yang terjadi di Iran, Iraq dan sekitarnya yang banyak didiami oleh pemeluk Syi'ah. Diantara bukti nyata yang tidak diketahui oleh kaum muslimin adalah: Tidak adanya upaya pendekatan Sunni-Syi'ah di Iran yang merupakan negara Syi'ah yang memiliki kekuasaan. Ahlus Sunnah tidak diijinkan mendirikan masjid Ahlus Sunnah di ibukota Teheran, bahkan di negeri tersebut masjid-masjid Ahlus Sunnah banyak yang dihancurkan karena dianggap sebagai masjid dhiror. Namun, sebaliknya mereka membiarkan sinagog-sinagog Yahudi bertebaran di mana-mana. Ahlus Sunnah di Iran tidak diberi kebebasan untuk melakukan aktivitas agamanya yang bertentangan dengan Syi'ah. Ahlus Sunnah tidak memperoleh hak politik yang sama dibandingkan dengan kaum Yahudi. Lihatlah undang-undang di Iran yang secara tegas menyebutkan tentang posisi kaum Yahudi di Iran di Parlemen. Dan kaum Ahlus Sunnah tidak memiliki posisi meskipun mereka adalah kaum muslimin. Kalangan Syi'ah mensyaratkan bahwa yang menjadi imam adalah seorang muslim yang bermazhab Ja'fari dan syarat ini tidak boleh diubah dalam undang-undang. Masyarakat Ahlus Sunnah banyak yang mendiami pinggiran-pinggiran negeri akibat banyaknya penindasan, pengusiran dan pembantaian terhadap mereka. Mereka tidak bisa leluasa menjalankan ibadahnya. Dan suatu saat, ketika mereka bisa menguasai negeri ini pun (wal iyaadzubillaah), mereka akan menerapkan hal yang sama. 2. Ajakan untuk mencintai "Ahlul Bait" Nabi. Ajakan mencintai Ahlul Bait Nabi merupakan ajakan yang mulia, bahkan mencintai Ahlul Bait Nabi sendiri merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap muslim. Namun bagi kalangan Syi'ah, ajakan mencintai Ahlul Bait ini ternyata ada misi tersendiri bagi mereka, yaitu sebagai bentuk tipudaya kepada kaum muslimin untuk "membuktikan" (baca: menipu) bahwa merekalah pecinta "Ahlul Bait" sejati. Walhasil, tidak sedikit dari kaum musliminpun tertipu dengan tipudaya mereka itu. Sehingga sering terdengar di telinga kita seorang muslim mengatakan, "Kenapa anda memusuhi para pecinta Ahlul Bait?" Namun perlu kita cermati, bahwa Ahlul Bait yang dimaksud oleh kalangan Syi'ah bukanlah Ahlul Bait yang sebagaimana dipahami oleh kalangan Ahlus Sunnah, yang meliputi seluruh keluarga Nabi termasuk isteri-isteri beliau yang suci. Akan tetapi, kalangan Syi'ah berkeyakinan bahwa yang termasuk Ahlul Bait Nabi hanya sebatas 'Ali, Fathimah, Hasan, Husein dan imam-imam dari keturunan Husein, tanpa memasukkan isteri-isteri Nabi, karena kebencian mereka kepada isteri-isteri Nabi khususnya 'Aisyah (puteri Abu Bakar) dan Hafshah (puteri 'Umar). Lalu, ajakan untuk mencintai "Ahlul Bait" (dalam tanda kutip) itu berubah menjadi ajakan untuk mengagung-agungkan dan kemudian menjadikan mereka sebagai sekutu Allah ta'ala yang memiliki kekuasaan. Wal iyaadzubillah. 3. Mengubah nama "Syi'ah" menjadi "Madzhab Ahlul Bait". Ternyata bukan hanya LDII yang gonta-ganti merk, Syi'ahpun ternyata meniru langkah LDII. Kalau LDII jelmaan dari Lemkari (atau nama-nama lainnya), maka Syi'ah di negeri ini pun menjelma menjadi "Madzhab Ahlul Bait". Kalau LDII (dahulu) bergonta-ganti nama berupaya untuk melancarkan taqiyyah (pengelabuan) di tengah-tengah umat Islam[1], maka Syi'ahpun memiliki tujuan tidak jauh berbeda dengan LDII. Sebenarnya, madzhab Ahlul Bait adalah nama samaran dari sekian banyak aliran-aliran Syi'ah. Dimana setiap aliran Syi'ah mengklaim alirannya sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Sebagai contoh, aliran Syi'ah Zaidiyah mengaku sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Begitu pula aliran Syi'ah Isma'iliyah, mereka juga mengaku sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Begitupula dengan aliran Syi'ah Imamiyah Itsna 'Asyariyah (Ja'fariyah) yang berkembang pesat di negeri ini pun juga mengaku sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Adapun penyebab mereka berani menyebut alirannya sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait, dikarenakan saat ini kaum muslimin di seluruh dunia pada umumnya, dan di negeri ini pada khususnya sudah banyak mengetahui bahwa aliran Syi'ah adalah aliran sesat dan menyesatkan dan ajarannya sangat menyimpang dari ajaran Rasulullah SAW dan ajaran Ahlul Bait. Karena itu, dalam upayanya menipu dan menyesatkan kaum muslimin dan supaya terlihat menarik dalam pandangan kaum muslimin, mereka mengganti nama alirannya dengan Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Dan ternyata usaha mereka tersebut berhasil, sehingga ada dari umat Islam ini yang tertipu dan akhirnya terjerumus masuk Syi'ah. Perlu diketahui, bahwa yang namanya Madzhab Ahlul Bait itu tidak ada, yang ada adalah Madzhabnya Ahlul Bait, atau akidah-nya Ahlul Bait. Yaitu akidah yang sekarang dikenal dengan nama aqidah Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. Suatu aqidah yang dipegang oleh Rasulullah SAW, Ahlul Bait dan para sahabatnya yang diridhai oleh Allah ta'ala.[2] 4. Tidak pernah menyebutkan keutamaan para shahabat Rasul. Ajaran Syi'ah didirikan di atas kebencian kepada para shahabat. Ini adalah kaidah yang baku yang tidak akan berubah hingga hari Kiamat walaupun kalangan Syi'ah berusaha menutup-nutupinya. Hal ini sesuai dengan riwayat yang terdapat dalam kitab mereka "Al-Kafi" dan yang lainnya, yang diantaranya menyebutkan bahwa sepeninggal Rasulullah SAW, para shahabat murtad kecuali hanya beberapa, diantaranya al-Miqdad, Abu Dzar dan Salman al-Farisi.[3] Dari kaidah baku tersebut, kita akan mudah mendeteksi salah satu trik Syi'ah untuk memurtadkan kaum muslimin, yaitu mereka tidak pernah menyebutkan keutamaan dan jasa para shahabat Rasululullah SAW di pengajian-pengajian atau majelis ta'lim yang diikuti oleh kalangan umum, apalagi untuk "kalangan khusus". Trik ini bertujuan untuk menghilangkan ingatan dari setiap kepala kaum muslimin akan keutamaan-keutamaan para shahabat yang telah berjuang menegakkan dien Islam ini. Kemudian secara bertahap merekapun akan melupakan keutamaan-keutamaan dan jasa para shahabat Rasul, dan akhirnya melupakannya secara total. Sehingga jika ada seorang shahabat Rasul yang dikritik atau dimaki, merekapun akan bersikap biasa saja, bahkan tak segan-segan membela pemakinya. 5. Mengkritik beberapa tindakan para shahabat Rasul. Setelah kalangan Syi'ah berhasil mengiring kaum muslimin untuk melupakan keutamaan-keutamaan dan jasa para shahabat Rasulullah SAW terhadap dien Islam ini, maka tahap selanjutnya adalah mengkoreksi (baca: mengkritik) beberapa tindakan para shahabat yang dianggapnya sebagai sebuah penyimpangan fatal. Hal ini bertujuan untuk menghilangkan paham yang melekat pada diri kaum muslimin selama ini bahwa para shahabat Rasul adalah generasi yang 'adil, generasi yang mulia, dan dimuliakan oleh Allah ta'ala. Sebut saja, misalnya shahabat Muawiyah radhiyallaahu 'anh. Beliau adalah seorang shahabat Nabi yang selalu menancap di hati dan pikiran kalangan Syi'ah. Hal ini dikarenakan ada satu "do'a" khusus yang diucapkan oleh kalangan Syi'ah kepadanya setiap pagi dan sore yaitu melaknat Mu'awiyah. Bagi mereka, melaknat Mu'awiyah ada pahala tersendiri. Bagi kalangan Syi'ah, Mu'awiyah menjadi simbol kesesatan, kekafiran, dan kemunafikan. Hal ini dikarenakan beliau memerangi 'Ali dan merampas khilafah dari 'Ali. Padahal semasa hidupnya 'Ali, Muawiyah tidak pernah menjadi khalifah. Berbeda dengan sikap kalangan Syi'ah yang mengaku-ngaku mencintai imam 'Ali, ternyata imam 'Ali malah menyikapi peperangan antara dirinya dengan Mu'awiyah dengan sangat bijak. Hal ini sebagaimana disebutkan dalam literatur Syi'ah sendiri, Biharul Anwar; Dari Ibnu Tharif dan Ibnu Alwan, dari Ja'far, dari ayahnya, bahwa 'Ali mengatakan kepada pasukannya, "Tidaklah kami memerangi mereka karena mereka kafir, juga bukan karena mereka menganggap kami kafir, tetapi karena kami merasa yang benar, dan mereka pun juga demikian."[4] Kebencian dan kedengkian Syi'ah terhadap shahabat Nabi yang satu ini akan selalu abadi hingga hari Kiamat. Apalagi ditambah dengan tuduhan mereka terhadap putera Mu'awiyah, Zayid yang dianggapnya sebagai pembantai Husein dan keluarganya di Padang Karbala.[5] Berawal dari sinilah kalangan Syi'ah berusaha mengkritik beberapa "kesalahan-kesalahan" (anggapan mereka) aqidah Ahlus Sunnah yang berpihak kepada Mu'awiyah dan tidak melaknatnya. Mereka mengatakan, "Sesuatu yang bertentangan (tidak masuk akal), bagaimana mereka (Ahlus Sunnah) mencintai Ahlul Bait, sementara mereka mencintai pembencinya (Muawiyah)." Ini adalah salah satu bentuk syubhat yang mereka hembuskan di kalangan Ahlus Sunnah agar mereka ragu terhadap aqidahnya. Walhasil, sebagian dari Ahlus Sunnah yang tidak mengerti dan memahami perkara ini yang sebenarnya pun terjebak dalam syubhat mereka. Setelah kritikan terhadap shahabat yang satu ini berhasil, merekapun kemudian melancarkan kritikan kepada shahabat Rasul yang lain, terutama didahului dengan shahabat Rasul yang paling mereka benci, yaitu 'Umar bin al-Khaththab sang penakhluk kerajaan Persi, Abu Hurairah (yang mereka katakan pendusta hadits), 'Abu Bakar ash-Shiddiq, 'Ustman bin Affan dan kemudian shahabat-shahabat yang lain. Setelah mereka kritik, kemudian mereka tak malu-malu untuk mencaci-makinya, melaknatnya, bahkan tak segan-segan mengkafirkannya. Dari sinilah dengan mudah tujuan mereka sebenarnya akan diketahui, yaitu ingin menghancurkan Islam dari pondasinya. Karena tidaklah Islam ini sampai kepada kita hari ini, kecuali awalnya lewat perantara para shahabat Rasul yang mulia. 6. Banyak mengkaji al-Qur'an dan sedikit mengkaji hadits, bahkan meninggalkannya. Ajaran Islam tidak hanya bersumber dari al-Qur'an saja, akan tetapi juga bersumber dari Sunnah Rasulullah SAW. As-Sunnah adalah penjelas dari al-Qur'an itu sendiri, sehingga al-Qur'an tidak akan sempurna jika tidak dilengkapi dengan as-Sunnah. Berapa banyak orang berpegang kepada al-Qur'an saja pada akhirnya dirinya terjerembab ke dalam jurang kesesatan yang sangat dalam. Pada akhirnya, dirinya tidak mengetahui mana ajaran Nabi dan mana ajaran Syaithani. Sehingga, ajaran Nabipun mereka jadikan olok-olokan dan penghidup ajaran Nabi mereka jadikan sasaran kebencian. Adalah Syi'ah salah satu kelompok yang berusaha menjauhkan kaum muslimin dari hadits-hadits Nabi SAW. Selain bermaksud untuk menjauhkan kaum muslimin dari ajaran Islam yang murni dibawa oleh Rasulullah SAW, hal ini juga didasari oleh rasa kebencian mereka terhadap para periwayat hadits dari kalangan para shahabat Nabi SAW (sebagaimana dijelaskan di atas). Di majelis-majelis pengajian yang dihadiri masyarakat umum, mereka hanya mengkaji al-Qur'an dan ditafsirkan sesuai dengan selera nafsu mereka. Adapun hadits, mereka lebih banyak meninggalkannya. Seandainya mengkaji haditspun, mereka akan memilih-milih hadits-hadits tertentu termasuk hadits yang dha'if bahkan maudhu' (palsu) yang bisa mendukung dan memperkokoh madzhab busuk mereka. Diantaranya adalah hadits-hadits tentang imam Ali dan keutamaannya, "Ahlul Bait" dan keutamaannya, kepemimpinan para "imam" dan lain-lain. Bukti yang nampak yang sering kita dengar dari mulut-mulut Syi'ah yang penuh dosa adalah kebiasaan mereka mencaci-maki habis orang-orang yang berusaha menghidupkan sunnah Nabi. Orang-orang yang memanjangkan jenggot dan berpakaian di atas mata kaki dikatakan sebagai "wahhabi" dan yang semisalnya. Walhasil, perilaku orang-orang Syi'ah inipun didukung dan diikuti oleh orang-orang awwam yang tak paham sunnah (ajaran) Nabi. Walaupun kalangan Syi'ah tak mampu memurtadkan sebagian kaum muslimin, tapi dukungan dari kalangan awwam untuk mencela penghidup sunnah Nabi ini merupakan sebuah "kemenangan" bagi kalangan Syi'ah. 7. Mengkoreksi beberapa hadits dalam Shahih al-Bukhari dan Muslim. Shahih al-Bukhari dan Shahih Muslim adalah kitab yang berisi kumpulan hadits-hadits shahih. Bahkan kaum muslimin telah sepakat bahwa kitab Shahih al-Bukhari merupakan kitab terbaik setelah al-Qur'an yang di dalamnya tidak terdapat hadits dha'if. Akan tetapi, ternyata kalangan Syi'ah berusaha menghembuskan keraguan di hati kaum muslimin akan keshahihan beberapa hadits yang ada dalam kedua kitab shahih tersebut. Dalam kajian-kajiannya, para da'i Syi'ah terkadang akan membahas hadits-hadits dalam kedua kitab tersebut, akan tetapi dalam membahas hadits di dalamnya bukan untuk mencari kebenaran, melainkan (sebagaimana dijelaskan di atas) mencari-cari dalil yang mendukung madzhab Syi'ah atau untuk mempertentangkan antara hadits yang satu dengan yang lain, atau kalau tidak mereka berusaha mengkoreksi (mencari kesalahan) beberapa hadist dalam kedua kitab tersebut. Adapun tujuannya sangat jelas, yaitu untuk menanamkan keraguan dan merusak aqidah kalangan Ahlus Sunnah. 8. Menyebut kelompok yang menyelisihi mereka dengan "Wahhabi". Di negeri ini, bahkan hampir di seluruh negeri kaum muslimin ada fenomena "timpang" dan penilaian "miring" terhadap dakwah tauhid yang dilakukan oleh Syaikh Muhammad bin AbdulWahhab an-Najdi rahimahullaah. Oleh sekelompok orang yang menyimpan perasaan dengki (hasad) kepada beliau, terlebih tidak adanya kesepahaman aqidah, maka dakwah tauhid yang beliau dakwahkan kepada masyarakat ketika itu dianggapnya sebagai pemicu perpecahan umat. Sehingga, julukan "wahhabi" pun akhirnya mereka munculkan. Namun, ternyata tak banyak yang tahu siapa yang pertama kali memunculkan julukan ini dan apa tujuan sebenarnya dimunculkannya istilah "wahhabi" ini. Kebanyakan kaum awwam tahunya, "wahhabi" ini adalah pengikut fanatik Syaikh Muhammad bin AbdulWahhab, yang ingin menghancurkan tradisi-tradisi yang berjalan di masyarakat selama ini. Menolak acara maulidan, melarang ziarah kubur, mengharamkan tawassul dan lain sebagainya. Padahal, istilah "wahhabi" ini dimunculkan oleh mereka yang lebih mempercayai penghuni kubur daripada Allah ta'ala (para penyembah kubur), dan mereka yang sangat menolak dakwah tauhid (pengesaan kepada Allah), dan diantara mereka adalah kalangan Syi'ah Rafidhah. Adapun tujuannya sebenarnya dimunculkannya istilah "wahhabi" ini tak lain adalah untuk menjauhkan kaum muslimin dari ajaran yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah SAW dan para shahabatnya. Buktinya, sebagian dari mereka berceloteh bahwa salah satu ciri "wahhabi" adalah berjenggot dan celana cingkrang. Padahal kita ketahui bahwa hal itu adalah salah satu sunnah (ajaran) Rasulullah SAW. Lebih jauh lagi, kalangan Syi'ah berusaha mendefinisikan "wahhabi" ini dalam pengertian yang lebih sempit, yaitu siapa saja yang menyelisihi ajaran Syi'ah, atau yang berusaha memisahkan antara Sunni dengan Syi'ah, atau siapa saja yang menolak kehadiran Syi'ah, maka mereka adalah kaum "wahhabi". Padahal, harus kita ketahui bahwa sebenarnya sebutan "wahhabi" itu ditujukan oleh kalangan Syi'ah kepada kaum muslimin itu sendiri. Karena dalam keyakinan mereka bahwa orang-orang yang tidak meyakini imam mereka yang 12, alias tidak beraqidah Syi'ah, maka telah kafir. Dan dalam do'a dua patung Quraisy, mereka melaknat Abu Bakar dan 'Umar serta siapa saja yang mencintai keduanya.[6] Bukankah kita sebagai kaum muslimin mencinta dua shahabat Nabi tersebut? Maka, RENUNGKANLAH !!! 9. Gembar-gembor anti Israel dan Amerika, serta dukungannya terhadap kaum muslimin Palestina. Diantara tipudaya yang ditempuh oleh penggiat Syi'ah adalah dengan memanfaatkan sandiwara yang berjudul: Iran "bermusuhan" dengan Israel dan Amerika". Isu ini sangat efektif untuk menarik simpati umat Islam di berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Selama ini kita sering mendengar tentang keberanian presiden Iran Ahmadinejad dalam "melawan" Amerika Serikat lewat pidato-pidatonya yang berapi-api, atau seruannya untuk menghapus Israel dari peta. Atau Hasan "Nasrullah" lewat ceramah-ceramahnya yang lantang dalam "menantang" Israel. Akhirnya, sebagian besar kaum musliminpun terpukau dengan ocehan-ocehan keduanya. Sehingga dukungan pun mengalir dari kaum muslimin untuk negara Syi'ah Iran dan milisi "Hizbullah" Lebanon pimpinan Hasan "Nasrullah" tersebut. Berbagai pujian pun ditumpahkan untuk keduanya, baik di forum-forum pertemuan, di media massa, baik elektronil atau cetak. Diantara kaum muslimin pun ada yang beranggapan bahwa saat ini Iranlah satu-satunya negara "Islam" yang selalu membela kepentingan umat Islam, tidak ada negara-negara Islam yang berani melawan kebiadaban Amerika dan Israel, kecuali negara "Islam" Iran dan milisi "Hizbullah". Tidak ada negara-negara Islam yang berkembang ipteknya dan berani mengembangkan nuklir, kecuali Iran. Tidak tahunya, ternyata selama ini mereka dikibulin oleh para pendusta Rafidhah. Beberapa bukti yang menunjukkan kedustaan mereka, bahwa mereka selama ini anti Amerika dan Yahudi (dalam hal ini termasuk Zionis): - Laporan yang dikeluarkan oleh situs Sat Age (yang mengkhususkan diri dalam pemantauan terhadap pergerakan satelit di seluruh dunia dan saluran televisi) menyatakan bahwa enam saluran televisi keagamaan Iran berasal dari dalam Israel. Surat kabar al-Ahram Mesir menyebut keenam saluran itu, yaitu: Alul-Bayt, Al-Anwar, Fadak, Hussain, Al-Alamiyah, Al-Ghadie, berada di bawah program AMOS Israel, melalui perusahaan RR Sat Israel.[7] - Ditemukan lambang Zionis Yahudi (Bintang Daud) di atas gedung bandara Iran dan di banyak tempat lain di Iran. lambang zionis- Menurut penelitian, bahwa komunitas Yahudi terbesar setelah di Israel berada di Iran, tepatnya di kota Ashfahan.[8] Hal ini tidak banyak diketahui oleh orang, terlebih kaum muslimin. Bahkan mereka memiliki parlemen di Iran dan lebih nyaman untuk tinggal di negara tersebut. Rasulullah SAW telah memberikan kabar kepada kita, bahwa kelak Dajjal akan bertolak dari kota ini dengan kawalan 70.000 tentara Yahudi yang mengenakan thayalis (jubah hijau tak berjahit) untuk melawan Imam Mahdi dan Nabi Isa 'alaihi salam beserta kaum muslimin.[9] - Tersebar foto dan video di You Tube berkaitan dengan pertemuan Ahmadinejad atau tokoh-tokoh Syi'ah Iran dengan orang-orang Yahudi. ( Syi'ah dan Amerika dan Yahudi - Ditemukan slogan-slogan/tulisan yang dipamerkan bahwa Iran punya hubungan "mesra" dengan Israel. iran love israel - Pernahkan kita mendengar Iran meluncurkan senjata nuklirnya ke Amerika atau Israel? - Presiden yang pertama kali yang melakukan kunjungan ke Iraq dalam rangka menyambut kemenangan Amerika dalam menumbangkan rezim Saddam Husein adalah Ahmadinejad. - Sandiwara "permusuhan" Iran dan Yahudi mulai terbongkar ketika pesawat kargo Argentina yang membawa persenjataan dari Yahudi ke Iran tersesat, sehingga masuk ke wilayah Rusia dan akhirnya di tembak jatuh oleh pasukan pertahanan Rusia.[10] -Dan lain-lain. haqeeqa-syiah-palestina-1Adapun mengenai pembelaan mereka kepada kaum muslimin Palestina, maka ini juga merupakan sebuah kedustaan mereka yang kesekian kalinya. Mereka telah menjual Palestina demi melancarkan misi mereka. Karena kenyataan yang terjadi, bukanlah pembelaan dari Iran ataupun "tetangga" yang terdekat, milisi "Hizbullah" Lebanon yang diperoleh kaum muslimin Palestina, akan tetapi sebaliknya, pembantaian yang berkepanjangan sampai saat ini. Hingga seorang Palestina berujar, "Siksaan yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang Syi'ah lebih kejam dari pada apa yang dilakukan oleh tentara Israel kepada kami. Mereka menyiksa kami dari pagi sampai sore."[11] Karena sangat mustahil, bagi kalangan yang memendam kebencian kepada para shahabat Nabi akan membela dan menolong para pecinta shahabat Nabi. Dan perlu diketahui, bahwa mayoritas penduduk Palestina adalah Ahlus Sunnah yang sangat mencintai para shahabat Nabi.[12] 10. Undangan "Study Banding" Para Tokoh Agama ke Iran. Siapa yang menolak kalau diundang jalan-jalan ke luar negeri? Buat kebanyakan orang-orang di negeri kita, jalan-jalan ke luar negeri memang sudah menjadi demam tersendiri, tidak terkecuali para anggota DPR bahkan presiden negeri ini. Ternyata, sifat kampungan (baca: ndeso) dan seneng jalan-jalan itu dimanfaatkan oleh kalangan Syi'ah untuk memberikan tiket jalan-jalan gratis ke pusat-pusat pengajaran Syi'ah di Iran, seperti di kota Qom. Sudah tidak terhitung tokoh Islam di negeri ini yang diundang untuk berkunjung ke Iran, tentunya judulnya bukan dalam rangka cuci otak, akan tetapi atas nama studi banding dan sejenisnya. Akhirnya, kebanyakan tokoh yang pernah diundang ke sana, begitu kembali ke tanah airnya akan berbicara penuh dengan pengagungannya kepada Iran dan pembelaannya kepada Syi'ah, bahkan tidak segan-segan akan mengatakan bahwa perbedaan Sunni-Syi'ah bukan perbedaan yang prinsipil. Tanpa malu-malu, mereka telah menjilat Iran. Padahal, negeri itu adalah pembantai ulama-ulama Ahlus Sunnah, bahkan penghancur masjid-masjid dan kitab-kitab rujukan Ahlus Sunnah. 11. Memberikan sembako, layanan pendidikan dan kesehatan gratis, dan semisalnya. "Syi'ah memakai cara-cara misionaris dalam propaganda ajarannya." Demikian kata Ustadz Fahmi Salim, wakil Sekjen MIUMI sebagaimana dikutip oleh Memang benar, mereka akan menggunakan berbagai cara untuk memuluskan penyebaran ajaran mereka di tengah-tengah masyarakat Ahlus Sunnah, bahkan (sebagaimana dijelaskan), cara-cara misionarispun mereka akan mempergunakannya. Diantaranya; pemberian sembako secara "cuma-cuma", pelayanan kesehatan dan pendidikan gratis kepada kaum muslimin. Mereka akan memberikan sembako secara "cuma-cuma" kepada kaum muslimin yang mereka pandang tingkat ekonominya rendah. Pemberian dengan "cuma-cuma" itu akan dibarengi dengan ajakan untuk mengikuti ajaran mereka. "Perlahan tapi pasti", itu prinsip mereka. Di samping itu, mereka juga mengadakan mengadakan balai pengobatan gratis. Pengobatan gratis di sini pun tak lepas dari misi mereka, yaitu untuk menggaet pengikut sebanyak-banyaknya. Bahkan kabar yang sampai ke telinga saya, di Bandung ada salah satu pabrik yang pemimpinnya memaksa para pekerjanya untuk masuk ke Syi'ah. Jika tidak, maka pekerja tersebut akan dikeluarkan atau tidak akan diberi gaji. Selain itu ada pemberian layanan pendidikan gratis setiap tahun, alias bea siswa bagi pemuda-pemudi di negeri ini, untuk disekolahkan di universitas dalam negeri atau di luar negeri. Layanan pendidikan gratis ke luar negeri itu biasanya ke Iran terutama di kota Qom. Dan sangat disayangkan bahwa sebagian besar dari pemuda-pemudi yang dikirim ke Iran itu berasal dari kalangan NU. Sebagimana hal ini dikuatkan oleh situs NU sendiri, melalui, dengan judul: Rencana Pengiriman Mahasiswa NU ke Iran akan Diteruskan.[13] Sebagaimana dikabarkan pula, bahwa setiap tahun Syi'ah memiliki target untuk mengirimkan ratusan pemuda-pemudi kaum muslimin di negeri ini untuk di sekolahkan di Iran. Pada tahun 2007 saja diperkirakan jumlah pemuda Indonesia yang mengambil study gratis di Iran tidak kurang dari 7.000an. Bagaimana dengan saat ini? Tak banyak yang tahu, apa misi dibalik pengiriman-pengiriman pelajar Indonesia ke Iran atau pertukaran pelajar antara Indonesia dengan Iran. Misi mereka tidak lain untuk menjadikan para pelajar tersebut menjadi penganut Syi'ah yang fanatik plus menjadi da'i yang siap mendakwahkan ajaran-ajaran Syi'ah di negeri ini. Ketua umum PBNU, Said Agil Siradj pernah membantah akan hal ini, sebagaimana dikutip di, ia mengatakan, "Sudah banyak bukti para kader NU yang sekolah di Arab Saudi juga tak menjadi "wahhabi". Saya 13 tahun di Arab Saudi, demikian juga KH. Said Aqil al-Munawwar. Namun demikian hal tersebut tak menjadikan kami menjadi "wahhabi"." Ia menegaskan lagi, "Mereka yang pindah ideology, dari awal ketika di Indonesia memang sudah memiliki kecenderungan pada ideology tersebut." Ibarat menutupi bangkai gajah, Said Agil, tokoh yang kesyi'ah-syi'ahan ini berusaha menutup-nutupi segala bukti yang sudah dilihat jelas oleh kaum muslimin di negeri ini, bahwa mayoritas, bahkan semua lulusan Iran yang kembali ke negeri ini beraqidah Syi'ah Imamiyah Khumainiyah.[14] 12. Menikahi wanita muslimah. Sebagaimana kalangan Nashrani dan orang-orang kafir lainnya, kalangan Syi'ahpun mengadopsi strategi orang-orang kafir itu dalam usaha memurtadkan kaum muslimin, yaitu diantaranya menikahi wanita-wanita muslimah. Melalui strategi ini, kalangan Syi'ah "sukses" melumpuhkan keyakinan (aqidah) wanita-wanita muslimah. Kita saksikan, korban telah banyak berjatuhan. Sebagian besar muslimah lebih memilih seseorang yang dicintainya daripada aqidahnya, sehingga banyak diantara mereka yang rela menjual aqidahnya dengan cuma-cuma. Salah satu alasan Syi'ah menargetkan kaum wanita, karena mereka mengetahui bahwa wanitalah yang paling banyak memiliki pengaruh, terutama bagi anak-anak mereka. Sebagaimana fatwa MUI yang mengharamkan pernikahan muslimah dengan laki-laki kafir, maka pernikahan muslimah dengan kalangan Syi'ah pun hukumnya sama, yaitu HARAM. Hal ini ditegaskan oleh Imam al-Bukhari -rahimahullaah- , beliau pernah berkata, "Bagi saya sama saja, apakah aku shalat dibelakang Imam yang beraliran JAHM atau (Syi'ah) Rafidhah atau aku shalat di belakang Imam Yahudi atau Nasrani. Dan seorang Muslim tidak boleh memberi salam pada mereka, dan tidak boleh mengunjungi mereka ketika sakit juga TIDAK BOLEH MENIKAH DENGAN MEREKA dan tidak menjadikan mereka sebagai saksi, begitu pula tidak makan hewan yang disembelih oleh mereka."[15] Lebih tegas lagi, Allah ta'ala menjelaskan melalui firman-Nya yang artinya: "Dan janganlah kamu menikahi wanita-wanita musyrik, sebelum mereka beriman. Sesungguhnya wanita budak yang mu'min lebih baik dari wanita musyrik, walaupun dia menarik hatimu. Dan janganlah kamu menikahkan orang-orang musyrik (dengan wanita-wanita mu'min) sebelum mereka beriman. Sesungguhnya budak yang mu'min lebih baik dari orang musyrik, walaupun dia menarik hatimu. Mereka mengajak ke neraka, sedang Allah mengajak ke surga dan ampunan dengan izin-Nya. Dan Allah menerangkan ayat-ayat-Nya (perintah-perintah-Nya) kepada manusia supaya mereka mengambil pelajaran." (QS. al-Baqarah : 221) Demikian beberapa tipudaya/trik Syi'ah dalam memurtadkan kaum muslimin yang bisa saya uraikan sesuai dengan kapasitas keilmuan dan wawasan yang saya miliki. Semoga diantara saudara-saudaraku Ahlus Sunnah ada yang bisa memberikan tambahan sebagai pelengkap dari apa yang saya tulis, sehingga tipudaya yang mereka lancarkan semakin gamlang dan diketahui oleh kaum muslimin, di negeri ini pada khususnya dan di seluruh pelosok negeri pada umumnya. Semoga Allah ta'ala melindungi kita, keluarga kita, dan saudara-saudara seiman dari makar dan tipudaya Iblis berwujud manusia yang berusaha menghancurkan dienul Islam dan pemeluknya ini. Terakhir, agar kita tidak melupakan do'a yang diajarkan oleh Allah –ta'ala- dan Rasul-Nya -shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam-: "Ya Rabb kami, janganlah Engkau jadikan hati kami condong kepada kesesatan sesudah Engkau beri petunjuk kepada kami, dan karuniakanlah kepada kami rahmat dari sisi Engkau. karena sesungguhnya Engkau-lah Maha Pemberi (karunia)." (QS. 'Ali Imran : 8) "Ya Allah, perlihatkanlah kepada kami yang benar sebagai suatu kebenaran (yang nyata), dan berikanlah rezeki kepada kami untuk mengikuti kebenaran tersebut. Dan perlihatkanlah kepada kami sesuatu yang bathil sebagai suatu kebathilan (yang nyata), dan berikanlah rezeki kepada kami untuk menjauhinya." Wallaahu ta'ala a'lam bish shawwab. [1] Lihat: Bahaya Islam Jamaah, hal. 15, penerbit LPPI. [2] [3] Disebutkan dalam kitab "al-Kafi" karya al-Kulaini, dari Ja'far, ia berkata: (( كان الناس أهل ردة بعد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلا ثلاثة، فقلت: من الثلاثة؟فقال: المقداد بن الأسود،وأبو ذر الغفاري،وسلمان الفارسي)) "Semua manusia (shahabat) dalam kondisi murtad setelah wafatnya Nabi SAW, kecuali tiga orang saja. Aku bertanya: 'siapa mereka?' Dijawab, 'al-Miqdad bin al-Aswad, Abu Dzar al-Ghifari, dan Salman al-Farisi." [4] Bihar al-Anwar, jilid. 32, hal. 321-330, bab: Hukum memerangi Amirul Mukminin 'Ali. Riwayat ini diriwayatkan juga oleh Himyari dari kitab: Qurbul Isnad, hal. 45. [5] Adapun sikap Ahlus Sunnah terhadap Yazid, maka mereka tidak mengkhususkan kecintaan kepadanya dan tidak pula melaknatnya. Jika ia adalah seorang yang fasiq atau dhalim, maka kemungkinan besar Allah masih mengampuninya, terlebih jika dirinya memiliki kebaikan-kebaikan yang besar. Bahkan diriwayatkan oleh Imam al-Bukhari dalam Shahihnya, dari Ummu Harran binti Malhan RA, bahwa Nabi SAW bersabda, yang artinya, "Tentara pertama yang memerangi Konstantinopel akan diampuni." (HR. al-Bukhari). Dan tentara pertama yang memerangi Konstantinopel adalah di bawah kepemimpinan Yazid bin Muawwiyah dan pada waktu itu Abu Ayyub al-Anshari RA bersamanya. (Lihat: Majmu' al-Fatawa, III/410-414) [6] Do'a dua patung Quraisy diantaranya berbunyi: "Ya Allah, laknatilah mereka berdua beserta pengikutnya, wali-walinya, golongannya dan kekasihnya yang telah merusak rumah kenabian (maksudnya Ali bin Abi Thalib)… " selengkapnya lihat: [7] [8] Lihat juga video: Kenapa Yahudi Suka Tinggal di Ishfahan? ( [9] Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim, dari Anas bin Malik RA, bahwa Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda yang artinya, "Dajjal akan diikuti oleh orang-orang Yahudi Ashfahan sebanyak 70.000 orang yang mengenakan thayalish (jubah tak berjahit)." [10] Al-Harbul Musytarakah Iran wa Israil, hal. 35. [11] Untuk mengetahui tentang kejahatan kaum Syi'ah terhadap kaum muslimin di Palestina, silakan baca buku: Filisthiniyul 'Iraq baina asy-Syatat wal Maut [12] Lihat video: Peran Syi'ah dalam Tragedi Palestina. [13]Lihat:,public-m,dinamic-s,detail-ids,1-id,3458-lang,id-c,warta-t,Rencana+Pengiriman+Mahasiswa+NU+ke+Iran+akan+Diteruskan-.phpx [14] Silakan cari di Google berkaitan data-data Syi'ah di Indonesia. [15] Kholqul Af'al al-'Ibad, hal. 125
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:24PM  

    kafir - Social Mention
    MENGENAL TIPUDAYA (STRATEGI) SYI'AH DALAM MEMURTADKAN KAUM MUSLIMIN Mengenal Tipudaya Syi'ah Oleh: Mujiburrahman Abu Sumayyah Akhir-akhir ini ramai lagi dibicarakan tentang Syi'ah di negeri ini. Hal ini tidak lain karena lembaga yang diklaim milik Syi'ah yang selama ini "sukses" menyembunyikan jatidiri mereka mulai terbongkar melalui pengakuannya secara tersirat. Namanya bangkai, sepandai-pandai orang menyembunyikannya, pasti lama-lama bau busuknya akan tercium juga. Namun, ada sebagian kaum muslimin yang beranggapan hal ini bukanlah suatu masalah yang perlu diributkan dan dibesar-besarkan. Tak perlu masalah Sunni-Syi'ah dibawa-bawa ke negeri ini, karena bagaimanapun juga keberadaan kelompok Syi'ah di negeri ini tidak akan membahayakan bagi masyarakat Sunni, bahkan akan menjadikan rahmat bagi umat Islam ini. Dan bagaimanapun juga, bagi mereka Syi'ah adalah saudaranya semuslim. Anggapan-anggapan seperti ini biasanya muncul dari seseorang yang tidak mengetahui hakekat Syi'ah, baik mengenai bentuk kesesatan ajaran yang ada di dalamnya ataupun tipudaya (strategi) mereka dalam memurtadkan kaum muslimin Ahlus Sunnah. Sehingga, diantara merekapun ada yang bisa enjoy hidup seatap dengan penganut Syi'ah. Ada yang bisa hidup rukun di tempat kerjanya. Ada pula yang saling bergantian menghadiri kajian ta'lim, dan lain sebagainya. Sehingga diantara kaum musliminpun ada yang menyempatkan dirinya untuk mengikuti beberapa pengajian atau majelis ta'lim yang diadakan oleh kalangan Syi'ah, dengan alasan bahwa pengajian yang dihadirinya disampaikan dengan halus, lemah-lembut, mengajarkan kecintaan kepada keluarga Nabi, tidak pernah mengajarkan kebencian kepada para shahabat, mengajarkan kecintaan dan persaudaraan kepada sesama muslim, baik Ahlus Sunnah maupun Syi'ah dan lain sebagainya. united2-201209181925141Pada akhirnya, tak berselang lama merekapun akan bersikap antipati kepada orang-orang yang berusaha membongkar kesesatan Syi'ah dan menganggapnya sebagai biang pemecah belah umat, penentang Allah yang menginginkan umat ini bersatu, bahkan tak segan-segan mereka akan menjulukinya "wahhabi". Itulah salah satu bentuk tipudaya Syi'ah dalam memurtadkan kaum muslimin. Namun, untuk lebih jelasnya, saya akan menguraikan beberapa tipudaya Syi'ah yang tidak banyak diketahui oleh kaum muslimin, dengan maksud agar nantinya umat Islam di negeri ini pada khususnya tidak terjebak ke dalam tipudaya mereka yang disusun secara halus, rapi dan pasti. Mengingat bahwa perkembangan Syi'ah di negeri ini semakin menggurita, atau sebagaimana dikatakan ust. Farid Ahmad Oqbah, "Sangat mengkhawatirkan." Namun, ini hanyalah sebuah pengamatan pribadi. Artinya, ini hanyalah beberapa tipudaya (strategi) Syi'ah dalam memurtadkan kaum muslimin ini yang saya ketahui. Dan kemungkinan masih banyak tipudaya mereka yang saya pribadi tidak mengilmuinya. Semoga bermanfaat, semoga Allah ta'ala melindungi dan menjauhkan kita dari tipudaya setan berwujud manusia yang berusaha menghancurkan Islam dan kaum muslimin. 1. Slogan Perdamaian dan Persatuan. Ini adalah slogan jadul, alias jaman dulu. Maksudnya slogan tersebut mereka gembar-gemborkan semenjak berkuasanya Khumaini di Iran setelah lengsernya presiden Reza Pahlevi. Akan tetapi, ternyata slogan dusta itu hingga kini masih menjadi senjata yang ampuh untuk meluluhkan hati dan membinasakan aqidah kaum muslimin di negeri ini. Buktinya, sebagian kaum muslimin pun banyak yang tertipu dengan slogan ini, sehingga tak sedikit dari mereka yang mengharapkan bersatunya Ahlus Sunnah dengan Syi'ah. Padahal bisakah Ahlus Sunnah dan Syi'ah bersatu sementara pokok-pokok ajaran keduanya sangat bertentangan jauh sejauh antara ufuk barat dengan timur? Pertanyaan yang tak butuh jawaban, artinya sangat mustahil antara keduanya itu untuk disatukan sampai kapanpun. Lalu, apa maksud mereka menggembar-gemborkan slogan tersebut? Banyak yang tidak mengetahui maksud tersembunyi dari slogan perdamaian dan persatuan yang digembar-gemborkan Syi'ah tersebut. Perlu diketahui, bahwa slogan tersebut hanya mereka gembar-gemborkan ketika mereka dalam kondisi minoritas sebagaimana di negeri ini. Mereka mengharapkan perdamaian agar mereka bisa leluasa menyebarkan ajaran-ajaran sesat mereka di tengah-tengah masyarakat Ahlus Sunnah tanpa adanya intimadasi dari masyarakat Ahlus Sunnah itu sendiri. Adapun maksud dari persatuan dan penyatuan di sini tidak lain adalah peleburan aqidah Ahlus Sunnah ke Syi'ah. Sebagai bukti nyata adalah kebanyakan pemeluk Syi'ah fanatik saat ini adalah mereka yang dahulunya kaum muslimin yang mendukung upaya bersatunya Ahlus Sunnah dan Syi'ah. Sehingga aqidah Ahlus Sunnah yang mereka bawa sejak lahirpun akhirnya hancur tak berbekas. Harus diketahui pula, bahwa slogan perdamaian dan persatuan ini tidak akan berlaku lagi bagi mereka ketika jumlah mereka mayoritas, sebagaimana kita lihat di Iran dan Irak. Namun, di negeri tersebut slogan itu berubah menjadi pengusiran dan pembantaian. Kaum muslimin di negeri ini harus melihat realita yang sesungguhnya yang terjadi di Iran, Iraq dan sekitarnya yang banyak didiami oleh pemeluk Syi'ah. Diantara bukti nyata yang tidak diketahui oleh kaum muslimin adalah: Tidak adanya upaya pendekatan Sunni-Syi'ah di Iran yang merupakan negara Syi'ah yang memiliki kekuasaan. Ahlus Sunnah tidak diijinkan mendirikan masjid Ahlus Sunnah di ibukota Teheran, bahkan di negeri tersebut masjid-masjid Ahlus Sunnah banyak yang dihancurkan karena dianggap sebagai masjid dhiror. Namun, sebaliknya mereka membiarkan sinagog-sinagog Yahudi bertebaran di mana-mana. Ahlus Sunnah di Iran tidak diberi kebebasan untuk melakukan aktivitas agamanya yang bertentangan dengan Syi'ah. Ahlus Sunnah tidak memperoleh hak politik yang sama dibandingkan dengan kaum Yahudi. Lihatlah undang-undang di Iran yang secara tegas menyebutkan tentang posisi kaum Yahudi di Iran di Parlemen. Dan kaum Ahlus Sunnah tidak memiliki posisi meskipun mereka adalah kaum muslimin. Kalangan Syi'ah mensyaratkan bahwa yang menjadi imam adalah seorang muslim yang bermazhab Ja'fari dan syarat ini tidak boleh diubah dalam undang-undang. Masyarakat Ahlus Sunnah banyak yang mendiami pinggiran-pinggiran negeri akibat banyaknya penindasan, pengusiran dan pembantaian terhadap mereka. Mereka tidak bisa leluasa menjalankan ibadahnya. Dan suatu saat, ketika mereka bisa menguasai negeri ini pun (wal iyaadzubillaah), mereka akan menerapkan hal yang sama. 2. Ajakan untuk mencintai "Ahlul Bait" Nabi. Ajakan mencintai Ahlul Bait Nabi merupakan ajakan yang mulia, bahkan mencintai Ahlul Bait Nabi sendiri merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap muslim. Namun bagi kalangan Syi'ah, ajakan mencintai Ahlul Bait ini ternyata ada misi tersendiri bagi mereka, yaitu sebagai bentuk tipudaya kepada kaum muslimin untuk "membuktikan" (baca: menipu) bahwa merekalah pecinta "Ahlul Bait" sejati. Walhasil, tidak sedikit dari kaum musliminpun tertipu dengan tipudaya mereka itu. Sehingga sering terdengar di telinga kita seorang muslim mengatakan, "Kenapa anda memusuhi para pecinta Ahlul Bait?" Namun perlu kita cermati, bahwa Ahlul Bait yang dimaksud oleh kalangan Syi'ah bukanlah Ahlul Bait yang sebagaimana dipahami oleh kalangan Ahlus Sunnah, yang meliputi seluruh keluarga Nabi termasuk isteri-isteri beliau yang suci. Akan tetapi, kalangan Syi'ah berkeyakinan bahwa yang termasuk Ahlul Bait Nabi hanya sebatas 'Ali, Fathimah, Hasan, Husein dan imam-imam dari keturunan Husein, tanpa memasukkan isteri-isteri Nabi, karena kebencian mereka kepada isteri-isteri Nabi khususnya 'Aisyah (puteri Abu Bakar) dan Hafshah (puteri 'Umar). Lalu, ajakan untuk mencintai "Ahlul Bait" (dalam tanda kutip) itu berubah menjadi ajakan untuk mengagung-agungkan dan kemudian menjadikan mereka sebagai sekutu Allah ta'ala yang memiliki kekuasaan. Wal iyaadzubillah. 3. Mengubah nama "Syi'ah" menjadi "Madzhab Ahlul Bait". Ternyata bukan hanya LDII yang gonta-ganti merk, Syi'ahpun ternyata meniru langkah LDII. Kalau LDII jelmaan dari Lemkari (atau nama-nama lainnya), maka Syi'ah di negeri ini pun menjelma menjadi "Madzhab Ahlul Bait". Kalau LDII (dahulu) bergonta-ganti nama berupaya untuk melancarkan taqiyyah (pengelabuan) di tengah-tengah umat Islam[1], maka Syi'ahpun memiliki tujuan tidak jauh berbeda dengan LDII. Sebenarnya, madzhab Ahlul Bait adalah nama samaran dari sekian banyak aliran-aliran Syi'ah. Dimana setiap aliran Syi'ah mengklaim alirannya sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Sebagai contoh, aliran Syi'ah Zaidiyah mengaku sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Begitu pula aliran Syi'ah Isma'iliyah, mereka juga mengaku sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Begitupula dengan aliran Syi'ah Imamiyah Itsna 'Asyariyah (Ja'fariyah) yang berkembang pesat di negeri ini pun juga mengaku sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Adapun penyebab mereka berani menyebut alirannya sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait, dikarenakan saat ini kaum muslimin di seluruh dunia pada umumnya, dan di negeri ini pada khususnya sudah banyak mengetahui bahwa aliran Syi'ah adalah aliran sesat dan menyesatkan dan ajarannya sangat menyimpang dari ajaran Rasulullah SAW dan ajaran Ahlul Bait. Karena itu, dalam upayanya menipu dan menyesatkan kaum muslimin dan supaya terlihat menarik dalam pandangan kaum muslimin, mereka mengganti nama alirannya dengan Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Dan ternyata usaha mereka tersebut berhasil, sehingga ada dari umat Islam ini yang tertipu dan akhirnya terjerumus masuk Syi'ah. Perlu diketahui, bahwa yang namanya Madzhab Ahlul Bait itu tidak ada, yang ada adalah Madzhabnya Ahlul Bait, atau akidah-nya Ahlul Bait. Yaitu akidah yang sekarang dikenal dengan nama aqidah Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. Suatu aqidah yang dipegang oleh Rasulullah SAW, Ahlul Bait dan para sahabatnya yang diridhai oleh Allah ta'ala.[2] 4. Tidak pernah menyebutkan keutamaan para shahabat Rasul. Ajaran Syi'ah didirikan di atas kebencian kepada para shahabat. Ini adalah kaidah yang baku yang tidak akan berubah hingga hari Kiamat walaupun kalangan Syi'ah berusaha menutup-nutupinya. Hal ini sesuai dengan riwayat yang terdapat dalam kitab mereka "Al-Kafi" dan yang lainnya, yang diantaranya menyebutkan bahwa sepeninggal Rasulullah SAW, para shahabat murtad kecuali hanya beberapa, diantaranya al-Miqdad, Abu Dzar dan Salman al-Farisi.[3] Dari kaidah baku tersebut, kita akan mudah mendeteksi salah satu trik Syi'ah untuk memurtadkan kaum muslimin, yaitu mereka tidak pernah menyebutkan keutamaan dan jasa para shahabat Rasululullah SAW di pengajian-pengajian atau majelis ta'lim yang diikuti oleh kalangan umum, apalagi untuk "kalangan khusus". Trik ini bertujuan untuk menghilangkan ingatan dari setiap kepala kaum muslimin akan keutamaan-keutamaan para shahabat yang telah berjuang menegakkan dien Islam ini. Kemudian secara bertahap merekapun akan melupakan keutamaan-keutamaan dan jasa para shahabat Rasul, dan akhirnya melupakannya secara total. Sehingga jika ada seorang shahabat Rasul yang dikritik atau dimaki, merekapun akan bersikap biasa saja, bahkan tak segan-segan membela pemakinya. 5. Mengkritik beberapa tindakan para shahabat Rasul. Setelah kalangan Syi'ah berhasil mengiring kaum muslimin untuk melupakan keutamaan-keutamaan dan jasa para shahabat Rasulullah SAW terhadap dien Islam ini, maka tahap selanjutnya adalah mengkoreksi (baca: mengkritik) beberapa tindakan para shahabat yang dianggapnya sebagai sebuah penyimpangan fatal. Hal ini bertujuan untuk menghilangkan paham yang melekat pada diri kaum muslimin selama ini bahwa para shahabat Rasul adalah generasi yang 'adil, generasi yang mulia, dan dimuliakan oleh Allah ta'ala. Sebut saja, misalnya shahabat Muawiyah radhiyallaahu 'anh. Beliau adalah seorang shahabat Nabi yang selalu menancap di hati dan pikiran kalangan Syi'ah. Hal ini dikarenakan ada satu "do'a" khusus yang diucapkan oleh kalangan Syi'ah kepadanya setiap pagi dan sore yaitu melaknat Mu'awiyah. Bagi mereka, melaknat Mu'awiyah ada pahala tersendiri. Bagi kalangan Syi'ah, Mu'awiyah menjadi simbol kesesatan, kekafiran, dan kemunafikan. Hal ini dikarenakan beliau memerangi 'Ali dan merampas khilafah dari 'Ali. Padahal semasa hidupnya 'Ali, Muawiyah tidak pernah menjadi khalifah. Berbeda dengan sikap kalangan Syi'ah yang mengaku-ngaku mencintai imam 'Ali, ternyata imam 'Ali malah menyikapi peperangan antara dirinya dengan Mu'awiyah dengan sangat bijak. Hal ini sebagaimana disebutkan dalam literatur Syi'ah sendiri, Biharul Anwar; Dari Ibnu Tharif dan Ibnu Alwan, dari Ja'far, dari ayahnya, bahwa 'Ali mengatakan kepada pasukannya, "Tidaklah kami memerangi mereka karena mereka kafir, juga bukan karena mereka menganggap kami kafir, tetapi karena kami merasa yang benar, dan mereka pun juga demikian."[4] Kebencian dan kedengkian Syi'ah terhadap shahabat Nabi yang satu ini akan selalu abadi hingga hari Kiamat. Apalagi ditambah dengan tuduhan mereka terhadap putera Mu'awiyah, Zayid yang dianggapnya sebagai pembantai Husein dan keluarganya di Padang Karbala.[5] Berawal dari sinilah kalangan Syi'ah berusaha mengkritik beberapa "kesalahan-kesalahan" (anggapan mereka) aqidah Ahlus Sunnah yang berpihak kepada Mu'awiyah dan tidak melaknatnya. Mereka mengatakan, "Sesuatu yang bertentangan (tidak masuk akal), bagaimana mereka (Ahlus Sunnah) mencintai Ahlul Bait, sementara mereka mencintai pembencinya (Muawiyah)." Ini adalah salah satu bentuk syubhat yang mereka hembuskan di kalangan Ahlus Sunnah agar mereka ragu terhadap aqidahnya. Walhasil, sebagian dari Ahlus Sunnah yang tidak mengerti dan memahami perkara ini yang sebenarnya pun terjebak dalam syubhat mereka. Setelah kritikan terhadap shahabat yang satu ini berhasil, merekapun kemudian melancarkan kritikan kepada shahabat Rasul yang lain, terutama didahului dengan shahabat Rasul yang paling mereka benci, yaitu 'Umar bin al-Khaththab sang penakhluk kerajaan Persi, Abu Hurairah (yang mereka katakan pendusta hadits), 'Abu Bakar ash-Shiddiq, 'Ustman bin Affan dan kemudian shahabat-shahabat yang lain. Setelah mereka kritik, kemudian mereka tak malu-malu untuk mencaci-makinya, melaknatnya, bahkan tak segan-segan mengkafirkannya. Dari sinilah dengan mudah tujuan mereka sebenarnya akan diketahui, yaitu ingin menghancurkan Islam dari pondasinya. Karena tidaklah Islam ini sampai kepada kita hari ini, kecuali awalnya lewat perantara para shahabat Rasul yang mulia. 6. Banyak mengkaji al-Qur'an dan sedikit mengkaji hadits, bahkan meninggalkannya. Ajaran Islam tidak hanya bersumber dari al-Qur'an saja, akan tetapi juga bersumber dari Sunnah Rasulullah SAW. As-Sunnah adalah penjelas dari al-Qur'an itu sendiri, sehingga al-Qur'an tidak akan sempurna jika tidak dilengkapi dengan as-Sunnah. Berapa banyak orang berpegang kepada al-Qur'an saja pada akhirnya dirinya terjerembab ke dalam jurang kesesatan yang sangat dalam. Pada akhirnya, dirinya tidak mengetahui mana ajaran Nabi dan mana ajaran Syaithani. Sehingga, ajaran Nabipun mereka jadikan olok-olokan dan penghidup ajaran Nabi mereka jadikan sasaran kebencian. Adalah Syi'ah salah satu kelompok yang berusaha menjauhkan kaum muslimin dari hadits-hadits Nabi SAW. Selain bermaksud untuk menjauhkan kaum muslimin dari ajaran Islam yang murni dibawa oleh Rasulullah SAW, hal ini juga didasari oleh rasa kebencian mereka terhadap para periwayat hadits dari kalangan para shahabat Nabi SAW (sebagaimana dijelaskan di atas). Di majelis-majelis pengajian yang dihadiri masyarakat umum, mereka hanya mengkaji al-Qur'an dan ditafsirkan sesuai dengan selera nafsu mereka. Adapun hadits, mereka lebih banyak meninggalkannya. Seandainya mengkaji haditspun, mereka akan memilih-milih hadits-hadits tertentu termasuk hadits yang dha'if bahkan maudhu' (palsu) yang bisa mendukung dan memperkokoh madzhab busuk mereka. Diantaranya adalah hadits-hadits tentang imam Ali dan


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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen
Nov 19th 2013, 01:36, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


 kafir - Social Mention: selamun aleykum kardeslerim birazdan okuyacaginiz hadisler bir musluman kardeslerimizin hadisleri inkar edip sadece ayetleri kabul edenlerin kendi sayfalarinda paylastigi ve Kurana tesr dustugunu iddia ettigi bazi hadisi serifledir.. bunlari okurken sadece hadislere ve ayetlere bakmayin. bunlarin yorumlamalarinida mutlaka dikkate alin. bazi ayetler basli baslina okundugunda inis donemine e sebebine bakilmadigi zaman supheye dusurulebiliriz. ki ateistlerin yeni oyunlarindan bitanesi de bu zaten. ayeti onunu ve arkasini kesip sadece bor bolumunu bize gostererk delilllerle bizi yaniltmaya calisiyorlar lutfen bu konularda dikkatli olunuz. simdi o hadisleri paylascam. uzun bi yazi oldugundan o hadislerin aciklamasini baska bir paylasimda vercem. lutfen onu da mutlaka okuyun. saygilarimla muzaffer KUR'AN'A AYKIRI HADİSLER Hz. Muhammed'in sözleri yanlış olacak olsa Allah müdahale eder ve yanlış olduğunu ayetleriyle ortaya koyardı. Eğer Allah'a rağmen bu sözlerinde ısrar ederse peygamberlik görevi sona ererdi. Oysa peygamberler insanların erdemli, onurlu, ahlaklı yaşamaları için tarihin akışını değiştiren en büyük önderler ve en cesur devrimcilerdir. 69Hakka/44-45-"Eğer (Peygamber) bize isnat ederek bazı sözler uydurmuş olsaydı, mutlaka onu kudretimizle yakalardık. Sonra da onun şah damarını mutlaka keserdik. Hiçbiriniz de bu cezayı engelleyip ondan savamazdı. Aşağıda Kur'an'a uygun ve Kur'an'a aykırı hadislerden bir demet sunuyoruz. Hadisten sonra gelen ilk numara, hadis numarasını diğer adlar hadis kaynaklarını göstermektedir. Hadis numaralarında Akçağ Yayınları arasında çıkan ve en sağlam hadis kitapları olarak bilinen KÜTÜB-Ü SİTTE(Altı Hadis Kitabı: Buhari, Müslim, Tirmizi, Nesaî, İbn Mace, Ebu Davud) esas alınmıştır. Her hadisin sonunda verilen ayet numaraları, hadisin, Kur'an'daki hangi ayete aykırı geldiğini göstermektedir: KUR'AN 'A AYKIRI HADİSLER 1) Kadında, atta ve evde uğursuzluk vardır. [1995-6617-İbn Mace-1995/1993 c.17 s.218 /6617], [Buhârî-Müslim-Ebû Davud- Tirmizî-Nesâî] Bk. Kur'an-27/47 7/131 2) Namazın önünden kadın, eşek, siyah köpek, Yahudi veya domuz geçerse namaz bozulur. [2732-Buhârî-Müslim-Muvatta-Ebû Dâvud- Tirmizî-Nesâî] [2743-[Müslim-Ebû Dâvud- Tirmizî-Nesâî-İbnu Mâce] [6237- Müslim- Ebu Davud-Tirmizi-Nesai-İbn Mace] Bkz. Kur'an-107/4-6 3) Erkeğe karısını niçin dövdüğü sorulmaz. [3299-Ebu Dâvud] Bkz. Kur'an-33/58 4) İnsanın insana secde etmesi uygun olsaydı, kadının kocasına secde etmesini emrederdim.[3293-Tirmizî] Bk. Kur'an-27/24 5) Kadınların akılları kıt ve dindarlıkları eksiktir. [3307-Ebu Dâvud-Müslim-Buharî-İbnu Mâce] Bkz. Kur'an-39/18 4/1 49/11 6) Cehennemdekilerin çoğu kadınlardır. [5374- Buhârî-Müslim-Nesâî-Muvatta-İbn Mace] [2075-Buhârî-Müslim] Bkz. Kur'an-7/179 72/15 33/35 7) Cennette en az kadınlar vardı. [3309-Müslim] Bkz. Kur'an-7/179 8 ) Kadınlar sizin yanınızda esirler gibidirler [3303-Tirmizî] Bkz. Kur'an-4/1 49/11 9) Ey kadınlar, sizler cehennem odunusunuz. [3039-Buhârî-Müslim-Ebû Dâvud-Nesâî] Bkz. Kur'an-72/15 10) Kız bebeğin sidiğini temizlemek için birkaç kez su serpin; erkek bebeğin sidiğini temizlemek için çiteleyin. [3506-Buhârî- Müslim-Muvatta-Ebû Dâvud-Tirmizî-Nesâî] [3507-Ebû Dâvud] [527-6162-İbn Mace] Bkz. Kur'an-6/139 16/58 43/17 11) Oğlan çocuğu için birbirine denk iki kurban, kız çocuğu için bir kurban gerekir. [3970- Ebû Dâvud-Tirmizî-Nesâî] Bkz. Kur'an-6/139 16/58 43/17 12) Erkeklere kadınlardan daha zararlı fitne bırakmadım. [3308-Buharî-Müslim-Tirmizî] Bkz. Kur'an-4/1 49/11 13) Kadın bir günlük yola mahremi olmadan seyahat edemez. [2194-Buhârî-Müslim- Muvatta-Ebû Dâvud-Tirmizî-] Bkz. Kur'an-33/35 14) Kadın avrettir, dışarı çıktı mı şeytan muttali olur. [3443-Tirmizî] 15) Altın ve ipek, erkeklere haramdır. [3597-7071-Ebu Dâvud- Nesâi-İbn Mace] Bkz. Kur'an-7/31-32 22/23 16) Altın ve ipek iman eden herkese yasaktır. [143-Buhârî-Müslim-Ebu Dâvud-Nesâî- Buhârî-Müslim-Tirmizî-Ebu Dâvud-Nesâî- İbnu Mâce] [2159-Buhârî-Müslim-Tirmizî- Nesâî] Bkz. Kur'an-7/31-32 22/23 17) Ey kadınlar süs eşyanız altın ve ipek değil, gümüş olmalıdır. [2104-Nesâî] [2106-Ebû Dâvud-Nesâî] Bkz. Kur'an-7/31-32 22/23 18) Ayakta su içmeyin. Biriniz ayakta su içerse, hemen kussun. [2246-Müslim] Bkz. Kur'an-7/31 19) Eti bıçakla kesmeyin. [3188-Ebu Davud] 20) Biriniz kötü bir rüya görürse, uyanınca sol tarafına üç kez tükürsün. [3910-7169-İbn Mace] 21) Ateşte pişeni yiyince abdest alın. [481-6147- İbn Mace] Bkz. Kur'an-5/6 4/43 22) İçinizin irinle dolması şiirle dolmasından iyidir. [Buhari-Müslim-Ebu Davud-Tirmizi- İbn Mace-Darimi] Bkz.Kur'an-26/224-227 23) Yönetici, Kureyş 'ten olmalıdır. [4544-Tirmizî] [Buhari-Müslim-Tirmizi] Bkz.Kur'an -4/58 24) İki yöneticiye birden onay verildi mi, birini öldürün. [1710-Müslim] [1711-Müslim] Bkz.Kur'an-5/32 25) Toplum içinde casusvari gizli bir şey söyleyeni öldürün. [1118-Buhârî-Müslim- Ebu Dâvud-İbnu Mâce] Bkz. Kur'an-5/32 26) Çoktanrıcıların yaşlılarını öldürün. [1048-Ebu Dâvud-Tirmizî] Bkz. Kur'an-2/256 10/99 27) Hırsızlıkta ısrar edenleri öldürün. [1631-Ebû Dâvud-Nesâî] Bkz.Kur'an-5/38 28) İçki içmede beşinci kez ısrar edenleri öldürün. [1643-Ebû Dâvud-Tirmizî] Bkz.Kur'an-2/219 4/43 5/90 29) Kur'an okudukları halde traş olanları öldürün. [4816-Buhâri-Müslim-Muvatta- Nesâî-Ebu Dâvud] Bkz. Kur'an-4/93 5/32 30) Zina edenleri öldürün. [1623-Tirmizî] [1601] Bkz.Kur'an-24/1-3 4/93 5/32 31) Evliyken zina edenleri taşlayarak (recmederek) öldürün. [1111-Buhârî] [1606- Buhari-Müslim-Tirmizi-Ebu Davud-Nesai- İbn Mace] Bazı nedenlerden dolayı vazgeçildi. [1609-Muvatta] [1597-Ebu Davud] [1598-Tirmizî-Ebu Dâvud-Nesâî- İbnu Mâce] Bkz.Kur'an-24/1-3 4/93 5/32 32) Namazı terkedenler öldürülebilir. [2117-Ebû Dâvud] Bkz.Kur'an-19/59 4/93 5/32 33) Dinden dönenleri öldürün. [1585-Muvatta] [1558-Ebu Dâvud-Nesâî] [676-Nesâî] [1586- Ebu Dâvud-Nesâî] Bkz.Kur'an-5/54 2/256 5/32 10/99 34) Eşcinsellik yapanları öldürün. [1614-Tirmizî- Ebû Dâvud] Bkz.Kur'an-27/55-56 35) Birliği bozanı, tefrika çıkaranı öldürün. [1711- Müslim] [4775-Müslim-Ebu Davud-Nesâî] Bkz.Kur'an-3/103-105 30/32 6/159 36) Müslüman cinlere üç gün süre verin. Yine de görünürlerse, onları öldürün. [4941- Müslim-Muvatta-Ebu Davud] Bkz.Kur'an-72/1-19 37) Namazı terkeden kafir olur. [2356-Tirmizî- Nesâî-İbnu Mâce] [2357-Tirmizî] [2355- Tirmizî-Ebû Dâvud-İbnu Mâce] Bkz.Kur'an-19/59 38) Namazı terkeden müşrik(Allah 'a ortak eden) olur. [2354-Müslim-Ebû Dâvud-Tirmizî] [1080-6307] Bkz.Kur'an-19/59 39) 10 yaşında namazı terkeden çocuklarınızı dövün. [2336-Ebû Dâvud-Tirmizî] Bkz.Kur'an-2/256 40) Yüz sene sonra yeryüzünde kimse kalmayacak. [5029-Müslim-Tirmizî-Buhari- Ebu Davud] Bkz. Kur'an-31/34 46/9 41) Güvercin şeytandır. [5331-Ebu Davud-İbnu Mace] 42) Av, koyun ve çoban köpekleri dışındaki köpekleri öldürün. [4949-Buhârî-Müslim- Muvatta-Tirmizî-Nesâî] Bkz.Kur'an-18/18 43) Peygamber hainlerin yakılmalarını emretti, sonra caydı. [1060-Buhârî-Ebu Dâvud- Tirmizî] Bkz.Kur'an-4/107 44) Peygamber teröristlerin gözlerinin oyulmasını emretti ve deve sidiğini içmeyi uygun gördü. [1587-Buhârî-Müslim-Tirmizî- Ebû Dâvud-Nesâî-İbnu Mâce] [1588-Ebu Dâvud-Nesâî] Bkz.Kur'an-2/190 9/10 45) Yılanı öldürmeyen bizden değildir. [4944-Ebu Davud] Bkz.Kur'an-2/29 46) Yılanları ve kertenkeleyi öldürün. [4948- Müslim-Ebu Davud-Tirmizî] [4943-Ebu Davud-Nesâî] Bkz.Kur'an-2/29 47) vücudu irin olsa, kadın da onu yalasa yine hakkını ödeyemez. Müsned, V, 239 ÖLDÜRMEYLE İLGİLİ UYDURMA HADİS ÖRNEKLERİ 1. Namazı terk eden dinden çıkar-2354-2355-2356-2357-1080/6307 2. On yaşında namaz kılmayan çocuklarınızı dövün-2336 3. İslam 'dan döneni öldürün-1585-1586-1558-676 4. Beşinci kez ısrarla içki içeni öldürün-1643 5. Peygamber deve sütünü ve sidiğini içmeyi tavsiye etti-1587(Buhari-Müslim) 6. Yaşlı müşrikleri öldürün-1048 7. Sahabeyi öldüren ve İslam'dan dönenlerin gözlerinin oyulmasını, ellerinin kesilmesini ve öylece ölüme terk edilmelerini emretti-1587 8. İki kişi yöneticilik iddiasına girerse ikincisini öldürün-1710 9. Birliği bozanı öldürün-1711 10. İhtilaflı günlerde Kur'an'a çağıranları –ki onlar traş olurlar- öldürün-4816-4817(Buhari-Müslim) 11. Yılanları öldürün-4943 12. Hırsızı önce öldürün dedi, sonra vazgeçti elini kesin dedi, sonra öldürün dedi ve öldürüldü-1631 13. Üç kez uyarıdan sonra görünen cinleri öldürün-4941(Müslim) 14. Peygamber iki kişiyi önce yakmalarını emretti, sonra vazgeçti onları öldürün dedi-1060(Buhari) 15. Evliyken zina edeni taşlayarak(recm) öldürün-1611-1606(Buhari-Müslim) 16. Eşcinseli öldürün-1614 17. Yakın akrabasıyla birlikte olanı oldurun.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:24PM  

    kafir - Social Mention
    selamun aleykum kardeslerim birazdan okuyacaginiz hadisler bir musluman kardeslerimizin hadisleri inkar edip sadece ayetleri kabul edenlerin kendi sayfalarinda paylastigi ve Kurana tesr dustugunu iddia ettigi bazi hadisi serifledir.. bunlari okurken sadece hadislere ve ayetlere bakmayin. bunlarin yorumlamalarinida mutlaka dikkate alin. bazi ayetler basli baslina okundugunda inis donemine e sebebine bakilmadigi zaman supheye dusurulebiliriz. ki ateistlerin yeni oyunlarindan bitanesi de bu zaten. ayeti onunu ve arkasini kesip sadece bor bolumunu bize gostererk delilllerle bizi yaniltmaya calisiyorlar lutfen bu konularda dikkatli olunuz. simdi o hadisleri paylascam. uzun bi yazi oldugundan o hadislerin aciklamasini baska bir paylasimda vercem. lutfen onu da mutlaka okuyun. saygilarimla muzaffer KUR'AN'A AYKIRI HADİSLER Hz. Muhammed'in sözleri yanlış olacak olsa Allah müdahale eder ve yanlış olduğunu ayetleriyle ortaya koyardı. Eğer Allah'a rağmen bu sözlerinde ısrar ederse peygamberlik görevi sona ererdi. Oysa peygamberler insanların erdemli, onurlu, ahlaklı yaşamaları için tarihin akışını değiştiren en büyük önderler ve en cesur devrimcilerdir. 69Hakka/44-45-"Eğer (Peygamber) bize isnat ederek bazı sözler uydurmuş olsaydı, mutlaka onu kudretimizle yakalardık. Sonra da onun şah damarını mutlaka keserdik. Hiçbiriniz de bu cezayı engelleyip ondan savamazdı. Aşağıda Kur'an'a uygun ve Kur'an'a aykırı hadislerden bir demet sunuyoruz. Hadisten sonra gelen ilk numara, hadis numarasını diğer adlar hadis kaynaklarını göstermektedir. Hadis numaralarında Akçağ Yayınları arasında çıkan ve en sağlam hadis kitapları olarak bilinen KÜTÜB-Ü SİTTE(Altı Hadis Kitabı: Buhari, Müslim, Tirmizi, Nesaî, İbn Mace, Ebu Davud) esas alınmıştır. Her hadisin sonunda verilen ayet numaraları, hadisin, Kur'an'daki hangi ayete aykırı geldiğini göstermektedir: KUR'AN 'A AYKIRI HADİSLER 1) Kadında, atta ve evde uğursuzluk vardır. [1995-6617-İbn Mace-1995/1993 c.17 s.218 /6617], [Buhârî-Müslim-Ebû Davud- Tirmizî-Nesâî] Bk. Kur'an-27/47 7/131 2) Namazın önünden kadın, eşek, siyah köpek, Yahudi veya domuz geçerse namaz bozulur. [2732-Buhârî-Müslim-Muvatta-Ebû Dâvud- Tirmizî-Nesâî] [2743-[Müslim-Ebû Dâvud- Tirmizî-Nesâî-İbnu Mâce] [6237- Müslim- Ebu Davud-Tirmizi-Nesai-İbn Mace] Bkz. Kur'an-107/4-6 3) Erkeğe karısını niçin dövdüğü sorulmaz. [3299-Ebu Dâvud] Bkz. Kur'an-33/58 4) İnsanın insana secde etmesi uygun olsaydı, kadının kocasına secde etmesini emrederdim.[3293-Tirmizî] Bk. Kur'an-27/24 5) Kadınların akılları kıt ve dindarlıkları eksiktir. [3307-Ebu Dâvud-Müslim-Buharî-İbnu Mâce] Bkz. Kur'an-39/18 4/1 49/11 6) Cehennemdekilerin çoğu kadınlardır. [5374- Buhârî-Müslim-Nesâî-Muvatta-İbn Mace] [2075-Buhârî-Müslim] Bkz. Kur'an-7/179 72/15 33/35 7) Cennette en az kadınlar vardı. [3309-Müslim] Bkz. Kur'an-7/179 8 ) Kadınlar sizin yanınızda esirler gibidirler [3303-Tirmizî] Bkz. Kur'an-4/1 49/11 9) Ey kadınlar, sizler cehennem odunusunuz. [3039-Buhârî-Müslim-Ebû Dâvud-Nesâî] Bkz. Kur'an-72/15 10) Kız bebeğin sidiğini temizlemek için birkaç kez su serpin; erkek bebeğin sidiğini temizlemek için çiteleyin. [3506-Buhârî- Müslim-Muvatta-Ebû Dâvud-Tirmizî-Nesâî] [3507-Ebû Dâvud] [527-6162-İbn Mace] Bkz. Kur'an-6/139 16/58 43/17 11) Oğlan çocuğu için birbirine denk iki kurban, kız çocuğu için bir kurban gerekir. [3970- Ebû Dâvud-Tirmizî-Nesâî] Bkz. Kur'an-6/139 16/58 43/17 12) Erkeklere kadınlardan daha zararlı fitne bırakmadım. [3308-Buharî-Müslim-Tirmizî] Bkz. Kur'an-4/1 49/11 13) Kadın bir günlük yola mahremi olmadan seyahat edemez. [2194-Buhârî-Müslim- Muvatta-Ebû Dâvud-Tirmizî-] Bkz. Kur'an-33/35 14) Kadın avrettir, dışarı çıktı mı şeytan muttali olur. [3443-Tirmizî] 15) Altın ve ipek, erkeklere haramdır. [3597-7071-Ebu Dâvud- Nesâi-İbn Mace] Bkz. Kur'an-7/31-32 22/23 16) Altın ve ipek iman eden herkese yasaktır. [143-Buhârî-Müslim-Ebu Dâvud-Nesâî- Buhârî-Müslim-Tirmizî-Ebu Dâvud-Nesâî- İbnu Mâce] [2159-Buhârî-Müslim-Tirmizî- Nesâî] Bkz. Kur'an-7/31-32 22/23 17) Ey kadınlar süs eşyanız altın ve ipek değil, gümüş olmalıdır. [2104-Nesâî] [2106-Ebû Dâvud-Nesâî] Bkz. Kur'an-7/31-32 22/23 18) Ayakta su içmeyin. Biriniz ayakta su içerse, hemen kussun. [2246-Müslim] Bkz. Kur'an-7/31 19) Eti bıçakla kesmeyin. [3188-Ebu Davud] 20) Biriniz kötü bir rüya görürse, uyanınca sol tarafına üç kez tükürsün. [3910-7169-İbn Mace] 21) Ateşte pişeni yiyince abdest alın. [481-6147- İbn Mace] Bkz. Kur'an-5/6 4/43 22) İçinizin irinle dolması şiirle dolmasından iyidir. [Buhari-Müslim-Ebu Davud-Tirmizi- İbn Mace-Darimi] Bkz.Kur'an-26/224-227 23) Yönetici, Kureyş 'ten olmalıdır. [4544-Tirmizî] [Buhari-Müslim-Tirmizi] Bkz.Kur'an -4/58 24) İki yöneticiye birden onay verildi mi, birini öldürün. [1710-Müslim] [1711-Müslim] Bkz.Kur'an-5/32 25) Toplum içinde casusvari gizli bir şey söyleyeni öldürün. [1118-Buhârî-Müslim- Ebu Dâvud-İbnu Mâce] Bkz. Kur'an-5/32 26) Çoktanrıcıların yaşlılarını öldürün. [1048-Ebu Dâvud-Tirmizî] Bkz. Kur'an-2/256 10/99 27) Hırsızlıkta ısrar edenleri öldürün. [1631-Ebû Dâvud-Nesâî] Bkz.Kur'an-5/38 28) İçki içmede beşinci kez ısrar edenleri öldürün. [1643-Ebû Dâvud-Tirmizî] Bkz.Kur'an-2/219 4/43 5/90 29) Kur'an okudukları halde traş olanları öldürün. [4816-Buhâri-Müslim-Muvatta- Nesâî-Ebu Dâvud] Bkz. Kur'an-4/93 5/32 30) Zina edenleri öldürün. [1623-Tirmizî] [1601] Bkz.Kur'an-24/1-3 4/93 5/32 31) Evliyken zina edenleri taşlayarak (recmederek) öldürün. [1111-Buhârî] [1606- Buhari-Müslim-Tirmizi-Ebu Davud-Nesai- İbn Mace] Bazı nedenlerden dolayı vazgeçildi. [1609-Muvatta] [1597-Ebu Davud] [1598-Tirmizî-Ebu Dâvud-Nesâî- İbnu Mâce] Bkz.Kur'an-24/1-3 4/93 5/32 32) Namazı terkedenler öldürülebilir. [2117-Ebû Dâvud] Bkz.Kur'an-19/59 4/93 5/32 33) Dinden dönenleri öldürün. [1585-Muvatta] [1558-Ebu Dâvud-Nesâî] [676-Nesâî] [1586- Ebu Dâvud-Nesâî] Bkz.Kur'an-5/54 2/256 5/32 10/99 34) Eşcinsellik yapanları öldürün. [1614-Tirmizî- Ebû Dâvud] Bkz.Kur'an-27/55-56 35) Birliği bozanı, tefrika çıkaranı öldürün. [1711- Müslim] [4775-Müslim-Ebu Davud-Nesâî] Bkz.Kur'an-3/103-105 30/32 6/159 36) Müslüman cinlere üç gün süre verin. Yine de görünürlerse, onları öldürün. [4941- Müslim-Muvatta-Ebu Davud] Bkz.Kur'an-72/1-19 37) Namazı terkeden kafir olur. [2356-Tirmizî- Nesâî-İbnu Mâce] [2357-Tirmizî] [2355- Tirmizî-Ebû Dâvud-İbnu Mâce] Bkz.Kur'an-19/59 38) Namazı terkeden müşrik(Allah 'a ortak eden) olur. [2354-Müslim-Ebû Dâvud-Tirmizî] [1080-6307] Bkz.Kur'an-19/59 39) 10 yaşında namazı terkeden çocuklarınızı dövün. [2336-Ebû Dâvud-Tirmizî] Bkz.Kur'an-2/256 40) Yüz sene sonra yeryüzünde kimse kalmayacak. [5029-Müslim-Tirmizî-Buhari- Ebu Davud] Bkz. Kur'an-31/34 46/9 41) Güvercin şeytandır. [5331-Ebu Davud-İbnu Mace] 42) Av, koyun ve çoban köpekleri dışındaki köpekleri öldürün. [4949-Buhârî-Müslim- Muvatta-Tirmizî-Nesâî] Bkz.Kur'an-18/18 43) Peygamber hainlerin yakılmalarını emretti, sonra caydı. [1060-Buhârî-Ebu Dâvud- Tirmizî] Bkz.Kur'an-4/107 44) Peygamber teröristlerin gözlerinin oyulmasını emretti ve deve sidiğini içmeyi uygun gördü. [1587-Buhârî-Müslim-Tirmizî- Ebû Dâvud-Nesâî-İbnu Mâce] [1588-Ebu Dâvud-Nesâî] Bkz.Kur'an-2/190 9/10 45) Yılanı öldürmeyen bizden değildir. [4944-Ebu Davud] Bkz.Kur'an-2/29 46) Yılanları ve kertenkeleyi öldürün. [4948- Müslim-Ebu Davud-Tirmizî] [4943-Ebu Davud-Nesâî] Bkz.Kur'an-2/29 47) vücudu irin olsa, kadın da onu yalasa yine hakkını ödeyemez. Müsned, V, 239 ÖLDÜRMEYLE İLGİLİ UYDURMA HADİS ÖRNEKLERİ 1. Namazı terk eden dinden çıkar-2354-2355-2356-2357-1080/6307 2. On yaşında namaz kılmayan çocuklarınızı dövün-2336 3. İslam 'dan döneni öldürün-1585-1586-1558-676 4. Beşinci kez ısrarla içki içeni öldürün-1643 5. Peygamber deve sütünü ve sidiğini içmeyi tavsiye etti-1587(Buhari-Müslim) 6. Yaşlı müşrikleri öldürün-1048 7. Sahabeyi öldüren ve İslam'dan dönenlerin gözlerinin oyulmasını, ellerinin kesilmesini ve öylece ölüme terk edilmelerini emretti-1587 8. İki kişi yöneticilik iddiasına girerse ikincisini öldürün-1710 9. Birliği bozanı öldürün-1711 10. İhtilaflı günlerde Kur'an'a çağıranları –ki onlar traş olurlar- öldürün-4816-4817(Buhari-Müslim) 11. Yılanları öldürün-4943 12. Hırsızı önce öldürün dedi, sonra vazgeçti elini kesin dedi, sonra öldürün dedi ve öldürüldü-1631 13. Üç kez uyarıdan sonra görünen cinleri öldürün-4941(Müslim) 14. Peygamber iki kişiyi önce yakmalarını emretti, sonra vazgeçti onları öldürün dedi-1060(Buhari) 15. Evliyken zina edeni taşlayarak(recm) öldürün-1611-1606(Buhari-Müslim) 16. Eşcinseli öldürün-1614 17. Yakın akrabasıyla birlikte olanı oldurun.
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:18
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 kafir - Social Mention: Profesor Ahli Hukum Thaghut Indonesia KO di Debat Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir Saat itu, dihadirkan Profesor Loebby Lukman sebagai Saksi atas dakwaan makar terhadap Ust. Abu Bakar Ba'asyir. Setelah saksi memberikan keterangan, majelis hakim memberikan kesempatan kepada terdakwa dalam hal ini adalah Ust. Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, untuk mengajukan pertanyaan kepada Saksi Ahli (Profesor Loebby). Tanpa berkonsultasi dahulu dengan penasehat hukum, maka dengan ekspresi tenang Ust. Abu Bakar Ba'asyir memulai pembicaraannya. "Profesor Loebby… berdasarkan UUD 1945 pasal 29 ayat 2, bukankah Negara menjamin kemendekaan tiap tiap penduduk memeluk agama untuk menjalankan ibadah sesuai agamanya?" "Ya…benar!" jawab saksi ahli tersebut.. Kemudian Ust Abu melanjutkan pertanyaannya, "Apakah dalam UUD 1945 ataupun penjelasannya terdapat definisi kata "IBADAH" ? "Emm, setahu saya tidak ada", dengan agak sedikit ragu tapi mencoba meyakinkan diri dengan jawabannya. Ust. Abu pun kembali bertanya, "Kalau begitu.. bukankah seharusnya makna ibadah itu di kembalikan kepada darimana ia (kata ibadah) di ambil?" Dengan tegas professor tersebut menjawab, "YA!" MAKA UST. ABU BAKAR BAASYIR LANGSUNG BERHUJAH DI DEPAN HAKIM SAAT ITU. "Nah… sesunguhnya kata "IBADAH" berasal dari bahasa arab dan tentu berasal dari apa yang diperintahkan Allah di dalam Al Quran, maka definisinya harus dikembalikan kepada Al Quran. Menurut Al Qur'an, IBADAH adalah segala aktivitas yang ditujukan untuk mencari keridhaan Allah dan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan apa yang di tuntunkan oleh Rasulullah, dan.. IBADAH.. yang tertinggi menurut Islam adalah.. MENEGAKAN SYARIAT ALLAH DI MUKA BUMI… dengan demikian, APAKAH YANG SAYA LAKUKAN SELAMA INI… mengupayakan tegaknya syariat islam di Indonesia… BERTENTANGAN DENGAN UUD 1945 yang menjamin kemerdekaan penduduk untuk menjalankan IBADAH?" "KALAU LOGIKANYA BEGITU, JELAS TIDAK BERTENTANGAN", jawab profesor sambil ragu ragu… Kemudian di akhir pertanyan, Ust. Abu Bakar Ba'asyir langsung bertanya pada Profesor tadi. "BAIK… pertanyaan saya terkahir. JIKA NEGARA MELANGGAR UUD 1945 DENGAN MERAMPAS HAK KEMERDEKAAN BERIBADAH WARGA NEGARANYA-APAKAH NEGARA BISA DI TUNTUT?" Profesor hanya diam dan tersenyum kecut sambil menoleh ke kanan dan ke kiri… ALLAHU AKBAR! Demikianlah indahnya Ust Abu Bakar Ba'asyir menggiring logika kaum sekuler ke dalam hukumnya. Yang sebenarnya bila memakai kaca mata hukum sekuler sendiri, apa yang dilakukan para tirani thaghut terhadap para ulama dan mujahidin, sesunguhnya telah melanggar UUD mereka sendiri. Semoga Allah selalu memberikan cahaya dan keistiqomahan kepada apara ulama dan mujahidin yang sedang diuji oleh Allah. Di akhir kalimat ini kami hadirkan nasehat Ust Abu Bakar Ba'asyir beberapa waktu lalu kepada para tamunya di Nusa Kambangan. Taushiyah Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir Syari'at Islam itu tidak akan bisa ditegakkan dan diamalkan di dalam negara Demokrasi. Syari'at Islam hanya bisa diamalkan dan ditegakkan di dalam Daulah Islamiyyah atau Negara Islam, oleh karena itu dalam memperjuangkan syariat Islam bukan dengan sistem Demokrasi seperti selama ini yang dilakukan oleh ormas dan partai Islam, tetapi dengan DAKWAH dan JIHAD insya Allah akan mendapatkan nasrun minallah dan kemenangan. Saudara.. saya kedatangan tamu yang mengajak saya untuk berdiskusi tentang Indonesia ini. Ditengah tengah pembicaraan dengan saya dia mengatakan : "Ustadz, Indonesia ini adalah negara Islam dan pemimpinnya adalah Ulil amri" Saya katakan padanya : "Kamu ini bagaimana orang SBY sendiri sudah menyatakan bahwa negara ini bukan negara Islam dan dia juga mengatakan : "Saya menolak syari'at Islam". Saudara… Pengertian tentang negara itu hanya ada dua, kalau tidak negara Islam ya.. negara Kafir. Demikian taushiyah dari Ust. Abu kepada para tamu tamunya yang disampaikan pada hari selasa, 6 Syawwal 1434 H/13-08-2013. Alfatiha buat guru kita Al-mukarom Ustd. Abu Bakar Ba'asir semoga sehat selalu.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:24PM  

    kafir - Social Mention
    Profesor Ahli Hukum Thaghut Indonesia KO di Debat Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir Saat itu, dihadirkan Profesor Loebby Lukman sebagai Saksi atas dakwaan makar terhadap Ust. Abu Bakar Ba'asyir. Setelah saksi memberikan keterangan, majelis hakim memberikan kesempatan kepada terdakwa dalam hal ini adalah Ust. Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, untuk mengajukan pertanyaan kepada Saksi Ahli (Profesor Loebby). Tanpa berkonsultasi dahulu dengan penasehat hukum, maka dengan ekspresi tenang Ust. Abu Bakar Ba'asyir memulai pembicaraannya. "Profesor Loebby… berdasarkan UUD 1945 pasal 29 ayat 2, bukankah Negara menjamin kemendekaan tiap tiap penduduk memeluk agama untuk menjalankan ibadah sesuai agamanya?" "Ya…benar!" jawab saksi ahli tersebut.. Kemudian Ust Abu melanjutkan pertanyaannya, "Apakah dalam UUD 1945 ataupun penjelasannya terdapat definisi kata "IBADAH" ? "Emm, setahu saya tidak ada", dengan agak sedikit ragu tapi mencoba meyakinkan diri dengan jawabannya. Ust. Abu pun kembali bertanya, "Kalau begitu.. bukankah seharusnya makna ibadah itu di kembalikan kepada darimana ia (kata ibadah) di ambil?" Dengan tegas professor tersebut menjawab, "YA!" MAKA UST. ABU BAKAR BAASYIR LANGSUNG BERHUJAH DI DEPAN HAKIM SAAT ITU. "Nah… sesunguhnya kata "IBADAH" berasal dari bahasa arab dan tentu berasal dari apa yang diperintahkan Allah di dalam Al Quran, maka definisinya harus dikembalikan kepada Al Quran. Menurut Al Qur'an, IBADAH adalah segala aktivitas yang ditujukan untuk mencari keridhaan Allah dan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan apa yang di tuntunkan oleh Rasulullah, dan.. IBADAH.. yang tertinggi menurut Islam adalah.. MENEGAKAN SYARIAT ALLAH DI MUKA BUMI… dengan demikian, APAKAH YANG SAYA LAKUKAN SELAMA INI… mengupayakan tegaknya syariat islam di Indonesia… BERTENTANGAN DENGAN UUD 1945 yang menjamin kemerdekaan penduduk untuk menjalankan IBADAH?" "KALAU LOGIKANYA BEGITU, JELAS TIDAK BERTENTANGAN", jawab profesor sambil ragu ragu… Kemudian di akhir pertanyan, Ust. Abu Bakar Ba'asyir langsung bertanya pada Profesor tadi. "BAIK… pertanyaan saya terkahir. JIKA NEGARA MELANGGAR UUD 1945 DENGAN MERAMPAS HAK KEMERDEKAAN BERIBADAH WARGA NEGARANYA-APAKAH NEGARA BISA DI TUNTUT?" Profesor hanya diam dan tersenyum kecut sambil menoleh ke kanan dan ke kiri… ALLAHU AKBAR! Demikianlah indahnya Ust Abu Bakar Ba'asyir menggiring logika kaum sekuler ke dalam hukumnya. Yang sebenarnya bila memakai kaca mata hukum sekuler sendiri, apa yang dilakukan para tirani thaghut terhadap para ulama dan mujahidin, sesunguhnya telah melanggar UUD mereka sendiri. Semoga Allah selalu memberikan cahaya dan keistiqomahan kepada apara ulama dan mujahidin yang sedang diuji oleh Allah. Di akhir kalimat ini kami hadirkan nasehat Ust Abu Bakar Ba'asyir beberapa waktu lalu kepada para tamunya di Nusa Kambangan. Taushiyah Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir Syari'at Islam itu tidak akan bisa ditegakkan dan diamalkan di dalam negara Demokrasi. Syari'at Islam hanya bisa diamalkan dan ditegakkan di dalam Daulah Islamiyyah atau Negara Islam, oleh karena itu dalam memperjuangkan syariat Islam bukan dengan sistem Demokrasi seperti selama ini yang dilakukan oleh ormas dan partai Islam, tetapi dengan DAKWAH dan JIHAD insya Allah akan mendapatkan nasrun minallah dan kemenangan. Saudara.. saya kedatangan tamu yang mengajak saya untuk berdiskusi tentang Indonesia ini. Ditengah tengah pembicaraan dengan saya dia mengatakan : "Ustadz, Indonesia ini adalah negara Islam dan pemimpinnya adalah Ulil amri" Saya katakan padanya : "Kamu ini bagaimana orang SBY sendiri sudah menyatakan bahwa negara ini bukan negara Islam dan dia juga mengatakan : "Saya menolak syari'at Islam". Saudara… Pengertian tentang negara itu hanya ada dua, kalau tidak negara Islam ya.. negara Kafir. Demikian taushiyah dari Ust. Abu kepada para tamu tamunya yang disampaikan pada hari selasa, 6 Syawwal 1434 H/13-08-2013. Alfatiha buat guru kita Al-mukarom Ustd. Abu Bakar Ba'asir semoga sehat selalu.
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:20
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    scharia - Social Mention
    Die taz und Tunesien
    Aug 8th 2013, 16:07
    Die Berichterstattung der taz über den Militärcoup in Ägypten erschreckt mich schon seit längerem in ihrer Rechtfertigung einer Konterrevolution, die jedwede demokratische Prinzipien missachtet – ungeachtet aller gerechtfertigten [&#8230;]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    scharia - Social Mention
    Scharia-Horror! - Unverheiratetes Pärchen in Afghanistan geköpft
    Oct 23rd 2013, 12:37
    Published by - - Schrecklicher Vorfall in der Region Helmand! Ein unverheiratetes Liebespaar wurde geköpft. Waren es Taliban?Foto: dpa picture-alliance - ---> Go to a original [&#8230;]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    scharia - Social Mention
    Scharia-Horror! - Unverheiratetes Pärchen in Afghanistan geköpft
    Oct 23rd 2013, 12:37
    Published by - - Schrecklicher Vorfall in der Region Helmand! Ein unverheiratetes Liebespaar wurde geköpft. Waren es Taliban?Foto: dpa picture-alliance - ---> Go to a original [&#8230;]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    scharia - Social Mention
    Grabenkämpfe - Islamistische Rebellen kehren Syriens Nationaler Koalition den Rücken
    Sep 25th 2013, 09:45
    Published by - Der Standard (Austria) - Nationale Koalition wird vom Westen als wichtigstes Oppositionsbündnis angesehen - 13 Rebellengruppen wollen Scharia einführen - ---> Go to a original [&#8230;]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    Then who created Allah(god)?
    Sep 7th 2011, 22:34
    Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: People will continue to be in the habit of questioning even to the extent of saying: Well, it is Allah Who created all creatures, then who created Allah? Whoever finds such thought should say: I truly believe in Allah. 7:200 Sahih International And if an evil suggestion comes to you from Satan, then seek refuge in Allah . Indeed, He is Hearing and Knowing. Muhsin Khan And if an evil whisper comes to you from Shaitan (Satan) then seek refuge with Allah. Verily, He is All-Hearer, All-Knower. Pickthall And if a slander from the devil wound thee, then seek refuge in Allah. Lo! He is Hearer, Knower. Yusuf Ali If a suggestion from Satan assail thy (mind), seek refuge with Allah; for He heareth and knoweth (all things). Shakir And if a false imputation from the Shaitan afflict you, seek refuge in Allah; surely He is Hearing, Knowing. Dr. Ghali And definitely in case an incitement from Ash-Shaytan (the all-vicious (one), i.e., the Devil) ever incites you, then seek refuge in Allah; surely He is Ever-Hearing, Ever-Knowing.. Anas ibn Malik said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'People will continue to ask about things that do not exist to such an extent that they will say, "Allah created everything, so who created Allah?"'" Abu Hurayra related, "Some people said, 'Messenger of Allah, we feel in ourselves something which we do not want to speak about and we have been in that state since sunrise.' He said, 'Have you really felt like that?' 'Yes,' they said. He said, 'That is clear belief.'" Shahr ibn Hawshab said, "I and my maternal aunt visited 'A'isha and said, 'Sometimes something occurs to one of us such that, if he had spoken about it, that would have been the end of his hopes for the Next World. If it were to be revealed, he would be killed for it.' She said the takbir three times and then said, 'The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was asked about that and said, "If that happens to one of you, he should say the takbir three times. Only a believer feels that.'" Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Beware of opinion. Opinion is the most lying form of speech. Do not spy. Do not fight one another. Do not try to ensnare one another (in sales). Do not hate one another. Be slaves of Allah and brothers." I get all translation for the verse 7:200 For more clarification submitted by ysooo to islam [link] [29 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    Muslims of Reddit: what's your take on the Takbir ("Allahu Ackbar") being shouted at all times, often while violence is being done? Has that changed its meaning/connotation for you?
    Oct 26th 2011, 21:02
    Do you ever feel it is blasphemous the times/reasons why people shout it (Suicide bombers, Gadhafi's mob murder, etc.)? Or do people say it as more a cultural thing than a religious devotion thing? What does it mean to you and when do you say/shout/whisper it? Apologies if this has been asked before/recently. Edit: Thanks for the insightful replies! submitted by andrewembassy to islam [link] [26 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    10 Practical Steps in Developing Consciousness in Prayer
    Mar 28th 2012, 22:11
    Note: My brother sent this to me a long time ago and I felt it could be useful to my fellow brothers/sisters in Islam. I apologize for not having the direct link, but it's been so long since I've received it. Nonetheless, share with friends and family! 10 Practical Steps in Developing Consciousness in Prayer By Saad Omar ( Like every aspect of worship in Islam there is an external and internal dimension; prayer is no exception. The external dimension of prayer is very often what is emphasized in Sunday schools, Muslim homes, conferences, etc. while the inner dimension is to a large part ignored. This leaves us with a well defined skeleton, lacking a soul. A Bold New Perspective of Wudu (Ablution): This step includes coming into terms with the fact that the wudu itself has an external and internal element. The internal element involves developing the mindset that as you are purifying the external limbs of your body, you are simultaneously purifying from your body the internal sins that can from those respective limbs. You should imagine your sins dripping from those limbs. The Five Minute Rule: This is the Golden Rule in concentrating in prayer, whatever you think about 5 minutes before you pray, you will inevitably think about during the prayer, so we should spend this time thinking of Allah (SWT) and not watching television, chatting with friends, joking, etc. Raising hands (takbir): When you raise your hands and say "Allahu Akbar," imagine yourself pushing the world behind. "Allahu Akbar": Not only, 'God is the Greatest' but also, 'God is Greater,': Meaning, whatever we are thinking about during that moment in the prayer, God is greater than that. Surah Fatiha: It is imperative that we learn the Tafsir (explanation) of Surah Fatiha in detail. There are many websites and books to help us along these lines (here's one I put together: At the very least, we should learn the translation of Surah Fatiha and every other Surah (chapter) that we recite in prayer. Ruku (Bowing): Imagine the story of Abu Bakr (R) when he added "wa bi hamdihi" (and All Praise is to Him) to his Ruku and Allah (SWT) sent down the Angel Jibrail to tell the Prophet (S) to say "sameeya Allahu Liman Hamida" (Allah heard who praised Him), instead of "Allahu Akbar" and Abu Bakr (R), in shock, responded "Rabina Walakal Hamd" (All praise is due to our Lord). This is how this step was added to our prayer. Sujud (Prostrating): Imagine what Shaykh Hamza said: Standing up is like Islam (Mind over Heart), Bending is like Imaan (Heart and Mind are balanced), and bowing down is like Ihsaan (Heart over Mind). As we bow down, we say "Subhana Rabi al A'la" (Glory be to the Lord most High), a beautiful and symbolic gesture with non-symbolic connotations. The Taheeyat: As you make the Taheeyat, while sitting down, imagine the story of the Prophet (S) when he ascended to the Heaven (Me'raj) where he (S) and Allah (SWT) exchanged back and forth these lines that we now repeat as we embark on our own Ascension to Allah (SWT) during this part of the prayer. "At-Taheeyat…"-The Prophet (S) greeting to Allah (SWT); "As-Salamu Alayka…"-Allah (SWT't Response; "As-Salamu Alayna…"-The Prophet's reponse to Allah (SWT); "Ashadu…"-The Angel exclamation after this beautiful conversation. Ending the Prayer: As you say "Salam": Imagine the angels on your right and left and what they record of you good and bad deeds. Then turn to Allah in forgiveness for your shortcomings. After the Prayer: Try to not run off after the prayer, give yourself time to be by yourself, even if it for 30 seconds, and reflect on the momentous event that you have just experienced. The Key to Unlocking Endless Possibilities of Concentration: Lastly, don't be afraid to use your IMAGINATION! A pious man said that before he would pray her would: Imagine the Kaaba in front of him, he would imagine himself standing on the Sirat (The bridge as thin as paper and as sharp as a sword that suspends over the Hell fire), on his right is Paradise, on his left is hell, behind him is his grave, and above him is the Angel of Death. He would also imagine that after his second "salam," the Angel of Death will swoop over him, throw him in his grave, and he would fall into the paradise or hell, depending on the quality of that prayer. Thus, we can also use our imaginations to concentrate and get move from just praying to actually feeling the prayer. submitted by LeanBean17 to islam [link] [9 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    Questions from a new Muslimah. Please help. :)
    May 28th 2012, 01:27
    Hello! Some of you may remember my post the other day concerning a dream that I had. I have been reading the Qur'an and decided to convert (I have performed Shahada), but I have some questions. Hopefully I will be guided, Inshallah. The Qur'an states not to eat the flesh of swine. Obviously, that includes pork. Does it also include things like gelatin? Do you personally consider gelatin to be haram? [6:159] As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did. How does this reflect the Sunni/Shi'a issue? How strictly does one have to perform rakat during salat? Why is rakat necessary? How many rakat do you do personally? Why are the movements during salat necessary? (Meaning: takbir, qiyaam, ruku, etc.) Do you enjoy Ramadan? Do you do it for any reasons other than to please Allah? Meaning, do you receive any sort of personal benefit from fasting? (Are you calmer, can you concentrate better, etc.) Do you feel okay to drive or exercise while fasting? For converts: How did you make Muslim friends? Thank you for reading. Jazakallah khair. submitted by Mateja_ to islam [link] [62 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    The Zakir Trilogy - Completed. [Spoiler Alert]
    Aug 4th 2012, 13:39
    The end has been finished, thanks go to the contributors who did the creative thinking! I've started a new topic for various other reasons. Enjoy it, particularly the twist ;) Before the Dawah... Before the Fame... Before the Infamy... 20th Century Fox Presents... An Ex-Abrahomie Film... Zakir:Bullshit Begins The first film would feature the young Zakir, getting through medical school and yet not achieving the attention or fame he secretly desired. Then one faithful evening he sees the charismatic Deedat deliver a speech. Overwhelmed by the effect Deedat has on the captive audience, Zakir uses his plentiful spare time due to a lack of friends or hobbies to imbibe Deedat's arguments and rhetoric. His first attempts are pathetic as he realises he lacks the raw aggressiveness of Deedat. As the years pass by and radicalism rises, Zakir finally realises that he should present his message in the guise of an inclusive and peaceful dawahist. Combining his lack of personality, an inner weaseliness and a deep desire for validation, he manages to rise up. Zoom into Naik's face, "WHERE ARE THEY? WHERE ARE THE INFIDELS?" Dying breathes of QuisCustodietI, gripping his son,"You either die a martyr, or live long enough, to become a murtad." End scene The Dork Knight: Fall Some thoughts on the third film, The Dork Knight Rises. I would split the movie into two parts (like the last Harry Potter movie) for the sake of pacing and profit. 'The second film would be him facing an enemy who can't be swayed by BS and ego appeasment, someone who deals with logic and evidence - The Atheist. In the Dork Knight, you saw Zakir defeating the cold logic of The Atheist (''Why so Devious?'') by resorting to bullshit apologetics and appealing to the emotions of his audience. ''This city just showed you that it's full of people ready to believe in god-TAKBIR!!.'' Though he wins the debate, it's a victory built upon BS and deception. In the TDK, in what could be seen as a throwaway scene before the debate with The Atheist, Zakir happens to see a young girl waiting in the line. Zakir strikes up a conversation with her, asking her if she's come to see him debate. The girl replies in the affirmative and then goes on to say that she has been to every one of his debates in Godham city since primary school. In the context of the TDK, this can be seen as nothing more significant than reinforcing to the audience the devoted following Zakir has. Zakir is burdened by this answer as it puts the pressure on him to win the imminent debate- something he doesn't think possible. How do you deal with a man who deals in logic and rejects faith? It's unheard of! The man's a freak! The Dork Knight Rises picks up a few years after the last movie. Zakir has attained the fame he wanted. For the most part the city is free of organised proselytism by other sects and religions. Things are looking good for Zakir and his Swiss bank account. He is almost retired from his activities. However a storm is coming. A mysterious and menacing cleric known only as Zain (''no one cared who I was until I grew the beard'') arrives at Godham city. He brings along with him an army of followers ready to die at his behest. It's rumored that he was born in a prison cave in Afghanistan. After escaping he became a student of Deedat- until he was excommunicated from The League of Salafis for being too extreme. Zain is an extreme version of Zakir. He's blunt and fiery. He actually has presence. His beard is awe-inspiring and nothing like a damp shrub. He also has a better tailor. Zakir is initially dismissive of Zane, mistakenly assuming that the people of the city would never take to the radical ideas of Zain. We see the same girl being from the scene in TDK (older now of course) visiting the televised Muslim meetup at the stadium. Despite having seen her years ago, Zakir happens to recognise her and Zakir in jest asks the girl whether she has come to see him at the meetup. She laughs and replies that she has. Zain soon establishes a presence in the city. Zakir then tries to reconcile with Zain who views him with disdain and contempt. "(Running) Peace (TV) has cost you your strength. Victory has defeated you."' Zain eventually deals a crippling double blow to Zakir. He employs a group of hackers to steal all his funds from his account leaving him penniless. Later that same evening he turns on Zakir during a televised Muslim rally- condemning his inclusive and secular image. Zain rallies the disenfranchised. He mocks Zakir for living in opulence and owning multiple TV channels whilst many Muslims still go hungry in the city. He wonders out loud how Zakir and his friends ever thought they could could live so large and leave so little for the rest of the Ummah. Zain then reveals a (forged) letter linking Zakir as a shill to the Jewish media. Zakir desperately tries to use his guile to do damage control but Zain is wise to his theatrics and deception- for they are both initiated. Zain tells the bloodthirsty crowd that as a traitor- Zakir's punishment must be more severe. Zakir runs away from the venue, the people chasing after trying to stone him. The people hunt him even though he can't take it. Then things happen as previously mentioned and during the chaos that follows we see a shot of the girl running for her life. It's very brief but Zakir sees her as he flees for his life. This only breaks his spirit further. He's failed the people who had faith in him. The city erupts into riots- some of which are sectarian. Zakir barely manages to flee the city. His bank (account) broken by Zain. He's the apologist Godham deserves but not the one it needs now. In the end of TDK, Zakir uses arguments riddled with logical fallacies. He especially uses appeal to emotion to win over the audience. There is a nod to the first movie [Bullshit Begins] when he smugly tells the defeated Atheist ''You never learned to mind your surroundings!'', (a lesson Zakir took time to master). The message Zakir sends is clear- it's always wise to choose the venue for your debate. A home advantage can mean the difference between victory and defeat. In TDKF however, Zain shows himself to be the true master of this same lesson- as he's able to bring down Zakir at the very site of his earlier victory against The Atheist. He's also manages to literally tear down the footing of Zakir's followers with the explosion. On a deeper level, Zain is able to incite the same emotional zeal and lack of critical thinking in the crowd that Zakir used against The Atheist. If Zakir hadn't promoted madrasas where people were discouraged to think for themselves, they won't have been so quick to fall for Zain's appeal to emotion. While Zakir appealed to their piety, Zain is more practical- he appealed to their poverty. If the people were more critical thinkers they won't have accepted the forged letter so easily. They would have asked for a source for the letter. Actions have consequences. The Dork Knight: Rise Months have passed by since the event in TDKF. Zakir has recuperated enough to attempt to sneak back into Godham city. He's devastated by what he sees- Godham has gone to hell. The city is patrolled by Zain's men and Zakir has to stay hidden from them as well as most of the citizens. He happens to the run into the girl again, his spirits lifted to see her alive. The girl is stunned to see him but seems happy. Zakir confesses that he didn't think there'd be many who would be happy to see him. The girl replies that she never believed the lies Zain told about Zakir and that seeing him alive and back in the city was a sign from god. ''Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded''. Zakir who exploited the faithful for his own personal gains finally understands the true nature of faith. I'll skip ahead now. The climax: Zakir has just defeated Zane. The movie seems to have reached its glorious conclusion when Zakir is suddenly punched! His vision blurry and hazy, he turns to face his attacker- Zakir is flabbergasted to see the girl. Girl (whispering menacingly): Do you remember when we first met and you asked me if I had come to see you debate? Z: ye..yess Girl: I lied. I wasn't there to see you debate that day. ( She punches Zakir again. His vision starts to flicker and fade, flailing as he tries to grab onto something to steady himself) Girl: Do you remember the second time we met and you asked me again if I had come to see you at the meet? Z (falls silent and then replies) : Yes. Girl (punching Zakir again): I lied then too. It's then revealed that the girl had been there to see The Atheist. After Zakir defeated him, she swore revenge against him. She further reveals that it was she who contacted Zain and persuaded him to save Godham city from the likes of the wealthy and selfish like Zakir. She was the one, who gave Zain the idea of framing Zakir. She emphasises that she wanted to make sure Zakir would be seen as a traitor. Zakir asks her why she did all this and who she is. She reveals her name to be ( ____) and that of all the people Zakir managed to hurt and yet tried to keep as allies- the Jews, the Christians, even the extremists, there was one group he only hurt. Z: ''Who are you?'' Girl: I am an exmuslim. A traitor as you referred to us apostates - traitors who deserved death. DRAMATIC MUSIC!! Zakir then asks the girl why she allied with an extremist like Zain. She responds by saying that she only used Zain to get revenge on Zakir and that she knew it was only a matter of time before the moderates and extremists in Godham would tear each other apart. Z: You are insane! Girl: And you are dead! Guess who rides in and saves Zakir- Veena! Veena: You owe me that TV show now... And that's how Istigfhar came to air on Hero TV. True story submitted by Improvaganza to exmuslim [link] [2 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    Thirteen things are sunnah on the day of Eid
    Aug 19th 2012, 02:49
    To adorn oneself according to the Shariah. To have a bath. To use miswaak. To wear the best of clothing which one possesses. To apply perfume (athar). To wake up very early in the morning. To go early to the Eid prayer place. To eat something sweet, such as dates, before going to the Eid To give the sadaqatul fitr before going to the Eid prayer place. To offer the Eid prayer in the Eid prayer place. That is, one should not offer Eid prayer in the masjid without any valid reason. To return from the Eid prayer place taking a route that is different from the one that he had taken when going towards the Eid prayer place. To go to the Eid prayer place on foot Recite the following Takbir on the way to Salaat and until the beginning of Salaat-al-Eid: Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar. Laa ilaaha illallaah. Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar, Wa lillaahil Hamd. submitted by yakuza_azl to islam [link] [3 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    To Muslims: why did G-d bless Jacob for wrestling with him instead of submitting to him?
    Dec 1st 2012, 06:51
    the takbir is a statement that is precisely designed to induce submission of its stater to whatever circumstances are perceived as being caused by Allah. That submission to Allah is Islam. Now when Jacob encountered G-d in a dream, he did not submit. In fact, he spent the whole night wrestling with G-d. And in the morning, G-d blessed him for it and changed Jacobs name to "Israel", meaning "he who strove with G-d". Why did G-d bless Jacob for wrestling with him instead of submitting to his will? EDIT adding scripture source Genesis 32:29 כט וַיֹּאמֶר, לֹא יַעֲקֹב יֵאָמֵר עוֹד שִׁמְךָ--כִּי, אִם-יִשְׂרָאֵל: כִּי-שָׂרִיתָ עִם-אֱלֹהִים וְעִם-אֲנָשִׁים, וַתּוּכָל. 29 And he said: 'Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel; for thou hast striven with God and with men, and hast prevailed.' ל וַיִּשְׁאַל יַעֲקֹב, וַיֹּאמֶר הַגִּידָה-נָּא שְׁמֶךָ, וַיֹּאמֶר, לָמָּה זֶּה תִּשְׁאַל לִשְׁמִי; וַיְבָרֶךְ אֹתוֹ, שָׁם. 30 And Jacob asked him, and said: 'Tell me, I pray thee, thy name.' And he said: 'Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name?' And he blessed him there. submitted by metazionist to DebateReligion [link] [37 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    So Dad asked me to go to eid salat, so here I am, sitting in the masjid, listening to the crowd chanting their allahukbars.
    Aug 19th 2012, 13:21
    Yup! Posting to exmuslim while in the thick of it, totally one-upped the rest of you kafirs! The 'brother' leading the chanting is stopping every few moments telling everyone they have to donate money, natch. And the chanting? Total mob psychology at work. Sometimes I look around and think how many people here would lead entirely different lives if they weren't caught up in all this disillusionment. /rambling over Edit: brother just told everyone "alright brothers lets do the takbir together!" Mind control at work! Edit 2: I'm not trying to shit on anyone's day. In fact I enjoy eid for all the food and the chance to see some babes at the masjid! And by babes I mean black sheets with uncovered hands and feet. "Mmm-MM! Check out those flip flops bushra's wearing, and homegirl's niqab is givin me a flash of that cheekbone, my heart's racing brothers! I just may have to ask her white-gloved hand in marriage!" submitted by ExmuslimDude to exmuslim [link] [85 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    Hi, I'm not Islamic but I would like know what does "Allahu Akbar" actually mean?
    Nov 2nd 2013, 08:21
    Sorry if I come out a bit ignorant. I'm trying to learn what this truly means. Sometimes when I watch some videos from the Middle East, hear this phrase being said at the beginning and the end of things. I know that it means "God is great", but sometimes I hear it used when tragedy occurs. My friend and I argued that it could be that despite what is happening, the people are still praising to God to whatever good is still happening to them or that it could be an expression such as "oh my God" like they don't know what else to say. I Google'd it today and even read a bunch of pages on it as well as read the entire wiki page of Takbir. It has many variations of its usage, but I would like to humbly ask /r/islam if they would shine some light into this to clarify what it truly means from your experience to a person who isn't well familiar with Islam. Thanks! submitted by Setsk0n to islam [link] [4 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    Basic Guide to Factions in the Syrian Civil War - Part II - Syrian National Coalition
    Sep 2nd 2013, 06:14
    For those who want a basic guide to who's who in the Syrian Civil War, here is a list of all factions in the civil war with a short description of their goals, size, and allegiance. For the second part, here is a list of all those affiliated with the Syrian National Coalition, the main faction of rebel fighters fighting Assad's regime. Free Syrian Army - Secularist army of Syrian military defectors whose only goal is to overthrow President Bashar Al-Assad. Has 80,000 active personnel. Syrian Martyrs' Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is one of the largest rebel factions in Idlib Governorate, holding 7,000-12,000 fighters. Ammar bin Yassir Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named after one of the Prophet Muhammad's most loyal companions, the battalion based in Idlib Governorate is unknown in its size or if it has carried out any military action. Hamza Ali Al-Khateeb Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Dedicated to the memory of the 13-year old boy brutally murdered by the Syrian military, the battalion's only known information is that it is based in Idlib City. Al-Furqan Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named after the 25th Sura of the Quran, the battalion's only known information is that it is located in Idlib Province. Harmoush Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named after the top Syrian officer that defected to join the FSA, there is no known information about the unit besides its location in Idlib Province. Martyrs Ma'arat Nu'man Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the soldiers who died capturing Maarat Al-Nu'man for the Syrian rebellion, nothing is known about the battalion besides it location in Idlib Province. Shield of Islam Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Nothing is known about this battalion other than its location in Idlib Province. Salahedinne Al-Ayoubi Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named after the first Sultan of Egypt and Syria, the unit is based in Jisr al-Shughur, Idlib Province. Qashoush Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named after the anti-Syrian government singer who was violently murdered by the regime, the group is based in Hama City. Aboul Fidaa Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named after the Kurdish Ayyubid Dynasty prince for which a mosque and a crater on the moon is named for, the battalion is based in Hama Province. Saad bin Moaz Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is named for the noble companion of the Prophet Muhammad and the chief of the Banu Aus tribe in Medina. Al Nasser Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Its etymology is of unknown origin. Ziaab al-Ghab Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is named for the Al-Ghab Plain, a fertile depression in northwest Syria. Moawiyah bin Abi Sufian - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the establisher of the Umayyad Dynasty of the Caliphate, the group is based in Damascus. Houriyeh Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Aleppo. Ababeel Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Aleppo Province. Lions of Shahba Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the ancient Roman city in modern-day Syria, the unit is based in Aleppo Province. Saad Allah Al-Jabiri Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the two-time Prime Minister of Syria, the battalion is based in Aleppo Province. Omari Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the family that claims descent from Umar, the second Caliph of the Islamic Caliphate, the battalion is based in Daraa Province and the Hauran Plateau. Sultan Pasha Al-Atrash Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the Commander General of the Syrian Revolution, the battalion is based in As-Suwayda Province. Qassam Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the term for the armed wing of an Islamic movement, the unit is based in Jableh City in Latakia Province. Suqur Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Latakia City. Samer Nunu Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Tartus Province. Mishaal Tammo Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the assassinated Syrian politician who championed Kurdish rights, the unit is based in Kurdish Rebel-held Qamishli. Odai Al-Tayi Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Hasakah. Omar ibn Al-Khattab Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for Umar, the second Caliph of the Islamic Caliphate, the unit is based in Deir ez-Zor City. Moaz Al-Raqad Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Deir ez-Zor Province. Osoud Al-Sunna Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Deir ez-Zor Province. Zi Qar Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Deir ez-Zor Province. Al Moata Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Deir ez-Zor Province. Allahu Akbar Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the Takbir, the exclamation proclaiming god's excellence in Islam, the unit is based in Abu Kamal. Dawn of Freedom Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Homs Province. Ramy Al-Sayeed Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the Syrian journalist killed during an attack on Homs City, the unit is based in Homs Province. Rijal Al-Umma Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Homs Province. Tel Kalakh Martyrs' Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the fallen of the Battle of Tal Kalakh, the unit is based in Homs Province. Shuhada Al-Badiya Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Homs Province. Al-Karama Brigade - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the Arabic word for dignity, the unit is based in Homs Province. Ahmad Nayif Al-Sukhni Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Ar-Raqqah. Abu Obeidah bin Al-Jarrah Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for one of the Prophet Muhammad's companions and the designated successor to the Caliphate by Caliph Umar, the unit is based in Damascus Province. Souqour Dimashq Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is based in Damascus. Osama bin Laden Battalion - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. Named for the infamous former leader of Al-Qaeda, the unit is based in Damascus. Liwaa Al-Umma - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It is has upwards of 6,000 soldiers. Syrian Turkmen Brigades - Unit of the Free Syrian Army. It has 10,000 soldiers, 3,000 of which are stationed in Aleppo. The unit claims to be fighting for the rights of Turkmens in Syria. Syria Martyrs' Brigade - Group of civilian rebel fighters from Idlib Governorate. Claims to have 18,000 soldiers. Ghuraba Al-Sham - Secularist rebel fighters fighting for the establishment of a secularist democracy in Syria. Has 100 fighters, although they used to have 2,000 before a clash with Islamic fundamentalists decimated the force. Syrian Islamic Liberation Front - Coalition of Islamic rebel brigades allied with the Free Syrian Army. Claims to have between 35,000 to 40,000 soldiers. Al-Tawhid Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Claims to have between 3,500 to 10,000 militants in their ranks. Kurdish Saleheddine Battalion - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Suqour Al-Sham Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. The unit claims to have 9,000 soldiers and is based in Idlib Province. Farouq Brigades - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It claims to have between 14,000 to 20,000 soldiers and is based in Homs Province. Liwa Al-Islam - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It claims to have thousands of soldiers, but has never specified how many. It is based in Damascus and Rif Damashq. Deir ez-Zor Revolutionary Council - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is named for the sixth largest city in Syria. Tajamo Ansar Al-Islam - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Amr Ibn Al-Aas Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is named for the commander of the Islamic Invasion of Egypt. Army of Muhammad - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Hawks Brigades - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Qamishli Kurds - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Al-Naser Salaheddin - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Liwa Dawud - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Hawks Sham Brigades - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Farouq Islamic Brigades - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Banner of Islam - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Unification Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Council Rebels of Deir ez-Zor - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Furqan Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Hamza Al-Ansar Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Ebad Idlib Ma'arrat of Rahman Al-Nu'man Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Open Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Aleppo. Brigade of Homs - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Homs. Mohammed bin Abdullah Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Homs. Return of the Martyr Ahmed Battalion - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. National Liberation Movement - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Household Brigade - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Hama. Brigades of God - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Lattakia. Izz ibn Abd Al-Salam Bridgades - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Named for the "Sultan of the Scholars", the unit is based in Lattakia. Council of Banias - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Tartous. Tartous Military - Unit of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. It is based in Tartous. Ahfad Al-Rasul Brigade - Syrian Islamist rebel group unaffiliated with the Free Syrian Army that is funded by the Qatari government. Allied with the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. Has between 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers. Future Movement - Lebanese classical liberal political party. Lethal Military Support - Countries that ship weapons and men to the Syrian National Coalition. Turkey - Capitalist state. Ships firearms to the FSA. Saudi Arabia - Islamic Kingdom. Ships firearms to the FSA. Qatar - Islamic Kingdom. Ships firearms to the FSA and funding to the Ahfad Al-Rusal Brigade. Muslim Brotherhood of Syria - Islamic Democratic Organization. Ships firearms to the FSA. Non-Lethal Military Support - Countries that give logistical support, fuel, and other materials to assist the Syrian National Coalition. United States - Capitalist nuclear weapons state. Sends firearms and funding to the FSA. United Kingdom - Capitalist nuclear weapons state. Sends funding to the FSA. France - Capitalist/Socialist nuclear weapons state. Sends funding to the FSA. submitted by KingQajar to syriancivilwar [link] [19 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    Surah Al-Baqarah سورة البقرة Part Four
    Nov 16th 2013, 13:01
    Surah Al-Baqarah  سورة البقرة Tafsir: Al-Quranul Kareem - Ibn Kathir Chapter 2  Surah Al-Fatihah – The Opening Part Four Part One   Part Two   Part Three   Part Four   Part Five Part Four  Surat Al-Baqarah – The Cow 172. O you who believe (in [&#8230;]
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Nov 19th 2013, 01:09, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    Flizzow's 'HAVOC' Drops On December 7th!
    Nov 18th 2013, 09:49
    The president of Malaysian Hip-Hop, Joe Flizzow seems to be everywhere these days! From being plastered on buses to performing explosively with pyrotechnics at the recent Shout Awards, [&#8230;]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    kalifat - Social Mention
    Er hatte es in die U17-Auswahl des #DFB geschafft, zusammen mit heutigen Stars wie #SamiKhedira. Dann tauschte er die #Fußballschuhe gegen die Sandalen selbsternannter „#Djihadisten". Dies scheint #BurakKaran nun das Leben gekostet zu haben.
    Nov 18th 2013, 15:51
    Der frühere Fußballer und U17-Nationalspieler Burak Karan (Foto) ist offenbar bei Kämpfen in Syrien ums Leben gekommen. Deutsche Sicherheitskreise bestätigten am Montag auf dpa-Anfrage entsprechende Berichte der „Bild"-Zeitung und des Nachrichtenmagazins „Focus". Der junge Mann sei schon vor längere...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:22PM  

    Türken auf der ganzen Welt *-*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Türken auf der ganzen Welt *-*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    + Askim ben maca gidiyorum.
    - orda cok kiz olurmu ?
    + kime kiziyim ? :D
    - yav ki...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:23
    + Askim ben maca gidiyorum.
    - orda cok kiz olurmu ?
    + kime kiziyim ? :D
    - yav kiz olurmu diyoruuuumm -.-
    + tmm da neden kiziyim ? :D

    HAHAHAHAHAH wer kennt's noch ? :D

    Filiz ♥
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 islamismus - Social Mention: Ein anhaltend negatives Medienbild könne Vorurteile verstärken. Umso wichtiger sei daher eine ausgewogene Medienberichterstattung, die auf Stereotype verzichte. Bisher, so konstatiert der SVR, ist das aber nicht der Fall: „Medienanalysen belegen, dass in der Berichterstattung über Muslime und den Islam in den letzten Jahren eine negativ konnotierte Berichterstattung deutlich überwog." Dabei sei allerdings nicht die Darstellung negativer Sachverhalte an sich problematisch, wohl aber die Häufung der Negativberichterstattung und die zu wenigen Berichte über das Gelingen von Integration und den Alltag in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft auf der anderen Seite. Es mangele beispielsweise bis heute an einer Berichterstattung, die die Leistungen von Zuwanderern für das Gemeinwesen wertschätzte.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:23PM  

    islamismus - Social Mention
    Ein anhaltend negatives Medienbild könne Vorurteile verstärken. Umso wichtiger sei daher eine ausgewogene Medienberichterstattung, die auf Stereotype verzichte. Bisher, so konstatiert der SVR, ist das aber nicht der Fall: „Medienanalysen belegen, dass in der Berichterstattung über Muslime und den Islam in den letzten Jahren eine negativ konnotierte Berichterstattung deutlich überwog." Dabei sei allerdings nicht die Darstellung negativer Sachverhalte an sich problematisch, wohl aber die Häufung der Negativberichterstattung und die zu wenigen Berichte über das Gelingen von Integration und den Alltag in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft auf der anderen Seite. Es mangele beispielsweise bis heute an einer Berichterstattung, die die Leistungen von Zuwanderern für das Gemeinwesen wertschätzte.
    Nov 17th 2013, 16:43
    An diesem Dienstag hat der Forschungsbereich beim Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration (SVR) die 30-seitige Kurzstudie: „Muslime in der Mehrheitsgesellschaft: Medienbild und Alltagserfahrungen in Deutschland" veröffentlicht. Das gemeinsam mit der Stiftung Mercantor…
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:22PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Khalifa Foundation receives support from ADFD
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:51
    The Gulf Today - Found 31 minutes agoABU DHABI: The Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation has received financial support from the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) to support the Cameron's 11th hour push - CNN Cameron push for Middle East contracts - CNN Cameron push for Middle East contracts - CNN Cameron push for Middle East contracts - CNN Explore All The Gulf Today
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Nov 19th 2013, 00:58, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


 khalifa - Social Mention: amigos Recarregar Aderito Lucio Rodrigues Rodrigues ● Adilson Antonio Fernandes ● Adilson C. Fti Bandario ● Agostinho Vasconçelos da Zap ● Aminatta Amina ● Ana Paula Laurindo ● Benjamim Sérgio Serafim Pereira ● Benvindo Muanda Bv ● Celestino Milk Leandro ● Claudia Campos Miranda ● Daniel Chimbily ● Delfina Antonio Deth Sebastião ● Deuza Manucha Janeth ● Dorii Xando Dance ● Dumild Alfredo Nzengo Dala ● Edgar Nunes Tavares Neutro ● Edvania Mauricio ● Esperança Augusto Dos Santos ● Exchanzs Bebutcham Do ● Fernando Da Boíìnha Mutanda ● Flávio Gonçalves Brandão Flávio ● Gelson Antonio Jack ● Iracelma Antonio Miguel ● Isabel Cristina Marcolino Vicente ● Joana Dos Santos ● Joaquin Sigunada Sabilov Yebba ● Jose Augusto Monteiro ● José Andrade Interteime Convencido ● Julia Marisa ● Kaila Gega ● Luzineidy De Sousa Hebo ● Manuel Kiala Milo-g ● Miloy Do Pongue Digno ● Moralista Filho de Paulina ● Nelpas Andre Nelpas ● Nelson Manuel Das Guiidjóh ● Paulo Hélder Khalifa Fernando ● Pedro Signo ● Raul Ngiezi ● Suzana Dias Su ● Telma Chokapik ● Zilmeira M Salvador ● Ziza Basil Simão Basil
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:22PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    amigos Recarregar Aderito Lucio Rodrigues Rodrigues ● Adilson Antonio Fernandes ● Adilson C. Fti Bandario ● Agostinho Vasconçelos da Zap ● Aminatta Amina ● Ana Paula Laurindo ● Benjamim Sérgio Serafim Pereira ● Benvindo Muanda Bv ● Celestino Milk Leandro ● Claudia Campos Miranda ● Daniel Chimbily ● Delfina Antonio Deth Sebastião ● Deuza Manucha Janeth ● Dorii Xando Dance ● Dumild Alfredo Nzengo Dala ● Edgar Nunes Tavares Neutro ● Edvania Mauricio ● Esperança Augusto Dos Santos ● Exchanzs Bebutcham Do ● Fernando Da Boíìnha Mutanda ● Flávio Gonçalves Brandão Flávio ● Gelson Antonio Jack ● Iracelma Antonio Miguel ● Isabel Cristina Marcolino Vicente ● Joana Dos Santos ● Joaquin Sigunada Sabilov Yebba ● Jose Augusto Monteiro ● José Andrade Interteime Convencido ● Julia Marisa ● Kaila Gega ● Luzineidy De Sousa Hebo ● Manuel Kiala Milo-g ● Miloy Do Pongue Digno ● Moralista Filho de Paulina ● Nelpas Andre Nelpas ● Nelson Manuel Das Guiidjóh ● Paulo Hélder Khalifa Fernando ● Pedro Signo ● Raul Ngiezi ● Suzana Dias Su ● Telma Chokapik ● Zilmeira M Salvador ● Ziza Basil Simão Basil
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:21
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:22PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Abecedario de Famosos. Terminado A- Adele. B- Bruno Mars C- Carly Rae Jepsen D- Danielle Peazer E- Ed Sheeran F- Fergie G- Garbage H- Harry Styles I- Imagine Dragons J- Jonh Lennon K- Katy Perry L- Liam Payne y Louis Tomlinson (Puse los dos por pedido de una fan y porque no puedo hacer preferencia entre mis bebés:( ) M- Maroon 5 N- Niall Horan O- Olly Murs P- Paul McCartney Q- Queen R- Ross Lynch S- Selena Gomez T- The fray U- Union J V- Vanessa Hudgens W- Wiz Khalifa X- Ximena Sariñana Y- Yuya (? xDD Z- Zayn Malik #Mariposasexi
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:13
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:22PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Hospital celebrates breastfeeding week
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:51
    The Gulf Today - Found 31 minutes ago... and offered education sessions for the young women and moms-to-be at the Higher Colleges of Technology, Khalifa City A campus," said Sheri... Tuesday: New mums 'paid' to breastfeed - BBC Money for breastfeeding mothers - OnMedicanet Boise, Idaho-Nursing Innovation Award to Help Fund Online ... - Advance for Nurses Corniche Hospital celebrates National Breastfeeding Week - MENAFN Explore All BBC
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 khalifa - Social Mention: ● Assinada pelo sacana do Ferri, a Acid invade o Rio como uma Mega Party nunca vista antes em nossa cidade maravilhosa! Confirme já sua presença neste evento que vai re-inventar a cena! ★★★ 100LITROS de Caipirinha Liberada! ★ REFIL ★★★ ★★★ 100LITROS de Caipirinha Liberada! ★ REFIL ★★★ Servidos de 3 em 3 galões em frente ao bar - sem controle algum, você se serve á vontade! ► Shots Ferrizards O perigoso Shot Flamejante da Ferri Party ► RedCups da Ferri Party ► Dark Room climatizado com essência de chocolate ► ► tattoo pra guria mais gata da noite ► ► piercing pro guri mais gato da noite ► Maquiagem Glow ► Performances de pirotecnia *Malabares de Fogo ██ LINE IN ██ COM CHUVA DE CHAMPAGNE! ► Deep Delic - Residente Insônia / 4Life / Biologic ► Mask - Residente Ferri Party ► Rickee - Residente Ferri Party / Flush ►► MEGA SHOW com as Bandas ► System of a Down - xxx ► Charlie Brown Jr & outros - Baroni ██ ANTECIPADOS ██ ● ● ● 1 lote 10$: Gatas 20$: Gatos ● ● ● 2 lote 15$: Gatas 25$: Gatos ● ● ● Na hora ??: Gatas ??: Gatos ★Produtora Ferrievents - Liberte essa Chama dentro de você Koé ● Ferri Party ● Partynalta Rio ● Acid
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:22PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    ● Assinada pelo sacana do Ferri, a Acid invade o Rio como uma Mega Party nunca vista antes em nossa cidade maravilhosa! Confirme já sua presença neste evento que vai re-inventar a cena! ★★★ 100LITROS de Caipirinha Liberada! ★ REFIL ★★★ ★★★ 100LITROS de Caipirinha Liberada! ★ REFIL ★★★ Servidos de 3 em 3 galões em frente ao bar - sem controle algum, você se serve á vontade! ► Shots Ferrizards O perigoso Shot Flamejante da Ferri Party ► RedCups da Ferri Party ► Dark Room climatizado com essência de chocolate ► ► tattoo pra guria mais gata da noite ► ► piercing pro guri mais gato da noite ► Maquiagem Glow ► Performances de pirotecnia *Malabares de Fogo ██ LINE IN ██ COM CHUVA DE CHAMPAGNE! ► Deep Delic - Residente Insônia / 4Life / Biologic ► Mask - Residente Ferri Party ► Rickee - Residente Ferri Party / Flush ►► MEGA SHOW com as Bandas ► System of a Down - xxx ► Charlie Brown Jr & outros - Baroni ██ ANTECIPADOS ██ ● ● ● 1 lote 10$: Gatas 20$: Gatos ● ● ● 2 lote 15$: Gatas 25$: Gatos ● ● ● Na hora ??: Gatas ??: Gatos ★Produtora Ferrievents - Liberte essa Chama dentro de você Koé ● Ferri Party ● Partynalta Rio ● Acid
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:14
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 khalifa - Social Mention: Acesso gratuito, cortesia da UNITEL. Pesquisar Página Inicial Perfil Amigos (18) Mensagens Notificações (32) Chat (55) Mais amigos Recarregar Adolzineth Austragézila Adolossi ● Agnaldo Luis Filipe ● Alexandre Severino Alex ● Ana Judith Criado ● Ana Sara ● Angelina Kativa Jeny ● António Canjango Kuliyeya ● Aparicia Neide Chayne ● Bernada Edlandia Praia ● Bino B-nice Bsb ● Bruna Taynara Correia Pituliitah ● Carla Pedro Cp ● Crisneldy Alexandra ● D'janiiela Colöriida ● Daniel Beiby Stado Timotcho ● Daniela Wayne Khalifa ● Disiany Daniela Bronziada Marcial ● Dito Osvaldo Dito ● Dociany Reis Esteves Dociany ● Dudas Manuel Bsb ● Edna Ângela Lopez ● Elisandra Soares Elisandra ● Fatima Jorge ● Fellicilynee Chukulatynee Perrony ● Fernandinho Dibodá ● Fernando Laifante Jose ● Feroy Flávio Bsb ● Gerson Ricardo Capingana Gersonithas ● Ilda Viana ● Ivalina Hamuyela Marleny ● Jacira Alexandre ● Jalsiro Mutchatcho Jota ● Jonas Timotcho Criado ● José Tomás Tchabalala ● Luísa Daniela De Jesus ● Manucha Chokapike Pires ● Maria Das Perola Amaral ● Marïïa Camella ● Melaniia Eliias ● Milu Mario Milu ● Natacha Crisostomo Natacha ● Natalia Da Costa Costa ● Oricia De Melo Ricardo ● Paula Cristina Paula ● Prisciclenny Do Céu Bandeira ● Rosany Filipe Filipe ● Solange Famy Daúmata Soleya ● Telma Tchitomba Telma ● Teresa Daniel Tetinha ● Victoria Vissany ● Willy Seteco Gabriel ● Yolana de Freitas ● Zulmira Fernanda ● Érica Madalena ● Ëünïcë Dïätämär ● Desligar o cht
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:22PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Acesso gratuito, cortesia da UNITEL. Pesquisar Página Inicial Perfil Amigos (18) Mensagens Notificações (32) Chat (55) Mais amigos Recarregar Adolzineth Austragézila Adolossi ● Agnaldo Luis Filipe ● Alexandre Severino Alex ● Ana Judith Criado ● Ana Sara ● Angelina Kativa Jeny ● António Canjango Kuliyeya ● Aparicia Neide Chayne ● Bernada Edlandia Praia ● Bino B-nice Bsb ● Bruna Taynara Correia Pituliitah ● Carla Pedro Cp ● Crisneldy Alexandra ● D'janiiela Colöriida ● Daniel Beiby Stado Timotcho ● Daniela Wayne Khalifa ● Disiany Daniela Bronziada Marcial ● Dito Osvaldo Dito ● Dociany Reis Esteves Dociany ● Dudas Manuel Bsb ● Edna Ângela Lopez ● Elisandra Soares Elisandra ● Fatima Jorge ● Fellicilynee Chukulatynee Perrony ● Fernandinho Dibodá ● Fernando Laifante Jose ● Feroy Flávio Bsb ● Gerson Ricardo Capingana Gersonithas ● Ilda Viana ● Ivalina Hamuyela Marleny ● Jacira Alexandre ● Jalsiro Mutchatcho Jota ● Jonas Timotcho Criado ● José Tomás Tchabalala ● Luísa Daniela De Jesus ● Manucha Chokapike Pires ● Maria Das Perola Amaral ● Marïïa Camella ● Melaniia Eliias ● Milu Mario Milu ● Natacha Crisostomo Natacha ● Natalia Da Costa Costa ● Oricia De Melo Ricardo ● Paula Cristina Paula ● Prisciclenny Do Céu Bandeira ● Rosany Filipe Filipe ● Solange Famy Daúmata Soleya ● Telma Tchitomba Telma ● Teresa Daniel Tetinha ● Victoria Vissany ● Willy Seteco Gabriel ● Yolana de Freitas ● Zulmira Fernanda ● Érica Madalena ● Ëünïcë Dïätämär ● Desligar o cht
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:14
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 khalifa - Social Mention: ( #مہلآإבظٍـًہة : مہمہטּوُعً مہڑوُڑ #آإلآإصًـٍـًہטּآإمہ ) .................................................................... قمــــة الـوصـــــل أن تصــــل مــــن قطعـــــك ،،، وقمـــة الإحســان أن تُحسـن لمــن أســـاء لــك ،،، وقمــــة التســامـــــح أن تعفــــو عمــن ظلمــــك ،،، وقمـــة القمـــم أن يكــــون كـــــل ذلـــــك لـوجــــه الله ... .................................................................... ʂἔмὄ ᾄłм ḋᾄʀ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬●●●●●●●●▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ #أهہـدٍأء لجْمہيًّعً ألمہڜأرُڱيّنہ #أليّسُأ ... تًعًبِتً مہنہڱ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬●●●●●●●●▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:22PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    ( #مہلآإבظٍـًہة : مہمہטּوُعً مہڑوُڑ #آإلآإصًـٍـًہטּآإمہ ) .................................................................... قمــــة الـوصـــــل أن تصــــل مــــن قطعـــــك ،،، وقمـــة الإحســان أن تُحسـن لمــن أســـاء لــك ،،، وقمــــة التســامـــــح أن تعفــــو عمــن ظلمــــك ،،، وقمـــة القمـــم أن يكــــون كـــــل ذلـــــك لـوجــــه الله ... .................................................................... ʂἔмὄ ᾄłм ḋᾄʀ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬●●●●●●●●▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ #أهہـدٍأء لجْمہيًّعً ألمہڜأرُڱيّنہ #أليّسُأ ... تًعًبِتً مہنہڱ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬●●●●●●●●▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:19
    Teebt Mennak Video Clip تعبت منك فيديو كليب حمل هذه الأغنية : Download this song : Téléchargez cette chanso...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:22PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    turnt up i turn that loud up smoking tht og no redgie/ khalifa with some kefa/ that yum b the one to numb your toungue from a bong/ smoking on that potent feeling like im floatin looking like im asian cuz my eyes barely open/ idk where im going or what im doing get so high i can touch the sky i cnt function right sipping on that lean got me trippin idk if the room is spining or im dreaming
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:15
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:22PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    essis e k estao a carregar o f.b admilson Melaço Pereira ● Aldair Stufanio ● Ana Cristiane Rodrigues ● Carina Bessa ● Claudia Sousa ● Claudya Soares Andrade ● Elisa Giassula Gilberto ● Erica Pereira ● Felíciandra Martins ● Filomena Patricia ● Gizela Elizeth Paiva Paiva ● Isabel Paula Chipalanga Capembe ● Joveth Ganstar Malungo ● King Boss D IIdeia ● Laurentino Kundi Chef D'lev ● Leonardo Mauro M A ● Leonel Bento Caebo ● Leuziany Da Loock ● Lityandra Licinia Miguel ● Marcos Freitas Marcos ● Maya Diogo ● Mayara Pinheiro ● Medelin Curvilineo ● Nair De Oliveira Lorranah ● Osi Blessing ● Osvaldo Fernandes ● Sindia Yhelissa Kiss ● Suridisinilvandra Khalifa Wayne ● Yasmin Evaristo ●
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:14
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:22PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Behind The Scenes: Machine Gun Kelly Ft. Wiz Khalifa - Mind Of A Stoner [Video]: Video After The Jump Machine Gun Kelly and Wiz Khalifa link up to shoot an official music video for their collaboration "Mind Of A Stoner." Produced By Dre$ki and Brian Empire. Here's some behind the scenes...
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:20
    Video After The Jump Machine Gun Kelly and Wiz Khalifa link up to shoot an official music video for their collaboration "Mind Of A Stoner." Produced By Dre$ki and Brian Empire. Here's some behind the scenes footage from the shoot. This is off of MGK's Black Flag project. Download it for...
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 khalifa - Social Mention: Rymal's iMovies Nearing the end of our first unit, Structures Around the World, students worked together in making a culminating presentation using iMovie. Through this unit we learned about The Burj Khalifa, The Eiffel Tower, The Spinnaker Tower, The Seattle Space Needle, and The Petronas Twin Towers. We discussed and demonstrated engineering principles of foundation, support, and balance. We discussed mathematical principles of vertical height, a unit for measuring length (feet), symmetry and asymmetry, and lines of symmetry. In focusing on science we discussed gravity and energy. With our iPads, we used the Camera and it's features, Google Earth, Skitch, and iMovie. The most engaging portion of STEM has undoubtedly been building with the wooden blocks. Each day I was amazed with the design process students underwent in order to build and rebuild their structures!
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:22PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Rymal's iMovies Nearing the end of our first unit, Structures Around the World, students worked together in making a culminating presentation using iMovie. Through this unit we learned about The Burj Khalifa, The Eiffel Tower, The Spinnaker Tower, The Seattle Space Needle, and The Petronas Twin Towers. We discussed and demonstrated engineering principles of foundation, support, and balance. We discussed mathematical principles of vertical height, a unit for measuring length (feet), symmetry and asymmetry, and lines of symmetry. In focusing on science we discussed gravity and energy. With our iPads, we used the Camera and it's features, Google Earth, Skitch, and iMovie. The most engaging portion of STEM has undoubtedly been building with the wooden blocks. Each day I was amazed with the design process students underwent in order to build and rebuild their structures!
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:21
    Nearing the end of our first unit, Structures Around the World, students worked together in making a culminating presentation using iMovie. Through this unit we…
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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen
Nov 19th 2013, 00:48, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:21PM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:17
    Assalamu'alaikuM Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh MUHASABAH SEPERTIGA MALAMKU Bismillah, Meski berkali telah hancur, namun keping ini tetap bangkit, tak kenal rapuh. Meski kerap berjumpa kecewa, tapi ikhlas telah menjelma bulir pada senyum airmata ku. AKU MILIK ALLAH tidak ada kekuatan sedikitpun melainkan sedikit karuniaNya padaku. AKU MILIK ALLAH tidak untukmu, juga bukan untuk mereka. AKU MILIK ALLAH bahkan bukan milikku sendiri. AKU MILIK ALLAH betapa mudah bagiNya-- "ALLAH AZZA WA JALLA" --membulak balikkanku, dan aku berada diantara dua ujung jemari Ar-Rahman. AKU MILIK ALLAH "HATI INI MILIKNYA" Hanya Allah Pemilikku.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:21PM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    Setan itu musuh yg nyata bagimu,yg bercokol didalam hati dan pikiran. Mari kita belajar dan berjuang melawannya, karena itu jg termasuk jihad :) Allahuakbar
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:23
    5 Tingkatan Manusia Dalam Shalat Kelompok pertama akan disiksa. Kelompok kedua akan diperhitungkan amalnya. Kelompok ketiga akan dihapus dosanya. Kelompok keempat akan diberi balasan pahala. Dan kelompok kelima akan mendapat tempat yang dekat dengan Tuhannya, kerana dia menjadi bagian dari orang yang ketenteraman hatinya ada di dalam shalat. Barangsiapa yang tenteram hatinya dengan shalat di dunia, maka hatinya akan tenteram dengan kedekatannya kepada Tuhan di akhirat dan akan tenteram pula hatinya di dunia. Barangsiapa yang hatinya merasa tenteram dengan Allah SWT ,maka semua orang akan merasa tenteram dengannya. Dan barangsiapa yang hatinya tidak bisa merasa tenteram dengan Allah ta'ala , maka jiwanya akan terpotong-potong karena penyesalan terhadap dunia. (Al-Wabil Ath-Thayyib, Ibnul Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, hal 25-29) Ibnul Qayyim Al-Jauziyah mengatakan bahwa lima tingkatan manusia di dalam shalat: 1. Tingkatan orang yang zhalim kepada dirinya dan teledor. yaitu, orang yang kurang sempurna dalam wudhunya, waktu shalatnya, batas-batasnya dan rukun-rukunnya. 2. Orang yang bisa menjaga waktu-waktunya, batas-batasnya, rukun-rukunnya yang sifatnya lahiriyah, dan juga wudhunya, tetapi tidak berupaya keras untuk menghilangkan bisikan jahat dari dalam dirinya. Maka dia pun terbang bersama bisikan jahat dan pikirannya. 3. Orang yang bisa menjaga batas-batasnya dan rukun-rukunnya. Ia berupaya keras untuk mengusir bisikan jahat dan pikiran lain dari dalam dirinya, sehingga dia terus-menerus sibuk berjuang melawan musuhnya agar jangan sampai berhasil mencuri shalatnya. Maka, dia sedang berada di dalam shalat, sekaligus jihad. 4. Orang yang melaksanakan shalat dengan menyempurnakan hak-haknya, rukun-rukunnya, dan batas-batasnya. Hatinya larut dalam upaya memelihara batas-batas dan hak-haknya, agar dia tidak menyia-nyiakan sedikitpun darinya. Bahkan seluruh perhatiannya tercurah untuk melaksanakannya sebagaimana mestinya, dengan cara yang sesempurna dan selengkap mungkin. Jadi, hatinya dirasuki oleh urusan shalat dan penyembahan kepada Tuhan di dalamnya. 5. Orang yang melaksanakan shalat dengan sempurna. Dia mengambil hatinya dan meletakkannya di hadapan Tuhan. Dia memandang dan memperhatikanNya dengan hatinya yang dipenuhi rasa cinta dan hormat kepadaNya. Dia melihatNya dan menyaksikanNya secara langsung. Bisikan dan pikiran jahat tersebut telah melemah. Hijab antara dia dengan Tuhannya telah diangkat. Jarak antara shalat semacam ini dengan shalat yang lainnya lebih tinggi dan lebih besar daripada jarak antara langit dan bumi. Di dalam shalatnya, dia sibuk dengan Tuhannya. Dia merasa tenteram lewat shalat. SUBHANALLAH Semoga ALLAH senantiasa membimbing kita agar kita menjadi hamba-Nya yang termasuk dalam golongan 'mendirikan shalat', jauh dari maksiat, dan peka terhadap fakir miskin dan anak yatim. Aamiin Silahkan Klik "SUKA" dan "BAGIKAN", Jika dinilai baik & bermanfaat bagi sahabat semua. Semoga menjadi kebaikan Kita semua. (Cantumkan jika ada doa khusus, agar kami para jamaah bisa mengaminkannya) Ya ALLAH... ✔ Muliakanlah orang yang membaca tausiah ini ✔ Entengkanlah kakinya untuk melangkah ke masjid ✔ Lapangkanlah hatinya ✔ Bahagiakanlah keluarganya ✔ Luaskan rezekinya seluas lautan ✔ Mudahkan segala urusannya ✔ Kabulkan cita-citanya ✔ Jauhkan dari segala Musibah ✔ Jauhkan dari segala Penyakit,Fitnah,Prasangka Keji,Berkata Kasar dan Mungkar. ✔ Dan dekatkanlah jodohnya untuk orang yang membaca dan membagikan tausiah ini. Aamiin ya Rabbal'alamin
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:21PM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:22
    اس ویڈیو کو ضرور دیکھیں۔۔۔اللہ کا واسطہ ہے پانچ منٹ کی ویڈیو ہے شیطان ہمیشہ یہ وسوسہ ڈالتا ہے کہ کیا ضرورت ہے توبہ کرنے کی۔۔بہت عمر پڑی ہے،کر لیں گے توبہ۔۔۔موت سے پہلے توبہ کر لیں گے۔۔ابھی تو جوان ہیں۔بوڑھے ہونا ہے پھر بیمار ہونا ہے ،بستر سے لگنا ہے پھر نزع کا عالم آئے گا پھر توبہ کر لیں گے نہیں نہیں ہرگز نہیں موت کب کہاں کس عمر میں کیسے دبوچ لے کچھ پتا نہیں یہ نہ ہو کہ جب موت دبوچے ہم بنا توبہ کے ہوں اور ہمیشہ کے لیے جنہم کی آگ مقدر بن جائے اللہ پاک ہمیں ایسی صورت حال سے بچائےآمین یہ ویڈیو کسی فلم کا حصہ نہیں کسی شوٹنگ کا حصہ نہیں بلکہ چند کلپس کا مجموعہ ہے جس میں آپ دیکھ سکتے ہیں کہ روز مرہ کے کام کرتے کرتے کیسے اچانک موت نے آ دبوچا۔ اس ویڈیو کو ضرور دیکھیں۔۔۔اللہ کا واسطہ ہے پانچ منٹ کی ویڈیو ہے جس نے مجھے اندر تک ہلا دیا ہے۔ اور میں نے عہد کیا ہے اٹھتے بیٹھے اب اللہ سے ہمیشہ توبہ کرنی ہے مغفرت طلب کرنی ہے ان شاء اللہ آپ بھی دیکھیں۔۔۔۔اور استغفار کی کثرت کو اپنا معمول بنا لیں
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:21PM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    Allahuakbar.. next saudi arabia...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:48
    انشر الفيديو لا تجعله يقف حتى يراه ظالم ويتذكر ان الله اكبر من تكبر نسي ان الله اكبر قل سبحان الله ولا تتردد في نشرها share ليراها من تكبر ان الله كبير وقوي ونحن ضعاف امامه محبى الشيخ محمد العريفى انضموا الينا
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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen
Nov 19th 2013, 00:33, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:21PM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:08
    Baru ini seorang sahabat saya berniaga. Dia buat pemasaran tapi tidak berjaya. Dia usaha pelbagai cara. Tapi tiada orang datang. Cara marketing biasa melalui radio juga dia tidak dapat. Dia jumpa saya tanya nak buat macam mana. Hidup semakin sempit. Susah. Dan macam jalan mati katanya. Allah sayang kita. Dia nak hati kita sentiasa padanya. Saya kata jaga solat berjemaah. Janji Allah rezeki dalam solat berjemaah. Belajar minta Redha dan kasih sayang Allah. Dia ada mak maka saya kata khidmat pada mak. Beri sedekah pada orang susah. Pagi tu dia ada appoinment. Dalam dompet ada rm300 sahaja. Tiada simpanan lain. Dia ambil rm200 bagi pada maknya. Rm 20 dia beri kepada seorang susah yang minta padanya. Dalam apoinment pagi tu dia dapat projek yang besar yang harganya RM 32 ribu dan dapat cek dalam masa 2 hari. Allah nak mudahkan rezeki kita melalui amal soleh. Khidmat pada ibu kerana Allah. Allah Maha Kaya....Allah Pemberi rezeki. Orang ingkar pada Allah dunia ini hanya darul asbab. Orang beriman dunia ini darul a'mal ( usaha,doa, tawakal,amal soleh, jujur, ikhlas)- ebit lew.
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 allahu akbar - Social Mention: Apakah TUHAN Benar-benar Ada? (3 Pertanyaan, 1 Jawaban) Ada seorang pemuda yang lama sekolah di luar negeri, ia telah kembali ke tanah air, sesampainya di rumah ia meminta kepada orang tuanya untuk mencari seorang guru agama (ustadz)/siapapun yang bisa menjawab 3 pertanyaan darinya. Akhirnya orang tua pemuda itu mendapatkan orang tersebut. Pemuda :: (Dengan nada sombong pemuda itu bertanya) Anda siapa...?? Dan apakah bisa menjawab pertanyaan saya...?? Ustadz :: Saya hanya hamba ALLAH & dengan izinnya saya akan menjawab pertanyaan Anda. Pemuda :: (Tetap dengan nada sombong) Anda yakin....?? Sedang profesor & banyak orang pintar saja tidak mampu menjawab pertanyaan saya. Ustadz :: Saya akan mencoba sejauh kemampuan saya...!! Pemuda :: Saya punya 3 buah pertanyaan...?? 1. Kalau memang TUHAN itu ada, tunjukkan wujud TUHAN kepada saya? 2. Apakah yang dinamakan TAKDIR...?? 3. Kalau SETAN diciptakan dari api, kenapa dimasukan ke neraka yang dibuat dari api, tentu tidak menyakitkan buat setan, sebab mereka memiliki unsur yang sama? Apakah TUHAN tidak pernah berfikir sejauh itu? Tiba-tiba pemuka agama tersebut menampar pipi si pemuda dengan keras. (sambil menahan sakit) si Pemuda berkata :: Pemuda :: Kenapa...?? Anda marah kepada saya...?? Ustadz :: Saya tidak marah...!!! Tamparan itu adalah jawaban saya atas 3 buah pertanyaan yang anda ajukan kepada saya...!! Pemuda :: Saya sungguh-sungguh tidak mengerti...??!! Ustadz :: Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya...??!! Pemuda :: Tentu saja saya merasakan sakit...!! Ustadz :: Jadi Anda percaya bahwa sakit itu ada...?!! Pemuda :: Ya... Percaya...!! Ustadz :: Tunjukan pada saya wujud sakit itu...??!! Pemuda :: Saya tidak bisa...!! Ustadz :: Itulah jawaban pertanyaan pertama, kita semua merasakan keberadaan TUHAN tanpa mampu melihat wujudnya. Ustadz :: Apakah tadi malam anda bermimpi akan ditampar oleh saya..??!! Pemuda :: Tidak...!! Ustadz:: Apakah pernah terpikir oleh Anda akan menerima sebuah tamparan dari saya hari ini...??!! Pemuda :: Tidak...!! Ustadz :: Itulah yang dinamakan TAKDIR...!! Ustadz :: Terbuat dari apakah tangan yang saya gunakan untuk menampar anda...??!! Pemuda :: Kulit...!! Ustadz :: Terbuat dari apa pipi Anda...??!! Pemuda :: Kulit...!! Ustadz :: Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya...??!! Pemuda :: Sakit...!! Ustadz :: Walaupun setan terbuat dari api dan neraka terbuat dari api, jika TUHAN berkehendak, maka neraka akan menjadi tempat menyakitkan bagi setan. MASIHKAH ANDA MERAGUKAN KEHADIRAN 'TUHAN' DALAM HARI- HARI ANDA ? Sampaikanlah kepada orang lain, maka ini akan menjadi Shadaqah Jariyah pada setiap orang yang Anda kirimkan pesan ini. Dan apabila kemudian dia mengamalkannya, maka kamu juga akan ikut mendapat pahalanya sampai hari kiamat... Sebarkan pada semua kenalan anda. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Barangsiapa yang menyampaikan 1 (satu) ilmu saja dan ada orang yang mengamalkan, maka walaupun yang menyampaikan sudah tiada (meninggal dunia), dia akan tetap memperoleh pahala. ____________________________ ( Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. )
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:20PM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    Apakah TUHAN Benar-benar Ada? (3 Pertanyaan, 1 Jawaban) Ada seorang pemuda yang lama sekolah di luar negeri, ia telah kembali ke tanah air, sesampainya di rumah ia meminta kepada orang tuanya untuk mencari seorang guru agama (ustadz)/siapapun yang bisa menjawab 3 pertanyaan darinya. Akhirnya orang tua pemuda itu mendapatkan orang tersebut. Pemuda :: (Dengan nada sombong pemuda itu bertanya) Anda siapa...?? Dan apakah bisa menjawab pertanyaan saya...?? Ustadz :: Saya hanya hamba ALLAH & dengan izinnya saya akan menjawab pertanyaan Anda. Pemuda :: (Tetap dengan nada sombong) Anda yakin....?? Sedang profesor & banyak orang pintar saja tidak mampu menjawab pertanyaan saya. Ustadz :: Saya akan mencoba sejauh kemampuan saya...!! Pemuda :: Saya punya 3 buah pertanyaan...?? 1. Kalau memang TUHAN itu ada, tunjukkan wujud TUHAN kepada saya? 2. Apakah yang dinamakan TAKDIR...?? 3. Kalau SETAN diciptakan dari api, kenapa dimasukan ke neraka yang dibuat dari api, tentu tidak menyakitkan buat setan, sebab mereka memiliki unsur yang sama? Apakah TUHAN tidak pernah berfikir sejauh itu? Tiba-tiba pemuka agama tersebut menampar pipi si pemuda dengan keras. (sambil menahan sakit) si Pemuda berkata :: Pemuda :: Kenapa...?? Anda marah kepada saya...?? Ustadz :: Saya tidak marah...!!! Tamparan itu adalah jawaban saya atas 3 buah pertanyaan yang anda ajukan kepada saya...!! Pemuda :: Saya sungguh-sungguh tidak mengerti...??!! Ustadz :: Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya...??!! Pemuda :: Tentu saja saya merasakan sakit...!! Ustadz :: Jadi Anda percaya bahwa sakit itu ada...?!! Pemuda :: Ya... Percaya...!! Ustadz :: Tunjukan pada saya wujud sakit itu...??!! Pemuda :: Saya tidak bisa...!! Ustadz :: Itulah jawaban pertanyaan pertama, kita semua merasakan keberadaan TUHAN tanpa mampu melihat wujudnya. Ustadz :: Apakah tadi malam anda bermimpi akan ditampar oleh saya..??!! Pemuda :: Tidak...!! Ustadz:: Apakah pernah terpikir oleh Anda akan menerima sebuah tamparan dari saya hari ini...??!! Pemuda :: Tidak...!! Ustadz :: Itulah yang dinamakan TAKDIR...!! Ustadz :: Terbuat dari apakah tangan yang saya gunakan untuk menampar anda...??!! Pemuda :: Kulit...!! Ustadz :: Terbuat dari apa pipi Anda...??!! Pemuda :: Kulit...!! Ustadz :: Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya...??!! Pemuda :: Sakit...!! Ustadz :: Walaupun setan terbuat dari api dan neraka terbuat dari api, jika TUHAN berkehendak, maka neraka akan menjadi tempat menyakitkan bagi setan. MASIHKAH ANDA MERAGUKAN KEHADIRAN 'TUHAN' DALAM HARI- HARI ANDA ? Sampaikanlah kepada orang lain, maka ini akan menjadi Shadaqah Jariyah pada setiap orang yang Anda kirimkan pesan ini. Dan apabila kemudian dia mengamalkannya, maka kamu juga akan ikut mendapat pahalanya sampai hari kiamat... Sebarkan pada semua kenalan anda. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Barangsiapa yang menyampaikan 1 (satu) ilmu saja dan ada orang yang mengamalkan, maka walaupun yang menyampaikan sudah tiada (meninggal dunia), dia akan tetap memperoleh pahala. ____________________________ ( Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. )
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:08
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 allahu akbar - Social Mention: Prophet Muhammad's Last Sermon This Sermon was delivered on the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H in the Uranah Valley of mount Arafat "O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I don't know whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury (Interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived... Beware of Satan, for your safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things. O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have right over you. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and comitted helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve,as well as never to commit adultery. O People, listen to me in earnest, whorship Allah, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadhan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to. You know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. You are all equal. Nobody has superiority over other except by piety and good action. Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not astray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand my words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qur'an and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness oh Allah that I have conveyed your message to your people."
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:20PM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    Prophet Muhammad's Last Sermon This Sermon was delivered on the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H in the Uranah Valley of mount Arafat "O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I don't know whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury (Interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived... Beware of Satan, for your safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things. O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have right over you. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and comitted helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve,as well as never to commit adultery. O People, listen to me in earnest, whorship Allah, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadhan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to. You know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. You are all equal. Nobody has superiority over other except by piety and good action. Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not astray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand my words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qur'an and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness oh Allah that I have conveyed your message to your people."
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:10
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 allahu akbar - Social Mention: اَللّهُ (amin) آمِيـنَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ (Assalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb) وَعَلَيْكُمْ السَّلاَمُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ (Wa 'alaikum salam Wr. Wb) وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ (Wassalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb.) اَهْلاًوَسَهْلاً (ahlan wa sahlan) اَللّهُ اَكْبَرُ (Allahu Akbar) اَلْحَمْدُلِلّهِ (Alhamdulillah) اَللّهُ (Allah) آمِّينَ (amin) اَسْتَغْفِرُ اَللّهَ (Astaghfirullah) بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ (Bismillahirrahmanirrahim) بَارَكَ اللّهُ لَكَ وَبَارَكَ عَلَيْكَ وَجَمَعَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِي خَيْرِ (Do'a untuk Pengantin) حَلاَلً (halal) حَرَمً (haram) اِنّا لِلّهِ وَاِنّا اِلَيْهِ رَجِعُوْنَ (innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'uun) اِ نْ شَآ ءَ اللّهُ (insya Allah) جَزَاكَ اللّهُ (jazakallah)جَزَاكِ اللّهُ (jazakillah) جَزَاكُمُ اللّهُ (jazakumullah) لاَ هَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّتَ اِلاَّبِاللّهِ (laa haula wa laa quwwata illa billah) لاَ اِلَهَ اِلاَّ اللّهُ (laa ilaaha illallah) مَاشَآءَاللّهُ (masya Allah) سُبْحَانَ اللّهُ (subhanallah)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:20PM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    اَللّهُ (amin) آمِيـنَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ (Assalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb) وَعَلَيْكُمْ السَّلاَمُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ (Wa 'alaikum salam Wr. Wb) وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ (Wassalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb.) اَهْلاًوَسَهْلاً (ahlan wa sahlan) اَللّهُ اَكْبَرُ (Allahu Akbar) اَلْحَمْدُلِلّهِ (Alhamdulillah) اَللّهُ (Allah) آمِّينَ (amin) اَسْتَغْفِرُ اَللّهَ (Astaghfirullah) بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ (Bismillahirrahmanirrahim) بَارَكَ اللّهُ لَكَ وَبَارَكَ عَلَيْكَ وَجَمَعَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِي خَيْرِ (Do'a untuk Pengantin) حَلاَلً (halal) حَرَمً (haram) اِنّا لِلّهِ وَاِنّا اِلَيْهِ رَجِعُوْنَ (innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'uun) اِ نْ شَآ ءَ اللّهُ (insya Allah) جَزَاكَ اللّهُ (jazakallah)جَزَاكِ اللّهُ (jazakillah) جَزَاكُمُ اللّهُ (jazakumullah) لاَ هَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّتَ اِلاَّبِاللّهِ (laa haula wa laa quwwata illa billah) لاَ اِلَهَ اِلاَّ اللّهُ (laa ilaaha illallah) مَاشَآءَاللّهُ (masya Allah) سُبْحَانَ اللّهُ (subhanallah)
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:09
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:20PM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:13
    Əbu Hureyra (Allah ondan razı olsun) buyurur: - Osman evində qırx gün mühasirə altında qaldı. Məndən sahur vaxtı onu oyatmağımı istədi. Səhər olduqda gəldim və ‚Ey möminlərin əmiri, Allah sənə rəhm etsin, sahurdur‛- dedim. O üzünü (əlləri ilə) ovuşduraraq dedi: SubhənAllah! Ey Əbu Hureyra. Yuxumu kəsdin. Yuxuda Rəsulullahı görürdüm. Mənə: ‚Sabah bizimlə iftar edəcəksən dedi.‛ Və elə ertəsi gün də (Osman) öldürüldü
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Nov 19th 2013, 00:17, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:20PM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    Jika kamu selalu tersenyum saat mengingatnya, itu berarti kamu menyukainya. Jika rindu saat ia jauh, itu tandanya kamu menyayanginya. Jika kamu setia dan selalu mendoakannya, maka kamu harus percaya kamu telah mencintainya. Saat mencintai, seseorang akan rela berkorban apapun dan bisa sangat bersabar dan pemaaf. Jika tidak seperti itu, maka apa maknanya hubungan itu ? Salam hebat, penuh semangat. Cinta hadir saat ia jauh, cinta terasa justru ketika ia tak ada ( di sini )
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:13
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:20PM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:17
    MEMBESARKAN HATI ….. Mestinya kita-kita yang sedang sakit, tak berkecil hati. Harapan akan selalu ada. Mestinya kita-kita yang sedang berhutang, tak berkecil hati. Jalan keluar akan selalu tersedia. Mestinya kita-kita yang sedang hidup sendiri, dan atau belom memiliki keturunan, tak berkecil hati. Barangkali saudara ga punya jodohnya, ga punya anak keturunan, tapi saudara punya Allah. Mestinya, kita-kita yang hidup miskin, sedang punya kesusahan, hidup kekurangan, memang tak perlu berkecil hati. Juga di semua urusan pekerjaan, usaha, dan apapun di dunia ini. Sebab harusnya ada Allah. Allah Yang Maha Kuasa, Allah Yang Maha Besar, Allah Yang Maha Pemurah, Allah Yang Maha Menolong, Allah Yang Maha Menghibur, Allah Yang Maha Bercanda, dan Allah Yang Maha Membesarkan hati, dan Memiliki Harapan. Laa takhof wa laa tahzan. Jangan banyak khawatir, jangan banyak takut, jangan banyak sedih. Innallaaha ma'anaa, Sesungguhnya Allah bersama kita. Semoga Allah memperkenankan kita punya hajat, mengabulkan kita punya doa, dan memberikan rahmat serta ridha-Nya untuk kehidupan kita semua. Aamiin... Jika menurut kalian, tausiah ini bermanfaat. SilaHkan di-share untuk teman Anda, sahabat Anda, keluarga Anda, atau bahkan orang yang tidak Anda kenal sekalipun. yang belum sempat terkomfirm, silakan buka & kilk "ikuti" kemudian ( kilk "IKUTI " ) pada pojok kanan atas. Semoga Allah melindungi kita, dan mengampuni semua kesalahan dan keburukan kita. Aamiinn...
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 khilafah - Social Mention: تَكُونُ النُّبُوَّةُ فِيكُمْ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ خِلَافَةٌ عَلَى مِنْهَاجِ النُّبُوَّةِ فَتَكُونُ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ مُلْكًا عَاضًّا فَيَكُونُ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ يَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ مُلْكًا جَبْرِيَّةً فَتَكُونُ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ خِلَافَةً عَلَى مِنْهَاجِ النُّبُوَّةِ ثُمَّ سَكَتَ" There will be Prophethood for as long as Allah wills it to be, then He will remove it when He wills, then there will be Khilafah on the Prophetic method and it will be for as long as Allah wills, then He will remove it when He wills, then there will be biting Kingship for as long as Allah Wills, then He will remove it when He wills, then there will be oppressive kingship for as long as Allah wills, then he will remove it when He wills, and then there will be Khilafah upon the Prophetic method" and then he remained silent. (Ahmed)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:20PM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    تَكُونُ النُّبُوَّةُ فِيكُمْ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ خِلَافَةٌ عَلَى مِنْهَاجِ النُّبُوَّةِ فَتَكُونُ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ مُلْكًا عَاضًّا فَيَكُونُ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ يَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ مُلْكًا جَبْرِيَّةً فَتَكُونُ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ خِلَافَةً عَلَى مِنْهَاجِ النُّبُوَّةِ ثُمَّ سَكَتَ" There will be Prophethood for as long as Allah wills it to be, then He will remove it when He wills, then there will be Khilafah on the Prophetic method and it will be for as long as Allah wills, then He will remove it when He wills, then there will be biting Kingship for as long as Allah Wills, then He will remove it when He wills, then there will be oppressive kingship for as long as Allah wills, then he will remove it when He wills, and then there will be Khilafah upon the Prophetic method" and then he remained silent. (Ahmed)
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:35
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 khilafah - Social Mention: 'Islam is not just a religion comprising only prayers, fasting and Hajj but it is a Deen, a complete way of life, which is not only "Ibadaat" but also an economic system, ruling system (Khilafah), judicial system, social system etc. This system was not meant just for the Prophet (SAW) or the Sahaba but for all mankind and for all times and places. We are not left with the choice of following the Messenger of Allah in "Ibadaat" only and running our public affairs, state affairs and foreign policy according to the capitalist or communist model. Surely if the Prophet (SAW) had only called for prayers and fasting, the Kuffar of Quraysh would not have inflicted severe mental and physical punishment on him. It was his call of uprooting the whole Kufr system and implementing Islam as a whole, which unnerved the Kuffar and drew such a harsh reaction. Instead of following in the footsteps of Western Kuffar states, we should have realized that we are the Ummah who was assigned the duty to guide all mankinds. Allah (swt) says, "You are the best Ummah that has been raised up amongst mankind. You enjoin right and forbid evil and you believe in Allah" (TMQ). We should have guided the Western nations to leave secularism and adopt Islam as their "Deen" but instead we ourselves became secular and limited Islam to just Ibadaat. We should realize that Western nations adopted secularism because Christianity did not give them solutions to their problems, and in their desire for progress they dumped Christianity and took it upon themselves to lead their lives as they wished. Islam is not like Christianity, in fact it is a complete way of life and if we also limit Islam to just our personal life, in the name of progress, we will surely go far astray. This is the reason for the decline of the Muslim Ummah and no amount of prayers or cries will have any effect unless we resume the Islamic way of life as a whole and respond to Allah's command "O you who believe, enter into Islam completely and follow not the footsteps of 'Satan', indeed he is an open enemy for you (TMQ 2:208)". This can only be done by following the same method of revival that the Messenger of Allah took, re-establishing the Khilafah and carrying Islam to all mankind by way of Jihad.' From 'Secularism: A kufr Aqeedah' by Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:20PM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    'Islam is not just a religion comprising only prayers, fasting and Hajj but it is a Deen, a complete way of life, which is not only "Ibadaat" but also an economic system, ruling system (Khilafah), judicial system, social system etc. This system was not meant just for the Prophet (SAW) or the Sahaba but for all mankind and for all times and places. We are not left with the choice of following the Messenger of Allah in "Ibadaat" only and running our public affairs, state affairs and foreign policy according to the capitalist or communist model. Surely if the Prophet (SAW) had only called for prayers and fasting, the Kuffar of Quraysh would not have inflicted severe mental and physical punishment on him. It was his call of uprooting the whole Kufr system and implementing Islam as a whole, which unnerved the Kuffar and drew such a harsh reaction. Instead of following in the footsteps of Western Kuffar states, we should have realized that we are the Ummah who was assigned the duty to guide all mankinds. Allah (swt) says, "You are the best Ummah that has been raised up amongst mankind. You enjoin right and forbid evil and you believe in Allah" (TMQ). We should have guided the Western nations to leave secularism and adopt Islam as their "Deen" but instead we ourselves became secular and limited Islam to just Ibadaat. We should realize that Western nations adopted secularism because Christianity did not give them solutions to their problems, and in their desire for progress they dumped Christianity and took it upon themselves to lead their lives as they wished. Islam is not like Christianity, in fact it is a complete way of life and if we also limit Islam to just our personal life, in the name of progress, we will surely go far astray. This is the reason for the decline of the Muslim Ummah and no amount of prayers or cries will have any effect unless we resume the Islamic way of life as a whole and respond to Allah's command "O you who believe, enter into Islam completely and follow not the footsteps of 'Satan', indeed he is an open enemy for you (TMQ 2:208)". This can only be done by following the same method of revival that the Messenger of Allah took, re-establishing the Khilafah and carrying Islam to all mankind by way of Jihad.' From 'Secularism: A kufr Aqeedah' by Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:06
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:20PM  

    Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand
    As Salam Aleykum Geschwister
    Bitte teilt und liked die Seite dieser vertrauensw...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:39
    As Salam Aleykum Geschwister
    Bitte teilt und liked die Seite dieser vertrauenswürdigen Schwester damit ihre Seite mehr an Bekanntheit gewinnt
    Lasst uns helfen in scha Allah
    200 euro
    Kleid komplett mit klären und farbigen Kristallen verziert. Größen und Farben auf Anfrage Inklusive Unterkleid
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:19PM  

    LIES Projekt Speyers Facebook-Pinnwand
    LIES Projekt Speyers Facebook-Pinnwand
    Assalamu Aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh liebe Geschwister,
    und ein wohlge...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:54
    Assalamu Aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh liebe Geschwister,

    und ein wohlgesinntes "Herzlich Wilkommen" an alle Nicht-Muslime.

    Am Samstag den 23.10.2013 findet wieder ein Infostand unseres LIES! Projektes in Speyer statt.

    Wir laden euch recht herzlich ein an diesem Tag von etwa 11:00 - 19:00 Uhr an unseren Infostand in der Maximilianstraße in Speyer (am Kaufhof in der Innenstadt) zu kommen und euch eine kostenlose ungefähre Qur'an Übersetzung zu holen.

    Gerne stehen wir euch, falls es unser Wissen erlaubt, für Fragen und Antworten offen zur Verfügung.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:18PM  

    Ansar Al-Haqqs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ansar Al-Haqqs Facebook-Pinnwand
    'Abdullāh berichtete:
    "Ich erinnere mich, als ob ich den Propheten, Allāhs Sege...
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:00
    'Abdullāh berichtete:

    "Ich erinnere mich, als ob ich den Propheten, Allāhs Segen und Friede auf ihm, noch heute vor mir sähe, als er von einem Propheten berichtete, der von seinen eigenen Leuten so geschlagen wurde, dass er blutete, alsdann sich das Blut von seinem Gesicht wischte und sagte: »O Allāh, vergib es meinen Leuten; denn sie sind unwissend!«"
    [Buharyy 3477]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:17PM  

    Islamfaktens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamfaktens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Über Abū Aiyūb al-Anṣārī: Ein Mann kam zu Propheten - Ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sal...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:35
    Über Abū Aiyūb al-Anṣārī: Ein Mann kam zu Propheten - Ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam - und sagte:

    „Oh Gesandter Allāhs, gib mir Rat und fasse ihn zusammen"

    Der Prophet - Ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam sagte:

    „Wenn du im Gebet stehst, dann bete, als wenn es dein letztes Gebet wäre. Benutze keine Worte, für die du dich morgen entschuldigen müsstest, und sei ohne Hoffnung auf das, was in der Hand der Menschen liegt"

    [Musnād Aḥmad]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:16PM  

    Hαnd in Hαnd αuf dem Weg nach Jαnnαh ღs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hαnd in Hαnd αuf dem Weg nach Jαnnαh ღs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Von Abu Huraira radiALLAHU anhu, der gesagt hat:
    Allahs Gesandter sallALLAHU al...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:15
    Von Abu Huraira radiALLAHU anhu, der gesagt hat:
    Allahs Gesandter sallALLAHU alayhi wa salam hat gesagt:
    Zum guten Islam eines Menschen (gehört), zu lassen, was ihn nicht angeht.
    Ein guter Hadith, den Tirmidhi und andere auf diese Weise überliefert haben.
    Tirmidhi; Hadith 12 in An-Nauaui 40 Ahadith

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:14PM  

    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Huraira, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihm, berichtete, dass der Gesandte Allahs,...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:28
    Abu Huraira, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihm, berichtete, dass der Gesandte Allahs, Allahs Segen und Friede auf ihm, sagte: "Keiner von euch wird durch seine Taten gerettet!" Die Leute fragten: "Du auch nicht, o Gesandter Allahs?" Er erwiderte: "Ich auch nicht, (auch ich werde nur gerettet, ) wenn Allah mich in Seine Barmherzigkeit aufnimmt…" *
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:14PM  

    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Und verlasse dich auf den Lebendigen, Der nicht stirbt, und lobpreise Ihn. Er g...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:29
    "Und verlasse dich auf den Lebendigen, Der nicht stirbt, und lobpreise Ihn. Er genügt als Kenner der Sünden Seiner Diener"
    [Quran; 25:58]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:13PM  

    Salafi Dawah - authentisches Wissens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Salafi Dawah - authentisches Wissens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Frage: Sind Ketten/Ringe für Männer erlaubt?!
    Imam: Wozu brauch ein Mann das?!...
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:11
    Frage: Sind Ketten/Ringe für Männer erlaubt?!

    Imam: Wozu brauch ein Mann das?!

    Fragesteller: Na ja, als Schmuck.

    Imam: Wir Männer brauchen das nicht! Wir sind schön genug! :D
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:07PM  

    USrael- Die wahren Terroristens Facebook-Pinnwand
    USrael- Die wahren Terroristens Facebook-Pinnwand
    18.11.13 - Herr Gysi spricht alles an.
    Vom Edward Snowden bis hin zu den betrü...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:14
    18.11.13 - Herr Gysi spricht alles an.

    Vom Edward Snowden bis hin zu den betrügerischen Geheimdiensten unserer Welt. Von der Feigheit der Bundesregierung gegenüber den USA bis hin zum Besatzungstatut der USA in Deutschland.
    Er erzählt auch über wahrer Freundschaft. Denn wenn Staaten eine Beziehung pflegen, dann redet man über die unschönen Dinge. Aber die Regierung in Deutschland ist bereit über Invasionen, Morde mit Drohnen, Uranmunition usw. der USA in anderen Ländern hinwegzusehen. SO kann man keine Freundschaft pflegen. Eine Freundschaft ist immer auf Augenhöhe und nicht im Angstzustand, wie den der Bundesregierung.
    Dieser Mann klärt Deutschland auf
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:07PM  

    Anti - Baschar al Assads Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti - Baschar al Assads Facebook-Pinnwand
    Deutscher Bürger Burak Karan - ehemaliges DFB-Talen...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:02

    Deutscher Bürger Burak Karan - ehemaliges DFB-Talent mit türkischen Wurzeln und Freund vom Fusballprofi Kevin Boateng-
    starb laut deutschen Nachrichten durch einen assadschen Luftangriff auf syrische Zivilisten am 11. Oktober 2013 in Syrien.

    Der in Wuppertal aufgewachsene Nachwuchskicker habe laut seinen Eltern und seinem Bruder lediglich humanitäre Hilfe an der türkisch-syrischen Grenze geleistet. Freilich habe er mit den Muhjaheedins in Syrien sympathisiert und ihnen Hilfsgüter über die syrisch-türkische Grenze geliefert.

    Die Medien vor allem die Zeitungen versuchen den Shaheed Burak Karan im Sinne ihres antislamischen Kreuzzuges zu diskreditieren und ihn als radikalen "Islamist" abzustempeln.

    Aber wir Muslime wissen, dass die Medien gegen den Islam hetzen und bewusste Falschinformatione an die Öffentlichkeit liefern. Ferner wissen wir, dass Burak Karan sein schönes und sicheres Leben in Deutschland für seinen Schöpfer ALLAH aufgegeben hat, um seinen muslimischen Brüder in Syrien zur Hilfe zu eilen.

    Möge Burak Karan für sein Engagement für die UMMAH mit der höchsten Stufe im Paradies belohnt werden.


    Kevin Boateng äußerte sich öffentlich positiv über seinen Freund Burak Karan:

    "Ich werde unsere zeit niemals vergessen,du warst ein wahrer Freund!! Burak war in der jungend ein enger Freund von mir,was danach passierte weiß ich nicht und kann ich nicht beeinflussen."
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:07PM  

    MUSLIME IN AUGSBURGs Facebook-Pinnwand
    MUSLIME IN AUGSBURGs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ibn `Abbas, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf beiden, berichtete:
    „Ich hörte Abu Talha sag...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:29
    Ibn `Abbas, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf beiden, berichtete:
    „Ich hörte Abu Talha sagen, dass der Gesandte Allahs, Allahs Segen und Friede auf ihm, folgendes sagte: „Die Engel betreten keine Wohnung, in der es einen Hund bzw. ein Bild und/oder eine Skulptur gibt."

    (Vgl. dazu Hadith Nr. 172, 2237, 2363, 2365, 3321, 3323 f., 5480, 6009 und die verschiedenen Anmerkungen dazu)

    [Sahih Al-Bucharyy Nr. 3225]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:06PM  

    Anti Bashar al Assad; Pro Free Syrian Army ; Pro Syrian Revolutions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti Bashar al Assad; Pro Free Syrian Army ; Pro Syrian Revolutions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:46

    Deutscher Bürger Burak Karan - ehemaliges DFB-Talent mit türkischen Wurzeln und Freund vom Fusballprofi Kevin Boateng-
    starb laut deutschen Nachrichten durch einen assadschen Luftangriff auf syrische Zivilisten am 11. Oktober 2013 in Syrien.

    Der in Wuppertal aufgewachsene Nachwuchskicker habe laut seinen Eltern und seinem Bruder lediglich humanitäre Hilfe an der türkisch-syrischen Grenze geleistet. Freilich habe er mit den Muhjaheedins in Syrien sympathisiert und ihnen Hilfsgüter über die syrisch-türkische Grenze geliefert.

    Die Medien vor allem die Zeitungen versuchen den Shaheed Burak Karan im Sinne ihres antislamischen Kreuzzuges zu diskreditieren und ihn als radikalen &quot;Islamist&quot; abzustempeln.

    Aber wir Muslime wissen, dass die Medien gegen den Islam hetzen und bewusste Falschinformatione an die Öffentlichkeit liefern. Ferner wissen wir, dass Burak Karan sein schönes und sicheres Leben in Deutschland für seinen Schöpfer ALLAH aufgegeben hat, um seinen muslimischen Brüder in Syrien zur Hilfe zu eilen.

    Möge Burak Karan für sein Engagement für die UMMAH mit der höchsten Stufe im Paradies belohnt werden.


    Kevin Boateng äußerte sich öffentlich positiv über seinen Freund Burak Karan:

    &quot;Ich werde unsere zeit niemals vergessen,du warst ein wahrer Freund!! Burak war in der jungend ein enger Freund von mir,was danach passierte weiß ich nicht und kann ich nicht beeinflussen.&quot;
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:07PM  

    MUSLIME IN AUGSBURGs Facebook-Pinnwand
    MUSLIME IN AUGSBURGs Facebook-Pinnwand
    „Wir gewährten keinem Menschenwesen vor dir das ewige Leben. Als ob sie es wären...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:57
    „Wir gewährten keinem Menschenwesen vor dir das ewige Leben. Als ob sie es wären, die ewig leben könnten, wenn du gestorben wärst! Jede Seele wird den Tod kosten; und Wir stellen euch mit Bösem und mit Gutem auf die Probe; und zu Uns werdet ihr zurückgebracht." [21:34-35]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 09:05PM  

    Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nuk eshte film, por realiteti. Kjo eshte Fuqia e Allahut...
    Nov 18th 2013, 21:02
    Nuk eshte film, por realiteti. Kjo eshte Fuqia e Allahut...
    Nuk është film, por realitet.
    Pamje shokuese te nje qyteti te tere ,i cili leviz ne siperfaqe te ujit, e te kthyer ne germadhe.
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 Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Terbangun di sepertiga malamku Dari Abdullah bin Abbas r.a. ia berkata Rasulullah bersabda:"Barangsaiapa memperbanyak istiqhfar (mohon ampun kepada Allah) niscaya Allah menjadikan untuk setiap kesediahnnya jalan keluar dan untuk setiap kesempitannya kelapangan dan Allah akan memberinya rezeki (yang halal) dari arah yang tiada disangka-sangka." (H.R.Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud,An-Nasai,Ibnu Majah, dan Hakim) Subhanallah....hadits ini adalah tip ampuh yang disampaikan Rasulullah kepada umatnya. Dosa-dosa yang kita lakukan di masa lalu, sekarang, baik yang tersembunyi, nyata,dan masih dalam pikiran...... bisa menjadi magnet bagi kesulitan dan kesempitan hidup. bisa jadi....menjadi penghalang pintu keluarnya rezeki kepada kita dan keluarga Banyak beristiqhfar, taubat kepada Allah SWT, insya Allah, Allah akan memberikan jalan keluar yang mudah.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:35PM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Terbangun di sepertiga malamku Dari Abdullah bin Abbas r.a. ia berkata Rasulullah bersabda:"Barangsaiapa memperbanyak istiqhfar (mohon ampun kepada Allah) niscaya Allah menjadikan untuk setiap kesediahnnya jalan keluar dan untuk setiap kesempitannya kelapangan dan Allah akan memberinya rezeki (yang halal) dari arah yang tiada disangka-sangka." (H.R.Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud,An-Nasai,Ibnu Majah, dan Hakim) Subhanallah....hadits ini adalah tip ampuh yang disampaikan Rasulullah kepada umatnya. Dosa-dosa yang kita lakukan di masa lalu, sekarang, baik yang tersembunyi, nyata,dan masih dalam pikiran...... bisa menjadi magnet bagi kesulitan dan kesempitan hidup. bisa jadi....menjadi penghalang pintu keluarnya rezeki kepada kita dan keluarga Banyak beristiqhfar, taubat kepada Allah SWT, insya Allah, Allah akan memberikan jalan keluar yang mudah.
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:10
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 Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: "If I were to take a friend other than my Lord, I would take Abu Bakr as a friend." (Hadith) Election to the Caliphate The Prophet's closest Companion, Abu Bakr, was not present when the Holy Prophet (peace be on him) breathed his last in the apartment of his beloved wife of later years, Aisha, Abu Bakr's daughter. When he came to know of the Prophet's passing, Abu Bakr hurried to the house of sorrow. "How blessed was your life and how beatific is your death," he whispered as he kissed the cheek of his beloved friend and master who now was no more. When Abu Bakr came out of the Prophet's apartment and broke the news, disbelief and dismay gripped the community of Muslims in Medina. Muhammad (peace be on him) had been the leader, the guide and the bearer of Divine revelation through whom they had been brought from idolatry and barbarism into the way of God. How could he die? Even Umar, one of the bravest and strongest of the Prophet's Companions, lost his composure and drew his sword and threatened to kill anyone who said that the Prophet was dead. Abu Bakr gently pushed him aside, ascended the steps of the lectern in the mosque and addressed the people, saying, "O people, verily whoever worshipped Muhammad, behold! Muhammad is indeed dead. But whoever worships God, behold! God is alive and will never die." And then he concluded with a verse from the Qur'an: "And Muhammad is but a Messenger. Many Messengers have gone before him; if then he dies or is killed, will you turn back upon your heels?"3:144 On hearing these words, the people were consoled. Despondency gave place to confidence and tranquility. This critical moment had passed. But the Muslim community was now faced with an extremely serious problem: that of choosing a leader. After some discussion among the Companions of the Prophet who had assembled in order to select a leader, it became apparent that no one was better suited for this responsibility than Abu Bakr. A portion of the speech the First Caliph gave after his election has already been quoted in the introduction. Abu Bakr's Life Abu Bakr ('The Owner of Camels') was not his real name. He acquired this name later in life because of his great interest in raising camels. His real name was Abdul Ka'aba ('Slave of Ka'aba'), which Muhammad (peace be on him) later changed to Abdullah ('Slave of God'). The Prophet also gave him the title of 'Siddiq' - 'The Testifier to the Truth.' Abu Bakr was a fairly wealthy merchant, and before he embraced Islam, was a respected citizen of Mecca. He was three years younger than Muhammad (peace be on him) and some natural affinity drew them together from earliest child hood. He remained the closest Companion of the Prophet all through the Prophet's life. When Muhammad first invited his closest friends and relatives to Islam, Abu Bakr was among the earliest to accept it. He also persuaded Uthman and Bilal to accept Islam. In the early days of the Prophet's mission, when the handful of Muslims were subjected to relentless persecution and torture, Abu Bakr bore his full share of hardship. Finally when God's permission came to emigrate from Mecca, he was the one chosen by the Prophet to accompany him on the dangerous journey to Medina. In the numerous battles which took place during the life of the Prophet, Abu Bakr was always by his side. Once, he brought all his belongings to the Prophet, who was raising money for the defense of Medina. The Prophet asked "Abu Bakr, what did you leave for your family?" The reply came: "God and His Prophet." Even before Islam, Abu Bakr was known to be a man of upright character and amiable and compassionate nature. All through his life he was sensitive to human suffering and kind to the poor and helpless. Even though he was wealthy, he lived very simply and spent his money for charity, for freeing slaves and for the cause of Islam. He often spent part of the night in supplication and prayer. He shared with his family a cheerful and affectionate home life. Abu-Bakr's Caliphate Such, then, was the man upon whom the burden of leadership fell at the most sensitive period in the history of the Muslims. As the news of the Prophet's death spread, a number of tribes rebelled and refused to pay Zakat (poor-due), saying that this was due only to the Prophet (peace be on him). At the same time a number of impostors claimed that the prophethood had passed to them after Muhammad and they raised the standard of revolt. To add to all this, two powerful empires, the Eastern Roman and the Persian, also threatened the new-born Islamic state at Medina. Under these circumstances, many Companions of the Prophet, including Umar, advised Abu Bakr to make concessions to the Zakat evaders, at least for a time. The new Caliph disagreed. He insisted that the Divine Law cannot be divided, that there is no distinction between the obligations of Zakat and Salat (prayer), and that any compromise with the injunctions of God would eventually erode the foundations of Islam. Umar and others were quick to realize their error of judgment. The revolting tribes attacked Medina but the Muslims were prepared. Abu Bakr himself led the charge, forcing them to retreat. He then made a relentless war on the false claimants to prophethood, most of whom submitted and again professed lslam. The threat from the Roman Empire had actually arisen earlier, during the Prophet's lifetime. The Prophet had organized an army under the command of Usama, the son of a freed slave. The army had not gone far when the Prophet had fallen ill so they stopped. After the death of the Prophet the question was raised whether the army should be sent again or should remain for the defence of Medina. Again Abu Bakr showed a firm determination. He said, "I shall send Usama's army on its way as ordered by the Prophet, even if I am left alone." The final instructions he gave to Usama prescribed a code of conduct in war which remains unsurpassed to this day. Part of his instructions to the Muslim army were: "Do not be deserters, nor be guilty of disobedience. Do not kill an old man, a woman or a child. Do not injure date palms and do not cut down fruit trees. Do not slaughter any sheep or cows or camels except for food. You will encounter persons who spend their lives in monasteries. Leave them alone and do not molest them." Khalid bin Waleed had been chosen by the Prophet (peace be on him) on several occasions to lead Muslim armies. A man of supreme courage and a born leader, his military genius came to full flower during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr. Throughout Abu Bakr's reign Khalid led his troops from one victory to another against the attacking Romans. Another contribution of Abu Bakr to the cause of Islam was the collection and compilation of the verses of the Qur'an. Abu Bakr died on 21 Jamadi-al Akhir, 13 A.H. (23 August 634 A.C.), at the age of sixty-three, and was buried by the side of the Holy Prophet (peace be on him). His caliphate had been of a mere twenty-seven months duration. In this brief span, however, Abu Bakr had managed, by the Grace of God, to strengthen and consolidate his community and the state, and to secure the Muslims against the perils which had threatened their existence.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:35PM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    "If I were to take a friend other than my Lord, I would take Abu Bakr as a friend." (Hadith) Election to the Caliphate The Prophet's closest Companion, Abu Bakr, was not present when the Holy Prophet (peace be on him) breathed his last in the apartment of his beloved wife of later years, Aisha, Abu Bakr's daughter. When he came to know of the Prophet's passing, Abu Bakr hurried to the house of sorrow. "How blessed was your life and how beatific is your death," he whispered as he kissed the cheek of his beloved friend and master who now was no more. When Abu Bakr came out of the Prophet's apartment and broke the news, disbelief and dismay gripped the community of Muslims in Medina. Muhammad (peace be on him) had been the leader, the guide and the bearer of Divine revelation through whom they had been brought from idolatry and barbarism into the way of God. How could he die? Even Umar, one of the bravest and strongest of the Prophet's Companions, lost his composure and drew his sword and threatened to kill anyone who said that the Prophet was dead. Abu Bakr gently pushed him aside, ascended the steps of the lectern in the mosque and addressed the people, saying, "O people, verily whoever worshipped Muhammad, behold! Muhammad is indeed dead. But whoever worships God, behold! God is alive and will never die." And then he concluded with a verse from the Qur'an: "And Muhammad is but a Messenger. Many Messengers have gone before him; if then he dies or is killed, will you turn back upon your heels?"3:144 On hearing these words, the people were consoled. Despondency gave place to confidence and tranquility. This critical moment had passed. But the Muslim community was now faced with an extremely serious problem: that of choosing a leader. After some discussion among the Companions of the Prophet who had assembled in order to select a leader, it became apparent that no one was better suited for this responsibility than Abu Bakr. A portion of the speech the First Caliph gave after his election has already been quoted in the introduction. Abu Bakr's Life Abu Bakr ('The Owner of Camels') was not his real name. He acquired this name later in life because of his great interest in raising camels. His real name was Abdul Ka'aba ('Slave of Ka'aba'), which Muhammad (peace be on him) later changed to Abdullah ('Slave of God'). The Prophet also gave him the title of 'Siddiq' - 'The Testifier to the Truth.' Abu Bakr was a fairly wealthy merchant, and before he embraced Islam, was a respected citizen of Mecca. He was three years younger than Muhammad (peace be on him) and some natural affinity drew them together from earliest child hood. He remained the closest Companion of the Prophet all through the Prophet's life. When Muhammad first invited his closest friends and relatives to Islam, Abu Bakr was among the earliest to accept it. He also persuaded Uthman and Bilal to accept Islam. In the early days of the Prophet's mission, when the handful of Muslims were subjected to relentless persecution and torture, Abu Bakr bore his full share of hardship. Finally when God's permission came to emigrate from Mecca, he was the one chosen by the Prophet to accompany him on the dangerous journey to Medina. In the numerous battles which took place during the life of the Prophet, Abu Bakr was always by his side. Once, he brought all his belongings to the Prophet, who was raising money for the defense of Medina. The Prophet asked "Abu Bakr, what did you leave for your family?" The reply came: "God and His Prophet." Even before Islam, Abu Bakr was known to be a man of upright character and amiable and compassionate nature. All through his life he was sensitive to human suffering and kind to the poor and helpless. Even though he was wealthy, he lived very simply and spent his money for charity, for freeing slaves and for the cause of Islam. He often spent part of the night in supplication and prayer. He shared with his family a cheerful and affectionate home life. Abu-Bakr's Caliphate Such, then, was the man upon whom the burden of leadership fell at the most sensitive period in the history of the Muslims. As the news of the Prophet's death spread, a number of tribes rebelled and refused to pay Zakat (poor-due), saying that this was due only to the Prophet (peace be on him). At the same time a number of impostors claimed that the prophethood had passed to them after Muhammad and they raised the standard of revolt. To add to all this, two powerful empires, the Eastern Roman and the Persian, also threatened the new-born Islamic state at Medina. Under these circumstances, many Companions of the Prophet, including Umar, advised Abu Bakr to make concessions to the Zakat evaders, at least for a time. The new Caliph disagreed. He insisted that the Divine Law cannot be divided, that there is no distinction between the obligations of Zakat and Salat (prayer), and that any compromise with the injunctions of God would eventually erode the foundations of Islam. Umar and others were quick to realize their error of judgment. The revolting tribes attacked Medina but the Muslims were prepared. Abu Bakr himself led the charge, forcing them to retreat. He then made a relentless war on the false claimants to prophethood, most of whom submitted and again professed lslam. The threat from the Roman Empire had actually arisen earlier, during the Prophet's lifetime. The Prophet had organized an army under the command of Usama, the son of a freed slave. The army had not gone far when the Prophet had fallen ill so they stopped. After the death of the Prophet the question was raised whether the army should be sent again or should remain for the defence of Medina. Again Abu Bakr showed a firm determination. He said, "I shall send Usama's army on its way as ordered by the Prophet, even if I am left alone." The final instructions he gave to Usama prescribed a code of conduct in war which remains unsurpassed to this day. Part of his instructions to the Muslim army were: "Do not be deserters, nor be guilty of disobedience. Do not kill an old man, a woman or a child. Do not injure date palms and do not cut down fruit trees. Do not slaughter any sheep or cows or camels except for food. You will encounter persons who spend their lives in monasteries. Leave them alone and do not molest them." Khalid bin Waleed had been chosen by the Prophet (peace be on him) on several occasions to lead Muslim armies. A man of supreme courage and a born leader, his military genius came to full flower during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr. Throughout Abu Bakr's reign Khalid led his troops from one victory to another against the attacking Romans. Another contribution of Abu Bakr to the cause of Islam was the collection and compilation of the verses of the Qur'an. Abu Bakr died on 21 Jamadi-al Akhir, 13 A.H. (23 August 634 A.C.), at the age of sixty-three, and was buried by the side of the Holy Prophet (peace be on him). His caliphate had been of a mere twenty-seven months duration. In this brief span, however, Abu Bakr had managed, by the Grace of God, to strengthen and consolidate his community and the state, and to secure the Muslims against the perils which had threatened their existence.
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:02
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 Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: ===PROPHET'S (SAWS) WARNINGS AGAINST MISCHIEF MAKERS=== Hadith – 1 Hazrat Abu Hudhyaifa (RU) narrates a Hadith concerning the leaders of the mischief makers saying 'I swear by Allah (SWT) that Prophet (SAWS) has not left out a single leader of Fitna from this day to the day of Qiyamah. Their followers would number 300 or more and further gave their names and that of their tribes.' (Abu Dawood). Hadith – 2 Imam Bukhari (RU) has quoted this Hadith from Abdullah Ibn Umar (RU) that Prophet (SAWS) once prayed for Syria and Yemen. It is narrated that there were some people of Najd also present in the gathering and they requested the Prophet (SAWS) to make supplication (du'a) for Najd also. Prophet (SAWS) continued saying: 'O! Allah, Shower Blessings on Syria and Yemen'. The people of Najd again requested the Prophet (SAWS) to offer prayers for Najd. The Prophet (SAWS) said: 'It is a place of tremor and mischief (Fitna) and the Horn of Shaitaan will rise from there.' (Bukhari, Vol - ii, P - 1050). The above Hadith clearly specifies following conclusive points. It is abundantly clear that the place called Najd is not blessed from Islamic point of view as Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) called it a place of Fitna and Evil. This place is deprived of the prayers of Prophet Mohammad (SAWS). Hoping of any Islamic good coming out of this place is against the Will of Allah (SWT). In these circumstances, the Wahhabi/Salafi revivalist movement coming out of this place cannot be good or virtuous. As per Prophet's (SAWS) prophecy this movement is tribulation and fitna in Islam. We pray Allah (SWT) to safeguard us from this Fitna. The Arabic word used in the above Hadith is 'Qarnush Shaitaan', which normally means the horn of Shaitaan. In Misbahul Lughaat (page 663) the meaning of this word is written as 'One who follows the advice of Shaitaan'. Therefore, as per the Hadith, the Islamic revivalist Wahhabi movement is indeed following the advice of Satan. For the past 100 years, this tribulation (Fitna) has gradually swept the entire world. Millions of innocent Muslims have become victims of this movement. Salafis and their like minded deviant sects have mislead millions of innocent Muslims with the slogans of Shirk, Kufr, Biddah, etc. When we look at the geographical position of Najd, it lies to the East of Madinah. In other Ahadith, it is mentioned that Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) pointed his hand towards the East and said, 'there, that is the direction from where Fitna will emerge. Hadith -3 This Hadith is mentioned in Sahih Muslim. Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (RU) narrates that ' Prophet (SAWS) once emerged from the room of Ummul Momineen Hazrata Ayesha Siddiqa (RA) and pointing towards East (Najd) exclaimed, 'This is the center of Kufr from where the horn of Shaitaan will rise'. (Sahih Muslim Vol- ii, PP- 1394). Hadith -4 Allama al-Sayyid Ahmad Ibn Zayni al-Dahlan (d - 1886 AD), Mufti of Makka and Shaikh al-Islam in Hijaz, narrates an authentic Hadith in his book 'Addarus Sunniah', which he has quoted from Sihaah. Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) is reported to have said: 'There will rise a group of people in the East who will recite the Holy Quran, but alas, the Quran will not go beyond their throat. This group will keep rising till the Day of Judgment and they will eventually rise with Dajjal. Their main symbol will be (they will) sit in groups (Halqa).' (Addarus Sunniah, P. 50) It should be noted from the above Ahadith that, the center of Kufr and Shaitaan is no other place except Najd situated in the East of Madina. The above Hadith mentions about the Group of so-called Muslims who will recite Quran in melodious voices but it will not penetrate beyond their throat. Meaning, they will not understand its meaning. In the guise of inviting masses towards Quran and Sunnah, they will actually take them far away from Islam.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:35PM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    ===PROPHET'S (SAWS) WARNINGS AGAINST MISCHIEF MAKERS=== Hadith – 1 Hazrat Abu Hudhyaifa (RU) narrates a Hadith concerning the leaders of the mischief makers saying 'I swear by Allah (SWT) that Prophet (SAWS) has not left out a single leader of Fitna from this day to the day of Qiyamah. Their followers would number 300 or more and further gave their names and that of their tribes.' (Abu Dawood). Hadith – 2 Imam Bukhari (RU) has quoted this Hadith from Abdullah Ibn Umar (RU) that Prophet (SAWS) once prayed for Syria and Yemen. It is narrated that there were some people of Najd also present in the gathering and they requested the Prophet (SAWS) to make supplication (du'a) for Najd also. Prophet (SAWS) continued saying: 'O! Allah, Shower Blessings on Syria and Yemen'. The people of Najd again requested the Prophet (SAWS) to offer prayers for Najd. The Prophet (SAWS) said: 'It is a place of tremor and mischief (Fitna) and the Horn of Shaitaan will rise from there.' (Bukhari, Vol - ii, P - 1050). The above Hadith clearly specifies following conclusive points. It is abundantly clear that the place called Najd is not blessed from Islamic point of view as Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) called it a place of Fitna and Evil. This place is deprived of the prayers of Prophet Mohammad (SAWS). Hoping of any Islamic good coming out of this place is against the Will of Allah (SWT). In these circumstances, the Wahhabi/Salafi revivalist movement coming out of this place cannot be good or virtuous. As per Prophet's (SAWS) prophecy this movement is tribulation and fitna in Islam. We pray Allah (SWT) to safeguard us from this Fitna. The Arabic word used in the above Hadith is 'Qarnush Shaitaan', which normally means the horn of Shaitaan. In Misbahul Lughaat (page 663) the meaning of this word is written as 'One who follows the advice of Shaitaan'. Therefore, as per the Hadith, the Islamic revivalist Wahhabi movement is indeed following the advice of Satan. For the past 100 years, this tribulation (Fitna) has gradually swept the entire world. Millions of innocent Muslims have become victims of this movement. Salafis and their like minded deviant sects have mislead millions of innocent Muslims with the slogans of Shirk, Kufr, Biddah, etc. When we look at the geographical position of Najd, it lies to the East of Madinah. In other Ahadith, it is mentioned that Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) pointed his hand towards the East and said, 'there, that is the direction from where Fitna will emerge. Hadith -3 This Hadith is mentioned in Sahih Muslim. Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (RU) narrates that ' Prophet (SAWS) once emerged from the room of Ummul Momineen Hazrata Ayesha Siddiqa (RA) and pointing towards East (Najd) exclaimed, 'This is the center of Kufr from where the horn of Shaitaan will rise'. (Sahih Muslim Vol- ii, PP- 1394). Hadith -4 Allama al-Sayyid Ahmad Ibn Zayni al-Dahlan (d - 1886 AD), Mufti of Makka and Shaikh al-Islam in Hijaz, narrates an authentic Hadith in his book 'Addarus Sunniah', which he has quoted from Sihaah. Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) is reported to have said: 'There will rise a group of people in the East who will recite the Holy Quran, but alas, the Quran will not go beyond their throat. This group will keep rising till the Day of Judgment and they will eventually rise with Dajjal. Their main symbol will be (they will) sit in groups (Halqa).' (Addarus Sunniah, P. 50) It should be noted from the above Ahadith that, the center of Kufr and Shaitaan is no other place except Najd situated in the East of Madina. The above Hadith mentions about the Group of so-called Muslims who will recite Quran in melodious voices but it will not penetrate beyond their throat. Meaning, they will not understand its meaning. In the guise of inviting masses towards Quran and Sunnah, they will actually take them far away from Islam.
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:14
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 Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Keajaiban Dunia Ketika Kelahiran Rasulullah Sayyidina Muhammad Saw.... (Segala Hal Tentang Baginda Rasul Saw) ... Jika Rasulullah Berkunjung Ke Rumahmu, Apa yang Akan Kamu Lakukan? Jika Rasulullah datang kerumah mu untuk meluangkan waktu sehari dua hari bersama mu, tanpa kabar apa-apa sebelumya, apakah yang akan kamu lakukan untuknya??? Akankah kau sembunyikan buku duniamu, lalu kau keluarkan dengan cepat kitab hadist di rak buku? Atau akankah kau sembunyikan majalah-majalahmu, dan kau hiasi mejamu dengan Al Qur'an yang telah berdebu? Akankah kau masih menonton film dan sinetron di tv, atau dengan cepat kau matikan sebelum beliau melihatnya? Maukah kau mengajak beliau berkunjung ke tempat-tempat yang biasa kau datangi, ataukah dengan cepat rencanamu kau ganti? Akankah kau bahagia jika Rasulullah memperpanjang kunjungannya, atau kau malah tersiksa karena banyak yang kau sembunyikan dari beliau? Jika Rasulullah tiba-tiba ingin menyaksikan, akankah kau mengerjakan pekerjaan sehari-hari yang biasa kau lakukan? Akankah kau berkata-kata seperti apa yang sehari-hari kamu katakan? Akankah kau jalankan sewajarnya hidupmu seperti halnya jika beliau tidak berkunjung ke rumahmu? Sangat menarik untuk tau, apa yang akan kita lakukan.. jika Rasulullah datang dan mengetuk pintu rumah kita ...Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim ... Kelahiran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. pada 12 Rabiulawal, Tahun Gajah di Mekah al-Mukarramah sebagai pembuka rahmat di pelosok alam semesta. Kelahiran baginda menjadi seribu satu tanda bahwa baginda akan menjadi utusan terakhir dalam menyampaikan risalah Islam. Ia merupakan peristiwa utama dalam sejarah Islam. Baginda mempunyai kelebihan luar biasa, bukan saja dilihat dalam konteks sebelum kelahirannya tetapi dalam konteks semasa dan selepas dilahirkan. Peristiwa luar biasa ini disebut sebagai Irhas. Irhas bermaksud satu kejadian luar biasa bagi manusia yang normal dan hanya diberikan kepada seorang nabi Sehubungan itu, masih ramai masyarakat Islam yang sebenarnya tidak mengetahui peristiwa di sebalik kelahiran baginda. Ini karena masih banyak lagi rahasia yang belum terungkap. Sebenarnya banyak keajaiban yang berlaku sebelum kelahiran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Pertama, semasa Rasulullah s.a.w. berada di dalam kandungan bundanya, Aminah, beliau tidak merasa susah sebagaimana dialami oleh ibu-ibu yang hamil. Kehamilannya disadari melalui berita dari malaikat yang datang kepadanya ketika beliau sedang tidur. Malaikat mengatakan bahawa beliau telah mengandungkan seorang Nabi dan Penghulu kepada seluruh umat manusia. Selain itu kehamilannya ditandai dengan haidnya terputus dan berpindahnya cahaya daripada wajah Abdullah ke wajahnya. Kedua, ketika Nur Muhammad masuk ke dalam rahim Aminah, Allah memerintahkan malaikat supaya membukakan pintu syurga Firdaus dan memberitahu semua penghuni langit dan bumi. Tanah-tanah disekitaran kawasan tersebut yang kering menjadi subur, pohon-pohon kayu rimbun dan berbuah lebat. Begitu juga hewan-hewan di darat dan di laut sibuk membincangkannya. Ketiga, peperangan tentara bergajah yang disebut di dalam al-Quran surah al-Fil, datang menyerang kota Mekah. Ia diketuai oleh tentara bergajah dengan menunggang seekor gajah besar bernama Mahmudi. Apabila mereka hampir sampai ke tempat tersebut, gajah-gajah itu berhenti dan berundur dengan izin Allah. Namun demikian, sekumpulan burung Ababil datang menyerang dan menghancurkan mereka sebagaimana yang disebut di dalam al-Quran. Peristiwa ini amat menakjubkan dan diriwayatkan dalam kitab-kitab sejarah. Keempat, Aminah turut mengalami mimpi yang menakjubkan. Beliau menadah tangan ke langit dan melihat sendiri malaikat turun dari langit. Ia diumpamakan kapas putih yang terapung di angkasa. Kemudian malaikat tersebut berdiri di hadapannya. Ia berkata "Khabar bahagia untuk saudara, wahai ibu daripada seorang nabi. Putera saudara itu menjadi penolong dan pembebas manusia. Namakan dia Ahmad." Semasa kelahiran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w., Aminah ditemani Asiah dan Maryam. Dalam hal ini ia merupakan satu isyarat bahawa Nabi Muhammad lebih tinggi derajatnya daripada Nabi Isa dan Musa. Keadaan ini diterangkan dalam kitab Taurat dan Injil bahawa akan datang seorang nabi pada akhir zaman. Semasa baginda dilahirkan, bundanya menyaksikan nur atau cahaya keluar dari tubuh badan baginda. Cahaya tersebut menyinari sehingga ke Istana Busra di Syria. Ia dilihat seolah-olah seperti anak panah bagaikan pelangi sehingga dari jauh kota-kota tersebut dapat dilihat. Ada juga yang berpendapat bahawa cahaya itu datang dan menerangi seluruh dunia. Ini dapat dijelaskan oleh sumber-sumber Arab yang paling awal yang menyatakan bahawa suatu cahaya terpancar dari rahim Aminah apabila baginda dilahirkan. Aminah sendiri melihat baginda dalam keadaan terbaring dengan kedua tangannya mengangkat ke langit seperti seorang yang sedang berdoa. Kemudian bundanya melihat awan turun menyelimuti dirinya sehingga beliau mendengar sebuah seruan "Pimpinlah dia mengelilingi bumi Timur dan Barat, supaya mereka tahu dan dialah yang akan menghapuskan segala perkara syirik". Selepas itu awan tersebut lenyap daripada pandangan Aminah. Setengah riwayat menyatakan nabi dilahirkan dalam keadaan memandang ke arah langit sambil meletakkan tangannya ke tanah sebagai tanda ketinggian martabatnya daripada semua makhluk. Dikatakan juga pada malam kelahiran baginda, berhala-berhala yang terdapat di situ mengalami kerusakan dan kemusnahan. Menurut riwayat daripada Abdul Mutalib, "Ketika aku sedang berada di Kaabah, tiba-tiba berhala jatuh dari tempatnya dan sujud kepada Allah. Lalu aku mendengar suara dari dinding Kaabah berkata, "telah lahir nabi pilihan yang akan membinasakan orang kafir dan mensucikanku daripada berhala-berhala ini dan akan memerintahkan penyembahan Yang Maha Mengetahui." Selain itu di tempat yang lain pula satu goncangan berlaku di mahligai Kisra dan menyebabkan mahligai tersebut retak, manakala empat belas tiang serinya runtuh. Keadaan ini merupakan di antara tanda -tanda keruntuhan kerajaan tersebut. Namun, api di negara Parsi yang tidak pernah padam hampir selama seribu tahun telah padam dengan sendirinya. Api tersebut merupakan api sembahan orang-orang Majusi yang dianggap sebagai tuhan. Peristiwa itu amat mengejutkan orang Parsi. Dalam waktu yang sama, pada malam kelahiran baginda, Tasik Sava yang dianggap suci tenggelam ke dalam tanah. Setelah baginda lahir, tembakan bintang menjadi kerap sebagai tanda bahawa pengetahuan syaitan dan jin mengenai perkara ghaib sudah tamat. Berdasarkan peristiwa tersebut jelaslah kelahiran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. mempunyai keistimewaan tersendiri. Ini kerana baginda adalah khatamun nubuwwah, penutup segala nabi. Perkara -perkara luar biasa ini telah membuktikan kepada kita kemuliaan baginda di sisi Allah, sekali gus sebagai bukti kerasulannya. Di samping itu, bukti -bukti tersebut juga dijelaskan di dalam kitab kitab terdahulu seperti kitab Taurat, Zabur dan Injil sebagai rasul yang terakhir. Biodata Ringkas Rasulullah Sayyidina Muhammad Saw .. Nama: Muhammad bin 'Abdullah bin 'Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim Tanggal lahir: Subuh Isnin, 12 Rabiulawal / 20 April 571M (dikenali sebagai tahun gajah; peristiwa tentera bergajah Abrahah yang menyerang kota Ka'abah) Tempat lahir: Di rumah Abu Talib, Makkah Al-Mukarramah Nama bapak: 'Abdullah bin 'Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim Nama ibu: Aminah binti Wahab bin 'Abdul Manaf Pengasuh pertama: Barakah Al-Habsyiyyah (digelar Ummu Aiman. Hamba perempuan bapa Rasulullah SAW) Ibu susu pertama: Thuwaibah (hamba perempuan Abu Lahab) Ibu susu kedua: Halimah binti Abu Zuaib As-Sa'diah (lebih dikenali Halimah As-Sa'diah. Suaminya bernama Abu Kabsyah) USIA 5 TAHUN Peristiwa pembelahan dada Rasulullah SAW yang dilakukan oleh dua malaikat untuk mengeluarkan bagian syaitan yang wujud di dalamnya. USIA 6 TAHUN . Ibunya Aminah binti Wahab ditimpa sakit dan meninggal dunia di Al-Abwa' (sebuah kampung yang terletak di antara Mekah dan Madinah) • Baginda dipelihara oleh Ummu Aiman (hamba perempuan bapak Rasulullah SAW) dan dibiayai oleh datuknya 'Abdul Muttalib. USIA 8 TAHUN • Datuknya, 'Abdul Muttalib pula meninggal dunia. • Baginda dipelihara pula oleh bapak saudaranya, Abu Talib. USIA 9 TAHUN . (Setengah riwayat mengatakan pada usia 12 tahun). • Bersama bapak saudaranya, Abu Talib bermusafir ke Syam atas urusan perniagaan. • Di kota Busra, negeri Syam, seorang pendita Nasrani bernama Bahira (Buhaira) telah bertemu ketua-ketua rombongan untuk menceritakan tentang pengutusan seorang nabi di kalangan bangsa Arab yang akan lahir pada masa itu. USIA 20 TAHUN • Terlibat dalam peperangan Fijar. Ibnu Hisyam di dalam kitab 'Sirah', jilid1, halaman 184-187 menyatakan pada ketika itu usia Muhammad SAW ialah 14 atau 15 tahun. Baginda menyertai peperangan itu beberapa hari dan berperanan mengumpulkan anak-anak panah saja. • Menyaksikan ' perjanjian Al-Fudhul'; perjanjian damai untuk memberi pertolongan kepada orang yang dizalimi di Mekah. USIA 25 TAHUN • Bermusafir kali kedua ke Syam atas urusan perniagaan barangan Khadijah binti Khuwailid Al-Asadiyah. • Perjalanan ke Syam ditemani oleh Maisarah; lelaki suruhan Khadijah. • Baginda SAW bersama-sama Abu Talib dan beberapa orang bapak saudaranya yang lain pergi berjumpa Amru bin Asad (bapak saudara Khadijah) untuk meminang Khadijah yang berusia 40 tahun ketika itu. • Mas kawin baginda kepada Khadijah adalah sebanyak 500 dirham. USIA 35 TAHUN • Banjir besar melanda Mekah dan meruntuhkan dinding Ka'abah. • Pembinaan semula Ka'abah dilakukan oleh pembesar-pembesar dan penduduk Mekah. • Rasulullah SAW diberi kemuliaan untuk meletakkan 'Hajarul-Aswad' ke tempat asal dan sekaligus meredakan pertelingkahan berhubung perletakan batu tersebut. USIA 40 TAHUN Menerima wahyu di gua Hira' sebagai perlantikan menjadi Nabi dan Rasul akhir zaman. USIA 53 TAHUN • Berhijrah ke Madinah Al-Munawwarah dengan ditemani oleh Sayyidina Abu Bakar As-Siddiq. • Sampai ke Madinah pada tanggal 12 Rabiulawal/ 24 September 622M. USIA 63 TAHUN Kewafatan Rasulullah SAW di Madinah Al-Munawwarah pada hari Isnin, 12 Rabiulawal tahun 11H/ 8 Jun 632M. ISTERI-ISTERI RASULULLAH SAW. § Khadijah Binti Khuwailid § Saudah Binti Zam'ah § 'Aisyah Binti Abu Bakar (putri Sayyidina Abu Bakar) § Hafsah binti 'Umar (putri Sayyidina 'Umar bin Al-Khattab) § Ummi Habibah Binti Abu Sufyan § Hindun Binti Umaiyah (digelar Ummi Salamah) § Zainab Binti Jahsy § Maimunah Binti Harith § Safiyah Binti Huyai bin Akhtab § Zainab Binti Khuzaimah (digelar 'Ummu Al-Masakin'; Ibu Orang Miskin) ANAK-ANAK RASULULLAH SAW 1. Qasim 2. Abdullah 3. Ibrahim 4. Zainab 5. Ruqaiyah 6. Ummi Kalthum 7. Fatimah Al-Zahra' *Sumber Badan Dakwah Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar Siapa Makhluk Yang Imannya paling mempesona .... ? ... Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim ... Dini hari di Madinah Al Munawwarah. Kusaksikan para sahabat berkumpul di masjidmu. Angin gurun membekukan kulitku. Gigiku gemeretak. Kakiku terguncang. Tiba-tiba pintu hujrahmu terbuka. Engkau datang, ya Rasul Allah. Kupandang dikau... Assalamu'alaika ya Nabi wa rahmatullah. Assalamu'alaika ya Nabi wa rahmatullah. Kudengar salam bersahut-sahutan. Engkau tersenyum, ya Rasul Allah, wajahmu bersinar. Angin gurun berubah hangat. Cahayamu menyusup seluruh daging dan darahku. Dini hari Madinah berubah siang yang cerah. Kudengar engkau berkata, "Adakah air pada kalian?". Kutengok cepat gharibah-ku. Para sahabat sibuk memperlihatkan kantong kosong. Tidak ada setetespun air, ya Rasul Allah. Kusesali diriku. Mengapa tak kucari air sebelum tiba di masjidmu. Duhai bahagianya jika kubasahi wajah dan tanganmu dengan percikan-percikan air dari gharibah-ku. Tapi ratusan sahabat berdesakan mendekatimu. Kau mengambil gharibah kosong. Kau celupkan jari-jarimu. Subhanallah, kulihat air mengalir dari sela-sela jarimu. Kami berdecak, berebut wudlu dari pancaran sucimu. Betapa sejuk air itu ya Rasul Allah. Betapa harum air itu, ya Habib Allah. Kulihat Ibnu Mas'ud mereguk air itu sepuas-puasnya. Qod qomatish sholah Qod qomatish sholah. Duhai bahagianya sholat di belakangmu. Ayat-ayat suci mengalir di belakangmu. Melimpah memasuki jantung dan pembuluh darahku. Usai sholat kau pandangi kami. Masih dengan senyum sejuk itu. Cahayamu, ya Rasul Allah, tak mungkin kulupakan. Ingin kubenamkan setetes diriku dalam samudra dirimu. Ingin kujatuhkan sebutir debuku dalam sahara tak terhinggamu. Kudengar kau berkata lirih, "Ayyuhal halqi a'jabu ilaikum imanan?" ("Siapa makhluk yang imannya paling mempesona?") "Malaikat ya Rasul Allah," "Bagaimana mereka tidak beriman? Bukankah mereka berada di samping Allah?" "Para Nabi, ya Rasul Allah?" "Bagaimana Nabi tidak beriman? Bukankah kepada mereka turun wahyu Allah?" "Kami, para sahabatmu," "Bagaimana kalian tidak beriman? Bukankah aku berada di tengah-tengah kalian? Telah kalian saksikan apa yang kalian saksikan," "Kalau begitu, siapa mereka ya Rasul Allah?" Langit Madinah bening. Bumi Madinah hening. Kami termangu. Siapakah gerangan yang imannya paling mempesona? Kutahan nafasku, kuhentikan detak jantungku. Kudengar sabdamu, "Yang paling menakjubkan imannya, mereka yang datang sesudahku, beriman kepadaku, padahal tidak pernah berjumpa dan melihatku. Yang mempesona imannya, mereka yang tiba setelah aku tiada, yang membenarkanku tanpa pernah melihatku," "Bukankah kami ini saudaramu juga, ya Rasul Allah?" "Kalian sahabat-sahabatku. Saudaraku adalah mereka yang tidak pernah berjumpa denganku. Mereka beriman kepada yang ghaib, menginfakkan sebagian rizqi yang diberikan kepada mereka," Kami terpaku. Langit Madinah bening. Bumi Madinah hening. Kudengar lagi engkau berkata, "Alangkah rindunya daku kepada mereka. Alangkah bahagianya aku memenuhi mereka,"Suaramu parau, butur-butir air matamu tergenang. Kau rindukan mereka, ya Rasul Allah. Kau dambakan pertemuan dengan mereka, ya Nabi Allah... Kau dambakan mereka, ya Habiballah.... Wahai Rasulullah, kau ingin bertemu dengan mereka yang tak pernah dijumpaimu, mereka yang bibirnya selalu bergetar menggumamkan shalawat untukmu. Kau ingin datang memeluk mereka, memuaskan kerinduanmu. Kau akan datang kepada mereka yang mengunjungimu dengan shalawat. Masih kuingat sabdamu, "Barangsiapa yang datang kepadaku, aku akan memberinya syafaat di hari kiamat." Yâ wajîhan 'indallâh, isyfa'lanâ 'indallâh. Wahai yang mulia di sisi Allah, berikanlah syafaat kepada kami di sisi Allah... (Hadits pada tafsir Ad Durr Mantsur, berkenaan dengan Q.S. Al Baqarah:03) Assalamu'alaika ayyuhan Nabi wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh... ****Sebuah catatan untuk hati yang sering "lupa" tentang.... Betapa beruntungnya diri kita ini sebenarnya ... Yah kita lah para sahabat tercinta yang dimaksudkan oleh Baginda Rasul Saw tercinta ... Kita yg beriman kepada risalah yg disampaikan beliau Saw walau kita dipisahkan oleh waktu beribu tahun dengan beliau .. Kita yg tiada pernah berjumpa wajah dengannya Namun beriman dengan yakin seyakin2-Nya atas agama yg kita cintai ini ... Ke-imanan kita begitu mempesona beliau Saw .. Mari kita buat Bangga Baginda Rasulullah Saw .. Dengan selalu istiqomah di jalan Allah .. insya Allah ... Masya Allah .. Barakallah ... Allahuma Shali Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa Ala Ali Sayyidina Muhammad ... Salam Terkasih ... Dari seorang Sahabat ... Kemulian dan Keistimewaan Nabi Muhammad oleh Al-Allamah As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwiy Al-Maliki Al-Hasani Di dalam Kitab "Muhammad s. a. w. Insanul Kamil", karangan Al-Allamah As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwiy Al-Maliki Al-Hasani, ada menyatakan beberapa perkara mengenai kemulian dan keistimewaan Nabi Muhammad yang diutuskan sebagai rasul yang terakhir yang sentiasa menyeru manusia ke arah kebahagian dunia dan akhirat, iantaranya ialah: 1. Muhammad Rasulullah s. a. w. adalah manusia pertama yang diciptakan Allah swt iaitu ketika Nabi Adam a.s masih dalam keadaan antara roh dan jasadnya ( dari hadith riwayat Tirmizi). 2. Allah telah menetapkan bahawa semua nabi bermula dari Nabi Adam hinggalah Nabi Isa a.s terikat dengan janji bahawa mereka akan beriman dan seterusnya membela atau membantu Rasulullah s. a. w. Firman Allah yang bermaksud: Dan (ingatlah), ketika Allah mengambil perjanjian dari para nabi: "Sungguh, apa saja yang Aku berikan kepadamu berupa kitab dan hikmah, kemudian datang kepadamu seorang rasul yang membenarkan apa yang ada padamu, niscaya kamu akan sungguh-sungguh beriman kepadanya dan menolongnya". ( Surah Ibrahim : 81). 3. Silsilah atau asal-usul keturunan baginda s.a.w. bermula dari Nabi Adam a.s hinggalah Abdullah bin Abdul Mutalib tidak terdapat seorang pun di antara mereka yang pernah melakukan perbuatan yang tidak senonoh. (dari hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Al-Baihaqi dan lain-lain). 4. Pada saat kelahiran baginda s. a. w., bondanya melihat cahaya memancar menerangi istana-istana megah di Syam (diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal). 5. Pada saat baginda SAW sedang berjalan di tengah terik panas matahari, terdapat gumpalan awan memayunginya. (diriwayatkan oleh Abu Naim dan lain-lain). 6. Pernah terjadi ketika mana baginda s.a.w. sedang berjalan dan hendak berteduh di bawah sepohon pokok, pokok itulah yang bergerak mendekati baginda. (diriwayatkan oleh Al-Baihaqi ) 7. Ketika baginda SAW masih kanak-kanak, ketika baginda sedang bermain-main datanglah Malaikat membelah dadanya dan mensucikan hatinya. ( diriwayatkan oleh Muslim dan lain-lain) 8. Pada waktu Baginda menerima wahyu pertama di Gua Hira', Jibril a.s memeluk Baginda sebanyak 3 kali. ( diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari dan Muslim). 9. Allah s. w. t. memberi nama 'Muhammad' kepada baginda yang berasal dari perkataan 'hamada' (puji). Ianya merupakan kata akar bagi salah satu sifat Allah iaitu 'Mahmud' (Maha Terpuji). Sebelum itu tidak ada seorang pun yang bernama seperti baginda s. a. w. ( diriwayatkan oleh Muslim ) 10. Baginda s. a. w. sering lapar di malam hari kerana tidak mempunyai makanan , namun keesokan harinya baginda akan berasa kenyang. Allah swt jua yang dengan kekuasaan ghaibnya memberi 'makan-minum' kepada baginda s.a. w. hinggakan baginda tidak berasa lapar atau haus ( diriwayatkan oleh Muslim). 11. Baginda s. a. w. dapat melihat sesuatu yang dibelakangnya dengan jelas seolah-olah baginda melihat dari arah hadapannya. ( diriwayatkan oleh Muslim). 12. Di waktu malam yang gelap-gelita, baginda s. a. w. dapat melihat sesuatu dengan jelas dan terang seolah-olah seperti baginda sedang melihatnya di waktu siang (diriwayatkan oleh Al-Baihaqi ). 13. Ludah baginda s. a. w. dapat menjadikan air laut yang masin menjadi tawar (diriwayatkan oleh Abu Naim). 14. Suara baginda s. a. w. dapat didengari oleh orang yang berada pada jarak yang kebiasaannya susah untuk mendengar. ( diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari). 15. Baginda s. a. w. hanya tidur dengan mata, sedangkan hatinya tetap tidak tidur. ( diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari ). 16. Baginda s. a. w. tidak pernah menguap. (diriwayatkan oleh Abu Syaibah dan lain-lain. Dikemukakan juga oleh Al-Khatabiy ). 17. Selama hidup baginda s. a. w. tidak pernah ihtilam (mimpi syahwat) sama seperti para Nabi dan Rasul sebelumnya. ( diriwayatkan oleh Tabrani). 18. Peluh (Keringat) baginda sama-sekali tidak berbau. ( diriwayatkan oleh Abu Naim dan lain-lain ). 19. Apabila Baginda s. a. w. berjalan di samping orang bertubuh tinggi, baginda nampak lebih tinggi. (diriwayatkan oleh Al-Baihaqi). 20. Allah s. w. t. telah memperjalankan Baginda pada malam hari dari Masjidul Haram di Mekah ke Masjidul Aqsa di Palestin. Firman allah di dalam al-Quran: "Maha Suci Allah, yang telah memperjalankan hambaNya pada suatu malam dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa yang telah Kami berkati sekelilingnya agar Kami perlihatkan kepadanya sebahagian dari tanda-tanda (kebesaran) Kami. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat". (Surah Al-Israa' : 1) 21. Allah s. w. t. telah menurunkan Malaikat bagi membantu baginda semasa peperangan Badar dan peperangan Hunain. Firman Allah: 'Sungguh Allah telah menolong kamu dalam peperangan Badar, padahal kamu adalah (ketika itu) orang-orang yang lemah. Kerana itu bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah, supaya kamu mensyukuri-Nya. (Ingatlah), ketika kamu mengatakan kepada orang mu'min: "Apakah tidak cukup bagi kamu Allah membantu kamu dengan tiga ribu malaikat yang diturunkan (dari langit)?" (Surah Al-Imran : 123-124 ) Sebagai umat Muhammad s.a.w. kita perlu mengingati dan mencintai Rasul kita s.a.w. dengan suatu penghayatan yang sebenarnya, atau dengan kata lain wajib dihayati oleh setiap orang yang beriman sepanjang masa, tidak hanya pada waktu-waktu tertentu atau musim-musim tertentu seperti mengingati Baginda s.a.w. hanya di bulan Rabiul Awal ini saja. Cuma yang lebihnya memperingati Baginda s.a.w. di bulan Maulid ini adalah lebih khusus kerana Baginda mengikut riwayat yang paling mashyur dilahirkan pada hari Isnin 12 Rabiul Awal tahun gajah. Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda di dalam hadis yang diambil dari Qatadah yang bermaksud;"Bahasanya Rasulullah s.a.w., apabila ditanya mengenai puasa pada hari isnin, maka Baginda bersabda : itulah hari dimana aku dilahirkan dan hari mula turun wahyu kepada ku" H.R.Muslim Di dalam keadaan dan suasana manusia yang sedang hanyut dan tenggelam di dalam arus jahiliyah, manusia yang sedang berada di julang api neraka, di saat manusia membunuh sesama sendiri, di kala manusia lupa Tuhan yang sebenarnya dengan menyembah berhala, tidak mengenali hakikat agama yang dibawa oleh nabi-nabi terdahulu dan menyeleweng daripada ajaran yang sebenarnya. Di tengah-tengah keadaan inilah, maka lahirlah sinaran dan cahaya islam yang dibawa oleh seorang pesuruh Allah iaitu Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Ajaran yang suci ini telah dibawa oleh seorang pesuruh Allah yang terpilih ini, semuanya bersumberkan kepada wahyunya daripada Allah s.w.t. yang bertujuan untuk menyelamatkan manusia dengan mengajak mereka beribadat kepada Allah semata-mata dan menjauhi diri dari ajaran yang salah dan sesat. Jelas sekali, sumbangan Baginda dalam mengangkat dan meningkatkan peradaban manusia cukup besar dan bermakna. Oleh itu, kedatangan bulan ini perlu disambut setiap umat Islam dengan penuh kesyukuran kerana dalam bulan inilah lahir seorang pemimpin unggul, agung dan berwibawa yang mengubah suasana dan keadaan hidup manusia ke arah kehidupan lebih cemerlang, bahagia dan berjaya. Allah berfirman yang berbunyi: "Tidak Kami utuskan engkau (wahai Muhammad) melainkan untuk mendatangkan kerahmatan kepada seluruh alam." (Surah al-Anbia, ayat 107). Perjuangan Baginda s. a. w. dalam usaha menegakkan Islam di muka bumi ini, dipenuhi peristiwa pahit dan getir. Baginda terpaksa menempuh pelbagai ancaman dan halangan, menghadapi pelbagai kesengsaraan, penderitaan, penindasan dan sebagainya. Baginda diutus Allah menjadi Rasul ketika berumur 40 tahun. Pelantikan Baginda sebagai Rasul membolehkan Baginda menyebarkan dakwah dan mengajak umatnya ke jalan lurus. Kesungguhan Baginda akhirnya berjaya membawa masyarakat Arab ke jalan benar dan diridloi Allah. Justru itu, pada hari ini, marilah kita umat Islam bergandeng bahu dan merapatkan jurang untuk sama-sama meningkatkan ketakwaan kepada Allah dengan menghayati ajaran dan sunah Rasulullah. Sesungguhnya, kedatangan Rabiulawal tahun ini, diharap dapat menyelesaikan kemelut yang menimpa umat Islam ketika ini, sekaligus membawa semangat baru kepada perjuangan menegakkan Islam. Mengapa Kita Bersholawat oleh Al-Habib Abdul Qodir bin Al Imam Al Hafidz Al Musnid Al Qutub Prof DR. Al Habib Abdullah Bin Abdul Qodir Bin Ahmad Bil Faqih Al-Alawy RA Terdorong dari sabda Baginda SAW yang artinya "janganlah kalian mejadikan makamku sebagai tempat bersenang-senang, namun justru perbanyaklah sholawat atasku !! Sesungguhnaya sholawat yang kalian sampaikan aku terima ( sampai kepadaku ) dimanapun kamu berada". Tersirat pula bahwa Baginda Nabi SAW bersabda, telah bersabda jibril As : "Sesungguhnya aku memberi kabar gembira kepadamu bahwa sungguh Allah Swt berfirman, "Barangsiapa menyampiakan salam kepadamu maka aku sampaikan salam kepadanya, dan orang yang bersholawat kepadamu, aku berikan sholawat kepadanya". (Hadist Qudsyi) Sabda Baginda Nabi SAW pula : bersabda Sayyiduna Jibril As : " Wahai muhammad tiada seorang yang bersholawat kepada paduka kecuali 70.000 malaikat bersholawat atas orang tersebut, dan siapa yang bersholawati oleh malaikat maka ia tergolong dari penghuni surga". Kemudian Baginda Nabi SAW pun pernah bersabda : "Siapa orang yang bersholawat atasku satu kali, Allah Swt sampaikan sholawat atasnya 10 kali, siapa yang bersholawat atasku 100 kali Allah Swt sampaikan sholawat atasnya 100 kali, siapa orang yang bersholawat atasku 100 kali Allah Swt mencatatnya tergolong dari orang yang jauh dari kemunafikan dan bahaya api neraka, serta kelak digolongkan bersama para syahid, perbanyaklah sholawat atasku, setiap namaku disebut sesungguhanya itu menjadi pelebur dari macam-macam keburukan kalian". Sebuah kabar gembira dari Baginda Nabi SAW, dirawayatkan : "Siapa orang yang bersholawat atasku setiap hari 100 kali, maka tidaklah ia wafat kecuali sebelumnya akan mengetahui tempatnya kelak disurga". Dalam sebuah hadits yang lain diriwayatkan pula : "Siapa orang yang bersholawat atasku setiap hari 100 kali, maka Allah Swt akan mengkabulkan 100 hajatnya, yang teringan dari hajat tersebut bahwa ia akan dibebaskan dari api neraka". Demikian penjabaran dari Yang Mulya Asy Syekh Yusuf Bin Ismail Al Nabhany RA. Kemudian Imam Asy Syakhowi RA menukilkan dari sayyiduna Imam Ali Karrahmallahu Wajhah As Ra, beliau pernah berkata : "Andai aku tidak khawatir lupa akan dzikir kepada Allah Azza Wajalla maka tidak aku dekatkan diri kecuali dengan sholawat atas Nabi SAW, karena pernah kudengar Baginda SAW bersabda : "Bersabda Sayyidunna jibril As : "Wahai Muhammad Sesungguhnya Allah 'Azza Wajalla Berfirman : "Siapa orang yang bersholawat kepada paduka 10 kali sungguh wajib baginya aman dari Murka-Ku". Semoga Allah Swt membuka hati agar semua tergolong dari ahli sholawat dan tergolong peraih Syafa'at Rosulullah SAW, Amiin Yaa Rabbal 'Alamiin Bijahi Sayyiduna Muhammadin Tohal Amiin SAW. Mari kita bersyukur kepada Allah Swt karena sudah dikumpulkan oleh Allah Swt di sini. Di tempat ini kita mengingat Allah Swt, mengingat Nabi Muhammad Saw dan mengingat orang-orang yang mencintai Allah Swt dan Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. Semoga di akhirat nanti kita juga dikumpulkan bersama-sama Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. Amin. Kita bermodalkan mencintai Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. Dikisahkan ketika pada suatu hari rombongan Rasulullah Muhammad Saw sedang berjalan menuju ke suatu tempat dihentikan oleh seseorang sahabat dan beliau bertanya kapan hari kiamat akan tiba. Rasulullah Muhammad Saw balik bertanya kepadanya apakah yang sudah dia siapkan sehingga dia tanya kapan hari kiamat akan tiba? Sahabat tersebut menjawab dia tidak mempersiapkan apa-apa karena dia sadar bahwa ibadahnya hanya sedikit, dia hanya yakin bahwa dia mencintai Allah Swt dan Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. Rasulullah Muhammad Saw menjawab bahwa sahabat itu akan bersama yang dicintainya nanti di hari kiamat. Sahabat-sahabat yang lain yang bersama Rasulullah Muhammad Saw bahagia sekali mendengar kabar tersebut seakan-akan tidak ada kabar bahagia selain ini, sebab mereka tahu bahwa ibadah mereka tidak mungkin sekhusyuk Rasulullah Muhammad Saw, tidak mungkin seikhlas Rasulullah Muhammad Saw, tidak mungkin sesempurna Rasulullah Muhammad Saw…mereka hanya mencintai Allah Swt dan Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. Mereka bahagia bahwa dikatakan mereka akan bersama yang mereka cintai. Dikatakan bahwa barang siapa mendatangi suatu tempat dimana tempat itu dibacakan maulid (sejarah Rasulullah Muhammad Saw), maka dia sebenarnya sedang mendatangi ridho Allah Swt. Kenapa? Karena kita datang dengan berniatkan mencintai Rasulullah Muhammad Saw yang mana niat ini akan membawa kita melakukan hal-hal yang cintai oleh Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. Bukankah orang yang mencintai sesuatu akan melakukan hal-hal yang disukai oleh yang kita cintai? Barang siapa dengan tulus mencintai Rasulullah Muhammad Saw maka Rasulullah Muhammad Saw akan mencintainya. Salah satu bukti kecintaan kita kepada Rasulullah Muhammad Saw adalah dengan bersholawat kepada Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. Nabi Adam As dahulu kesepian ketika berada di surga, oleh Allah Swt diciptakanlah ibu Hawa. Sudah sifat kita tertarik kepada sesuatu yang indah-indah, begitu juga Nabi Adam As yang tertarik kepada ibu Hawa. Ketika Nabi Adam As bertanya kepada Allah Swt bahwa Nabi Adam As menginginkan ibu Hawa, maka Allah Swt melarang Nabi Adam As mendekati ibu Hawa sebelum memberikan mahar. Lihatlah di surga yang semua keinginan kita tinggal meminta pada Allah Swt langsung dikabulkan saja Nabi Adam As masih disuruh memberikan mahar untuk ibu Hawa! Nabi Adam As bertanya apa maharnya ya Allah? Dijawab oleh Allah Swt bahwa mahar yang harus diberikan adalah sholawat kepada Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. Kemudian Allah Swt menjelaskan kepada Nabi Adam As siapa Rasulullah Muhammad Saw yang di akhirat dikenal dengan nama Ahmad sebenarnya. Lihat ini bukti bahwa betapa mulianya sholawat kepada Rasulullah Muhammad Saw itu! Sholawat bermanfaat untuk banyak hal dunia dan akhirat. Alhabib Ali bin Muhammad bin Husein Alhabsyi (penulis kitab Simthud Durrar) berkata bahwa ketika beliau sumpek maka beliau membaca sholawat kepada Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. Dikisahkan dari Kitab Raudhorrayahin, dimana Allah memiliki salah satu malaikat yang mana panjang sayapnya yang satu di masyriq dan yang satu di maghrib. Dan tingginya, dari langit ketujuh sampai dasar bumi ketujuh. Malaikat tersebut memiliki bulu sejumlah dengan makhluk ALLAH yang ada di bumi, dan tugas malaikat tersebut adalah ketika ada yang bersholawat kepada Rosul saw, maka malaikat tersebut menyelam kelautan cahaya kemudian naik ke atas dan mengibaskan tubuhnya. Setiap tetesan yang menetes dari sayap malaikat tersebut ALLAH ciptakan malaikat lagi yang selalu meminta ampun / ber-istiqfar terhadap orang yang bersholawat tersebut sampai yaumil Qiyamah… Begitu tingginya derajat orang yang bersholawat kepada Sayyidul Wujud Muhammad saww , maka perbanyaklah sholawat kita…. NASEHAT RASULULLAH S.AW UNTUK PUTRINDA KESAYANGANNYA, FATIMAH AZ-ZAHRA. Suatu hari Rasulullah S.A.W menyempatkan diri berkunjung kerumah Fatimah az-zahra. Setiba dikediaman putri kesayangannya itu, Rosulullah berucap salam & kemudian masuk. Ketika itu didapatinya Fatimah tengah menangis sambil menggiling Syaiir ( Sejenis Gandum ) dengan penggilingan tangan dari batu. Seketika itu Rosul bertanya kepada putrinya. " Duhai Fatimah, apa gerangan yang membuat engkau menangis ? Semoga Allah tidak menyebabkan matamu berderai." Fatimah menjawab. " Wahai Rosulullah, Penggilingan dan Urusan rumah tangga inilah yang menyebabkan Ananda menangis." Kemudian duduklah Rosulullah S.A.W disisi Fatimah. Kemudian Fatimah melanjutkan. " Duhai Ayahanda, sudikah kiranya Ayah meminta kepada Ali, suamiku. Mencarikan seorang Jariah ( Hamba Perempuan ) untuk membantu Ananda menggiling gandum dan mengerjakan pekerja'an Rumah ?". Maka bangkitlah Rasulullah S.A.W mendekati penggilingan itu. Dengan tangannya beliau mengambil sejumput gandum lalu diletakkannya dipenggilingan tangan seraya membaca BASMALLAH. Ajaib dengan seizing ALLAH S.W.T. penggilingan tersebut berputar sendiri. Sementara penggilingan itu berputar, Rasulullah bertasbih kepada ALLAH S.W.T dalam berbagai bahasa, sehingga habislah gandum itu tergiling.. " Berhentilah berputar dengan izin ALLAH S.W.T." maka penggilingan itu berhenti berputar. Lalu dengan izin ALLAH pula penggilingan itu berkata dengan bahasa manusia." Yaa.. Rasulullah, demi ALLAH yang telah menjadikan tuan kebenaran sebagai Nabi dan Rasul-nya. Kalaulah tuan menyuruh hamba menggiling gandum dari timur hingga kebaratpun niscaya hamba gilingkan semuanya, Sesungguhnya hamba telah mendengar dalam kitab ALLAH S.W.T. " Hai orang yang beriman, peliharalah dirimu, keluargamu dari api neraka yang bahan bakarnya manusia dan batu, penjaganya malaikat yang kasar lagi keras, yang tidak mendurhakai ALLAH terhadap apa yang dititahkannya dan mereka mengerjakan apa yang dititahkannya. Maka hamba takut yaa.. Rasulullah kelak hamba menjadi batu dineraka." Dan bersabdalah Rasulullah." Bergembiralah, karena engkau adalah salah satu Mahligai Fatimah az-zahra didalam surga. Maka bergembiralah penggilingan batu itu. Lalu Rasulullah bersabda. " Jika ALLAH menghendaki,niscaya penggilingan itu akan berputar dengan sendirinya untukmu. Tapi ALLAH menghendaki dituliskan-nya untukmu beberapa kebaikan dan dihapuskan-nya beberapa kasalahanmu. Dan diangkatnya beberapa derajat untukmu bila wanita menggiling gandum untuk suami dan anaknya. Dan ALLAH menuliskannya setiap gandum yang digilingkannya SATU kebaikan dan mengangkatnya SATU derajat " Kemudian Rasulullah meneruskan nasehatnya. " Wahai Fatimah, wanita yang berkeringat. Ketika wanita menggiling gandum untuk suami dan anaknya. ALLAH akan menjadikan antara dirinya dan Neraka tujuh parit. Wanita yang meminyaki dan menyisiri rambut anaknya, serta mencuci pakaian mereka. ALLAH akan mencatat pahala seperti memberi seribu orang lapar dan memberi pakaian kepada seribu orang telanjang. Sedangkan wanita yang menghalangi hajat tetanga-tetangganya, ALLAH akan menghalanginya dari meminum air telaga Kautsar diahari kiamat." Rasulullah S.A.W masih meneruskan nasehatnya.. " Wahai Fatimah yang lebih utama dari semua itu adalah keridha'an Suami terhadap Istrinya. Jika suamimu tidak Ridha, aku tidaklah akan mendoakanmu. Tidakkah engkau ketahui, Ridha Suami adalah Ridha ALLAH S.W.T, dan kemarahannya adalah kemarahan ALLAH S.W.T ?" Apabila seorang wanita mengandung Janin, Maka beristigfarlah para malaikat. Dan ALLAH mencatat Tiap – tiap hari seribu kebaikan dan menghapuskan seribu kejahatan. Apabila ia mulai sakit karena melahirkan, ALLAH akan mencatat seperti pahala orang-orang yang berjihad. Apabila ia Melahirkan, keluarlah ia dari dosa-dosanya seperti keadan sa'at ibunya melahirkannya. Apabila ia Meninggal dalam melahirkan ia meninggalkan dunia ini tanpa dosa sedikitpun. Kelak ia akan mendapati kuburnya tersebut sebagai taman-taman surga. Dan ALLAH mangaruniakan pahala seribu haji dan seribu umrah. Dan beristigfarlah seribu malaikat untuknya dihari kiamat. " Wahai Fatimah, wanita yang melayani suaminya dalam sehari semalam dengan baik hati dan ikhlas serta dengan niat yang benar. ALLAH S.W.T menghapuskan dosa-dosanya. Dan akan mengenakan seperangkat pakaian hijau, dan dicatatkan untuknya dari setiap helai bulu dan rambut ditubuhnya seribu kebaikan ( setiap helai seribu kebaikan ).. Wanita yang tersenyum dihadapan suaminya, ALLAH memandangnya dengan pandangan Rahmat. ." Wahai Fatimah, wanita yang menghamparkan alas untuk berbaring atau menata rumah dengan baik untuk suami dan anaknya, berserulah para malaikat untuknya. Teruskanlah Amalmu, maka ALLAH telah mengampunimu dari dosa yanglalu maupun yang akan datang." ." Wahai Fatimah, wanita yang mengoleskan minyak pada rambut dan jenggot suaminya, serta rela memotong kumis dan menggunting kuku suaminya, ALLAH memberinya minuman dari sungai – sungai surga. Dan kuburnya akan menjadi taman di surga. Dan ALLAH menyelamatkannyadari api neraka, serta selamat dari titian Sirotulmustakim. DARI ABDULLAH BIN AMR AL-ASH RA, ROSULULLAH BERSABDA. " DUNIA ADALAH SUATU KESENANGAN, DAN SEBAIK-BAIK KESENANGAN ADALAH WANITA YANG SHALEHAH."( H.R MUSLIM )
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:35PM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Keajaiban Dunia Ketika Kelahiran Rasulullah Sayyidina Muhammad Saw.... (Segala Hal Tentang Baginda Rasul Saw) ... Jika Rasulullah Berkunjung Ke Rumahmu, Apa yang Akan Kamu Lakukan? Jika Rasulullah datang kerumah mu untuk meluangkan waktu sehari dua hari bersama mu, tanpa kabar apa-apa sebelumya, apakah yang akan kamu lakukan untuknya??? Akankah kau sembunyikan buku duniamu, lalu kau keluarkan dengan cepat kitab hadist di rak buku? Atau akankah kau sembunyikan majalah-majalahmu, dan kau hiasi mejamu dengan Al Qur'an yang telah berdebu? Akankah kau masih menonton film dan sinetron di tv, atau dengan cepat kau matikan sebelum beliau melihatnya? Maukah kau mengajak beliau berkunjung ke tempat-tempat yang biasa kau datangi, ataukah dengan cepat rencanamu kau ganti? Akankah kau bahagia jika Rasulullah memperpanjang kunjungannya, atau kau malah tersiksa karena banyak yang kau sembunyikan dari beliau? Jika Rasulullah tiba-tiba ingin menyaksikan, akankah kau mengerjakan pekerjaan sehari-hari yang biasa kau lakukan? Akankah kau berkata-kata seperti apa yang sehari-hari kamu katakan? Akankah kau jalankan sewajarnya hidupmu seperti halnya jika beliau tidak berkunjung ke rumahmu? Sangat menarik untuk tau, apa yang akan kita lakukan.. jika Rasulullah datang dan mengetuk pintu rumah kita ...Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim ... Kelahiran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. pada 12 Rabiulawal, Tahun Gajah di Mekah al-Mukarramah sebagai pembuka rahmat di pelosok alam semesta. Kelahiran baginda menjadi seribu satu tanda bahwa baginda akan menjadi utusan terakhir dalam menyampaikan risalah Islam. Ia merupakan peristiwa utama dalam sejarah Islam. Baginda mempunyai kelebihan luar biasa, bukan saja dilihat dalam konteks sebelum kelahirannya tetapi dalam konteks semasa dan selepas dilahirkan. Peristiwa luar biasa ini disebut sebagai Irhas. Irhas bermaksud satu kejadian luar biasa bagi manusia yang normal dan hanya diberikan kepada seorang nabi Sehubungan itu, masih ramai masyarakat Islam yang sebenarnya tidak mengetahui peristiwa di sebalik kelahiran baginda. Ini karena masih banyak lagi rahasia yang belum terungkap. Sebenarnya banyak keajaiban yang berlaku sebelum kelahiran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Pertama, semasa Rasulullah s.a.w. berada di dalam kandungan bundanya, Aminah, beliau tidak merasa susah sebagaimana dialami oleh ibu-ibu yang hamil. Kehamilannya disadari melalui berita dari malaikat yang datang kepadanya ketika beliau sedang tidur. Malaikat mengatakan bahawa beliau telah mengandungkan seorang Nabi dan Penghulu kepada seluruh umat manusia. Selain itu kehamilannya ditandai dengan haidnya terputus dan berpindahnya cahaya daripada wajah Abdullah ke wajahnya. Kedua, ketika Nur Muhammad masuk ke dalam rahim Aminah, Allah memerintahkan malaikat supaya membukakan pintu syurga Firdaus dan memberitahu semua penghuni langit dan bumi. Tanah-tanah disekitaran kawasan tersebut yang kering menjadi subur, pohon-pohon kayu rimbun dan berbuah lebat. Begitu juga hewan-hewan di darat dan di laut sibuk membincangkannya. Ketiga, peperangan tentara bergajah yang disebut di dalam al-Quran surah al-Fil, datang menyerang kota Mekah. Ia diketuai oleh tentara bergajah dengan menunggang seekor gajah besar bernama Mahmudi. Apabila mereka hampir sampai ke tempat tersebut, gajah-gajah itu berhenti dan berundur dengan izin Allah. Namun demikian, sekumpulan burung Ababil datang menyerang dan menghancurkan mereka sebagaimana yang disebut di dalam al-Quran. Peristiwa ini amat menakjubkan dan diriwayatkan dalam kitab-kitab sejarah. Keempat, Aminah turut mengalami mimpi yang menakjubkan. Beliau menadah tangan ke langit dan melihat sendiri malaikat turun dari langit. Ia diumpamakan kapas putih yang terapung di angkasa. Kemudian malaikat tersebut berdiri di hadapannya. Ia berkata "Khabar bahagia untuk saudara, wahai ibu daripada seorang nabi. Putera saudara itu menjadi penolong dan pembebas manusia. Namakan dia Ahmad." Semasa kelahiran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w., Aminah ditemani Asiah dan Maryam. Dalam hal ini ia merupakan satu isyarat bahawa Nabi Muhammad lebih tinggi derajatnya daripada Nabi Isa dan Musa. Keadaan ini diterangkan dalam kitab Taurat dan Injil bahawa akan datang seorang nabi pada akhir zaman. Semasa baginda dilahirkan, bundanya menyaksikan nur atau cahaya keluar dari tubuh badan baginda. Cahaya tersebut menyinari sehingga ke Istana Busra di Syria. Ia dilihat seolah-olah seperti anak panah bagaikan pelangi sehingga dari jauh kota-kota tersebut dapat dilihat. Ada juga yang berpendapat bahawa cahaya itu datang dan menerangi seluruh dunia. Ini dapat dijelaskan oleh sumber-sumber Arab yang paling awal yang menyatakan bahawa suatu cahaya terpancar dari rahim Aminah apabila baginda dilahirkan. Aminah sendiri melihat baginda dalam keadaan terbaring dengan kedua tangannya mengangkat ke langit seperti seorang yang sedang berdoa. Kemudian bundanya melihat awan turun menyelimuti dirinya sehingga beliau mendengar sebuah seruan "Pimpinlah dia mengelilingi bumi Timur dan Barat, supaya mereka tahu dan dialah yang akan menghapuskan segala perkara syirik". Selepas itu awan tersebut lenyap daripada pandangan Aminah. Setengah riwayat menyatakan nabi dilahirkan dalam keadaan memandang ke arah langit sambil meletakkan tangannya ke tanah sebagai tanda ketinggian martabatnya daripada semua makhluk. Dikatakan juga pada malam kelahiran baginda, berhala-berhala yang terdapat di situ mengalami kerusakan dan kemusnahan. Menurut riwayat daripada Abdul Mutalib, "Ketika aku sedang berada di Kaabah, tiba-tiba berhala jatuh dari tempatnya dan sujud kepada Allah. Lalu aku mendengar suara dari dinding Kaabah berkata, "telah lahir nabi pilihan yang akan membinasakan orang kafir dan mensucikanku daripada berhala-berhala ini dan akan memerintahkan penyembahan Yang Maha Mengetahui." Selain itu di tempat yang lain pula satu goncangan berlaku di mahligai Kisra dan menyebabkan mahligai tersebut retak, manakala empat belas tiang serinya runtuh. Keadaan ini merupakan di antara tanda -tanda keruntuhan kerajaan tersebut. Namun, api di negara Parsi yang tidak pernah padam hampir selama seribu tahun telah padam dengan sendirinya. Api tersebut merupakan api sembahan orang-orang Majusi yang dianggap sebagai tuhan. Peristiwa itu amat mengejutkan orang Parsi. Dalam waktu yang sama, pada malam kelahiran baginda, Tasik Sava yang dianggap suci tenggelam ke dalam tanah. Setelah baginda lahir, tembakan bintang menjadi kerap sebagai tanda bahawa pengetahuan syaitan dan jin mengenai perkara ghaib sudah tamat. Berdasarkan peristiwa tersebut jelaslah kelahiran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. mempunyai keistimewaan tersendiri. Ini kerana baginda adalah khatamun nubuwwah, penutup segala nabi. Perkara -perkara luar biasa ini telah membuktikan kepada kita kemuliaan baginda di sisi Allah, sekali gus sebagai bukti kerasulannya. Di samping itu, bukti -bukti tersebut juga dijelaskan di dalam kitab kitab terdahulu seperti kitab Taurat, Zabur dan Injil sebagai rasul yang terakhir. Biodata Ringkas Rasulullah Sayyidina Muhammad Saw .. Nama: Muhammad bin 'Abdullah bin 'Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim Tanggal lahir: Subuh Isnin, 12 Rabiulawal / 20 April 571M (dikenali sebagai tahun gajah; peristiwa tentera bergajah Abrahah yang menyerang kota Ka'abah) Tempat lahir: Di rumah Abu Talib, Makkah Al-Mukarramah Nama bapak: 'Abdullah bin 'Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim Nama ibu: Aminah binti Wahab bin 'Abdul Manaf Pengasuh pertama: Barakah Al-Habsyiyyah (digelar Ummu Aiman. Hamba perempuan bapa Rasulullah SAW) Ibu susu pertama: Thuwaibah (hamba perempuan Abu Lahab) Ibu susu kedua: Halimah binti Abu Zuaib As-Sa'diah (lebih dikenali Halimah As-Sa'diah. Suaminya bernama Abu Kabsyah) USIA 5 TAHUN Peristiwa pembelahan dada Rasulullah SAW yang dilakukan oleh dua malaikat untuk mengeluarkan bagian syaitan yang wujud di dalamnya. USIA 6 TAHUN . Ibunya Aminah binti Wahab ditimpa sakit dan meninggal dunia di Al-Abwa' (sebuah kampung yang terletak di antara Mekah dan Madinah) • Baginda dipelihara oleh Ummu Aiman (hamba perempuan bapak Rasulullah SAW) dan dibiayai oleh datuknya 'Abdul Muttalib. USIA 8 TAHUN • Datuknya, 'Abdul Muttalib pula meninggal dunia. • Baginda dipelihara pula oleh bapak saudaranya, Abu Talib. USIA 9 TAHUN . (Setengah riwayat mengatakan pada usia 12 tahun). • Bersama bapak saudaranya, Abu Talib bermusafir ke Syam atas urusan perniagaan. • Di kota Busra, negeri Syam, seorang pendita Nasrani bernama Bahira (Buhaira) telah bertemu ketua-ketua rombongan untuk menceritakan tentang pengutusan seorang nabi di kalangan bangsa Arab yang akan lahir pada masa itu. USIA 20 TAHUN • Terlibat dalam peperangan Fijar. Ibnu Hisyam di dalam kitab 'Sirah', jilid1, halaman 184-187 menyatakan pada ketika itu usia Muhammad SAW ialah 14 atau 15 tahun. Baginda menyertai peperangan itu beberapa hari dan berperanan mengumpulkan anak-anak panah saja. • Menyaksikan ' perjanjian Al-Fudhul'; perjanjian damai untuk memberi pertolongan kepada orang yang dizalimi di Mekah. USIA 25 TAHUN • Bermusafir kali kedua ke Syam atas urusan perniagaan barangan Khadijah binti Khuwailid Al-Asadiyah. • Perjalanan ke Syam ditemani oleh Maisarah; lelaki suruhan Khadijah. • Baginda SAW bersama-sama Abu Talib dan beberapa orang bapak saudaranya yang lain pergi berjumpa Amru bin Asad (bapak saudara Khadijah) untuk meminang Khadijah yang berusia 40 tahun ketika itu. • Mas kawin baginda kepada Khadijah adalah sebanyak 500 dirham. USIA 35 TAHUN • Banjir besar melanda Mekah dan meruntuhkan dinding Ka'abah. • Pembinaan semula Ka'abah dilakukan oleh pembesar-pembesar dan penduduk Mekah. • Rasulullah SAW diberi kemuliaan untuk meletakkan 'Hajarul-Aswad' ke tempat asal dan sekaligus meredakan pertelingkahan berhubung perletakan batu tersebut. USIA 40 TAHUN Menerima wahyu di gua Hira' sebagai perlantikan menjadi Nabi dan Rasul akhir zaman. USIA 53 TAHUN • Berhijrah ke Madinah Al-Munawwarah dengan ditemani oleh Sayyidina Abu Bakar As-Siddiq. • Sampai ke Madinah pada tanggal 12 Rabiulawal/ 24 September 622M. USIA 63 TAHUN Kewafatan Rasulullah SAW di Madinah Al-Munawwarah pada hari Isnin, 12 Rabiulawal tahun 11H/ 8 Jun 632M. ISTERI-ISTERI RASULULLAH SAW. § Khadijah Binti Khuwailid § Saudah Binti Zam'ah § 'Aisyah Binti Abu Bakar (putri Sayyidina Abu Bakar) § Hafsah binti 'Umar (putri Sayyidina 'Umar bin Al-Khattab) § Ummi Habibah Binti Abu Sufyan § Hindun Binti Umaiyah (digelar Ummi Salamah) § Zainab Binti Jahsy § Maimunah Binti Harith § Safiyah Binti Huyai bin Akhtab § Zainab Binti Khuzaimah (digelar 'Ummu Al-Masakin'; Ibu Orang Miskin) ANAK-ANAK RASULULLAH SAW 1. Qasim 2. Abdullah 3. Ibrahim 4. Zainab 5. Ruqaiyah 6. Ummi Kalthum 7. Fatimah Al-Zahra' *Sumber Badan Dakwah Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar Siapa Makhluk Yang Imannya paling mempesona .... ? ... Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim ... Dini hari di Madinah Al Munawwarah. Kusaksikan para sahabat berkumpul di masjidmu. Angin gurun membekukan kulitku. Gigiku gemeretak. Kakiku terguncang. Tiba-tiba pintu hujrahmu terbuka. Engkau datang, ya Rasul Allah. Kupandang dikau... Assalamu'alaika ya Nabi wa rahmatullah. Assalamu'alaika ya Nabi wa rahmatullah. Kudengar salam bersahut-sahutan. Engkau tersenyum, ya Rasul Allah, wajahmu bersinar. Angin gurun berubah hangat. Cahayamu menyusup seluruh daging dan darahku. Dini hari Madinah berubah siang yang cerah. Kudengar engkau berkata, "Adakah air pada kalian?". Kutengok cepat gharibah-ku. Para sahabat sibuk memperlihatkan kantong kosong. Tidak ada setetespun air, ya Rasul Allah. Kusesali diriku. Mengapa tak kucari air sebelum tiba di masjidmu. Duhai bahagianya jika kubasahi wajah dan tanganmu dengan percikan-percikan air dari gharibah-ku. Tapi ratusan sahabat berdesakan mendekatimu. Kau mengambil gharibah kosong. Kau celupkan jari-jarimu. Subhanallah, kulihat air mengalir dari sela-sela jarimu. Kami berdecak, berebut wudlu dari pancaran sucimu. Betapa sejuk air itu ya Rasul Allah. Betapa harum air itu, ya Habib Allah. Kulihat Ibnu Mas'ud mereguk air itu sepuas-puasnya. Qod qomatish sholah Qod qomatish sholah. Duhai bahagianya sholat di belakangmu. Ayat-ayat suci mengalir di belakangmu. Melimpah memasuki jantung dan pembuluh darahku. Usai sholat kau pandangi kami. Masih dengan senyum sejuk itu. Cahayamu, ya Rasul Allah, tak mungkin kulupakan. Ingin kubenamkan setetes diriku dalam samudra dirimu. Ingin kujatuhkan sebutir debuku dalam sahara tak terhinggamu. Kudengar kau berkata lirih, "Ayyuhal halqi a'jabu ilaikum imanan?" ("Siapa makhluk yang imannya paling mempesona?") "Malaikat ya Rasul Allah," "Bagaimana mereka tidak beriman? Bukankah mereka berada di samping Allah?" "Para Nabi, ya Rasul Allah?" "Bagaimana Nabi tidak beriman? Bukankah kepada mereka turun wahyu Allah?" "Kami, para sahabatmu," "Bagaimana kalian tidak beriman? Bukankah aku berada di tengah-tengah kalian? Telah kalian saksikan apa yang kalian saksikan," "Kalau begitu, siapa mereka ya Rasul Allah?" Langit Madinah bening. Bumi Madinah hening. Kami termangu. Siapakah gerangan yang imannya paling mempesona? Kutahan nafasku, kuhentikan detak jantungku. Kudengar sabdamu, "Yang paling menakjubkan imannya, mereka yang datang sesudahku, beriman kepadaku, padahal tidak pernah berjumpa dan melihatku. Yang mempesona imannya, mereka yang tiba setelah aku tiada, yang membenarkanku tanpa pernah melihatku," "Bukankah kami ini saudaramu juga, ya Rasul Allah?" "Kalian sahabat-sahabatku. Saudaraku adalah mereka yang tidak pernah berjumpa denganku. Mereka beriman kepada yang ghaib, menginfakkan sebagian rizqi yang diberikan kepada mereka," Kami terpaku. Langit Madinah bening. Bumi Madinah hening. Kudengar lagi engkau berkata, "Alangkah rindunya daku kepada mereka. Alangkah bahagianya aku memenuhi mereka,"Suaramu parau, butur-butir air matamu tergenang. Kau rindukan mereka, ya Rasul Allah. Kau dambakan pertemuan dengan mereka, ya Nabi Allah... Kau dambakan mereka, ya Habiballah.... Wahai Rasulullah, kau ingin bertemu dengan mereka yang tak pernah dijumpaimu, mereka yang bibirnya selalu bergetar menggumamkan shalawat untukmu. Kau ingin datang memeluk mereka, memuaskan kerinduanmu. Kau akan datang kepada mereka yang mengunjungimu dengan shalawat. Masih kuingat sabdamu, "Barangsiapa yang datang kepadaku, aku akan memberinya syafaat di hari kiamat." Yâ wajîhan 'indallâh, isyfa'lanâ 'indallâh. Wahai yang mulia di sisi Allah, berikanlah syafaat kepada kami di sisi Allah... (Hadits pada tafsir Ad Durr Mantsur, berkenaan dengan Q.S. Al Baqarah:03) Assalamu'alaika ayyuhan Nabi wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh... ****Sebuah catatan untuk hati yang sering "lupa" tentang.... Betapa beruntungnya diri kita ini sebenarnya ... Yah kita lah para sahabat tercinta yang dimaksudkan oleh Baginda Rasul Saw tercinta ... Kita yg beriman kepada risalah yg disampaikan beliau Saw walau kita dipisahkan oleh waktu beribu tahun dengan beliau .. Kita yg tiada pernah berjumpa wajah dengannya Namun beriman dengan yakin seyakin2-Nya atas agama yg kita cintai ini ... Ke-imanan kita begitu mempesona beliau Saw .. Mari kita buat Bangga Baginda Rasulullah Saw .. Dengan selalu istiqomah di jalan Allah .. insya Allah ... Masya Allah .. Barakallah ... Allahuma Shali Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa Ala Ali Sayyidina Muhammad ... Salam Terkasih ... Dari seorang Sahabat ... Kemulian dan Keistimewaan Nabi Muhammad oleh Al-Allamah As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwiy Al-Maliki Al-Hasani Di dalam Kitab "Muhammad s. a. w. Insanul Kamil", karangan Al-Allamah As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwiy Al-Maliki Al-Hasani, ada menyatakan beberapa perkara mengenai kemulian dan keistimewaan Nabi Muhammad yang diutuskan sebagai rasul yang terakhir yang sentiasa menyeru manusia ke arah kebahagian dunia dan akhirat, iantaranya ialah: 1. Muhammad Rasulullah s. a. w. adalah manusia pertama yang diciptakan Allah swt iaitu ketika Nabi Adam a.s masih dalam keadaan antara roh dan jasadnya ( dari hadith riwayat Tirmizi). 2.


 abu adam - Social Mention: NASIHAR MARIGAYI SHEIKH JA'AFAR KANO ANA I GOBE ZA'A HARBE SHI, AKAN SIYASA Wannan Nasihar Marigayi Sheikh Jafar Mahmoud Adam Rahimahullah ya gabatar da ita ne a ranar Alhamis 25 ga Rabi'ul Auwal, 1428. wato dai-dai da 12th April, 2007. Ya gabatar da wannan Nasihar a daren Juma'ar da aka kashe shi, a wajen muhadarar da aka shirya a masallacin Juma'a na Usman Bin Affan dake kofar Gadon kaya . Bayan dawowar sa daga garin Bauchi. Ita wannan muhadarar malamai uku ne suka gabatar da ita daga cikin su akwai sheikh Dr Muhammad Sani Umar R/lemu da Malam Muhammad Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa da sheikh Muhammad Nazeefi Inuwa. Wadannan sune malaman da suka gabatar da wannan muhadar, amma kasan cewar sheikh Jafar ya dawo daga tafiya ne sai aka bashi minti goma yayi ta'aliki. Ga kuma yadda ta'alikin nasa ya ka sance : Bayan Mallam ya yi godiya ga Allah, tare da yin salati ga manzon Allah salallahu alaihi wasallam, sannan ya yace "ya yan uwa musulmi abin da zan fada a nasiha ta ta karshe '' Allahu akbar wato wannan jumla ita Mallam ya fara bude maganarsa da ita, kamar yasan cewa washe gari juma'a zai riga mu gidan gaskiya, sai yaci gaba da cewa "Muji tsoran Allah, mu duka, muda zamuyi zabe'' wato ya yi wannan Nasihar ne ana jajiberin tsamiya na zaben gwamnoni da na 'yan majalisar jihohi, Sannan ya ci gaba da cewa " muda zamuyi zabe da kuma wadan da za'a zaba. Asalin zaben nan malamai sunyi bayanin sa. Dukkan mutumin da zaka zaba, to ya zama cewa zaka zabe shi ne ba don maslahar ka ba kai kadai, sai don maslahar al'umma gaba daya. Akwai mutanen da suke fama da kuncin tunani, wadan da su tunanin su me zasu samu a karkashin dan takara, sannan su ce a zabe shi; ko kuma me suka rasa suce kada a zabe shi. Inda dan takara zai zo yabani naira miliyan goma ni kadai a matsayi na na Ja'afar amma ya ha'inci alummar da yake wa mulki ta hanyar sauran bukatunsu, wadan da a asusun gwamnati akwai kudaden da za'a iya wadannan bukatu amma yaki yi, Ni kuma in kalli miliyan goman nan ince ku zabe shi. To hakika na ci amanar kaina, kuma na ci amanar ku talakawa bayin Allah, shi kuma shugaba na haince shi. Inda shugaba zai hana ni ko kwabo, amma ya zanto kudaden daya karba daga asusun gwamnatin tarayya ya aiwatar da su ta hanyar da ta dace. To wajibi na ne, in kiraye ku cewa ku zabe shi. Ba a dauki ma'aunin na ni me na samu ko me na rasa ba, masu irin wannan sune wadan da suka jahilci Addini kuma suka jahilci rayuwa. Domin wannan shi ne yakai Nigeria cikin halin ka-ka-ni-ka-yi. Ganin in amfana ni kadai ko kuma a bude mana wata kafa mu yan tsiraru shi ke nan sai muyi shiru alhali mun san abin da shugaba yake yi ha'inci ne,amma sai mu daure masa gindi,hasali ma mu dinga kuruta jama'a cewa dole ne su zabe shi, ba don komai ba sai don abin da bai taka kara ya karya ba. To wannan kuntataccen tunani ne, kuma rashin hangen nesa ne rashin sanin ya kamata ne. Kullum zaka kalli me muka samu na ci gaba, ba me ni kadai na samu ba '' Allahu akbar sai malam ya kara da cewa " ina kira ga ku matasa ku lura da yadda ake amfani da ku ''malam ya buga wani misalin abin da ya gani yayin da yake dawowa daga tafiya sai yace " Da zu na shigo kano dab da lokacin sallar maghriba kafin zuwana nan sai naga wadan da suke kanfen (campaign) wato da alamu anyi yawo da su cikin garine za su koma gida. Naga yara matasa an ciko su akan akorukura su kusan hamsin acikin motar nan kai da ganin su babu wanda ya yi sallar azahar ballan tana la'asa kuma galibin su da alamun sun bugu mota tana ta layi dasu suna ihu suna dauke da hotuna suna sai wane sai wane kuma su wadan da suke bada kudi ayi hakan ciki babu 'ya 'yan su, nasu suna can, sun kai 'ya 'yan su ma yan makarantu na cikin gida ko na waje. Wannan shi ne hakikanin cin amanar al-umma, kai wannan shi ne haki kanin rashin mutunci, ka haukata ya yan talakawa bayan ka yin watar da su ka kuma ka jahiltar da su babu ilmin addini babu na rayuwa su kashe lokaci mai tsaho suna dauke da hotunan ka kan kana son ka tsaya zabe a wani mataki na zabe. Akan abin da za'a basu wanda bai gaza Naira dari uku ko da hamsin ba. Sannan mallam ya cigaba da nanata maganar sa ta farko inda yace "Hakika wannan ya ka mata ayi hattara, duk wanda zamu zaba, kada mu kalli me ya bamu, mu kalli dacewar sa da cancantar sa. Duk wanda zamu zaba ya kasance ya cancanta ko yabamu kudi ko bai bamu ba. Duk wanda bai cancanta ba to ko ya bamu fan taba sama to mu kadashi wannan shi ne gaskiyar lamari, amma idan ku ka tsaya da jahilci da kuntatacciyar kwakwalwa ta ni an bani kaza ni naci kaza. To wannan tunani na ci bayane ba tunani ne na wanda yasan abin daya kamata ba''. Sai malam ya kara da cewa "Abin haushi da takaici hatta wadan su masu Magana da ya wun Addini akwai masu irin wannan kuntataccen tunani ubangiji ta'ala ya yi mana gamdakatar''. Allahu akbar wannan it ace Nasihar da malam ya yi ta karshe ga matasa kai dama dukkan wani mutum mai hankali. Bayan an kammala wannan muhadarar da niyyar washe gari juma'a malam zai yi khudba akan zabe. Ranar juma'a da asubahi malam yana cikin sallah, ya karanta suratul Ma'arij aka samu wasu mutane miyagu azzalumai makiya Allah makiya san cigaban Addini, suka yi masa harbi da bindiga ba sau daya ba, ba sau biyu ba, kisan gilla inda suka harbe shi a kirjinsa na gefen hagu. Anan muna rokon Allah ta'ala ya sa malam ya yi mutuwar shahada kuma ya karbi shahadar sa, Allah ya kyautata bayansa, ya sanya Albarka a cikin iyalansa da zurriyarsa. wadanda suka aikata wannan aiki na ta'addanci a'ansa, su sani wannan tafarki da Mallam Jafar ya mutu akansa, kamar wata bishiya ce da bata tsiro bata tofo har sai mun shayar da ita da jinin jikinmu, wannan abu ko kadan bazai sanyamu mu yi rauni ba akan wannan tafarki. Allah ya daukaka Musulunci da Musulmai, ya Allah kada ka baiwa azzalumai dama domin su cutar da al'umma. By: Yasir Ramadan Gwale Via:- APC Fans Club-Kano State
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:35PM  

    abu adam - Social Mention
    NASIHAR MARIGAYI SHEIKH JA'AFAR KANO ANA I GOBE ZA'A HARBE SHI, AKAN SIYASA Wannan Nasihar Marigayi Sheikh Jafar Mahmoud Adam Rahimahullah ya gabatar da ita ne a ranar Alhamis 25 ga Rabi'ul Auwal, 1428. wato dai-dai da 12th April, 2007. Ya gabatar da wannan Nasihar a daren Juma'ar da aka kashe shi, a wajen muhadarar da aka shirya a masallacin Juma'a na Usman Bin Affan dake kofar Gadon kaya . Bayan dawowar sa daga garin Bauchi. Ita wannan muhadarar malamai uku ne suka gabatar da ita daga cikin su akwai sheikh Dr Muhammad Sani Umar R/lemu da Malam Muhammad Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa da sheikh Muhammad Nazeefi Inuwa. Wadannan sune malaman da suka gabatar da wannan muhadar, amma kasan cewar sheikh Jafar ya dawo daga tafiya ne sai aka bashi minti goma yayi ta'aliki. Ga kuma yadda ta'alikin nasa ya ka sance : Bayan Mallam ya yi godiya ga Allah, tare da yin salati ga manzon Allah salallahu alaihi wasallam, sannan ya yace "ya yan uwa musulmi abin da zan fada a nasiha ta ta karshe '' Allahu akbar wato wannan jumla ita Mallam ya fara bude maganarsa da ita, kamar yasan cewa washe gari juma'a zai riga mu gidan gaskiya, sai yaci gaba da cewa "Muji tsoran Allah, mu duka, muda zamuyi zabe'' wato ya yi wannan Nasihar ne ana jajiberin tsamiya na zaben gwamnoni da na 'yan majalisar jihohi, Sannan ya ci gaba da cewa " muda zamuyi zabe da kuma wadan da za'a zaba. Asalin zaben nan malamai sunyi bayanin sa. Dukkan mutumin da zaka zaba, to ya zama cewa zaka zabe shi ne ba don maslahar ka ba kai kadai, sai don maslahar al'umma gaba daya. Akwai mutanen da suke fama da kuncin tunani, wadan da su tunanin su me zasu samu a karkashin dan takara, sannan su ce a zabe shi; ko kuma me suka rasa suce kada a zabe shi. Inda dan takara zai zo yabani naira miliyan goma ni kadai a matsayi na na Ja'afar amma ya ha'inci alummar da yake wa mulki ta hanyar sauran bukatunsu, wadan da a asusun gwamnati akwai kudaden da za'a iya wadannan bukatu amma yaki yi, Ni kuma in kalli miliyan goman nan ince ku zabe shi. To hakika na ci amanar kaina, kuma na ci amanar ku talakawa bayin Allah, shi kuma shugaba na haince shi. Inda shugaba zai hana ni ko kwabo, amma ya zanto kudaden daya karba daga asusun gwamnatin tarayya ya aiwatar da su ta hanyar da ta dace. To wajibi na ne, in kiraye ku cewa ku zabe shi. Ba a dauki ma'aunin na ni me na samu ko me na rasa ba, masu irin wannan sune wadan da suka jahilci Addini kuma suka jahilci rayuwa. Domin wannan shi ne yakai Nigeria cikin halin ka-ka-ni-ka-yi. Ganin in amfana ni kadai ko kuma a bude mana wata kafa mu yan tsiraru shi ke nan sai muyi shiru alhali mun san abin da shugaba yake yi ha'inci ne,amma sai mu daure masa gindi,hasali ma mu dinga kuruta jama'a cewa dole ne su zabe shi, ba don komai ba sai don abin da bai taka kara ya karya ba. To wannan kuntataccen tunani ne, kuma rashin hangen nesa ne rashin sanin ya kamata ne. Kullum zaka kalli me muka samu na ci gaba, ba me ni kadai na samu ba '' Allahu akbar sai malam ya kara da cewa " ina kira ga ku matasa ku lura da yadda ake amfani da ku ''malam ya buga wani misalin abin da ya gani yayin da yake dawowa daga tafiya sai yace " Da zu na shigo kano dab da lokacin sallar maghriba kafin zuwana nan sai naga wadan da suke kanfen (campaign) wato da alamu anyi yawo da su cikin garine za su koma gida. Naga yara matasa an ciko su akan akorukura su kusan hamsin acikin motar nan kai da ganin su babu wanda ya yi sallar azahar ballan tana la'asa kuma galibin su da alamun sun bugu mota tana ta layi dasu suna ihu suna dauke da hotuna suna sai wane sai wane kuma su wadan da suke bada kudi ayi hakan ciki babu 'ya 'yan su, nasu suna can, sun kai 'ya 'yan su ma yan makarantu na cikin gida ko na waje. Wannan shi ne hakikanin cin amanar al-umma, kai wannan shi ne haki kanin rashin mutunci, ka haukata ya yan talakawa bayan ka yin watar da su ka kuma ka jahiltar da su babu ilmin addini babu na rayuwa su kashe lokaci mai tsaho suna dauke da hotunan ka kan kana son ka tsaya zabe a wani mataki na zabe. Akan abin da za'a basu wanda bai gaza Naira dari uku ko da hamsin ba. Sannan mallam ya cigaba da nanata maganar sa ta farko inda yace "Hakika wannan ya ka mata ayi hattara, duk wanda zamu zaba, kada mu kalli me ya bamu, mu kalli dacewar sa da cancantar sa. Duk wanda zamu zaba ya kasance ya cancanta ko yabamu kudi ko bai bamu ba. Duk wanda bai cancanta ba to ko ya bamu fan taba sama to mu kadashi wannan shi ne gaskiyar lamari, amma idan ku ka tsaya da jahilci da kuntatacciyar kwakwalwa ta ni an bani kaza ni naci kaza. To wannan tunani na ci bayane ba tunani ne na wanda yasan abin daya kamata ba''. Sai malam ya kara da cewa "Abin haushi da takaici hatta wadan su masu Magana da ya wun Addini akwai masu irin wannan kuntataccen tunani ubangiji ta'ala ya yi mana gamdakatar''. Allahu akbar wannan it ace Nasihar da malam ya yi ta karshe ga matasa kai dama dukkan wani mutum mai hankali. Bayan an kammala wannan muhadarar da niyyar washe gari juma'a malam zai yi khudba akan zabe. Ranar juma'a da asubahi malam yana cikin sallah, ya karanta suratul Ma'arij aka samu wasu mutane miyagu azzalumai makiya Allah makiya san cigaban Addini, suka yi masa harbi da bindiga ba sau daya ba, ba sau biyu ba, kisan gilla inda suka harbe shi a kirjinsa na gefen hagu. Anan muna rokon Allah ta'ala ya sa malam ya yi mutuwar shahada kuma ya karbi shahadar sa, Allah ya kyautata bayansa, ya sanya Albarka a cikin iyalansa da zurriyarsa. wadanda suka aikata wannan aiki na ta'addanci a'ansa, su sani wannan tafarki da Mallam Jafar ya mutu akansa, kamar wata bishiya ce da bata tsiro bata tofo har sai mun shayar da ita da jinin jikinmu, wannan abu ko kadan bazai sanyamu mu yi rauni ba akan wannan tafarki. Allah ya daukaka Musulunci da Musulmai, ya Allah kada ka baiwa azzalumai dama domin su cutar da al'umma. By: Yasir Ramadan Gwale Via:- APC Fans Club-Kano State
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:19
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:57PM  

    Islamisches Erwachen - Returns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamisches Erwachen - Returns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Denkanstoß für den eigentlichen Sinn des Lebens!
    Liken und Teilen inshaAllah!...
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:55
    Denkanstoß für den eigentlichen Sinn des Lebens!

    Liken und Teilen inshaAllah!

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    Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wenn jeman die Versendung von Kuran Exemplare in der deutschen Sprache mit eine...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:15
    Wenn jeman die Versendung von Kuran Exemplare in der deutschen Sprache mit einer finanzielen Spende unterstützen möchte bitte melden in sha Allah :)

    -Denk an den gewaltigen Lohn wenn jemand durch euer Geld den Kuran zugeschickt bekommt und dadurch den Islam in sha allah annimmt :)
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    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Bruder Vallah ich kann nicht mehr XD XD XD
    Markiere jemanden der...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:53
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Bruder Vallah ich kann nicht mehr XD XD XD

    Markiere jemanden der das sehen muss !!

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    مؤسسة عمارة الأقصى: #فلسطين:#القدس :الإعتداء على مقبرة مأمن الله في القدس بشعارا...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:30
    مؤسسة عمارة الأقصى‫: #فلسطين:#القدس :الإعتداء على مقبرة مأمن الله في القدس بشعارات عنصرية.
    #Palestine :#Jerusalem : Number of extremist zionists invaded an Islamic graveyard in occupied Jerusalem, broke tombstones and wrote racist graffiti on tombstones and buildings adjacent to the graveyard.‬
    ‫الإعتداء على مقبرة مأمن الله في القدس بشعارات عنصرية‬
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    Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Stuttgarts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:44
    6. Benefizveranstaltung in Stuttgart am 17.11.2013
    Liebe Freunde, am 17.11.2013 haben das Organisationskomitee Syrische Revolution Baden-Württemberg und der Syrian Humanitary e. V. zur 6. Benefizveranstaltung unter dem Motto „Brunch für Syrien" ins Ökumenische Zentrum an der Uni Stuttgart - Vaihingen eingeladen. Alles in allem war es wieder eine gelungene Veranstaltung mit musikalischer Untermalung, Kinderbetreuung und einem, wie immer, herrlichen Buffet. Alle haben sich große Mühe gegeben, aus der Benefizveranstaltung einen schönen Event für die ganze Familie werden zu lassen und wir möchten uns auf diese Wege auch noch einmal bei allen Gästen, Organisatoren und Helfern bedanken, die diese tolle Veranstaltung ermöglicht haben! Doch neben all der Geselligkeit und guten Laune dürfen wir den Anlass solcher Veranstaltungen nicht vergessen. Millionen Menschen sind inzwischen innerhalb und außerhalb Syriens auf der Flucht, ihre Häuser sind zerstört, ihre Existenzgrundlage vernichtet. Jede Familie beklagt den Verlust eines Vaters, eines Bruders, einer Schwester, eines Verwandten. Alle syrischen Städte sind von der Gewalt betroffen, es herrschen katastrophale Zustände. Tagtäglich sehen wir ungeschönte Bilder eines grässlichen, unbarmherzigen Krieges, die uns treffen. Unsere Herzen weinen um all jene Menschen, die sterben müssen, die verletzt und vertrieben werden. Wir müssen dankbar sein für alles was wir haben, dafür, dass wir gesund sind und unsere Familie hier in Sicherheit sind. Wir alle hoffen, dass dieser unmenschliche Krieg endet und die Menschen von ihrem Leid und ihrer Not erlöst werden. Darum müssen wir helfen, mit dieser und anderen Veranstaltungen. Hier, Jetzt, Morgen und solange es notwendig ist.

    صور من الحفلة الخيرية بالتعاون بين تنسيقية الجالية السورية في شتوتغارت ألمانيا والجمعية السورية الإنسانية في ألمانيا
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    Sejh Salah Ened - Poezija potomka Muhammeda s.w.s. o dunjaluku
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:11
    Sejh Salah Ened - Poezija potomka Muhammeda s.w.s. o dunjaluku
    Sejh Salah Ened - Poezija potomka Muhammeda s.w.s. o dunjaluku.

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Nov 18th 2013, 23:32, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


 Abu Walaa - Social Mention: أرجوا عمل نشر ليصل صوتنا للبلد كلها عشان هاي مش كرخانة ! مش بحكيلك يا داليا هذا مبغى ! غداً الصديق والزميل الخال إياد حمد " الحج أبو سامر" Alzaitona NewsAgency يمثل أمام محكمة نيابة بيت لحم للمرة الرابعــة، بعد شكوى من أحد المسؤولين في محافظة بيت اللحم والكباب والهش والنش. الشكوى بسبب منشور كتبه الخال أبو سامر على الفيسبوك في رمضان المنصرم، وذلك بعد اقتحام الشرطة لمنزل زوجة أحد الأسرى واتهامها بسرقة "كراتين"، فيها مساعدات لأهالي محتاجين، علماً بأن تلك الكراتين وضعت في منزلها بطلب من المسؤولين عنها بهدف نقلها في وقت لاحق وتوزيعها على المحتاجين حسب رواية المرأة. الخال أبو سامر كتب قائلاً بأن أحد المسؤولين " المسائيل"، قدم شكوى بحق تلك المرأة وتم استدعائها واقتحام منزلها واتهامها بالسرقة، وذلك البوست أزعج المسؤول فرفع دعوى بحق الخال إياد. الخال أبو سامر مصوّر في وكالة أسوشيتد برس العالمية AP وزي ما قال الخال ... ما بقيم الراس غير اللي ركّبه .. ويا نعيش عيشة فل يا نموت إحنا الكل #وتلولحي_يا_داليا_علي_قراقع
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:42PM  

    Abu Walaa - Social Mention
    أرجوا عمل نشر ليصل صوتنا للبلد كلها عشان هاي مش كرخانة ! مش بحكيلك يا داليا هذا مبغى ! غداً الصديق والزميل الخال إياد حمد " الحج أبو سامر" Alzaitona NewsAgency يمثل أمام محكمة نيابة بيت لحم للمرة الرابعــة، بعد شكوى من أحد المسؤولين في محافظة بيت اللحم والكباب والهش والنش. الشكوى بسبب منشور كتبه الخال أبو سامر على الفيسبوك في رمضان المنصرم، وذلك بعد اقتحام الشرطة لمنزل زوجة أحد الأسرى واتهامها بسرقة "كراتين"، فيها مساعدات لأهالي محتاجين، علماً بأن تلك الكراتين وضعت في منزلها بطلب من المسؤولين عنها بهدف نقلها في وقت لاحق وتوزيعها على المحتاجين حسب رواية المرأة. الخال أبو سامر كتب قائلاً بأن أحد المسؤولين " المسائيل"، قدم شكوى بحق تلك المرأة وتم استدعائها واقتحام منزلها واتهامها بالسرقة، وذلك البوست أزعج المسؤول فرفع دعوى بحق الخال إياد. الخال أبو سامر مصوّر في وكالة أسوشيتد برس العالمية AP وزي ما قال الخال ... ما بقيم الراس غير اللي ركّبه .. ويا نعيش عيشة فل يا نموت إحنا الكل #وتلولحي_يا_داليا_علي_قراقع
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:18
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:42PM  

    Abu Walaa - Social Mention
    شيررررر انشروا قذارة الجيش في كل مكان قوات من الجيش والشرطة تعتدي بالخراطيش والعصيان على وقفة سلمية تطالب بالقصاص لشهداء محمد محمود في الاسكندرية سيدي جابر 18-11-2013
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:29
    قوات من الجيش والشرطة تعتدي على وقفة سلمية تطالب بالقصاص لشهداء محمد محمود في الاسكندرية سيدي جابر 18-11-2013 تصوير : ميدو
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:42PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    Israel demolishes wells in push to confiscate village lands near Hebron and Nablus
    Nov 18th 2013, 15:09
    Land, property, resources theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Judaization Israel to confiscate Palestinian villagers' lands near Nablus NABLUS (Ma'an) 16 Nov -- The Israeli government on Saturday announced [&#8230;]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:42PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Tunisia Islamists seek jihad in Syria with one eye on home
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:21
    Reuters - Found 1 hour agoAymen Saadi's brief call to jihad began with dreams of fighting for an Islamic state in Syria and ended with a botched suicide bombing attempt in a Tunisia Islamists seek jihad in Syria - Reuters UK Insight: Tunisia Islamists seek jihad in Syria with one eye on home - Reuters via Yahoo! Insight: Tunisia Islamists seek jihad in Syria with one eye on home - Reuters Canada INSIGHT - Tunisia Islamists seek jihad in Syria with one eye on home - Reuters India Explore All Reuters
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 jihad - Social Mention: Barsisa, the worshipper At the time of Bani Israel, there was a man in a small village, called Barsisa. He was, what you call, a monk. But he was a true Christian. He believed in Tawheed and believed Isa (peace be upon him) was a messenger of Allah. One day three brothers decided to go for Jihad. But they had a sister and they did not want to leave her alone. So they went looking for someone to take care of her. The town people suggested to leave her with Barsisa, because of his piety. So they went to him and when they asked him, he said, "I seek refuge from the cursed Shaytan" and said No! This was because he was scared of falling into sin ( due to the potential fitnah it may cause). Then Shaytan came to Barsisa in the form of Waswasah (Whisperings). Shaytan is very smart and knew Barsisa had a soft heart. So he told Barsisa, "What if they can't find someone good and leave her with someone bad, wouldn't that be your fault?" Now Barsisa did not realise this was Shaytan whispering in his heart, and because of his compassion for others, he decided to accept their request and help the woman. He let her stay in a house opposite the church. He did this so that it would be easy for him to leave her her food outside the church and she could come get it herself. But after sometime, shaytan returned. This time he told Barsisa, "Why don't you leave the food closer for her, so that people don't see her moving back and forth alone!" Barsisa agreed and started leaving the food outside the house. But shaytan wasn't happy with this either, so sometime later, he returned and ask Barsisa, "Why don't you go in and leave it on the table, so that no one sees her coming out and going in alone all the time!" Again, Barsisa agreed and he started leaving the food on the table. Then as time went by, Shaytan returned and said to him, "Why don't you talk to her, she is all alone and has no one to talk to!" Barsisa agreed and started talking to her from behind a door (so as to screen himself). But this would lead them to almost shouting to each other to here themselves. Shaytan asked Barsisa to just go in and talk to her, and finally, he (Shaytan) had got the alone in a room. Shaytan had completed the difficult part. It wasn't after Barsisa and the woman committed fornication. And to make things worse, she also became pregnant. As soon as the baby was born, Shaytan returned, and said to Barsisa, "What have you done? Look at the result of your evil (ie the child), get ride of the evidence otherwise the brothers will kill you!" Barsisa killed the baby and buried it in the same room the woman was in. Shaytan then told Barsisa, "Do you think you can kill the child of a woman and expect her not to tell anyone?!" and So Barsisa killed her and buried her along side the baby! He then made a fake grace outside and when her brothers returned, he informed them that she died of illness. After seeing the grave and make dua for her, they returned home and accepted Allah's decree. Later that night, Shaytan came to them in their dream and informed them about what Barsisa had done and where the child and their sister could be found. The brother got up upset and confused, and informed his brothers of the dream, and they both said they had the same dream. So they believed that it must be true, and when and dug up the fake grave and found it empty. They then dug the placed shaytan showed them in the dream and found the child and woman! Furious, the brothers took Barsisa to the Leader to get his punishment. Barsisa knew that he would be given the death penalty. Shaytan came to Barsisa again, for the final time this time. This time he revealed himself and told him he was the one whispering the thoughts to him. And he said that he could save Barsisa, and as long as Barsisa makes sujood to him! Barsisa, out of desperation made Sujood to him , this confirmed his Kufr (disbelief) and Shaytan said to him "I am free of you, I fear Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)!" and left Barsisa was stonned to death and on the day of judgement he will be resurrected making Sujood to Shaytan! So look how shaytan tricked him. He came to him as a friend, but was infact his biggest enemy! (Their allies deceived them) like Shaitân (Satan), when he says to man: "Disbelieve in Allâh." But when (man) disbelieves in Allâh, Shaitân (Satan) says: "I am free of you, I fear Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)!" (Al-Hashr 59:16) Shaytan will never make you sin directly, he will always trick you using Waswasah and he is more patient than any of us. So we should always seek refuge in Allah from Shayatn. Never think you have anough knowledge or are strong enough to take on Shaytan. This is why the Scholars of Islam are the ones with the most Taqwa, fear of Allah. So reflect on the story, if Shaytan told Barsisa to make sujood in the beginning, Barsisa would have said no staright away, but Shaytan has a plan in hand it was a step by step policy that made Barsisa finally breakdown and commit Kufr. Reference for above story: Stories in the Quran – Ibn Kathir – 110
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:42PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Barsisa, the worshipper At the time of Bani Israel, there was a man in a small village, called Barsisa. He was, what you call, a monk. But he was a true Christian. He believed in Tawheed and believed Isa (peace be upon him) was a messenger of Allah. One day three brothers decided to go for Jihad. But they had a sister and they did not want to leave her alone. So they went looking for someone to take care of her. The town people suggested to leave her with Barsisa, because of his piety. So they went to him and when they asked him, he said, "I seek refuge from the cursed Shaytan" and said No! This was because he was scared of falling into sin ( due to the potential fitnah it may cause). Then Shaytan came to Barsisa in the form of Waswasah (Whisperings). Shaytan is very smart and knew Barsisa had a soft heart. So he told Barsisa, "What if they can't find someone good and leave her with someone bad, wouldn't that be your fault?" Now Barsisa did not realise this was Shaytan whispering in his heart, and because of his compassion for others, he decided to accept their request and help the woman. He let her stay in a house opposite the church. He did this so that it would be easy for him to leave her her food outside the church and she could come get it herself. But after sometime, shaytan returned. This time he told Barsisa, "Why don't you leave the food closer for her, so that people don't see her moving back and forth alone!" Barsisa agreed and started leaving the food outside the house. But shaytan wasn't happy with this either, so sometime later, he returned and ask Barsisa, "Why don't you go in and leave it on the table, so that no one sees her coming out and going in alone all the time!" Again, Barsisa agreed and he started leaving the food on the table. Then as time went by, Shaytan returned and said to him, "Why don't you talk to her, she is all alone and has no one to talk to!" Barsisa agreed and started talking to her from behind a door (so as to screen himself). But this would lead them to almost shouting to each other to here themselves. Shaytan asked Barsisa to just go in and talk to her, and finally, he (Shaytan) had got the alone in a room. Shaytan had completed the difficult part. It wasn't after Barsisa and the woman committed fornication. And to make things worse, she also became pregnant. As soon as the baby was born, Shaytan returned, and said to Barsisa, "What have you done? Look at the result of your evil (ie the child), get ride of the evidence otherwise the brothers will kill you!" Barsisa killed the baby and buried it in the same room the woman was in. Shaytan then told Barsisa, "Do you think you can kill the child of a woman and expect her not to tell anyone?!" and So Barsisa killed her and buried her along side the baby! He then made a fake grace outside and when her brothers returned, he informed them that she died of illness. After seeing the grave and make dua for her, they returned home and accepted Allah's decree. Later that night, Shaytan came to them in their dream and informed them about what Barsisa had done and where the child and their sister could be found. The brother got up upset and confused, and informed his brothers of the dream, and they both said they had the same dream. So they believed that it must be true, and when and dug up the fake grave and found it empty. They then dug the placed shaytan showed them in the dream and found the child and woman! Furious, the brothers took Barsisa to the Leader to get his punishment. Barsisa knew that he would be given the death penalty. Shaytan came to Barsisa again, for the final time this time. This time he revealed himself and told him he was the one whispering the thoughts to him. And he said that he could save Barsisa, and as long as Barsisa makes sujood to him! Barsisa, out of desperation made Sujood to him , this confirmed his Kufr (disbelief) and Shaytan said to him "I am free of you, I fear Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)!" and left Barsisa was stonned to death and on the day of judgement he will be resurrected making Sujood to Shaytan! So look how shaytan tricked him. He came to him as a friend, but was infact his biggest enemy! (Their allies deceived them) like Shaitân (Satan), when he says to man: "Disbelieve in Allâh." But when (man) disbelieves in Allâh, Shaitân (Satan) says: "I am free of you, I fear Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)!" (Al-Hashr 59:16) Shaytan will never make you sin directly, he will always trick you using Waswasah and he is more patient than any of us. So we should always seek refuge in Allah from Shayatn. Never think you have anough knowledge or are strong enough to take on Shaytan. This is why the Scholars of Islam are the ones with the most Taqwa, fear of Allah. So reflect on the story, if Shaytan told Barsisa to make sujood in the beginning, Barsisa would have said no staright away, but Shaytan has a plan in hand it was a step by step policy that made Barsisa finally breakdown and commit Kufr. Reference for above story: Stories in the Quran – Ibn Kathir – 110
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:22
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:48PM  

    Einladung Zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
    Einladung Zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
    Allah sagt im Koran :Und so haben Wir dir(Prophet Muhammed) nach Unserem Gebot e...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:27
    Allah sagt im Koran :Und so haben Wir dir(Prophet Muhammed) nach Unserem Gebot ein Wort offenbart. Weder wußtest du, was die Schrift noch was der Glaube ist. Doch Wir haben sie (die Offenbarung) zu einem Licht gemacht, mit dem Wir jenen von Unseren Dienern, denen Wir wollen, den Weg weisen. Wahrlich, du leitest (sie) auf den geraden Weg (42:52)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:47PM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Allah Teâla Kur'ân-ı Kerîm'in ilk Ayêtinde derki:
    "Ikra, bismirabikelkhalag."...
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:59
    Allah Teâla Kur'ân-ı Kerîm'in ilk Ayêtinde derki:

    "Ikra, bismirabikelkhalag."

    "Oku, yaratanın adıyla."

    Die Rose ohne Dornen - Muhammed s.a.v

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:47PM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Der Prophet Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (s.a.v) war Analphabet.
    - Damit keiner b...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:07
    Der Prophet Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (s.a.v) war Analphabet.
    - Damit keiner behaupten kann, dass er den Kur'ân-ı Kerîm verfasst hat.

    Die Rose ohne Dornen - Muhammed s.a.v

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:47PM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    + Askim ben maca gidiyorum.
    - orda cok kiz olurmu ?
    + kime kiziyim ? :D
    - yav ki...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:25
    + Askim ben maca gidiyorum.
    - orda cok kiz olurmu ?
    + kime kiziyim ? :D
    - yav kiz olurmu diyoruuuumm -.-
    + tmm da neden kiziyim ? :D

    HAHAHAHAHAH wer kennt's noch ? :D
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:42PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    Pakatan's stand on religious issues is a smart move, say political analysts
    Nov 18th 2013, 16:00
    JENNIFER GOMEZ Pakatan Rakyat top leaders, (from left) PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, PKR de-facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, and DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang. The [&#8230;]
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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
Nov 18th 2013, 23:20, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


 helfen in not - Social Mention: Noch leben zahlreiche Delfine in den europäischen Meeren.Doch nicht nur im Ärmelkanal ist ihr Leben durch zerstörerische Fischerei-Praktiken bedroht. Auch im Mittelmeer sterben viele Artgenossen in herum schwimmenden Treibnetzen.Greenpeace kämpft gegen das Delfinsterben. Es ist ein Skandal: Schon 2002 trat ein EU-Verbot in Kraft,das den Einsatz der kilometerlangen tödlichen Wände aus Kunststoffmaschen in europäischen Gewässern untersagt. Dennoch legen noch immer unzählige Fischerboote im Mittelmeer illegal Treibnetze aus. Es ist eine fatale Eigenschaft des Menschen Dinge zu ignorieren und eine gewisse Gleichgültigkeit an den Tag zu legen,obwohl man auch mit kleinen Mitteln helfen kann,oder einfach indem man sein Verhalten ändert.Wir haben aber nicht mehr viel Zeit uns gleichgültig zu geben. Immer mehr Tiergattungen sterben aus,es ist höchste Zeit an unsere Mitgeschöpfe zu denken.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:39PM  

    helfen in not - Social Mention
    Noch leben zahlreiche Delfine in den europäischen Meeren.Doch nicht nur im Ärmelkanal ist ihr Leben durch zerstörerische Fischerei-Praktiken bedroht. Auch im Mittelmeer sterben viele Artgenossen in herum schwimmenden Treibnetzen.Greenpeace kämpft gegen das Delfinsterben. Es ist ein Skandal: Schon 2002 trat ein EU-Verbot in Kraft,das den Einsatz der kilometerlangen tödlichen Wände aus Kunststoffmaschen in europäischen Gewässern untersagt. Dennoch legen noch immer unzählige Fischerboote im Mittelmeer illegal Treibnetze aus. Es ist eine fatale Eigenschaft des Menschen Dinge zu ignorieren und eine gewisse Gleichgültigkeit an den Tag zu legen,obwohl man auch mit kleinen Mitteln helfen kann,oder einfach indem man sein Verhalten ändert.Wir haben aber nicht mehr viel Zeit uns gleichgültig zu geben. Immer mehr Tiergattungen sterben aus,es ist höchste Zeit an unsere Mitgeschöpfe zu denken.
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:52
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 helfen in not - Social Mention: SÄNGERSTÄDTER FÜR DIE PHILIPPINEN!!! Ihr alle habt schon davon gehört - Der Taifun Haiyan hat auf den Philippinen für große Zerstörung und vor allem für riesige Not gesorgt. Die Menschen, Familien, die Kinder kämpfen ums Überleben. Wasserknappheit, Nahrungsmangel und fehlende Unterkunft machen diesen Kampf nicht einfacher. Deshalb wollen wir helfen! Jeder noch so kleine Geldbetrag kann schon viel ausrichten. Ab Mittwoch (20.11.2013) findet ihr in den Häusern 1 und 3 jeweils an den Vertretungsplänen Aufsteller und Behälter, in denen wir Spenden für die Taifun-Opfer sammeln. Der bis zum 29.11.13 gesammelte Spendenbetrag wird dann auf das Spendenkonto von Unicef (siehe ) überwiesen. HELFT MIT! Eure Schülervertretung PS: Wir trauen euch allen so viel Verstand und Anstand zu, dass die Spenden dort bleiben, wo sie sind und kein Müll in die Spendebehältnisse gelangt. Danke.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:39PM  

    helfen in not - Social Mention
    SÄNGERSTÄDTER FÜR DIE PHILIPPINEN!!! Ihr alle habt schon davon gehört - Der Taifun Haiyan hat auf den Philippinen für große Zerstörung und vor allem für riesige Not gesorgt. Die Menschen, Familien, die Kinder kämpfen ums Überleben. Wasserknappheit, Nahrungsmangel und fehlende Unterkunft machen diesen Kampf nicht einfacher. Deshalb wollen wir helfen! Jeder noch so kleine Geldbetrag kann schon viel ausrichten. Ab Mittwoch (20.11.2013) findet ihr in den Häusern 1 und 3 jeweils an den Vertretungsplänen Aufsteller und Behälter, in denen wir Spenden für die Taifun-Opfer sammeln. Der bis zum 29.11.13 gesammelte Spendenbetrag wird dann auf das Spendenkonto von Unicef (siehe ) überwiesen. HELFT MIT! Eure Schülervertretung PS: Wir trauen euch allen so viel Verstand und Anstand zu, dass die Spenden dort bleiben, wo sie sind und kein Müll in die Spendebehältnisse gelangt. Danke.
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:48
    Nach dem Taifun brauchen die Kinder auf den Philippinen Ihre Hilfe. UNICEF bittet dringend um Spenden.
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 jihad - Social Mention: 1,000's Of FREE PURITAN and REFORMED MP3s, VIDEOS, BOOKS, KINDLE, etc. God's Sovereignty, Calvinism, Reprobation, How God Hardens the Heart Of Reprobates, Romans 9, etc. by Dr. Steven Dilday, Jonathan Edwards, Greg Price, John Calvin, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Charles Spurgeon, Jerry Johnson, et al. (Free MP3s, Videos, Books) "In the history of extra-biblical study tools there has never been a resource as useful as the Puritan Hard Drive." - Paul Washer, HeartCry Missionary Society FULL REVIEW: PASTOR PAUL WASHER RECOMMENDS THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE or Heaven and Hell, What Does the Bible Teach? What Are They Like? By Jonathan Edwards, Paul Washer, Charles Spurgeon, Greg Price, Dr. Steven Dilday and Others 57 Free MP3s: Puritan Worship Series by John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, George Gillespie, Greg Price, W.J. Mencarow, David Steele, Dr. Steven Dilday, Samuel Rutherford, Brian Schwertley, Dr. Reg Barrow and Others FREE PURITAN HARD DRIVE SOFTWARE Muslim's (Islam) Persecuting and Murdering Christians, Even Beheading Christian Children (Free MP3, Videos, etc.) Dr. R.C. Sproul On SWRB: Paul Washer On Perseverance of the Saints and Biblical Assurance (Free 9.5 Minute YouTube Video) Obama's War on the Christians Roman Catholic Priests, Sexual Sins, Abortion, Immorality, Sacraments and Salvation by Richard Bennett (Free MP3s By A Former Roman Catholic Priest Who Is Now A Bible-Believing Christian and A Preacher Of God's Sovereign Grace) "Any lover of Puritan literature will find a treasure trove in the Puritan Hard Drive." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary FULL REVIEW: DR. JOEL R. BEEKE RECOMMENDS THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE or Blasphemy, Movies, Universities, Godless Rulers, Science & Unbelief By Kevin Swanson & Others, Free Reformed MP3s How To Deal With Lust By Robert Bruce, Paul Washer, Matthew Henry, Dr. Joel Beeke, Charles Spurgeon, Greg Price, Jonathan Edwards, Dr. Michael Wagner, Dr. Steven Dilday, Dr. Reg Barrow and Others (Free MP3s) "If you want to understand Reformed theology the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself." - Pastor Greg Price (Author, Theologian, Covenanter) FULL REVIEW: PASTOR GREG L. PRICE RECOMMENDS THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE or God's Love Poured Out Like Water (Free Puritan MP3s, Reformed Videos, Calvinist Books, Kindle and More) "I was in Zambia showing the Puritan Hard Drive to Conrad Mbewe (the Spurgeon of Africa) and he absolutely fell in love with it. I simply had to leave it there." - Dr. Voddie Baucham FULL REVIEW: DR. VODDIE BAUCHAM RECOMMENDS THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE or Righteous Wrath, Hell and Holy Terror (Wrath Poured Out Like Fire) by Phil Johnson, Jonathan Edwards, Paul Washer, Charles Spurgeon, Greg Price, Dr. Steven Dilday and Others (Free MP3s) Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, A Right View of Suffering, and A Puritan Perspective On Suffering (Free MP3s) Transcendence and Omnipotence of God by Dr. D.A. Carson, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. Steven Dilday, Stephen Charnock, A.W. Pink, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, John Calvin, Dr. Brian Borgman, Dr. Bruce Ware, Dr. Curt D. Daniel, Al Martin and Others How Islamic Doctrines Justify Sex Jihad The Sweet Uses of Adversity, Blessed Affliction Brings Us to The Mercy Seat of God by Charles Spurgeon, John Owen, Greg Price and Others (Free MP3s) Puritans and Reformers On Dealing With and Destroying Darling Sins (Free MP3s, Video, Books, Etc.) Man Is A Very Evil And Hurtful Creature, And There Is A Great Judgment Day To Come By Jonathan Edwards, Greg Price, Charles Spurgeon, Paul Washer, John Bunyan, Dr. Curt Daniel & Others Do You Love Anything Or Anybody More Than the Lord Jesus Christ? By Jonathan Edwards, Greg Price, John Calvin, Samuel Rutherford, Paul Washer, John Owen, et al. (Free MP3s, Videos, Books, etc.) The Deathbed Of A Free-Thinker and Other Apostates Reprobates and Atheists (Free MP3s) God's Amazing & Awe-Inspiring Attributes In Scripture and the Westminster Confession Of Faith, With Practical Reformation Applications by Dr. Steven Dilday (6 Free MP3s), Stephen Charnock, A.W. Pink, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, and Others Kenya Killers Used Muslim Prayer to Tell Apart Muslims and Non-Muslims & What the Bible Teaches About Islam Killing Remaining Sin, Mortification, Holiness & Hell By Dr. Joel Beeke, John Owen, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards and Others (Free MP3s) More Striking Death-Bed Scenes, Free MP3s (Free MP3s) Do You Put the Lord Jesus First Above All Else?, How Riches Keep Men Out Of Heaven & Judgment Day By Greg Price, Paul Washer & Others The Junk DNA Myth Takes A Well-Deserved Hit, A Review of The Myth of Junk DNA by Jonathan Wells, Reviewed by Jeffrey Tomkins (Free MP3 & Free Online Article) The Great and Final Judgment Day, Free Christian MP3s, Videos, Books, etc. Heaven: Unimaginably Wonderful & Delightful (Free Christian MP3s) Hell: Unimaginable & Unending Torments, Pain, etc. By Dr. Curt Daniel, Jonathan Edwards, Paul Washer, Charles Spurgeon & Others (Free MP3s) When God Hates Your Worship, Free MP3 and Videos MANY MORE PURITAN HARD DRIVE REVIEWS AT Mencarow: Dr. Dilday: Schwertley: Bennett: Johnson: Sproul: On SWRB: Dr. James White Debating Muslims, Atheists, Roman Catholics, Cults, Arminians, "Jehovah's Witnesses", Open Theists, Mormons and Others (Free MP3s, Videos, etc.)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:39PM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
    American tornado gets a dramatic 10 min news story on UK news but a reverend/director of a bank being found buying cocaine and going to gay orgies... The Russian plane that was vertical upon impact and killing 50 ... And a young boy being shot in both legs by burglars got about 30 seconds each... And then sport will get about 10 mins... Dumb
    Nov 18th 2013, 18:15
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:39PM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
    Could the troubled Affordable Care Act rollout get so bad or last so long that Democrats will turn on their party leader's signature legislation?
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:03
    Could the troubled Affordable Care Act rollout get so bad or last so long that Democrats will turn on their party leader's signature legislation? That's Monday's narrative thanks to articles in the National Journal and Politico, which read in last week's vote for Fred Upton's bill to extend insuranc...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:39PM  

    helfen in not - Social Mention
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:39
    3 Wochen ist es her, da fragte mich ein 20-jähriges Mädchen aus Pinneberg, ob ich mich in Hamburg auskenne und ob ich wisse, wo man Obdachlose finden kann. Sie habe da ein paar Sachen gesammelt und wolle diese nun verteilen speziell an Leute, die auf der Straße leben und gerne habe ich angenommen, die beiden mit Obdachlosen zusammen zu bringen. Sonntag, 10. November - 13 Uhr. Lena und Anja Seegert stehen vor dem Eingang der Mahlzeit und ihr Auto ist randvoll gepackt mit Jacken, Schal´s, Pullis, Decken und Schlafsäcken, alles was man im Winter so gebrauchen kann und zunächst möchte ich noch wissen, warum die beiden das überhaupt machen und wie es dazu kam. "An meinem Wohnort in Pinneberg sehe ich regelmäßig einen Obdachlosen am Bahnhof sitzen und er tut mir immer so leid. Ich gebe ihm dann was ich geben kann und gern will ich noch mehr tun, auch für andere. Jetzt wo der Winter kommt, müssen wir unbedingt was tun", erklärt Lena Seegert, die zusammen mit ihrer Mutter Anja nun jedes Wochenende bis Weihnachten nach Hamburg fahren will, um die im privaten gesammelten Spenden an Obdachlose und Bedürftige zu verteilen. Eine gute Sache und ich frage die beiden, ob ich sie bei ihrer Tour durch Hamburg auch filmen darf und ja, sie haben nichts dagegen und so ziehen wir los. Erste Station an diesem Tag ist die Reeperbahn, viele Menschen ohne Obdach verbringen dort den Tag und sind fortwährend auf der Straße, während Touristen an ihnen achtlos vorüber gehen. Hier gegenüber vom KFC, direkt vor dem Casino steht Wolle, ein Weggefährte von damals, vor 2 Jahren war ich selbst noch betroffen und wir sprechen ihn an - zusammen mit seinen Kumpels, alle machen hier Platte - zumindest tagsüber, denn am Abend hat jeder sein eigenes Flecken, wo er sich zurückzieht und dankbar wird unser Angebot angenommen. Socken, Mützen, Pullis, alles sehr beliebt, wenn man nicht viel hat und die Kleiderkammern sind weit, dort muss man erst mal hinkommen, weshalb sich jeder freut, dass die "Kleiderkammer" nun zu ihnen kommt, ein bisschen wie Weihnachten, alle sind sehr gerührt, auch die Helfer selbst. "Ich weiß gar nicht was ich sagen soll, das macht mich total froh, das wir hier helfen können und die Hilfe auch angenommen wird, das ist wunderbar", sagt Lena und ja es stimmt, "Helfen macht glücklich", haben viele andere auch schon gesagt und der Bedarf ist lange noch nicht erschöpft. Hier Aufnahmen von der Kleiderausgabe direkt am Auto. Schöne Stiefel, aber leider zu klein und so macht Lena sich Notizen, was konkret vor Ort noch gebraucht wird. Überraschend auch, dass vor allem Hygiene-Artikel kaum oder gar nicht vorhanden sind. Die Kleiderkammern bieten das nur selten und Geld zum zukaufen haben die Obdachlosen nicht. Unterhosen und Papiertaschentücher zum Beispiel. Eine Frau aus der Gruppe erzählt uns, wie sie in einem Restaurants nach einer Serviette fragte und die Antwort kam prompt und lautete "Raus!". Eine hier völlig normale Reaktion auf die Anfragen der Randständigen, in dem Fall hatte die Frau Schnupfen oder besser die "Rüsselseuche", wie sie das nennt. Ohne Beziehung oder Bekannte geht hier gar nichts, berichtet die Frau mit den grau melierten Haaren und wer mal auf Toilette muss, "hat schlechte Karten", so ihre Erfahrung. Die Ladenbesitzer fürchten um die Kunden oder dass dann alle kommen, zur Not bleibt McDonalds, wenn nichts mehr geht, geht´s dort, aber auch das wird weniger. Eine ganze Liste hat Lena zusammengestellt mit Dingen, die sie nicht dabei hatte, nächste Woche will sie wieder kommen, zusammen mit ihrer Mutter, Holger braucht noch Schuhe, Größe 46, auch die waren nicht dabei, die Hoffnung liegt bei Facebook. Screenshot von der Facebook-Gruppe "Make The Homeless Smile"  aus Pinneberg bei Hamburg. Sonntag 15.00 Uhr und wir ziehen weiter. Haus Betlehem ist die nächste Station, eine ganze Liste von Orten habe ich gemacht, wo wir noch hin können, nicht alle haben am Sonntag auch geöffnet und entsprechend groß ist der Andrang, Dicht gedrängelt stehen die Menschen vor dem Eingang der Essensstelle an der Budapester Strasse, alle bitten um Einlass, doch der Raum im Inneren hat nur wenig Platz, so wird die Nachfrage schichtweise abgearbeitet und vor den Türen der Einrichtung packen wir unsere Sachen aus. Eine 120 Liter Tüte voll mit Sachen, Kleidern und Jacken, selbst an Hundefutter wurde gedacht, die Vierbeiner sollen nicht leer ausgehen. "Nassfutter kaufe ich selbst, nur das Trockenfutter und die Leckerli´s bekomme ich bei der Tafel", erzählt Guido, der einen Hund hat und mit dem Geld einfach nicht hinkommt. Auch er ist hier zum Essen und freut sich über eine Packung Hundefutter, die Lena ihm nun schenkt. Helfen macht glücklich, auch hier hat´s geklappt mit "Make the homeless smile" und die Freude ist groß, über die unerwartete Hilfe. Ein paar Straßen weiter liegt die Heilsarmee, hier hoffe ich Klaus zu finden, seit Wochen schon suche ich nach ihm und keine Spur von dem zotteligen Mann mit den grauen Dreadlocks, "der ist schon lange nicht mehr hier gewesen", heißt es an der Essensausgabe und ich bin traurig, hoffentlich geht es ihm gut, wer weiß wo er jetzt ist? Vor der Tür warten die Leute auf Einlass. 15.00 Uhr gibt´s Kaffee und Kuchen, die Andacht ist inklusive und schnell verteilen wir unsere Sachen. Keine 2 Minuten und die Sachen sind weg, alles verteilt, wie auch dieser Schal, der liebevoll den Hals dieses Mannes nun schmückt, man sieht es ihr an, Anja hilft gerne, eine Herzensangelegenheit auch für sie, da ist viel Liebe mit im Spiel - die Liebe auch zum Nächsten - Nächstenliebe ist "Diakonie" auch das ist Wahrheit. Am Ende blieb nur ein Schal, eine Mütze und ein Pulli und Lena sucht auch dafür noch Abnehmer, sie ist gründlich, denn nichts soll zurück bleiben, alles soll helfen. Zurück auf der Reeperbahn spricht sie eine Frau an, ein junges Mädchen, von Zuhause weg lebt sie hier mit ihrem Freund und ist ganz gut versorgt (sagt sie) und schickt uns weiter. Den Pulli bekommt dann dieses Paar, zur Freude auch des Hundchens, dass sich hier über einen neuen Hunde-Pulli freut, auch so was hatten die Leute gespendet. Feuerprobe bestanden, die Aufregung ist weg und Lena ist erleichtert: "Wir wissen ja gar nicht, was uns erwartet", hatte Lena zu Beginn des Tages noch gesagt, nun ist sie überglücklich, diese Menschen getroffen zu haben. "Was für ein schöner Moment, die Dankbarkeit in den Augen der Menschen zu sehen - und das helfen ist so einfach - jeder könnte das tun", sagt Lena zum Abschied und auch ihre Mutter ist begeistert. Nun hoffen die beiden, dass noch mehr Leute sich der Aktion anschließen und Sachen spenden, damit noch vielen geholfen werden kann, so vieles wird noch gebraucht - Zahnpasta zum Beispiel und die beiden hielten Wort und kamen wieder. Sonntag, 17. November - selber Ort - selbe Zeit 7 Tage ist es her, dass der Wunschzettel der Obdachlosen auf Reisen ging, nach Pinneberg und noch weit darüber hinaus. Das Internet macht´s möglich und inzwischen ist ihre Gruppe auf mehr als 270 Mitglieder angewachsen und alle haben noch was gespendet, sogar die Schuhe für Holger waren mit dabei (die richtige Größe) und alles ist möglich, wenn man nur weiß und Holger kann sein Glück kaum fassen. Spontan fängt der Mann neben ihm an zu weinen, "das ist ja wie Weihnachten", heißt es in der Runde und ja, der Moment ist besonders. Ich persönlich kann bestätigen, dass schon die kleinste Geste eines Helfers auch zu Tränen rührt, wenn man lange schon keine Hilfe mehr erfahren hat. Es ist der Moment der Zuneigung, wenn andere dir sagen, du bist hier nicht allein, ich bin da um dir zu helfen und meine Hilfe reicht für alle. Danke an das Team aus Pinneberg, die den Weg bis nach Hamburg fuhren um den Ärmsten der Stadt zu helfen und Danke an alle Spender, die es ermöglicht haben. Es passiert nicht oft, dass Zufall und Fügung so nahtlos aufeinander treffen. Gern habe ich das begleitet und es sind auch die Bilder, die Dankbarkeit in Freude hüllen. Schon dafür lohnt der Weg. Danke auch von mir und vielleicht sind diese Bilder ein Signal auch an andere Menschen guten Herzens, Leute, die im Stande sind zu helfen und so noch mehr auf die Betroffenen zugehen als bisher. Ein Lächeln, ein Gespräch, eine Geste, wer zuhört, der wird lernen und wer lernt, der wird teilen. Das ist der Wille und auch die Hoffnung. Wer die Gruppe unterstützen will, kann hier mitmachen --> Für kommende Woche werden noch Schuhe der Größe 45 gesucht sowie kleinere Geldspenden, um Dinge zu kaufen, die es in keiner Kleiderkammer gibt. Herzlichen Dank auch dafür Max Bryan 18.11.2013
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:45PM  

    Islam & Liebe - für die Ewigkeits Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam & Liebe - für die Ewigkeits Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wenn du in einer Ehe immer nur Oberflächlichkeiten erwartest (Szenen wie aus Bol...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:22
    Wenn du in einer Ehe immer nur Oberflächlichkeiten erwartest (Szenen wie aus Bollywood und sowas), dann überprüfe, ob du wirklich über den Sinn der Ehe im Klaren bist.
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Nov 18th 2013, 23:16, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


 media crash news - Social Mention: RSOE EDIS - Emergency and Disaster Information RSOE EDIS - Emergency and Disaster Information To Me Today at 3:04 AM RSOE EDIS - Emergency and Disaster Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- •Vehicle Accident - Africa - Egypt •Power Outage - North-America - USA •Vehicle Accident - Asia - India •Extreme Weather - Australia - Australia •Tornado - North-America - USA •Extreme Weather - North-America - USA •Fire - Europe - Poland •Snow Storm - North-America - Canada •Explosion - North-America - USA •Vehicle Incident - Europe - United Kingdom •Tornado - North-America - USA •Vehicle Accident - Asia - Russia [Asia] •Biological Hazard - Indonesian archipelago - Indonesia •Flash Flood - Middle-East - Saudi Arabia •Tropical Storm - Africa - Somalia Vehicle Accident - Africa - Egypt Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:38 PM PST EDIS Number: VI-20131118-41685-EGY Date / time: 18/11/2013 06:36:45 [UTC] Event: Vehicle Accident Area: Africa Country: Egypt State/County: Governorate of Al JÄ«zah Location: Dahshur Number of Deads: 24 person(s) Number of Injured: 28 person(s) Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: Large Description: A cargo train has slammed into vehicles crossing the tracks in Egypt, killing at least 24 people, many from the same family returning from a wedding party, state TV said. Medical emergency officials told Nile News TV that 28 people were injured and the number of dead could rise, although all victims have been cleared from the scene. The head of the Giza security sector, Kamal el-Dali, told the TV station that most of the dead and injured were family members on a bus returning from a wedding in Cairo. The family had been heading to the southern city of Fayyoum. He said the train, which carried construction materials, also hit a small truck coming from the opposite direction. Mr el-Dali said rescue teams remain at the scene. A security official said the train was travelling from the southern city of Beni Suef when it hit at least three vehicles near the village of Dahshur, about 25 miles south of Cairo. The head of Egypt's railway, Hussein Zakaria, told the TV station that initial reports indicated the crossing gates of the tracks had been closed and the train's driver was surprised to see vehicles still crossing. Power Outage - North-America - USA Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:38 PM PST EDIS Number: PW-20131118-41684-USA Date / time: 18/11/2013 06:18:44 [UTC] Event: Power Outage Area: North-America Country: USA State/County: State of Pennsylvania Location: [Mahoning County] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: 10000 person(s) Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: About 5,300 Ohio Edison customers in Mahoning County have lost power as a result of tonight's strong winds, said David H. Turner, area manager for Ohio Edison. Another 2,800 customers in Trumbull County, and 1,100 in Columbiana County, have also been affected by the storm. Turner said reports of power outages across the Mahoning Valley began coming in at about 8:30 p.m. Sunday. He indicated that Ohio Edison is in "storm mode," dispatching crews for assessment and repair work. Though Turner couldn't say when, exactly, power would be restored, he noted that crews would be working throughout the night. "Any time customers are without power, it's pretty severe," Turner said. He noted, too, that customers can download the free FirstEnergy app - which allows them to report power outages and receive outage updates - to their smartphones. Vehicle Accident - Asia - India Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:20 PM PST EDIS Number: VI-20131118-41683-IND Date / time: 18/11/2013 06:14:32 [UTC] Event: Vehicle Accident Area: Asia Country: India State/County: State of Kerala Location: Sreekaryam Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: 43 person(s) Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: A total of 43 persons, including 21 men, 18 women and four children, were injured after two non-AC low-floor KSRTC buses collided head-on near Sreekaryam on Sunday. Three of them who were seriously injured were admitted to the Medical College Hospital while the others were discharged after been given first aid. Both the bus drivers suffered serious injuries. The third person who suffered serious injuries has been identified as Additional Sub-Inspector with Special Armed Police Shamsudeen. Among those injured was a one-and-a-half-year-old baby. According to police, the accident occurred at a narrow curve road at Venjavodu, about 2.5 kilometre from Sreekaryam junction, which is an accident-prone area. Police said that while one bus was going towards Pothencode from East Fort, the other was plying in the opposite direction towards East Fort. The accident occurred by around 9.30 a.m. "In the primary investigation it seems that it was the mistake on the part of the driver of bus going towards Pothencode as the vehicle was on the wrong side of the road during the collision," said Traffic (North) circle inspector P Niyaz. The city traffic police have registered a case in connection with the accident and the buses were kept in custody. While one bus was attached to the Vikas Bhavan depot, the other bus was attached to the Venjramoodu depot. Extreme Weather - Australia - Australia Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:13 PM PST EDIS Number: ST-20131118-41682-AUS Date / time: 18/11/2013 06:12:40 [UTC] Event: Extreme Weather Area: Australia Country: Australia State/County: State of New South Wales Location: Hornsby Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: 12 person(s) Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: In total, 12 people have been taken to hospital as a result of the damaging storm that hit Hornsby at 2.45pm, including a man who suffered multiple lacerations to his head from flying debris. He was one of five people treated by paramedics at the Hornsby Railway Station on George Street, where the demountable building was flipped, a spokeswoman for the Ambulance Service said. However, it was not known if any of those inside the demountable needed to be treated. Six people were inside a demountable building when it was flipped on its roof during a "mini tornado" that struck northern Sydney this afternoon. Six people at the Hornsby Westfield were hospitalised with minor injuries, including a 50-year-old woman hit by glass, the spokeswoman said. The details of the other patients were not yet known. At the Hornsby Library on George Street, a 19-year-old woman was believed to have suffered shock after the building was damaged during the storm. "She may have suffered shock ... it was a bit of mayhem out there," the ambulance spokeswoman said. "The last note said (it was) unknown if she was unconscious." Witnesses have described the brief and destructive storm as a "mini tornado" after it tore through the suburb. It collapsed the ceiling of a cinema and smashed windows of the shopping centre. Tornado - North-America - USA Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:02 PM PST EDIS Number: TO-20131118-41681-USA Date / time: 18/11/2013 05:57:39 [UTC] Event: Tornado Area: North-America Country: USA State/County: State of Illinois Location: [Coal City and Diamond area ] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: At least 100 residential and commercial buildings have been damaged and four people have been injured due to a tornado that hit the Coal City and Diamond area Sunday. "(Damage) was mostly contained in Diamond. We did have commercial and residential collapses," said Nick Doerfler, spokesman for the Coal City Fire Protection District. Four people were injured and there were no reported fatalities as of 4 p.m. Emergency responders are still checking on damage throughout the county, but buildings hit in Coal City have been cleared of any people who could have been trapped inside. "Initially we thought there was, but we searched all the buildings there," Jim Lutz, Grundy County Emergency Management Agency director, said shortly after 3 p.m.. Buildings were still being searched in Wilmington as of 3:15 p.m. Local offiicals said the tornado touched down shortly before noon. At an evening press conference, local officials said the first place it touched down was Cardinal Trucking Co., and it then headed northeast into Diamond Estates. The tornado also touched down around Berta and Spring roads, which is inside Coal City's corporate limits. Power lines are down in that entire area, Lutz said. The county was still being checked, but Lutz said he had not heard any more reports of touchdowns anywhere else in Grundy County. A news conference is planned for 6 p.m. to update the media. Emergency responders were still working, Doerfler said about 4 p.m., and officials were working with ComEd due to numerous power lines being down in the area. School has been canceled for Monday for Coal City Community Unit School District 1, Superintendent Kent Bugg said, due to having no bus service. Extreme Weather - North-America - USA Posted: 17 Nov 2013 09:57 PM PST EDIS Number: ST-20131118-41680-USA Date / time: 18/11/2013 05:55:35 [UTC] Event: Extreme Weather Area: North-America Country: USA State/County: State of Wisconsin Location: [Dodge County] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: Strong winds have damaged some buildings and downed numerous trees in Dodge County. Emergency management officials say the damaged structures include cattle sheds, garages and storage sheds. One photo of damage showed cattle standing amid twisted metal that was once their shelter. Dodge County Emergency Management Director Joseph Meagher says in a statement there have been no early reports of significant damage to houses. There were no reports of injuries. County officials are working with the National Weather Service to determine what type of wind caused the damage Sunday morning. Severe storms moved through southern Wisconsin counties Sunday, and much of the area is under a tornado watch until 4 p.m. The watch includes the Madison and Milwaukee areas. Fire - Europe - Poland Posted: 17 Nov 2013 09:57 PM PST EDIS Number: FR-20131118-41679-POL Date / time: 18/11/2013 05:53:24 [UTC] Event: Fire Area: Europe Country: Poland State/County: Capital City Location: Warszawa [Politechnika Subway station] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: 8 person(s) Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: A state-of-the-art Warsaw subway train has caught fire, forcing the evacuation of some 200 people and sending eight to the hospital. Firefighter spokesman Capt. Karol Kierzkowski said smoke and fire appeared Sunday under the body of the Inspiro train as it was pulling into the Politechnika station on Warsaw's sole subway line. Metro employees put out the fire. Made by Germany-based Siemens, the Inspiro is considered to be among Europe's most modern subway trains. It was introduced in Warsaw with much fanfare last month. Subway spokesman, Krzysztof Malawko, said some 200 people were evacuated. Another eight were taken to the hospital after complaining of feeling sick from smoke. All five of Warsaw's Inspiro trains were put out of service until the cause of the malfunction is found. Snow Storm - North-America - Canada Posted: 17 Nov 2013 12:16 PM PST EDIS Number: SS-20131117-41678-CAN Date / time: 17/11/2013 20:15:14 [UTC] Event: Snow Storm Area: North-America Country: Canada State/County: Province of Manitoba Location: [Manitoba-wide] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: The first significant snowfall is always a treacherous time on Manitoba roads as drivers learn to adjust to the new slippery conditions. Environment Canada forecasts 2 cm to 4 cm of snow across much of the southern half of the province on Sunday. The RCMP issued several traffic advisories due to high winds and blowing snow. The winter weather closed the Trans Canada Highway from Headingley to Portage la Prairie. Hundreds of semi trailers lined up in Headingley Sunday morning waiting for the highway to reopen. RCMP reported poor driving conditions on PTH 1W from Griswold to Oak Lake. Police also issued a warning about ice covering and poor visibility on PTH 100 and 101. Emergency services urge drivers to exercise caution when driving in these areas. The poor driving conditions mean it can take emergency crews longer to respond to any accidents. In Winnipeg, the snow coincided with several vehicle collisions. In one incident, a two-vehicle crash sent a car into a house in the 500 block of Waverly Street on Sunday morning. It's not clear what role weather may have played in the collision, but streets in the area are icy and snow covered. Manitoba isn't the only province dealing with dangerous driving conditions. RCMP in Saskatchewan says snow and ice was responsible for a crash where three semis lost control on Highway 1 west of Moose Jaw. In Alberta, close to 40 vehicles collided in three separate crashes Saturday morning on Highway 2 between Calgary and Edmonton. Explosion - North-America - USA Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:08 PM PST EDIS Number: EX-20131117-41677-USA Date / time: 17/11/2013 20:06:12 [UTC] Event: Explosion Area: North-America Country: USA State/County: State of Colorado Location: Ouray [Revenue-Virginius mine] Number of Deads: 2 person(s) Number of Injured: 120 person(s) Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: Sixteen miners were involved in a mining accident at the Revenue-Virginius mine in Ouray on Sunday morning. An explosion was reported to be the cause of the accident that left several miners trapped in the mine. However, mine manager Rory Williams of the Star Mining Company said the injuries were a result of miners breathing in gases and chemicals in the air following a blast. Williams is en route to Ouray from the Front Range this morning. Public spokesperson of Montrose Memorial Hospital Leann Tobin confirmed that the hospital received one patient via TriState Careflight this morning around 9:15. The hospital received another four patients from ambulance services. According to police scanners, Montrose Memorial was prepared to accept an additional five patients and Delta County Memorial Hospital would be able to treat up to five of the less critical patients. At around 11:30 a.m., four patients were being transported to St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Junction. Tobin was unable to comment on the conditions of the patients and was unsure of the cause of the accident, but she added that Mercy Regional Medical Center in Durango was accepting patients and had dispatched the hospital's Flight For Life helicopter for transportation. At least 14 were affected by gases in the explosion, nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide. Event updates: Situation Update No. 1 on 18.11.2013 at 06:08:35. Vehicle Incident - Europe - United Kingdom Posted: 17 Nov 2013 11:57 AM PST EDIS Number: VIV-20131117-41676-GBR Date / time: 17/11/2013 19:50:39 [UTC] Event: Vehicle Incident Area: Europe Country: United Kingdom State/County: Scotland Location: [Glasgow Prestwick Airport] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: An Icelandic passenger jet had to emergency land at Glasgow Airport after one of its engines failed as it flew over Scotland. The Boeing 757 had earlier taken off from Glasgow but one of the engines flamed out at 37,000 feet as it passed just south of Stornoway at 2pm on Sunday. The plane, operated by the national airline Icelandair, turned back to Glasgow and later landed safely with the starboard engine still not working. Passengers praised the cool heads and professionalism of the crew which meant that panic was avoided. They also told how the unnamed captain made an error and pressed a switch the wrong way resulting in his Mayday call being relayed on the intercom to everyone on board the plane instead of being transmitted to air traffic controllers at Prestwick. Tornado - North-America - USA Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:24 PM PST EDIS Number: TO-20131117-41675-USA Date / time: 17/11/2013 19:43:50 [UTC] Event: Tornado Area: North-America Country: USA State/County: State of Illinois Location: [Peoria, Pekin and Washington ] Number of Deads: 2 person(s) Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: A large tornado touched down outside Peoria. "A confirmed large and extremely dangerous tornado" was spotted near Washington, Illinois, located about 145 miles southwest of Chicago, the National Weather Service said, noting that the twister was moving northeast at about 55 miles per hour. At least one tornado hit portions of Washington and another touched down in Pekin authorities confirmed. The Peoria Journal Start reported that Georgetown Commons apartment complex in Washington was severely damaged and other areas were hit hard. Authorities were doing a house-to-house search. Event updates: Situation Update No. 1 on 18.11.2013 at 06:23:57. Vehicle Accident - Asia - Russia [Asia] Posted: 17 Nov 2013 12:02 PM PST EDIS Number: VI-20131117-41674-RUS Date / time: 17/11/2013 17:32:33 [UTC] Event: Vehicle Accident Area: Asia Country: Russia [Asia] State/County: Republic of Tatarstan Location: Kazan Number of Deads: 50 person(s) Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: Russian news reports say a passenger airliner has crashed while landing in the city of Kazan and all 44 people aboard are believed to have been killed. The reports said the Boeing 737 belonging to Tatarstan Airlines crashed about 7:20 p.m. local time on Sunday. There were no immediate indications of what may have caused the crash. Kazan is about 450 miles east of Moscow. The ITAR-Tass news agency quoted a local representative of the Emergencies Ministry, Irina Rossius, as saying preliminary information indicated 44 people were aboard and all had died. The flight originated in Moscow. Event updates: Situation Update No. 1 on 2013-11-17 at 20:02:14. Biological Hazard - Indonesian archipelago - Indonesia Posted: 17 Nov 2013 07:43 AM PST EDIS Number: BH-20131117-41673-IDN Date / time: 17/11/2013 15:31:54 [UTC] Event: Biological Hazard Area: Indonesian archipelago Country: Indonesia State/County: West Java Province Location: [ East Bekasi] Number of Deads: 1 person(s) Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: The Indonesian Ministry of Health has confirmed and reported a new case of human H5N1 avian influenza in a woman from East Bekasi, West Java Province, according to a health ministry news release Friday (computer translated). According to the information in the release, the patient is a 31- year-old housewife who first developed symptoms on Nov. 1. She was admitted to several clinics and hospitals and was diagnosed with typhoid fever at one point. Her symptoms got progressively worse and she died on Nov. 11. The Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Technology Association, Balitbangkes confirmed the diagnosis as H5N1 avian influenza. The epidemiological investigation into the victims home environment showed "there are about 50-60 birds are scattered about in four locations. About +- 500 meters from the house there is a case of general market spending in the occasional case of the market." The last case of H5N1 bird flu in Indonesia was reported in September of this year, in a 28-year-old male also from West Java Province. He also succumbed to the lethal viral disease. Flash Flood - Middle-East - Saudi Arabia Posted: 17 Nov 2013 05:18 AM PST EDIS Number: FF-20131117-41672-SAU Date / time: 17/11/2013 13:16:34 [UTC] Event: Flash Flood Area: Middle-East Country: Saudi Arabia State/County: Capital City Location: Riyadh Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: Severe flooding is being reported in Saudi Arabia, especially in the kingdom's capital of Riyadh, with the government closing schools and urging people to stay indoors amid heavy rain. Flooding is rare in the country dominated by the Arabian Desert. Witnesses in Riaydh, which is also the country's largest city, are reporting flooded streets and shops. Pictures posted on Twitter show cars drowning in rainwater. Saudi Civil Defense warned citizens to stay indoors for their own safety, Al Arabiya reported. Weather forecasts are predicting heavy rains to continue to batter Saudi Arabia for the entire weekend. The eastern part of the country looks to be hit the most by the rains. The government is setting up a disaster management center in the holy city of Mecca and is planning to close schools and evacuate people in low-lying areas. Tropical Storm - Africa - Somalia Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:05 PM PST EDIS Number: TC-20131111-41598-SOM Date / time: 11/11/2013 15:43:14 [UTC] Event: Tropical Storm Area: Africa Country: Somalia State/County: Nugaal Region Location: [Bandarbeyle and Eyl towns] Number of Deads: 300 person(s) Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: At least 100 people were killed over the weekend when a tropical cyclone hit Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland region, President Abdirahman Mohamud Farole said on Monday, appealing for help from aid agencies. "A heavy storm hit Bandarbeyle and Eyl towns on Saturday and Sunday. About a hundred people died. Hundreds of houses and livestock were swept by the floods into the ocean," Farole told reporters in the capital Garowe. "We urge United Nations aid agencies to assist the victims. As Puntland, we have established a committee to investigate the loss and damage. Electricity, communication and fishing boats were all destroyed." The government of Puntland said in a statement that hundreds of people remained unaccounted for and declared a natural disaster emergency. Puntland spans the relatively calm north of Somalia and has largely escaped the worst of Somalia's upheaval of the last 20 years. Foreign powers advocating a loose federal political system in Somalia have held it up as a possible model. The area is rich in energy resources and is being sized up by oil explorers. However, Puntland's authorities have said insecurity is growing, and blame the Islamist al Shabaab militia, which has been driven out of many regions that it used to control in the remainder of Somalia.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:39PM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
    RSOE EDIS - Emergency and Disaster Information RSOE EDIS - Emergency and Disaster Information To Me Today at 3:04 AM RSOE EDIS - Emergency and Disaster Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- •Vehicle Accident - Africa - Egypt •Power Outage - North-America - USA •Vehicle Accident - Asia - India •Extreme Weather - Australia - Australia •Tornado - North-America - USA •Extreme Weather - North-America - USA •Fire - Europe - Poland •Snow Storm - North-America - Canada •Explosion - North-America - USA •Vehicle Incident - Europe - United Kingdom •Tornado - North-America - USA •Vehicle Accident - Asia - Russia [Asia] •Biological Hazard - Indonesian archipelago - Indonesia •Flash Flood - Middle-East - Saudi Arabia •Tropical Storm - Africa - Somalia Vehicle Accident - Africa - Egypt Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:38 PM PST EDIS Number: VI-20131118-41685-EGY Date / time: 18/11/2013 06:36:45 [UTC] Event: Vehicle Accident Area: Africa Country: Egypt State/County: Governorate of Al JÄ«zah Location: Dahshur Number of Deads: 24 person(s) Number of Injured: 28 person(s) Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: Large Description: A cargo train has slammed into vehicles crossing the tracks in Egypt, killing at least 24 people, many from the same family returning from a wedding party, state TV said. Medical emergency officials told Nile News TV that 28 people were injured and the number of dead could rise, although all victims have been cleared from the scene. The head of the Giza security sector, Kamal el-Dali, told the TV station that most of the dead and injured were family members on a bus returning from a wedding in Cairo. The family had been heading to the southern city of Fayyoum. He said the train, which carried construction materials, also hit a small truck coming from the opposite direction. Mr el-Dali said rescue teams remain at the scene. A security official said the train was travelling from the southern city of Beni Suef when it hit at least three vehicles near the village of Dahshur, about 25 miles south of Cairo. The head of Egypt's railway, Hussein Zakaria, told the TV station that initial reports indicated the crossing gates of the tracks had been closed and the train's driver was surprised to see vehicles still crossing. Power Outage - North-America - USA Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:38 PM PST EDIS Number: PW-20131118-41684-USA Date / time: 18/11/2013 06:18:44 [UTC] Event: Power Outage Area: North-America Country: USA State/County: State of Pennsylvania Location: [Mahoning County] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: 10000 person(s) Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: About 5,300 Ohio Edison customers in Mahoning County have lost power as a result of tonight's strong winds, said David H. Turner, area manager for Ohio Edison. Another 2,800 customers in Trumbull County, and 1,100 in Columbiana County, have also been affected by the storm. Turner said reports of power outages across the Mahoning Valley began coming in at about 8:30 p.m. Sunday. He indicated that Ohio Edison is in "storm mode," dispatching crews for assessment and repair work. Though Turner couldn't say when, exactly, power would be restored, he noted that crews would be working throughout the night. "Any time customers are without power, it's pretty severe," Turner said. He noted, too, that customers can download the free FirstEnergy app - which allows them to report power outages and receive outage updates - to their smartphones. Vehicle Accident - Asia - India Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:20 PM PST EDIS Number: VI-20131118-41683-IND Date / time: 18/11/2013 06:14:32 [UTC] Event: Vehicle Accident Area: Asia Country: India State/County: State of Kerala Location: Sreekaryam Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: 43 person(s) Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: A total of 43 persons, including 21 men, 18 women and four children, were injured after two non-AC low-floor KSRTC buses collided head-on near Sreekaryam on Sunday. Three of them who were seriously injured were admitted to the Medical College Hospital while the others were discharged after been given first aid. Both the bus drivers suffered serious injuries. The third person who suffered serious injuries has been identified as Additional Sub-Inspector with Special Armed Police Shamsudeen. Among those injured was a one-and-a-half-year-old baby. According to police, the accident occurred at a narrow curve road at Venjavodu, about 2.5 kilometre from Sreekaryam junction, which is an accident-prone area. Police said that while one bus was going towards Pothencode from East Fort, the other was plying in the opposite direction towards East Fort. The accident occurred by around 9.30 a.m. "In the primary investigation it seems that it was the mistake on the part of the driver of bus going towards Pothencode as the vehicle was on the wrong side of the road during the collision," said Traffic (North) circle inspector P Niyaz. The city traffic police have registered a case in connection with the accident and the buses were kept in custody. While one bus was attached to the Vikas Bhavan depot, the other bus was attached to the Venjramoodu depot. Extreme Weather - Australia - Australia Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:13 PM PST EDIS Number: ST-20131118-41682-AUS Date / time: 18/11/2013 06:12:40 [UTC] Event: Extreme Weather Area: Australia Country: Australia State/County: State of New South Wales Location: Hornsby Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: 12 person(s) Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: In total, 12 people have been taken to hospital as a result of the damaging storm that hit Hornsby at 2.45pm, including a man who suffered multiple lacerations to his head from flying debris. He was one of five people treated by paramedics at the Hornsby Railway Station on George Street, where the demountable building was flipped, a spokeswoman for the Ambulance Service said. However, it was not known if any of those inside the demountable needed to be treated. Six people were inside a demountable building when it was flipped on its roof during a "mini tornado" that struck northern Sydney this afternoon. Six people at the Hornsby Westfield were hospitalised with minor injuries, including a 50-year-old woman hit by glass, the spokeswoman said. The details of the other patients were not yet known. At the Hornsby Library on George Street, a 19-year-old woman was believed to have suffered shock after the building was damaged during the storm. "She may have suffered shock ... it was a bit of mayhem out there," the ambulance spokeswoman said. "The last note said (it was) unknown if she was unconscious." Witnesses have described the brief and destructive storm as a "mini tornado" after it tore through the suburb. It collapsed the ceiling of a cinema and smashed windows of the shopping centre. Tornado - North-America - USA Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:02 PM PST EDIS Number: TO-20131118-41681-USA Date / time: 18/11/2013 05:57:39 [UTC] Event: Tornado Area: North-America Country: USA State/County: State of Illinois Location: [Coal City and Diamond area ] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: At least 100 residential and commercial buildings have been damaged and four people have been injured due to a tornado that hit the Coal City and Diamond area Sunday. "(Damage) was mostly contained in Diamond. We did have commercial and residential collapses," said Nick Doerfler, spokesman for the Coal City Fire Protection District. Four people were injured and there were no reported fatalities as of 4 p.m. Emergency responders are still checking on damage throughout the county, but buildings hit in Coal City have been cleared of any people who could have been trapped inside. "Initially we thought there was, but we searched all the buildings there," Jim Lutz, Grundy County Emergency Management Agency director, said shortly after 3 p.m.. Buildings were still being searched in Wilmington as of 3:15 p.m. Local offiicals said the tornado touched down shortly before noon. At an evening press conference, local officials said the first place it touched down was Cardinal Trucking Co., and it then headed northeast into Diamond Estates. The tornado also touched down around Berta and Spring roads, which is inside Coal City's corporate limits. Power lines are down in that entire area, Lutz said. The county was still being checked, but Lutz said he had not heard any more reports of touchdowns anywhere else in Grundy County. A news conference is planned for 6 p.m. to update the media. Emergency responders were still working, Doerfler said about 4 p.m., and officials were working with ComEd due to numerous power lines being down in the area. School has been canceled for Monday for Coal City Community Unit School District 1, Superintendent Kent Bugg said, due to having no bus service. Extreme Weather - North-America - USA Posted: 17 Nov 2013 09:57 PM PST EDIS Number: ST-20131118-41680-USA Date / time: 18/11/2013 05:55:35 [UTC] Event: Extreme Weather Area: North-America Country: USA State/County: State of Wisconsin Location: [Dodge County] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: Strong winds have damaged some buildings and downed numerous trees in Dodge County. Emergency management officials say the damaged structures include cattle sheds, garages and storage sheds. One photo of damage showed cattle standing amid twisted metal that was once their shelter. Dodge County Emergency Management Director Joseph Meagher says in a statement there have been no early reports of significant damage to houses. There were no reports of injuries. County officials are working with the National Weather Service to determine what type of wind caused the damage Sunday morning. Severe storms moved through southern Wisconsin counties Sunday, and much of the area is under a tornado watch until 4 p.m. The watch includes the Madison and Milwaukee areas. Fire - Europe - Poland Posted: 17 Nov 2013 09:57 PM PST EDIS Number: FR-20131118-41679-POL Date / time: 18/11/2013 05:53:24 [UTC] Event: Fire Area: Europe Country: Poland State/County: Capital City Location: Warszawa [Politechnika Subway station] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: 8 person(s) Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: A state-of-the-art Warsaw subway train has caught fire, forcing the evacuation of some 200 people and sending eight to the hospital. Firefighter spokesman Capt. Karol Kierzkowski said smoke and fire appeared Sunday under the body of the Inspiro train as it was pulling into the Politechnika station on Warsaw's sole subway line. Metro employees put out the fire. Made by Germany-based Siemens, the Inspiro is considered to be among Europe's most modern subway trains. It was introduced in Warsaw with much fanfare last month. Subway spokesman, Krzysztof Malawko, said some 200 people were evacuated. Another eight were taken to the hospital after complaining of feeling sick from smoke. All five of Warsaw's Inspiro trains were put out of service until the cause of the malfunction is found. Snow Storm - North-America - Canada Posted: 17 Nov 2013 12:16 PM PST EDIS Number: SS-20131117-41678-CAN Date / time: 17/11/2013 20:15:14 [UTC] Event: Snow Storm Area: North-America Country: Canada State/County: Province of Manitoba Location: [Manitoba-wide] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: The first significant snowfall is always a treacherous time on Manitoba roads as drivers learn to adjust to the new slippery conditions. Environment Canada forecasts 2 cm to 4 cm of snow across much of the southern half of the province on Sunday. The RCMP issued several traffic advisories due to high winds and blowing snow. The winter weather closed the Trans Canada Highway from Headingley to Portage la Prairie. Hundreds of semi trailers lined up in Headingley Sunday morning waiting for the highway to reopen. RCMP reported poor driving conditions on PTH 1W from Griswold to Oak Lake. Police also issued a warning about ice covering and poor visibility on PTH 100 and 101. Emergency services urge drivers to exercise caution when driving in these areas. The poor driving conditions mean it can take emergency crews longer to respond to any accidents. In Winnipeg, the snow coincided with several vehicle collisions. In one incident, a two-vehicle crash sent a car into a house in the 500 block of Waverly Street on Sunday morning. It's not clear what role weather may have played in the collision, but streets in the area are icy and snow covered. Manitoba isn't the only province dealing with dangerous driving conditions. RCMP in Saskatchewan says snow and ice was responsible for a crash where three semis lost control on Highway 1 west of Moose Jaw. In Alberta, close to 40 vehicles collided in three separate crashes Saturday morning on Highway 2 between Calgary and Edmonton. Explosion - North-America - USA Posted: 17 Nov 2013 10:08 PM PST EDIS Number: EX-20131117-41677-USA Date / time: 17/11/2013 20:06:12 [UTC] Event: Explosion Area: North-America Country: USA State/County: State of Colorado Location: Ouray [Revenue-Virginius mine] Number of Deads: 2 person(s) Number of Injured: 120 person(s) Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level: N/A Description: Sixteen miners were involved in a mining accident at the Revenue-Virginius mine in Ouray on Sunday morning. An explosion was reported to be the cause of the accident that left several miners trapped in the mine. However, mine manager Rory Williams of the Star Mining Company said the injuries were a result of miners breathing in gases and chemicals in the air following a blast. Williams is en route to Ouray from the Front Range this morning. Public spokesperson of Montrose Memorial Hospital Leann Tobin confirmed that the hospital received one patient via TriState Careflight this morning around 9:15. The hospital received another four patients from ambulance services. According to police scanners, Montrose Memorial was prepared to accept an additional five patients and Delta County Memorial Hospital would be able to treat up to five of the less critical patients. At around 11:30 a.m., four patients were being transported to St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Junction. Tobin was unable to comment on the conditions of the patients and was unsure of the cause of the accident, but she added that Mercy Regional Medical Center in Durango was accepting patients and had dispatched the hospital's Flight For Life helicopter for transportation. At least 14 were affected by gases in the explosion, nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide. Event updates: Situation Update No. 1 on 18.11.2013 at 06:08:35. Vehicle Incident - Europe - United Kingdom Posted: 17 Nov 2013 11:57 AM PST EDIS Number: VIV-20131117-41676-GBR Date / time: 17/11/2013 19:50:39 [UTC] Event: Vehicle Incident Area: Europe Country: United Kingdom State/County: Scotland Location: [Glasgow Prestwick Airport] Number of Deads: N/A Number of Injured: N/A Number of Infected: N/A Number of Missing: N/A Number of Affected: N/A Number of Evacuated: N/A Damage level:


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 08:44PM  

    Way to Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Way to Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Es ist unbedingt erforderlich, dass jeder von uns das islamische Wissen lernt, u...
    Nov 18th 2013, 20:05
    Es ist unbedingt erforderlich, dass jeder von uns das islamische Wissen lernt, um zu wissen was für die Person erlaubt und was verboten ist; was man essen und trinken darf und was nicht; was man hören und sehen darf und was nicht; was man von anderen verlangen darf und was nicht; was der Mann von seiner Ehefrau verlangen darf und was nicht; was die Frau von ihrem Ehemann verlangen darf und was nicht.
    Lieber Glaubensbruder, sei gütig und barmherzig gegenüber deiner Ehefrau und denke daran, dass sie für dich eine große Stütze im Leben ist.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    British MP's, Lords demand that British government apologize for Balfour... British MP's, Lords demand that British government apologize for Balfour...
    Nov 10th 2013, 20:51
    British MP's, Lords demand that British government apologize for Balfour Declaration #Jihad Watch #bbcdp #marr #bbcsp The Balfour Declaration stated: "His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,...
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 tauhid - Social Mention: BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:30
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:30
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    nasheed - Social Mention
    چقدر سخته پدرت فوت کرده باشه هنوز شمارش تو گوشیت باشه: ذخیره کرده باشی بابا... بعد بخوای به دوستت زنگ بزنی لحظه سختیه وقتی تصادفی شماره بابات بیاد جلوت... ((قدر باباهاتونو بدونین)) ما که نداریمممممممممممممممممممممم...
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:07
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    Kadang aku rasa sedih dan rindu dengan ustaz Yang mengajar aku dari kecil hingga dewasa, biar pun dia Seorang yang sangat tegas dalam mengajar aku, tapi Aku suka dengan dia sehingga aku jadi sebegini Ayah ku upah ustaz jkas untuk mengajar ku ilmu Agama... Sekarang semua tinggal kenangan yg xmungkin ku Lupa sepanjang hayat..... Alfatihah buat ayah, ibu dan ustaz Hafiz Terima kasih ya Allah.....Alhamduliah.... :'( :'( :'(
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:16
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 projekt quran - Social Mention: Esslm Alkm, Liebe Geschwister im Islam wie Ihr wisst, wollten wir mit den islamischen Vereinen aus Ulm und Neu-Ulm eine deutschsprachige Zeitschrift herausbringen. In den ersten beiden Ratssitzungen, haben die islamischen Vereine die Gründung eines Dachverbands zur Koordination solcher übergreifenden und wichtigen Aktivitäten der islamischen Vereine aus Ulm & Neu-Ulm vorgeschlagen und es wurde darüber abgestimmt. Einstimmig wurde entschieden, dass die islamischen Vereine aus Ulm & Neu-Ulm einen Dachverband gründen wollen. Die gemeinsame Zeitschrift wird lediglich nur eines der Projekte dieses Dachverbandes in der Region sein. Weitere Projekte werden inschaALLAH folgen. Somit steht nun neben dem Zeitschrift-Projekt „Schwabenmuslime" das wichtige Ziel, die Satzung dieses Dachverbandes auszuformulieren. Die nächste Versammlung spielt somit eine sehr wichtige Rolle, umso entscheidender ist es, dass alle islamischen Vereine daran teilnehmen. Wie besprochen, findet diese 3. Ratssitzung am Sonntag, den 10.11.2013 (10:00 – 13:30 Uhr) statt! Ort: „Bosnischen Moschee" Islamisches Kultur Center Ulm, Auchertwiesenweg 21 in 89081 Ulm. Zu dieser Versammlung seid Ihr hiermit offiziell eingeladen und Ihr solltet mindestens mit 2 Vertretern (Vorstandsvorsitzender & 1 weiteres Vorstandsmitglied/aktives Mitglied) kommen. Falls möglich bringt bitte zusätzlich eine Person mit, die sich mit Satzungen und Vereinsgründungen auskennt. Wie oben erwähnt soll die Satzung in einer Parallelveranstaltung ausformuliert werden. Auch solltet ihr euch Gedanken machen, wie dieser Dachverband heißen soll (Bisheriger Vorschlag: Rat Islamischer Vereine!) aber auch wie die Zeitschrift heißen soll (Bisheriger Vorschlag: DonauMuslime!) Tagesordnungspunkte (TOP) 10:00 Uhr; Eröffnung: Quran (Adil) 10:10 Uhr; Begrüßung durch Vereinsvorsitzenden der „Bosnischen Moschee" (Nihad) 10:20 Uhr; Vorstellungsrunde (Jede/r stellt sich kurz vor! [Name, Verein, Aufgabe & Kompetenzen]) 10:40 Uhr; Präsentation des Zeitschrift-Projekts und die Grundlagen des Dachverbands (Ilyas) 11:00 Uhr; Organisationsformen des Dachverbands (Ilyas) 11:15 Uhr; Vorschläge/Meinungen der Vereinsvertreter [Satzung, Dachverband & Zeitschrift] (Muhammed) Evtl. Parallele Veranstaltung: 11:45 Uhr; Gruppe A; Ausdiskutieren der Struktur, Orga-Form & Namen 11:45 Uhr; Gruppe B; Satzungsarbeit 12:15 Uhr; Mittagsgebet und Pause Evtl. Parallele Veranstaltung: 13:00 Uhr; Gruppe A; Ausdiskutieren der Struktur, Orga-Form & Namen 13:00 Uhr; Gruppe B; Satzungsarbeit 13:20 Uhr; PLENUM; Gemeinsame Erörterung der nächsten Schritte! 13:30 Uhr; Abschlussrunde und -Gebet Möge Allah (SWT) unsere Sitzungen segnen. Amin!
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:24PM  

    projekt quran - Social Mention
    Esslm Alkm, Liebe Geschwister im Islam wie Ihr wisst, wollten wir mit den islamischen Vereinen aus Ulm und Neu-Ulm eine deutschsprachige Zeitschrift herausbringen. In den ersten beiden Ratssitzungen, haben die islamischen Vereine die Gründung eines Dachverbands zur Koordination solcher übergreifenden und wichtigen Aktivitäten der islamischen Vereine aus Ulm & Neu-Ulm vorgeschlagen und es wurde darüber abgestimmt. Einstimmig wurde entschieden, dass die islamischen Vereine aus Ulm & Neu-Ulm einen Dachverband gründen wollen. Die gemeinsame Zeitschrift wird lediglich nur eines der Projekte dieses Dachverbandes in der Region sein. Weitere Projekte werden inschaALLAH folgen. Somit steht nun neben dem Zeitschrift-Projekt „Schwabenmuslime" das wichtige Ziel, die Satzung dieses Dachverbandes auszuformulieren. Die nächste Versammlung spielt somit eine sehr wichtige Rolle, umso entscheidender ist es, dass alle islamischen Vereine daran teilnehmen. Wie besprochen, findet diese 3. Ratssitzung am Sonntag, den 10.11.2013 (10:00 – 13:30 Uhr) statt! Ort: „Bosnischen Moschee" Islamisches Kultur Center Ulm, Auchertwiesenweg 21 in 89081 Ulm. Zu dieser Versammlung seid Ihr hiermit offiziell eingeladen und Ihr solltet mindestens mit 2 Vertretern (Vorstandsvorsitzender & 1 weiteres Vorstandsmitglied/aktives Mitglied) kommen. Falls möglich bringt bitte zusätzlich eine Person mit, die sich mit Satzungen und Vereinsgründungen auskennt. Wie oben erwähnt soll die Satzung in einer Parallelveranstaltung ausformuliert werden. Auch solltet ihr euch Gedanken machen, wie dieser Dachverband heißen soll (Bisheriger Vorschlag: Rat Islamischer Vereine!) aber auch wie die Zeitschrift heißen soll (Bisheriger Vorschlag: DonauMuslime!) Tagesordnungspunkte (TOP) 10:00 Uhr; Eröffnung: Quran (Adil) 10:10 Uhr; Begrüßung durch Vereinsvorsitzenden der „Bosnischen Moschee" (Nihad) 10:20 Uhr; Vorstellungsrunde (Jede/r stellt sich kurz vor! [Name, Verein, Aufgabe & Kompetenzen]) 10:40 Uhr; Präsentation des Zeitschrift-Projekts und die Grundlagen des Dachverbands (Ilyas) 11:00 Uhr; Organisationsformen des Dachverbands (Ilyas) 11:15 Uhr; Vorschläge/Meinungen der Vereinsvertreter [Satzung, Dachverband & Zeitschrift] (Muhammed) Evtl. Parallele Veranstaltung: 11:45 Uhr; Gruppe A; Ausdiskutieren der Struktur, Orga-Form & Namen 11:45 Uhr; Gruppe B; Satzungsarbeit 12:15 Uhr; Mittagsgebet und Pause Evtl. Parallele Veranstaltung: 13:00 Uhr; Gruppe A; Ausdiskutieren der Struktur, Orga-Form & Namen 13:00 Uhr; Gruppe B; Satzungsarbeit 13:20 Uhr; PLENUM; Gemeinsame Erörterung der nächsten Schritte! 13:30 Uhr; Abschlussrunde und -Gebet Möge Allah (SWT) unsere Sitzungen segnen. Amin!
    Nov 8th 2013, 21:52
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:24PM  

    projekt koran - Social Mention
    Aufkeimende Fremdenfeindlichkeit macht sich breit in Deutschland. Hetze gegen Schwule, Diskriminierung von Ausländern, selbst der Judenhass flammt neu auf. Deutschland sieht sich erneut mit einem altbekannten Problem konfrontiert: Fremdenhass! Was meinen Sie: Was kann die Gesellschaft dem entgegnen?
    Nov 13th 2013, 07:39
    Eine neue Welle der Fremdenfeindlichkeit scheint Europa zu überfluten. Egal wo man hinsieht: Deutschland, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Italien, …
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 kalifa - Social Mention: Imagine Pervers: Tu es une jeune chanteuse canadienne, tu es une star internationale, et ce soir tu es invitée à une soirée chez Cody Simpson pour une énorme fête ! Tu te prépare, tu te mets en robe, tu te maquille, il est 22H30, tu est prête à y aller. Tu enfourche ta belle Lamborghini couleur argent, et tu te dirige vers chez Cody. Arrivé là-bas, tu vois un peu toute les stars telles que : Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Cody Simpson (NARMOL QUOI C'EST SA FÊTE !), Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Wiz Kalifa, Drake, les 1D.. et pleins d'autres. Bref, tu te serre un verre de Whiskey-Coca et tu vas danser sur la piste. Derrière toi, tu sens des mains se poser sur tes hanches.Tu te retournes, c'est Justin. Il te regarde mystérieusement. Toi : T'es habillé sexy aujourd'hui Justin. Justin : *Clin d'œil* C'est pour que tu succombe à mon charme. *Sourire* Toi : Ca ne marchera pas. Justin : Et pourquoi ? Toi : Parce que .. Et tu t'en vas en le plantant sur la piste. Il revient te chercher en te chuchotant : Tu m'excite beaucoup [TP] ! Toi : Ah bon ? *Sourire* Justin : Si on montait ? *Clin d'œil* Toi : Déshabille toi, j'arrive. Justin : *Chuchotant* 3ème porte à gauche. Toi : *Chuchotant* J'arrive dans un instant. *Clin d'œil*. Tu pose ton verre, tu dis un peu bonjour aux personnes que tu connais (C'EST A DIRE TOUT LE MONDE MWAHAHAHAH..bref..) et tu monte rejoindre Justin. Il était torse nu, il t'attendais. Tu t'approche de lui, tu lui caresse le torse, tu lui fais des bisous dans le cou, puis tu descends au fur et à mesure... Tu lui déboutonne son pantalon.. (Uhu,viens le moment de l'acte sexuel.) Tu caresse Jerry (:3), tu le sors du caleçon de Justin, et tu fais des va et viens dans ta main. Justin : Oh ... oh .. oui... oh ..c'est bon .. (Orgasme masculin je précise). Plus vite [TP], plus vite. Tu accélères le manège. Tu sors ta langue et tapote Jerry dessus. Tu finis ensuite par le mettre entier dans ta bouche (Enfin pas entier il est trop gros mais bon :3) (Ok ok j'arrête de commenter l'imagine avec mes commentaires de merde). Donc tu le mets dans ta bouche en faisant des petits va et viens.. Tu arrête puis Justin te déshabille, il t'enlève le soutient gorge, te touche la poitrine, il t'enlève ton pantalon et ta petite culotte, te pousse sur le lit et s'allonge sur toi. Justin : Prête à partir au 7ème ciel ? Toi : Prête ! Justin mis Jerry dans ton sexe et fis des vas et viens, tout doucement. Tu aimais ça, tu jouissais de plaisir. Toi : Oh oui .. Justin..Plus vite .. Plus vite .. PLUS VITE ! Ooooh (Susu :33) Justin : Ooohhh .... Oui .. Pleins d'orgasmes sortaient de vos bouches. Justin faisais toujours des va et vient lorsqu'il sortit Jerry et éjacula sur ton ventre. Tu essuyas tout et vous redescendez. Vous étiez officiellement ensemble. FIN !!! Voilà j'vous l'avez dit qu'il était nul de chez nul x) Mais quand j'me fait chier ben voilà ce que ça donne :') #Océ
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:24PM  

    kalifa - Social Mention
    Imagine Pervers: Tu es une jeune chanteuse canadienne, tu es une star internationale, et ce soir tu es invitée à une soirée chez Cody Simpson pour une énorme fête ! Tu te prépare, tu te mets en robe, tu te maquille, il est 22H30, tu est prête à y aller. Tu enfourche ta belle Lamborghini couleur argent, et tu te dirige vers chez Cody. Arrivé là-bas, tu vois un peu toute les stars telles que : Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Cody Simpson (NARMOL QUOI C'EST SA FÊTE !), Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Wiz Kalifa, Drake, les 1D.. et pleins d'autres. Bref, tu te serre un verre de Whiskey-Coca et tu vas danser sur la piste. Derrière toi, tu sens des mains se poser sur tes hanches.Tu te retournes, c'est Justin. Il te regarde mystérieusement. Toi : T'es habillé sexy aujourd'hui Justin. Justin : *Clin d'œil* C'est pour que tu succombe à mon charme. *Sourire* Toi : Ca ne marchera pas. Justin : Et pourquoi ? Toi : Parce que .. Et tu t'en vas en le plantant sur la piste. Il revient te chercher en te chuchotant : Tu m'excite beaucoup [TP] ! Toi : Ah bon ? *Sourire* Justin : Si on montait ? *Clin d'œil* Toi : Déshabille toi, j'arrive. Justin : *Chuchotant* 3ème porte à gauche. Toi : *Chuchotant* J'arrive dans un instant. *Clin d'œil*. Tu pose ton verre, tu dis un peu bonjour aux personnes que tu connais (C'EST A DIRE TOUT LE MONDE MWAHAHAHAH..bref..) et tu monte rejoindre Justin. Il était torse nu, il t'attendais. Tu t'approche de lui, tu lui caresse le torse, tu lui fais des bisous dans le cou, puis tu descends au fur et à mesure... Tu lui déboutonne son pantalon.. (Uhu,viens le moment de l'acte sexuel.) Tu caresse Jerry (:3), tu le sors du caleçon de Justin, et tu fais des va et viens dans ta main. Justin : Oh ... oh .. oui... oh ..c'est bon .. (Orgasme masculin je précise). Plus vite [TP], plus vite. Tu accélères le manège. Tu sors ta langue et tapote Jerry dessus. Tu finis ensuite par le mettre entier dans ta bouche (Enfin pas entier il est trop gros mais bon :3) (Ok ok j'arrête de commenter l'imagine avec mes commentaires de merde). Donc tu le mets dans ta bouche en faisant des petits va et viens.. Tu arrête puis Justin te déshabille, il t'enlève le soutient gorge, te touche la poitrine, il t'enlève ton pantalon et ta petite culotte, te pousse sur le lit et s'allonge sur toi. Justin : Prête à partir au 7ème ciel ? Toi : Prête ! Justin mis Jerry dans ton sexe et fis des vas et viens, tout doucement. Tu aimais ça, tu jouissais de plaisir. Toi : Oh oui .. Justin..Plus vite .. Plus vite .. PLUS VITE ! Ooooh (Susu :33) Justin : Ooohhh .... Oui .. Pleins d'orgasmes sortaient de vos bouches. Justin faisais toujours des va et vient lorsqu'il sortit Jerry et éjacula sur ton ventre. Tu essuyas tout et vous redescendez. Vous étiez officiellement ensemble. FIN !!! Voilà j'vous l'avez dit qu'il était nul de chez nul x) Mais quand j'me fait chier ben voilà ce que ça donne :') #Océ
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:17
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:24PM  

    salafisten - Social Mention
    Jan 17th 2013, 20:39
    Berlin / Björn Kietzmann / 13.01.2013 - Treffen von aus ganz Deutschland angereisten Salafisten in der Ziegrastraße in Berlin-Neukölln. - Die Bilder sind in druckbarer Qualitt vorhanden. Bitte denken sie daran, dass die Texte & Fotos urheberrechtlich geschtzt sind. Sollten Sie Fotos von mir verwenden wollen kontaktieren Sie mich bitte: All pictures in high resolution available. The photos are unter copyright. Contact me if you want to use them:
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    Gjolak yg mngguncang mmnuhi dda Brsma asa & rndu mndlm Dri hmba yg brlmur dosa & kealpaan Brhrap dpt brsua dgn-Mu Whai Rabbul'alamiin Dgn taubat ku brhrap Kuatkn jwa ni mndtnginya Kkohkn lngkah ni mnmpuhnya Azzamkn niat ni dlm mncpainya Ikhlaskn hti ni mnjlaninya Aku rndu. Rndu brjmpa dng-Mu dlm SYAHADAH Rndu brsua dgn-Mu dlm IMAN Rndu brsma-Mu dlm TAUHID Rndu indhnya hdup dlm rdho-Mu Ya Allah Hntarkan krnduanku ni Mdahknlah, Lpangknlah Tuk raih cta2 KEMULYAAN HDP DLM ISLAM, ATAU KESYAHIDAN DLM KEIMANAN...
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:17
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 tauhid - Social Mention: Perbedaan Antara Dakwah Terhadap Kaum Muslimin Dengan Ummat Selain Mereka Sesungguhnya wajib atas setiap da'i muslim untuk memperhatikan perbedaan antara dakwah terhadap kaum muslimin dan dakwah terhadap non muslim yakni bagaimana metode yang di terapkan terhadap mereka masing – masing. Sebagaimana dimaklumi bawah nabi telah mengarahkan dakwah ini secara umum kepada seluruh manusia, baik yang mukmin maupun kafir. Dan terhadap kedua jenis ini tentunya mempunyai metode yang berbeda tatkala menerangkan al haq kepadanya. Manhaj yang menghimpun semua masalah dakwah yang ada tentunya adalah dakwah kepada tauhidulullah, mengesankan Allah dengan ( menyerahkan ) semua bentuk peribadatan hanya kepada Allah dan menjauhi semua bentuk syirik. Allah Subhananhuwata'ala berfirman : وَلَقَدْ بَعَثْنَا فِي كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ رَّسُولًا أَنِ اعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ وَاجْتَنِبُوا الطَّاغُوتَ " Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus Rasul pada tiap – tiap umat ( untuk menyerukan) sembahlah Allah ( saja ) dan jauhilah Taghut itu " ( An Nahl : 36 ) Maka, dakwah pertama yang disampaikan kepada orang – orang kafir tentunya adalah dakwah kepada perkara yang tidak sah diterima semua amalan mereka kecuali dengan perkara tersebut, yaitu perakara Tauhid. Beberapa ketentuan yang harus selalu diperhatikan oleh seorang da'i Sehubungan dengan metode dakwah ini, ada beberapa hal yang harus menjadi perhatian seorang da'i dalam setiap gerak langkah dakwahnya yaitu, : 1. Tauhidullah, hal ini merupakan landasan dan prinsip pertama dimana orang – orang kafir harus diajak kepadanya. Hal ini telah di jelaskan oleh Rasulullah kepada Mu'adz ketika mengutusnya ke Yaman ; " engkau akan mendatangi sekelompok masyarakat dari ahli kitab ( Yahudi dan Nasrani ) maka hendaklah yang pertama kali kau ajak mereka kepada :Laa illaha ilallah ( bersaksi bawah tidak ada sesembahan yang haq kecuali Allah) Sebab itulah, Rasul pertama yang Allah Subhanahuwata'ala untus kepada penduduk muka bumi ini, yaitu Nuh 'Alahissalam mengajak manusia ( yang ada ketika itu ) kepada tauhid dan menjauhi syirik. Sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahuwata'ala : لَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا نُوحًا إِلَىٰ قَوْمِهِ فَقَالَ يَا قَوْمِ اعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ مَا لَكُم مِّنْ إِلَٰهٍ غَيْرُهُ إِنِّي أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمْ عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ عَظِيمٍ " Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus Nuh kepada kaumnya lalu ia berkata : "wahai kaumku sembahlah Allah, sekali – kali tidak ada sesembahan bagimu selainNya." Sesungguhnya ( kalau kamu tidak menyembah Allah ), aku takut kamu akan ditimpa azab hari yang besar (kematian)" ( Al A'raf 59) 2. Menyodorkan kenyataan yang ada kepada kaum musyrikin tersebut melalui argumentasi dan bukti yang kuat serta perumpamaan yang tepat ketika menerangkan betapa rendahnya para sesembahan yang mereka seru di samping Allah. Menegaskan bahwa para sesembahan mereka sama sekali tidak mampu memberikan manfaat, mudharat, tidak memiliki daya dan upaya serta kekuatan, bahkan mereka sangat butuh kepada yang lain. Hendaknya dia memberikan berbagai argumen yang akurat tidak adanya faedah dari semua sesembahan tersebut. Bahkan mereka sangat butuh kepada rahmat dan karunia Allah Subhanahuwata'la, demikian jga kebutuhan mereka untuk beribadah kepada Allah Subhanahuwata'ala dan menghadap kepadaNya. Kita lihat bagaimana dakwah Nabi Ibrahim 'Alaihissalam di tengah- tengah kaumnya di saat itu. Beliau hadapkan kepada kenyataan tentang sesembahan mereka dengan metode dialog tentang keatiadaan kodrat ( kemampuan ) para sesembahan tersebut yang mereka seru di samping ( menyeru juga kepada ) Allah Subhanahuwata'ala. Beliau menunjukan bahwa para sesembahan itu tidaklah lain hanya sekian dari makhluk – makhluk ciptaanNya. Benda – benda itu hanyalah bintang, matahari,bulan yang terbit dan terbenam ( pada waktu yang ditentutukan), mereka semua membutuhkan dzat yang mengedarkan mereka pada orbitnnya. Sehingga sungguh tidak pantas apalagi berhak untuk menyandang sifat ilahiyah ( disembah, diibadahi ). Setelah itu beliau sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahuwata'ala berkata kepada masyarakat tersebut. يَا قَوْمِ إِنِّي بَرِيءٌ مِّمَّا تُشْرِكُونَ " Hai kaumku sesungguhnya aku berlepas diri dari apa yang kamu persekutukan". ( Al An'am : 78) Dan inilah, beliau menyodorkan hakekat sesembahan yang dipuja – puja oleh masyarakat ketika itu,lengkap dengan dalil – dalil aqli maupun fitrah manusia. Allah Subhanahuwata'ala menerangkan hal ini: قَالَ هَلْ يَسْمَعُونَكُمْ إِذْ تَدْعُونَ () أَوْ يَنفَعُونَكُمْ أَوْ يَضُرُّونَ " berkata Ibrahim : " Apakah berhala – berhala itu mendengarkan ( do'a) mu sewaktu kamu berdo'a ( kepadanya)? Atau dapatkah mereka memberi manfa'at kepadmu atau memberi mudharat?" ( Asy Syu'ara : 72:23) 3. Mengalihkan perhatian orang – orang kafir itu kepada keajaiban perbuatan Allah Subhanahuwata'ala di dalam ayat - ayat kauniah ( alam semesta ) ini, menerangkan jauhnya perrbedaan antara keajaiban tersebut dan hinanya sesembahan yang mereka puja – puja selain Allah Subhanahuwata'ala. Termasuk ayat – ayat dan burhan tersebut ialah bagaimana hebatnya penciptaan langit,bumi, matahari dan bulan. Inilah perbuatan Allah yang nyata dengan semua dalil dan buktinya. Mengingat mereka kepada awal mula penciptaan mereka. Bagaimana hebatnya kekuasaan Allah terhadap hal tersebut. Dimana tentunya yang telah menciptakan semua ini. Bukanlah dzat yang lemah untuk menciptakan yang lain, sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahuwata'la : وَضَرَبَ لَنَا مَثَلًا وَنَسِيَ خَلْقَهُ ۖ قَالَ مَن يُحْيِي الْعِظَامَ وَهِيَ رَمِيمٌ () قُلْ يُحْيِيهَا الَّذِي أَنشَأَهَا أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ ۖ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ خَلْقٍ عَلِيمٌ " Dan dia membuat perumpamaan bagi kami,dan dia lupa kepada kejadiannya, ia berkata : " Siapakah yang dapat menghidupkan tulang belulang, yang telah hancur luluh? Katakanlah : " ia akan mendapatkan oleh Rabb yang menciptakannya kali yang pertama. Dan dia Maha Mengetahui tentang segala makhluk ." ( Yaasiin : 78-79) Dan sebetulnya dengan bukti – bukti yang jelas ini, sudah cukup jauh berlawanan dengan fitrah ( asal penciptaan) manusia yang Allah ciptakan mereka diatasnya. Artinya, tidak mungkin bagi siapapun yang tentunya menepisnya keberkahan mereka untuk menerima perlakuan ibadah seperti yang di tuduhkan oleh orang – orang kafir. Alllah berfirman : مَّا الْمَسِيحُ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ إِلَّا رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِن قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ وَأُمُّهُ صِدِّيقَةٌ ۖ كَانَا يَأْكُلَانِ الطَّعَامَ ۗ انظُرْ كَيْفَ نُبَيِّنُ لَهُمُ الْآيَاتِ ثُمَّ انظُرْ أَنَّىٰ يُؤْفَكُونَ " Al Masih putera Maryam hanyalah seorang Rasul yang sesungguhnya yang telah berlalu sebelumnya beberapa Rasul, dan ibunya seorang yang sangat benar, kedua duanya biasa memakan makanan. Perhatikan bagaimana kami menjelaskan kepada mereka ( Ahli Kitab ) tanda – tanda kekuasaan ( kami ) kemudahan perhatikanlah bagaimana mereka berpaling ( dari memperhatikan ayat – ayat Kami itu) " ( Al Maidah : 75 ) 4.Hendaknya dia menggunakan dua metode targhib dan tarhib terhadap orang – orang kafir ini. At – Targhib dengan kehidupan ukhrawi (akhirat) dan kenikmatan abadi dan At Tarhib dengan berbagai hal yang dinantikan oleh mereka yang mendustakan ayat – ayat Allah dan para RasulNya. Membuat perumpamaan dalam masalah ini dengan keadaan ummat – ummat yang telah berlalu di mana mereka mendustakan para Rasul dan menentang perintah Rabb mereka serta menyimpang dari fitrah. Seperti yang dilakukan oleh Nabi Nuh 'Alaihissalam terhadap kaumnya sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahuwata'ala ; يَغْفِرْ لَكُم مِّن ذُنُوبِكُمْ وَيُؤَخِّرْكُمْ إِلَىٰ أَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّى ۚ إِنَّ أَجَلَ اللَّهِ إِذَا جَاءَ لَا يُؤَخَّرُ ۖ لَوْ كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ " Niscaya Allah akan mengampuni sebagain dosa – dosamu dan menangguhkan kamu sampai kepada waktu yang ditentukan. Sesungguhnya ketetapan Allah apabila telah datang tidak dapat di tangguhkan, kalau kamu mengetahui". ( Nuh :4)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    Perbedaan Antara Dakwah Terhadap Kaum Muslimin Dengan Ummat Selain Mereka Sesungguhnya wajib atas setiap da'i muslim untuk memperhatikan perbedaan antara dakwah terhadap kaum muslimin dan dakwah terhadap non muslim yakni bagaimana metode yang di terapkan terhadap mereka masing – masing. Sebagaimana dimaklumi bawah nabi telah mengarahkan dakwah ini secara umum kepada seluruh manusia, baik yang mukmin maupun kafir. Dan terhadap kedua jenis ini tentunya mempunyai metode yang berbeda tatkala menerangkan al haq kepadanya. Manhaj yang menghimpun semua masalah dakwah yang ada tentunya adalah dakwah kepada tauhidulullah, mengesankan Allah dengan ( menyerahkan ) semua bentuk peribadatan hanya kepada Allah dan menjauhi semua bentuk syirik. Allah Subhananhuwata'ala berfirman : وَلَقَدْ بَعَثْنَا فِي كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ رَّسُولًا أَنِ اعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ وَاجْتَنِبُوا الطَّاغُوتَ " Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus Rasul pada tiap – tiap umat ( untuk menyerukan) sembahlah Allah ( saja ) dan jauhilah Taghut itu " ( An Nahl : 36 ) Maka, dakwah pertama yang disampaikan kepada orang – orang kafir tentunya adalah dakwah kepada perkara yang tidak sah diterima semua amalan mereka kecuali dengan perkara tersebut, yaitu perakara Tauhid. Beberapa ketentuan yang harus selalu diperhatikan oleh seorang da'i Sehubungan dengan metode dakwah ini, ada beberapa hal yang harus menjadi perhatian seorang da'i dalam setiap gerak langkah dakwahnya yaitu, : 1. Tauhidullah, hal ini merupakan landasan dan prinsip pertama dimana orang – orang kafir harus diajak kepadanya. Hal ini telah di jelaskan oleh Rasulullah kepada Mu'adz ketika mengutusnya ke Yaman ; " engkau akan mendatangi sekelompok masyarakat dari ahli kitab ( Yahudi dan Nasrani ) maka hendaklah yang pertama kali kau ajak mereka kepada :Laa illaha ilallah ( bersaksi bawah tidak ada sesembahan yang haq kecuali Allah) Sebab itulah, Rasul pertama yang Allah Subhanahuwata'ala untus kepada penduduk muka bumi ini, yaitu Nuh 'Alahissalam mengajak manusia ( yang ada ketika itu ) kepada tauhid dan menjauhi syirik. Sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahuwata'ala : لَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا نُوحًا إِلَىٰ قَوْمِهِ فَقَالَ يَا قَوْمِ اعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ مَا لَكُم مِّنْ إِلَٰهٍ غَيْرُهُ إِنِّي أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمْ عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ عَظِيمٍ " Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus Nuh kepada kaumnya lalu ia berkata : "wahai kaumku sembahlah Allah, sekali – kali tidak ada sesembahan bagimu selainNya." Sesungguhnya ( kalau kamu tidak menyembah Allah ), aku takut kamu akan ditimpa azab hari yang besar (kematian)" ( Al A'raf 59) 2. Menyodorkan kenyataan yang ada kepada kaum musyrikin tersebut melalui argumentasi dan bukti yang kuat serta perumpamaan yang tepat ketika menerangkan betapa rendahnya para sesembahan yang mereka seru di samping Allah. Menegaskan bahwa para sesembahan mereka sama sekali tidak mampu memberikan manfaat, mudharat, tidak memiliki daya dan upaya serta kekuatan, bahkan mereka sangat butuh kepada yang lain. Hendaknya dia memberikan berbagai argumen yang akurat tidak adanya faedah dari semua sesembahan tersebut. Bahkan mereka sangat butuh kepada rahmat dan karunia Allah Subhanahuwata'la, demikian jga kebutuhan mereka untuk beribadah kepada Allah Subhanahuwata'ala dan menghadap kepadaNya. Kita lihat bagaimana dakwah Nabi Ibrahim 'Alaihissalam di tengah- tengah kaumnya di saat itu. Beliau hadapkan kepada kenyataan tentang sesembahan mereka dengan metode dialog tentang keatiadaan kodrat ( kemampuan ) para sesembahan tersebut yang mereka seru di samping ( menyeru juga kepada ) Allah Subhanahuwata'ala. Beliau menunjukan bahwa para sesembahan itu tidaklah lain hanya sekian dari makhluk – makhluk ciptaanNya. Benda – benda itu hanyalah bintang, matahari,bulan yang terbit dan terbenam ( pada waktu yang ditentutukan), mereka semua membutuhkan dzat yang mengedarkan mereka pada orbitnnya. Sehingga sungguh tidak pantas apalagi berhak untuk menyandang sifat ilahiyah ( disembah, diibadahi ). Setelah itu beliau sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahuwata'ala berkata kepada masyarakat tersebut. يَا قَوْمِ إِنِّي بَرِيءٌ مِّمَّا تُشْرِكُونَ " Hai kaumku sesungguhnya aku berlepas diri dari apa yang kamu persekutukan". ( Al An'am : 78) Dan inilah, beliau menyodorkan hakekat sesembahan yang dipuja – puja oleh masyarakat ketika itu,lengkap dengan dalil – dalil aqli maupun fitrah manusia. Allah Subhanahuwata'ala menerangkan hal ini: قَالَ هَلْ يَسْمَعُونَكُمْ إِذْ تَدْعُونَ () أَوْ يَنفَعُونَكُمْ أَوْ يَضُرُّونَ " berkata Ibrahim : " Apakah berhala – berhala itu mendengarkan ( do'a) mu sewaktu kamu berdo'a ( kepadanya)? Atau dapatkah mereka memberi manfa'at kepadmu atau memberi mudharat?" ( Asy Syu'ara : 72:23) 3. Mengalihkan perhatian orang – orang kafir itu kepada keajaiban perbuatan Allah Subhanahuwata'ala di dalam ayat - ayat kauniah ( alam semesta ) ini, menerangkan jauhnya perrbedaan antara keajaiban tersebut dan hinanya sesembahan yang mereka puja – puja selain Allah Subhanahuwata'ala. Termasuk ayat – ayat dan burhan tersebut ialah bagaimana hebatnya penciptaan langit,bumi, matahari dan bulan. Inilah perbuatan Allah yang nyata dengan semua dalil dan buktinya. Mengingat mereka kepada awal mula penciptaan mereka. Bagaimana hebatnya kekuasaan Allah terhadap hal tersebut. Dimana tentunya yang telah menciptakan semua ini. Bukanlah dzat yang lemah untuk menciptakan yang lain, sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahuwata'la : وَضَرَبَ لَنَا مَثَلًا وَنَسِيَ خَلْقَهُ ۖ قَالَ مَن يُحْيِي الْعِظَامَ وَهِيَ رَمِيمٌ () قُلْ يُحْيِيهَا الَّذِي أَنشَأَهَا أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ ۖ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ خَلْقٍ عَلِيمٌ " Dan dia membuat perumpamaan bagi kami,dan dia lupa kepada kejadiannya, ia berkata : " Siapakah yang dapat menghidupkan tulang belulang, yang telah hancur luluh? Katakanlah : " ia akan mendapatkan oleh Rabb yang menciptakannya kali yang pertama. Dan dia Maha Mengetahui tentang segala makhluk ." ( Yaasiin : 78-79) Dan sebetulnya dengan bukti – bukti yang jelas ini, sudah cukup jauh berlawanan dengan fitrah ( asal penciptaan) manusia yang Allah ciptakan mereka diatasnya. Artinya, tidak mungkin bagi siapapun yang tentunya menepisnya keberkahan mereka untuk menerima perlakuan ibadah seperti yang di tuduhkan oleh orang – orang kafir. Alllah berfirman : مَّا الْمَسِيحُ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ إِلَّا رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِن قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ وَأُمُّهُ صِدِّيقَةٌ ۖ كَانَا يَأْكُلَانِ الطَّعَامَ ۗ انظُرْ كَيْفَ نُبَيِّنُ لَهُمُ الْآيَاتِ ثُمَّ انظُرْ أَنَّىٰ يُؤْفَكُونَ " Al Masih putera Maryam hanyalah seorang Rasul yang sesungguhnya yang telah berlalu sebelumnya beberapa Rasul, dan ibunya seorang yang sangat benar, kedua duanya biasa memakan makanan. Perhatikan bagaimana kami menjelaskan kepada mereka ( Ahli Kitab ) tanda – tanda kekuasaan ( kami ) kemudahan perhatikanlah bagaimana mereka berpaling ( dari memperhatikan ayat – ayat Kami itu) " ( Al Maidah : 75 ) 4.Hendaknya dia menggunakan dua metode targhib dan tarhib terhadap orang – orang kafir ini. At – Targhib dengan kehidupan ukhrawi (akhirat) dan kenikmatan abadi dan At Tarhib dengan berbagai hal yang dinantikan oleh mereka yang mendustakan ayat – ayat Allah dan para RasulNya. Membuat perumpamaan dalam masalah ini dengan keadaan ummat – ummat yang telah berlalu di mana mereka mendustakan para Rasul dan menentang perintah Rabb mereka serta menyimpang dari fitrah. Seperti yang dilakukan oleh Nabi Nuh 'Alaihissalam terhadap kaumnya sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahuwata'ala ; يَغْفِرْ لَكُم مِّن ذُنُوبِكُمْ وَيُؤَخِّرْكُمْ إِلَىٰ أَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّى ۚ إِنَّ أَجَلَ اللَّهِ إِذَا جَاءَ لَا يُؤَخَّرُ ۖ لَوْ كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ " Niscaya Allah akan mengampuni sebagain dosa – dosamu dan menangguhkan kamu sampai kepada waktu yang ditentukan. Sesungguhnya ketetapan Allah apabila telah datang tidak dapat di tangguhkan, kalau kamu mengetahui". ( Nuh :4)
    Nov 18th 2013, 18:56
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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen
Nov 18th 2013, 22:50, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


 tauhid - Social Mention: 12 PERSAMAAN SYI'AH & YAHUDI 1. Yahudi telah mengubah-ubah Taurat, begitu pula Syiah, mereka punya Al-Qur'an hasil kerajinan tangan mereka yakni "Mushaf Fathimah" yang tebalnya 3 kali Al-Qur'an kaum Muslimin. Mereka menganggap ayat Al-Qur'an yang diturunkan berjumlah 17.000 ayat. 2. Yahudi menuduh Maryam yang suci berzina (QS. Maryam: 28), Syiah melakukan hal yang sama terhadap istri Rasululloh shallallohu 'alaihi wasallam, 'Aisyah —radhiallohu 'anha— sebagaimana yang diungkapkan Al-Qummi (pembesar Syiah) dalam Tafsir Al-Qummi (II/34). 3. Yahudi mengatakan, "Kami tidak akan disentuh oleh api neraka melainkan hanya beberapa hari saja." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 80). Syiah lebih dahsyat lagi dengan mengatakan, "Api neraka telah diharamkan membakar setiap orang Syiah," sebagaimana tercantum dalam kitab mereka yang dianggap suci Fashl Khithab (hal.157). 4. Yahudi meyakini, Alloh mengetahui sesuatu setelah terjadinya sesuatu itu padahal Alloh tadinya tidak tahu, begitu juga dengan Syiah. Orang-orang Syiah menyebutnya sebagai akidah al bada'. Abu Abdillah berkata, "Seseorang belum dianggap beribadah kepada Allah sedikit pun, hingga ia mengakui adanya sifat bada' bagi Alloh." (Ushulul Kafi fi Kitabit Tauhid: 1/331). Bayangkan, mereka menisbahkan kebodohan kepada Alloh yang telah berfirman, { ﻗُﻞْ ﻟَﺎ ﻳَﻌْﻠَﻢُ ﻣَﻦْ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﺴَّﻤَﺎﻭَﺍﺕِ ﻭَﺍﻟْﺄَﺭْﺽِ ﺍﻟْﻐَﻴْﺐَ ﺇِﻟَّﺎ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪُ ﻭَﻣَﺎ ﻳَﺸْﻌُﺮُﻭﻥَ ﺃَﻳَّﺎﻥَ ﻳُﺒْﻌَﺜُﻮﻥَ { ] ﺍﻟﻨﻤﻞ : 65 ] "Katakanlah, "Tidak ada seorang pun di langit dan di bumi yang mengetahui perkara yang gaib kecuali Alloh." (QS. An-Naml: 65) Sementara di sisi lain, mereka berkeyakinan bahwa para imam mereka mengetahui segala ilmu pengetahuan dan tak ada sedikit pun yang samar baginya. Al Kulaini, seorang ulama paling terpercaya di kalangan Syiah berkata di dalam bukunya, "Bab bahwa para imam mengetahui ilmu yang telah dan akan terjadi, dan tidak ada sesuatu apa pun yang tersembunyi bagi mereka." (Al Kafi: 1/261). 5. Yahudi berkata, "Tidak layak (tidak sah) kerajaan itu melainkan di tangan keluarga Daud." Syiah berkata, "Tidak layak Imamah itu melainkan pada Ali dan keturunannya." 6. Yahudi menghalalkan darah setiap muslim. Demikian pula Syiah, mereka menghalalkan darah Ahlussunnah/Sunni. 7. Yahudi tidak menetapkan adanya jihad hingga Alloh mengutus Dajjal. Syiah Rafidhah mengatakan, "Tidak ada jihad hingga Alloh mengutus Imam Mahdi datang." 8. Orang-orang Yahudi memberikan kepemimpinan kepada anak keturunan Nabi Harun 'alaihis salam, bukan keturunan Nabi Musa 'alahis salam. Demikian pula orang-orang Syiah, mereka memberikan kepemimpinan kepada keturunan Al Husein radhiyallohu 'anhu, bukan Al Hasan radhiyallohu 'anhu. Dalam riwayat orang-orang Syiah disebutkan, dari Hisyam bin Salim, dia berkata, "Aku berkata kepada Ash-Shadiq Ja'far bin Muhammad —'alaihimas salam, manakah yang lebih utama Al Hasan atau Al Husein?" Maka dia berkata, "Al Hasan lebih utama dari Husein." Aku berkata, "Lalu bagaimana bisa imamah setelah Al Husein ditampuk keturunan Al Husein, bukan keturunan Al Hasan?" Maka Ja'far berkata, "Sesungguhnya Alloh —Tabaraka wa Ta'ala— menyukai jika sunnah Musa dan Harun berlaku kepada Al Hasan dan Al Husein —'alaihimas salam. Apakah engkau tidak melihat bahwasanya Musa dan Harun itu keduanya adalah nabi? Demikian pula Al Hasan dan Al Husein, keduanya adalah imam. Tapi, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala menjadikan nubuwwah bagi keturunan Harun, bukan Musa, walaupun Musa lebih afdhal dari Harun —'alaihimas salam." 9. Syiah Imamiyah menetapkan 12 imam mereka untuk menyerupai jumlah pemimpin dari kalangan Bani Israil, sebagaimana disebutkan dalam QS. Al Maidah: 12. ﻭَﻟَﻘَﺪْ ﺃَﺧَﺬَ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪُ ﻣِﻴﺜَﺎﻕَ ﺑَﻨِﻲ ﺇِﺳْﺮَﺍﺋِﻴﻞَ ﻭَﺑَﻌَﺜْﻨَﺎ ﻣِﻨْﻬُﻢُ ﺍﺛْﻨَﻲْ ﻋَﺸَﺮَ ﻧَﻘِﻴﺒًﺎ "Dan Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengambil Perjanjian (dari) Bani Israil dan telah Kami angkat diantara mereka 12 orang pemimpin" (QS Al- Maaidah: 12) 10. Orang-orang Yahudi membenci Jibril. Mereka mengatakan bahwa Jibril adalah musuh kita dari kalangan malaikat. Adapun Syiah berkata, Jibril telah keliru dalam menyampaikan wahyu kepada Rasululloh shallallohu 'alaihi wasallam. Mereka juga berkata, "Sesungguhnya Jibril 'alaihis salam telah berkhianat ketika menyampaikan wahyu kepada Muhammad shallallohu 'alaihi wasallam, padahal sepantasnya dan yang lebih berhak adalah Ali bin Abi Thalib radhiyallohu 'anhu." Inilah Syiah, bagaimana bisa mereka menuduh Jibril 'alaihis salam berkhianat, padahal Alloh Azza wa Jalla telah menyifatinya dengan al amin (yang dapat dipercaya) dalam firman-Nya, { ﻧَﺰَﻝَ ﺑِﻪِ ﺍﻟﺮُّﻭﺡُ ﺍﻟْﺄَﻣِﻴﻦُ { ] ﺍﻟﺸﻌﺮﺍﺀ : 193 ] "Yang dibawa turun oleh ar-Ruh al Amin (Jibril)." (QS. As-Syu'ara: 193) 11. Yahudi sangat keras memusuhi kaum Muslimin, firman Alloh Azza wa Jalla, { ﻟَﺘَﺠِﺪَﻥَّ ﺃَﺷَﺪَّ ﺍﻟﻨَّﺎﺱِ ﻋَﺪَﺍﻭَﺓً ﻟِﻠَّﺬِﻳﻦَ ﺁﻣَﻨُﻮﺍ ﺍﻟْﻴَﻬُﻮﺩَ ﻭَﺍﻟَّﺬِﻳﻦَ ﺃَﺷْﺮَﻛُﻮﺍ { ] ﺍﻟﻤﺎﺋﺪﺓ : 82 ] "Pasti kamu akan dapati orang yang paling keras permusuhannya terhadap orang-orang beriman ialah orang-orang Yahudi dan orang-orang musyrik." (QS. Al Maidah: 82) Demikian pula dengan orang-orang Syiah, sangat memusuhi Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, bahkan Syiah menganggap mereka sebagai najis. 12. Yahudi dan Syiah, keduanya tidak bersifat adil dalam memberikan kecintaan dan kebencian. Di satu sisi, Yahudi bersifat ghuluw terhadap sebagian nabi dan orang-orang shaleh mereka. Mereka menempatkannya sebagai sembahan yang diagungkan. Seperti perkataan mereka yang dikutip dalam al Qur'an, { ﻭَﻗَﺎﻟَﺖِ ﺍﻟْﻴَﻬُﻮﺩُ ﻋُﺰَﻳْﺮٌ ﺍﺑْﻦُ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪِ { ]ﺍﻟﺘﻮﺑﺔ : 30 ] Orang-orang Yahudi berkata: "Uzair itu putera Allah" (Qs. At-Taubah: 30) Namun di sisi lain, mereka mencela sebagian nabi dan menuduh mereka sebagai penjahat. Demikian pula dengan Syiah, Anda dapat melihat mereka berlebih-lebihan mengagungkan Ali radhiyallohu 'anhu dan sebagian keturunan beliau, bahkan menempatkan mereka sebagai sembahan dan berkeyakinan bahwa Alloh Azza wa Jalla bersatu dalam dzat mereka. Namun di sisi lain, mereka mencela sahabat dan kaum Muslimin. Menuduh mereka munafik dan kafir. Meski banyak memiliki persamaan, Yahudi dan Nasrani telah selangkah lebih maju dari Syiah dalam hal etika. Ketika orang-orang Yahudi ditanya, "Siapa penganut terbaik agama kalian?" Mereka menjawab, "Sahabat-sahabat Musa." Orang-orang Nashrani pun ditanya dengan pertanyaan yang sama, jawaban mereka, "Para penolong 'Isa." Dan ketika orang-orang Syiah ditanya, "Siapa pengikut paling durhaka dari agama kalian?" Mereka menjawab, "Sahabat-sahabat Muhammad." Semoga Bermanfaat, Barakallohu' Fiikum
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    12 PERSAMAAN SYI'AH & YAHUDI 1. Yahudi telah mengubah-ubah Taurat, begitu pula Syiah, mereka punya Al-Qur'an hasil kerajinan tangan mereka yakni "Mushaf Fathimah" yang tebalnya 3 kali Al-Qur'an kaum Muslimin. Mereka menganggap ayat Al-Qur'an yang diturunkan berjumlah 17.000 ayat. 2. Yahudi menuduh Maryam yang suci berzina (QS. Maryam: 28), Syiah melakukan hal yang sama terhadap istri Rasululloh shallallohu 'alaihi wasallam, 'Aisyah —radhiallohu 'anha— sebagaimana yang diungkapkan Al-Qummi (pembesar Syiah) dalam Tafsir Al-Qummi (II/34). 3. Yahudi mengatakan, "Kami tidak akan disentuh oleh api neraka melainkan hanya beberapa hari saja." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 80). Syiah lebih dahsyat lagi dengan mengatakan, "Api neraka telah diharamkan membakar setiap orang Syiah," sebagaimana tercantum dalam kitab mereka yang dianggap suci Fashl Khithab (hal.157). 4. Yahudi meyakini, Alloh mengetahui sesuatu setelah terjadinya sesuatu itu padahal Alloh tadinya tidak tahu, begitu juga dengan Syiah. Orang-orang Syiah menyebutnya sebagai akidah al bada'. Abu Abdillah berkata, "Seseorang belum dianggap beribadah kepada Allah sedikit pun, hingga ia mengakui adanya sifat bada' bagi Alloh." (Ushulul Kafi fi Kitabit Tauhid: 1/331). Bayangkan, mereka menisbahkan kebodohan kepada Alloh yang telah berfirman, { ﻗُﻞْ ﻟَﺎ ﻳَﻌْﻠَﻢُ ﻣَﻦْ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﺴَّﻤَﺎﻭَﺍﺕِ ﻭَﺍﻟْﺄَﺭْﺽِ ﺍﻟْﻐَﻴْﺐَ ﺇِﻟَّﺎ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪُ ﻭَﻣَﺎ ﻳَﺸْﻌُﺮُﻭﻥَ ﺃَﻳَّﺎﻥَ ﻳُﺒْﻌَﺜُﻮﻥَ { ] ﺍﻟﻨﻤﻞ : 65 ] "Katakanlah, "Tidak ada seorang pun di langit dan di bumi yang mengetahui perkara yang gaib kecuali Alloh." (QS. An-Naml: 65) Sementara di sisi lain, mereka berkeyakinan bahwa para imam mereka mengetahui segala ilmu pengetahuan dan tak ada sedikit pun yang samar baginya. Al Kulaini, seorang ulama paling terpercaya di kalangan Syiah berkata di dalam bukunya, "Bab bahwa para imam mengetahui ilmu yang telah dan akan terjadi, dan tidak ada sesuatu apa pun yang tersembunyi bagi mereka." (Al Kafi: 1/261). 5. Yahudi berkata, "Tidak layak (tidak sah) kerajaan itu melainkan di tangan keluarga Daud." Syiah berkata, "Tidak layak Imamah itu melainkan pada Ali dan keturunannya." 6. Yahudi menghalalkan darah setiap muslim. Demikian pula Syiah, mereka menghalalkan darah Ahlussunnah/Sunni. 7. Yahudi tidak menetapkan adanya jihad hingga Alloh mengutus Dajjal. Syiah Rafidhah mengatakan, "Tidak ada jihad hingga Alloh mengutus Imam Mahdi datang." 8. Orang-orang Yahudi memberikan kepemimpinan kepada anak keturunan Nabi Harun 'alaihis salam, bukan keturunan Nabi Musa 'alahis salam. Demikian pula orang-orang Syiah, mereka memberikan kepemimpinan kepada keturunan Al Husein radhiyallohu 'anhu, bukan Al Hasan radhiyallohu 'anhu. Dalam riwayat orang-orang Syiah disebutkan, dari Hisyam bin Salim, dia berkata, "Aku berkata kepada Ash-Shadiq Ja'far bin Muhammad —'alaihimas salam, manakah yang lebih utama Al Hasan atau Al Husein?" Maka dia berkata, "Al Hasan lebih utama dari Husein." Aku berkata, "Lalu bagaimana bisa imamah setelah Al Husein ditampuk keturunan Al Husein, bukan keturunan Al Hasan?" Maka Ja'far berkata, "Sesungguhnya Alloh —Tabaraka wa Ta'ala— menyukai jika sunnah Musa dan Harun berlaku kepada Al Hasan dan Al Husein —'alaihimas salam. Apakah engkau tidak melihat bahwasanya Musa dan Harun itu keduanya adalah nabi? Demikian pula Al Hasan dan Al Husein, keduanya adalah imam. Tapi, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala menjadikan nubuwwah bagi keturunan Harun, bukan Musa, walaupun Musa lebih afdhal dari Harun —'alaihimas salam." 9. Syiah Imamiyah menetapkan 12 imam mereka untuk menyerupai jumlah pemimpin dari kalangan Bani Israil, sebagaimana disebutkan dalam QS. Al Maidah: 12. ﻭَﻟَﻘَﺪْ ﺃَﺧَﺬَ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪُ ﻣِﻴﺜَﺎﻕَ ﺑَﻨِﻲ ﺇِﺳْﺮَﺍﺋِﻴﻞَ ﻭَﺑَﻌَﺜْﻨَﺎ ﻣِﻨْﻬُﻢُ ﺍﺛْﻨَﻲْ ﻋَﺸَﺮَ ﻧَﻘِﻴﺒًﺎ "Dan Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengambil Perjanjian (dari) Bani Israil dan telah Kami angkat diantara mereka 12 orang pemimpin" (QS Al- Maaidah: 12) 10. Orang-orang Yahudi membenci Jibril. Mereka mengatakan bahwa Jibril adalah musuh kita dari kalangan malaikat. Adapun Syiah berkata, Jibril telah keliru dalam menyampaikan wahyu kepada Rasululloh shallallohu 'alaihi wasallam. Mereka juga berkata, "Sesungguhnya Jibril 'alaihis salam telah berkhianat ketika menyampaikan wahyu kepada Muhammad shallallohu 'alaihi wasallam, padahal sepantasnya dan yang lebih berhak adalah Ali bin Abi Thalib radhiyallohu 'anhu." Inilah Syiah, bagaimana bisa mereka menuduh Jibril 'alaihis salam berkhianat, padahal Alloh Azza wa Jalla telah menyifatinya dengan al amin (yang dapat dipercaya) dalam firman-Nya, { ﻧَﺰَﻝَ ﺑِﻪِ ﺍﻟﺮُّﻭﺡُ ﺍﻟْﺄَﻣِﻴﻦُ { ] ﺍﻟﺸﻌﺮﺍﺀ : 193 ] "Yang dibawa turun oleh ar-Ruh al Amin (Jibril)." (QS. As-Syu'ara: 193) 11. Yahudi sangat keras memusuhi kaum Muslimin, firman Alloh Azza wa Jalla, { ﻟَﺘَﺠِﺪَﻥَّ ﺃَﺷَﺪَّ ﺍﻟﻨَّﺎﺱِ ﻋَﺪَﺍﻭَﺓً ﻟِﻠَّﺬِﻳﻦَ ﺁﻣَﻨُﻮﺍ ﺍﻟْﻴَﻬُﻮﺩَ ﻭَﺍﻟَّﺬِﻳﻦَ ﺃَﺷْﺮَﻛُﻮﺍ { ] ﺍﻟﻤﺎﺋﺪﺓ : 82 ] "Pasti kamu akan dapati orang yang paling keras permusuhannya terhadap orang-orang beriman ialah orang-orang Yahudi dan orang-orang musyrik." (QS. Al Maidah: 82) Demikian pula dengan orang-orang Syiah, sangat memusuhi Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, bahkan Syiah menganggap mereka sebagai najis. 12. Yahudi dan Syiah, keduanya tidak bersifat adil dalam memberikan kecintaan dan kebencian. Di satu sisi, Yahudi bersifat ghuluw terhadap sebagian nabi dan orang-orang shaleh mereka. Mereka menempatkannya sebagai sembahan yang diagungkan. Seperti perkataan mereka yang dikutip dalam al Qur'an, { ﻭَﻗَﺎﻟَﺖِ ﺍﻟْﻴَﻬُﻮﺩُ ﻋُﺰَﻳْﺮٌ ﺍﺑْﻦُ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪِ { ]ﺍﻟﺘﻮﺑﺔ : 30 ] Orang-orang Yahudi berkata: "Uzair itu putera Allah" (Qs. At-Taubah: 30) Namun di sisi lain, mereka mencela sebagian nabi dan menuduh mereka sebagai penjahat. Demikian pula dengan Syiah, Anda dapat melihat mereka berlebih-lebihan mengagungkan Ali radhiyallohu 'anhu dan sebagian keturunan beliau, bahkan menempatkan mereka sebagai sembahan dan berkeyakinan bahwa Alloh Azza wa Jalla bersatu dalam dzat mereka. Namun di sisi lain, mereka mencela sahabat dan kaum Muslimin. Menuduh mereka munafik dan kafir. Meski banyak memiliki persamaan, Yahudi dan Nasrani telah selangkah lebih maju dari Syiah dalam hal etika. Ketika orang-orang Yahudi ditanya, "Siapa penganut terbaik agama kalian?" Mereka menjawab, "Sahabat-sahabat Musa." Orang-orang Nashrani pun ditanya dengan pertanyaan yang sama, jawaban mereka, "Para penolong 'Isa." Dan ketika orang-orang Syiah ditanya, "Siapa pengikut paling durhaka dari agama kalian?" Mereka menjawab, "Sahabat-sahabat Muhammad." Semoga Bermanfaat, Barakallohu' Fiikum
    Nov 18th 2013, 18:51
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 tauhid - Social Mention: BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:23
    Akan datang Panji-panji Hitam dari Timur, seolah-olah hati mereka adalah kepingan-kepingan besi. Sesiapa mendengar tentang mereka, hendaklah datang kepada mereka dan berbaiatlah kepada mereka, sekalipun merangkak di atas salji.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:33
    Mohon bantuan Do'a bagi kesembuhan dan kemudahan urusan ayahanda,kakenda,orang tua kami H Mhd Dachlan yang sedang di rawat di ruang ICU RS Haji Pondok Gede Jakarta. Nas'alullohal 'Adzim Robbal Arsyil 'Adzim Ayyasfiyahu..Aamiin Allahumasyfiihi..Aamiin
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:24PM  

    salafisten - Social Mention
    Jan 17th 2013, 20:39
    Berlin / Björn Kietzmann / 13.01.2013 - Treffen von aus ganz Deutschland angereisten Salafisten in der Ziegrastraße in Berlin-Neukölln. - Die Bilder sind in druckbarer Qualitt vorhanden. Bitte denken sie daran, dass die Texte & Fotos urheberrechtlich geschtzt sind. Sollten Sie Fotos von mir verwenden wollen kontaktieren Sie mich bitte: All pictures in high resolution available. The photos are unter copyright. Contact me if you want to use them:
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:49PM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    + Anne bana meyve soyarmısın?
    - Lan eşşek kadar olmuşsun hala benmi soyucam?
    + O...
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:44
    + Anne bana meyve soyarmısın?
    - Lan eşşek kadar olmuşsun hala benmi soyucam?
    + Okul bende soymak için halmı bıraktı?
    - Hay senin okulunada sanada
    + Sen değilmisin hep "oku'da adam ol" diyen? :$

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:23PM  

    islamisten - Social Mention
    Ist für den Islamisten Erdogan sicherlich die angemessenere Heimat ...
    Nov 18th 2013, 16:10
    Bislang war die türkische Regierungspartei in der „Europäischen Volkspartei" (EVP) organisiert, die hauptsächlich von christdemokratischen und christlich-sozialen Parteien in- und außerhalb der EU gebildet wird. Mit dem Wechsel zur „Allianz der Europäischen Konservativen und Reformisten" (AECR) voll...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    killuminati - Social Mention
    List of political hip hop artists/ songs?
    Oct 26th 2013, 03:15
    disclosure1991: original reddit link These are some of my favorites. Feel free to post your own. (all of these can be found on youtube) Immortal Technique: Harlem Streets, Cause of Death, Industrial Revolution. Lowkey: Obama Nation, Terrorist?, Long Live Palestine. Dead Prez: Police State, Hip Hop, Propaganda. Paris: What Would You Do?, Martial Law, Cops Donuts and Death. Payday Monsanto: Thought Criminal, Prekryme, Mass Hopenosis. K-Rino: Last Days, Valley of Decision, Let it Burn. Eminem: Mosh, Public Enemy Number 1, We as Americans Crucified: Eyes To The Sky Denali: Look To The Sky Ill Bill: American History X, Peace Sells Genocide Rap: Change Gonna Come, New World Order Rap, Wake The Fuck Up. Sabac Red: Fight Until The End, Unsolved Mysteries, Tell Lie Vision. KRS-One: Kill A Rapper, CIA, Sound of the Police. Killer Mike: Reagan Lil Wayne: Georgia Bush. any other political lil wayne songs? i know hes kinda a sellout. Sick Since: Modern Day Scholars Braintax: The Grip Again Diabolic: Truth, Modern Day Slavery Conspirituality: AmBushed T-Kash: Made In America DISL Automatic: Killuminati Vinnie Paz: End of Days, Conspiracy of Silence, True Lies. Cosmic Crusader: PSA 2 USA Canibus: Channel Zero Chocolate: Ghetto Holocaust Jehst: England Ab Soul: Terrorist Threats Atmosphere: Scapegoat. more by atmosphere? B.O.B: The Watchers Jeff Cherry: The People this is all for now. feel free to add your own! Discourse level: 88% Shills: 0% submitted by funnymanisi to conspiro [link] [17 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:41PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    Punjab University's teachers trade barbs over harassment issue on the issue of PU Law College lecturer Khujista Rehan's - LAHORE, The Punjab University's two groups in the faculty on Thursday again traded barbs on the issue of PU Law College lecturer Khujista Rehan's alleged harassment charges against vice-chancellor Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran. The PU...
    Sep 6th 2013, 18:36
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Nov 18th 2013, 22:44, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:41PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    Nato shifted Laden, Zawahri families to Central Asia: PUNJAB University Vice-Chancellor - LAHORE PUNJAB University Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Mujahid has claimed that the families of al-Qaeda leaders, including Ayman-al-Zawahri and some members of Bin Laden family, were shifted to Central Asia through Nato airplanes to destabilise the region. ...
    Sep 12th 2013, 05:10
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 mujahid - Social Mention: BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:41PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:31
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 allahu akbar - Social Mention: subhanallah walhamdulillah wa laailaaha illallah allahu akbar. dikeheningan malam aku coba menyalakan 4 buah lilin, karena saking sepinya terdengarlah percakapan dari keempat lilin tsb. lilin pertama: "aku adalah lilin PERUBAHAN tapi sudah sekian lama aku berharap manusia bisa berubah ternyata tak pernah terwujud, jadi lebuh baik aku mati saja." akhirnya lilin pertama itu mati. lilin kedua: "aku adalah lilin IMAN/KEYAKINAN tapi ternyata jauh dari harapan, manusia sulit sekali mempunyai keimanan/keyakinan dalam setiap hal yang mereka lakukan, jadi percuma saja aku hidup untuk memberikan penerangan ini." lilin kedua pun mati. lilin ketiga: "aku adalah lilin PERSAHABATAN, aku sangat kecewa karena manusia justru lebih menyukai permusuhan, iri, dendam, dan saling menjatuhkan, jadi buat apa aku hidup." lilin ketiga pun ikut mematikan apinya. akhirnya aku memohon kepada lilin keempat supaya tidak ikut mematikan apinya karena aku sangat takut kegelapan, dan ia pun menjawabnya. lilin keempat: "aku adalah lilin HARAPAN, jangan takut...! aku akan slalu memberikan cahaya dan tidak akan pernah mati walau ketiga sahabatku mematikan apinya bahkan aku akan berusaha untuk menghidupkan mereka kembali." aku menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana upaya lilin keempat menghidupkan ketiga lilin itu, dari mulai menghidupkan kembali lilin PERSAHABATAN terus diikuti dengan menyalanya lilin KEIMANAN/KEYAKINAN dan akhirnya lilin PERUBAHAN pun ikut menyala. aku pun sangat gembira karena kini aku sudah diterangi lagi oleh keempat lilin tsb. sobat semua...semoga kisah ini bisa kita jadikan pelajaran bahwa yang terpenting adalah bagaimana kita tetap punya harapan (asa) niscaya persahabatan, keimanan dan perubahan pasti akan terwujud.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:18PM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    subhanallah walhamdulillah wa laailaaha illallah allahu akbar. dikeheningan malam aku coba menyalakan 4 buah lilin, karena saking sepinya terdengarlah percakapan dari keempat lilin tsb. lilin pertama: "aku adalah lilin PERUBAHAN tapi sudah sekian lama aku berharap manusia bisa berubah ternyata tak pernah terwujud, jadi lebuh baik aku mati saja." akhirnya lilin pertama itu mati. lilin kedua: "aku adalah lilin IMAN/KEYAKINAN tapi ternyata jauh dari harapan, manusia sulit sekali mempunyai keimanan/keyakinan dalam setiap hal yang mereka lakukan, jadi percuma saja aku hidup untuk memberikan penerangan ini." lilin kedua pun mati. lilin ketiga: "aku adalah lilin PERSAHABATAN, aku sangat kecewa karena manusia justru lebih menyukai permusuhan, iri, dendam, dan saling menjatuhkan, jadi buat apa aku hidup." lilin ketiga pun ikut mematikan apinya. akhirnya aku memohon kepada lilin keempat supaya tidak ikut mematikan apinya karena aku sangat takut kegelapan, dan ia pun menjawabnya. lilin keempat: "aku adalah lilin HARAPAN, jangan takut...! aku akan slalu memberikan cahaya dan tidak akan pernah mati walau ketiga sahabatku mematikan apinya bahkan aku akan berusaha untuk menghidupkan mereka kembali." aku menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana upaya lilin keempat menghidupkan ketiga lilin itu, dari mulai menghidupkan kembali lilin PERSAHABATAN terus diikuti dengan menyalanya lilin KEIMANAN/KEYAKINAN dan akhirnya lilin PERUBAHAN pun ikut menyala. aku pun sangat gembira karena kini aku sudah diterangi lagi oleh keempat lilin tsb. sobat semua...semoga kisah ini bisa kita jadikan pelajaran bahwa yang terpenting adalah bagaimana kita tetap punya harapan (asa) niscaya persahabatan, keimanan dan perubahan pasti akan terwujud.
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:06
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:23PM  

    kafir - Social Mention
    George Eliot Letter: CR3989/2/1/14 pages 2 and 3
    Nov 18th 2013, 18:28
    Description In this letter to her father in law, Eliza sends news of the family in Africa, and lingers on the troubles surfacing between colonists and native Africans, both in general terms, and through personal experience. Written from Sydenham [Africa]. Signed Eliza Lewes. Transcript Svdenham - 18 Nov. /78 My dear Pater We this evening had the delight of receiving your dear letter of Oct. 7th little Harian at once said oh I know whose letter this is it is from my Grandpa, what does he say now Mamy read me it all. Why I am not a chick does not my grandpa know I've not got a sharp beak and feathers! Shall not I often laugh to myself when I think how funny my Grandpa is! When dear little George Herbert came from his evening bath, Tell my Grandpa me is only a little boy not a chick! If me was then me would not let my Grandma get hurt.. That was when he heard about the accident. I am truly thankful my Pater and Mutter were not in the carriage at the time. Marian says tell my Grandpa I've not forgotten one of his tales, neither has George Bertie, this afternoon he was telling Marian he should be the fly and sit on her nose when she is packed, he tells everyone my Grandpa is going to give me a carriage etc. and I am going to Court to see the Queen" They will have so much to talk of tomorrow. Your kind letters are such a delight to them little Marian sends her dear Grandpa and Grandma "twelve beauty kisses each". George Bertie is going to write my Grandpa next week when I am a big boy some big kisses size of his two arms extended. Oh dear Pater I was so deceived in every way with the Lady's help. I think I told you I felt timid being alone now the country is so unsettled & many houses have been broken into by Kafirs. The help had been with me but a fortnight when a suspicious Kafir came one day. Some nights after, some one was round the house all the evening trying the doors windows & even trying the iron roofing that night & the three following ones. We were up till morning, once I fired at him from the window he had with him a bright long cane knife. I dare not go out. The fifth night some neighbour's boys came. We were very tired & did not sit up. The boys watched the fellow file a key for hours fit it to the door and they did not like to fire at him. I fancy they were frightened too. Two nights he opened the door with his key but the iron bolt our Miner (?) here had kindly put on for me saved us - I went to the Magistrate in Durban, I found the boys father's had also. For more than a week we had three Kafir police watching in the sitting room Then if I did not stay there too they all went to sleep & plainly let the fellow know that he was not to come, and just fancy dear Pater these nasty dirty black creatures each occupying two little slight made cane chairs creaking with their heavy weight, & their appetites were dreadful, and so I go so nervous & ill I told them not to come again. Since then the white constable comes up at odd times, and has cleared off all Kafirs not able to give a good account of themselves. The help I sent away at the end of the month. The Magistrate sent me word she had lived in his family for a short time etc. and glad I was when she went. We have now a little girl from the village. She does help me a little & better still is kind to the little ones - Marian is very fretful, she still goes for one hour each afternoon to old Mrs. Baker, it makes a change for her. She said I was to be sure & tell her Grandpapa she had a birthday party of some little children on her birthday & each brought her a little present. Mrs. Sanderson sent her a nice doll. She was when I measured her three feet 9 & little George Bertie three feet 11/2 inches. I do wish indeed they had(a page missing) of the worms I have tried all the known remedys - but after a time I shall begin again. Baby keeps very well, were it not for these worms. Thank you dear Pater for telling me they are not dangerous. Why I have been told they would eat through little one's chests: Most of the people here feel at times uneasy. There are so many rumours always going about. The one thing we fear the most is should our own Kafirs rise. Still I think it is not worth me writing about what dear Pater will know of more from his English papers what is done here than we even do. I do wish it was all over & quiet again. Our poor garden is looking so bad from the long drought. We have not yet planted any salads or vegetables. We have sweet potatoes growing from last season. The sweet peas and mignonette are growing in the house very nicely but not in flower yet you kindly sent us. We dare not risk planting them out in the garden the high winds have been so trying all this Spring. One day this week I want to try and take the little ones on the beach, I have been frightened to take them even through Durban the fever there has been so bad. There has been such mortality among little children. We have more than two miles to walk before we get to the first bus. The little ones would have so many more messages to send in the morning, still I think I had better send this off the first thing in the morning. I know I ought to have written before indeed each day I told myself I would, & so let it go by - & yet it is not for want of love for my Pater we know only too well in this large world we have only our good loving Pater and Mutter that cares for us. Good night and God bless you, Dear Pater and Mutter is always our Prayers each night. Your affectionate daughter Eliza Lewes Please forgive errors.
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 projekt lies - Social Mention: Die 10 gröβten Sehenswürdigkeiten Oslos Erleben Sie das älteste Skimuseum der Welt mit der 4000-jährigen Geschichte des Skilaufens. Genießen Sie vom Schanzenturm die herrliche Aussicht über Oslo und erleben Sie einen "Sprung" von der Holmenkollenschanze per Simulator. Umfassendes und interessantes Souvenirgeschäft auf dem Dach Oslos. Bewirtung im Schanzen-Café. Ski-Simulator an der Holmenkollen Sprungschanze. Springen Sie am "Kollen" und erleben Sie mit den besten Skifahrern der Welt das Gefühl, auf den härtesten Abfahrtspisten der Welt zu fahren. Eine Technologie, die es früher nur für Piloten und Astronauten gab, kombiniert die Bewegungen eines Flugsimulators mit einem "Eye-View"-Film, um ein ganz spezielles und realistisches Gefühl zu erzeugen. Oslo?/i (deutsch [ˈɔslo], norwegisch ['ʊʃlʊ] oder ['ʊslʊ]), vormals Christiania (1624 bis 1924) bzw. Kristiania (alternative Schreibweise von 1877/1897 bis 1924), ist die Hauptstadt Norwegens mit 626.953 Einwohnern (31. März 2013). Insgesamt leben im Osloer Ballungsraum rund 1,9 Millionen Menschen, mehr als ein Drittel der Bevölkerung Norwegens.ärung) Dänemark-Norwegen war in den Napoleonischen Kriegen mit Frankreich verbündet, infolgedessen musste Dänemark nach deren Ende Norwegen an Schweden abtreten. 1877 änderte sich unter dem schwedisch-norwegischen König Oskar II. die offizielle Schreibweise in der Matrikel und im Staatskalender in Kristiania, während die Stadtverwaltung bis 1897 die Schreibweise Christiania beibehielt.[2] Erst 1924, zwanzig Jahre nach Eigenständigkeit Norwegens, wurde beschlossen, der Stadt (nach 300 Jahren) zum 1. Januar 1925 wieder den ursprünglichen Namen Oslo zu geben. Das monumentale Rathaus von Oslo, dessen Errichtung Jahrzehnte, nämlich von 1915 (erster Architektenwettbewerb) bis zur Fertigstellung 1950 in Anspruch nahm, kann als Symbolbauwerk der neu gewonnenen Unabhängigkeit gelten. Oslo bedeutet übersetzt entweder „Ebene der Götter" oder „Ebene unterhalb des Hügels" – letzte Klarheit darüber ist nicht mehr zu erlangen.[3] Ein Kosename der Stadt ist Tigerstaden (Tigerstadt), nach einem Gedicht von Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson („Sidste Sang", 1870). In diesem Gedicht wird Oslo als gefährliche und unbarmherzige Stadt beschrieben. Vor dem Rathaus und vor dem Bahnhof erinnern Tigerskulpturen an diesen Namen, der seinen negativen Klang inzwischen verloren hat.ärung) Der Tiger (Panthera tigris) ist eine in Asien verbreitete Großkatze. Er ist die größte aller lebenden Katzenarten und aufgrund des charakteristischen dunklen Streifenmusters auf goldgelbem bis rotbraunem Grund unverwechselbar. Es gibt acht bis neun Unterarten, die als Festlandsunterarten und Inselunterarten unterschieden werden. Die größten Unterschiede bestehen zwischen den kleinen, kontrastreichen Sumatratigern und den großen, eher blass gefärbten Sibirischen Tigern, auch als Amurtiger bezeichnet. Sumatratiger erreichen eine durchschnittliche Kopf-Rumpf-Länge von etwa 140 cm, eine Schwanzlänge von rund 60 cm und ein Gewicht von etwa 120 kg (Männchen) beziehungsweise 90 kg (Weibchen). Männliche Sibirische Tiger dagegen erreichen eine Kopf-Rumpf-Länge von bis zu 280 cm, besitzen einen rund 90 cm langen Schwanz und wiegen etwa 250 kg. Sibirische Tigerweibchen sind mit etwa 150 kg Körpergewicht allerdings deutlich kleiner als die Männchen. Damit ist diese Unterart nach dem Eisbären und Braunbären das größte landbewohnende Raubtier. Als typische Unterarten, die im Erscheinungsbild zwischen diesen Extremen stehen, können der indische Bengaltiger und der Indochinesische Tiger gelten. Ursprünglich stellte der heute ausgestorbene Balitiger die kleinste Unterart dar. Tiger leben in der Regel einzelgängerisch und ernähren sich in erster Linie von größeren Huftieren. Dabei bewohnen sie unterschiedlichste Lebensräume, wie tropische Regenwälder, Grasländer, Sumpfgebiete oder boreale Wälder. Ursprünglich war der Tiger vom Kaukasus und dem Fernen Osten Russlands über Ost-China, den indischen Subkontinent und Hinterindien bis Sumatra, Java und Bali verbreitet. Heute ist er aus großen Teilen seines ehemaligen Verbreitungsgebietes verschwunden und drei Unterarten sind bereits ausgestorben. Insgesamt gibt es Schätzungen zufolge noch 3000 bis 5000 wildlebende Tiger, die nun größtenteils auf isolierte Schutzgebiete beschränkt sind. Die Art wird von der IUCN als „stark gefährdet" (Endangered) eingestuft. „Die Färbung bietet dem Tiger völligen Schutz. Wenn er sich in der Taiga zwischen den Büschen und dem dürren Laub bewegt, so fließen die schwarzen, gelben und weißen Farben ganz ineinander und das Tier nimmt eine eintönige braungraue Farbe an. Besonders im Herbst, zwischen den orange und rot gefärbten Weinblättern und den trockenen gelben Wedeln des Farnkrautes, das mit vielen schwärzlichen Stengeln durchsetzt ist, läßt sich der Tiger selbst auf nähere Entfernung kaum erkennen." Wladimir Arsenjew[4] Das bleibende Gebiss beinhaltet 30 Zähne, wobei die Zahnformel der anderer rezenter Katzen entspricht: Dabei ist der erste obere Molar (Backenzahn) sehr klein oder fehlt häufig ganz. Gleiches gilt für den ersten oberen Prämolaren. Am auffälligsten sind die Eckzähne (Canini), die im Oberkiefer bis zu 70 mm aus dem Zahnfleisch ragen. Die unteren Eckzähne sind etwas kürzer. Die Reißzähne werden vom vierten oberen Prämolaren und dem ersten unteren Molaren gestellt und sind bei ausgewachsenen Tigern jeweils 34 bis 38 mm beziehungsweise 26 bis 29 mm lang. Die Stadt wurde wiederholt von Stadtbränden heimgesucht, jedoch immer wieder aufgebaut. Nach der Reformation verfielen das Kloster und die meisten der zahlreichen Kirchen. Nach den Bränden wurden diese Gebäude abgetragen und die Steine für andere Bauzwecke verwendet. Während der schwedischen Belagerung 1537 brannte die Stadt abermals. Nach dem großen Brand von 1624 wurde die Stadt jedoch nicht wieder aufgebaut, sondern auf Befehl des dänischen Königs Christian IV. – Norwegen war zu dieser Zeit Provinz Dänemarks – näher an die Festung Akershus verlegt. Die neu erbaute Stadt wurde nach dem Idealbild der Renaissance mit rechteckigen Quartieren und breiten Straßen errichtet und erhielt eine Festungsanlage mit Bastionen. Die Häuser baute man nun in Stein oder aus gemauertem Fachwerk, um das Ausbreiten von Bränden zu verhindern. Gleichzeitig erhielt die Stadt den Namen Christiania, nach dem König Christian IV.[2] Das alte Oslo lag nun außerhalb der Stadtmauern von Christiania. Trotz königlichen Verbots wurde es wieder besiedelt, hauptsächlich von Armen und Landlosen, die sich das teure Leben im modernen Christiania nicht leisten konnten. Innerhalb der Kernstadt herrscht ein für Europa ungewöhnlich hohes Preisniveau. In entsprechenden Rankings, basierend auf standardisierten Warenkörben, belegt die Stadt regelmäßig Spitzenplätze. Laut The Economist hat Oslo seit 2006 Tokio als die weltweit teuerste Stadt abgelöst. Bis dahin hatte die japanische Hauptstadt 14 Jahre lang Platz eins belegt.[4] Die Universität Oslo ist mit etwa 30.000 Studenten die größte des Landes und wurde 1811 nach Vorbild der Berliner Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität gegründet. 1952 fanden die Olympischen Winterspiele in Oslo statt, unter anderem am Holmenkollen. Der Begriff Oslo-Friedensprozess bezeichnet eine Reihe von Abkommen zwischen Palästinensern und Israel zur Lösung des Nahostkonflikts. Der Friedensprozess bekam diesen Namen, weil die ersten geheimen Verhandlungen der Streitparteien PLO und Israel unter norwegischer Vermittlung in Oslo stattfanden. In Taba (Ägypten) unterzeichneten Rabin und Arafat am 24. September 1995 das „Interimsabkommen über das Westjordanland und den Gazastreifen" (auch Oslo II genannt). Die Palästinenser bekamen für etwa drei Prozent des Westjordanlands (mit über 80 % der palästinensischen Bevölkerung des Westjordanlandes) autonome Regierungskompetenzen zugesprochen. In etwa einem Viertel des Gebietes sollten sich die Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde und Israel die Verwaltung teilen (Gebiet B). In den restlichen 73 % sollten die Israelis weiter allein die Kontrolle ausüben. Am 4. November 1995 wurde Ministerpräsident Rabin vom rechtsradikalen jüdischen Studenten Jigal Amir in Tel Aviv erschossen. Rabins Nachfolger wurde Schimon Peres. Peres führte die Friedenspolitik Rabins weiter und trat Anfang 1996 die Verhandlungen über den permanenten Status in Taba an. Im Juli 2000 fand unter der Vermittlung der USA ein Camp David II genanntes Treffen von Barak und Arafat statt, bei dem ein letztes Mal versucht wurde, eine Übereinkunft über einen permanenten Status zu finden. Am 25. Juli wurden die Verhandlungen jedoch ohne Übereinkunft abgebrochen. Beide Seiten beschuldigten sich später gegenseitig, für das Scheitern verantwortlich zu sein. Mit dem Ausbruch der zweiten Intifada im September 2000 war eine endgültige Lösung des Konflikts wieder in weite Ferne gerückt. Sehenswürdigkeiten Zum besonderen Flair Oslos in der inneren Fjordlage tragen viele Sehenswürdigkeiten bei. Die bedeutendste ist die so genannte Gamlebyen (deutsch Altstadt) mit den freigelegten Grundmauern des mittelalterlichen Oslo sowie das Schloss und die Burg Festung Akershus (Akershus slott og festning). Entlang der zentralen Einkaufsstraße, der Karl Johans gate, liegen sehenswerte Regierungsgebäude wie das Storting sowie das Slottet, das Königliche Schloss. Auf Nr. 31 – im Gebäude des 1874 vom Restaurateur Julius Fritzner eröffneten Grand Hotel – befindet sich heute noch das Grand Café, in dem einst Henrik Ibsen Stammgast war. Ebenfalls im Stadtzentrum liegen das markante Rathaus, in dem alljährlich der Friedensnobelpreis verliehen wird, der Osloer Dom (Oslo Domkirke) sowie das Nationaltheater. Das Neue Opernhaus der Norwegischen Oper, geplant vom norwegischen Architekturbüro Snøhetta, wurde 2008 eröffnet. Auch die Museen der Stadt bieten zahlreiche Sehenswürdigkeiten. Dazu zählen vor allem das Fram-Museum, Kon-Tiki-Museum auf Bygdøy, die Nationalgalerie, das Munch-Museum mit dem Nachlass des Malers Edvard Munch, das Norsk Folkemuseum, ein Freilichtmuseum mit wiedererrichteten Gebäuden aus ganz Norwegen, und das Vikingskipshuset mit archäologischen Wikingerschiffsfunden. 1993 wurde das private Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst eröffnet, das über eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Werken norwegischer und internationaler Gegenwartskunst verfügt, darunter seit 2002 die monumentale Porzellanskulptur Michael Jackson and Bubbles von Jeff Koons. Die deutsche Besatzungszeit wird im Holocaustmuseum, in der Villa Grande sowie dem Widerstandsmuseum Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum im Komplex der Festung Akershus aufgearbeitet. Die wechselvolle Geschichte der Stadt wird im Oslo Bymuseum gezeigt, dem Stadtmuseum auf Gut Frogner. Das Vikingskipshuset (deutsch Wikingerschiffhaus) ist ein norwegisches Museum in Oslo. Das Museum widmet sich den archäologischen Wikinigerschiffsfunden aus Tune, Gokstadt (Sandefjord), Oseberg (Tønsberg) und dem Borre-Friedhof in Horten (Vestfold). Die Hauptattraktionen des Museums sind das Gokstad-Schiff, das Oseberg-Schiff und das Tuneschiff. Des Weiteren befinden sich im Museum verschiedene Gegenstände der Wikingerzeit wie Betten, Pferdekarren, Zeltbestandteile, Eimer und Grabbeilagen. Gegründet wurde das Museum 1913 durch den schwedischen Hochschullehrer Gabriel Gustafson. Ein Architektenwettbewerb für das Museum fand statt, den der Architekt Arnstein Arneberg gewann. Der Museumsbau wurde finanziell vom norwegischen Parlament unterstützt. Wikingerschiff ist die Bezeichnung für die Schiffstypen, die während der Wikingerzeit (800–1100) in Nordeuropa benutzt wurden. Diese Schiffe wurden auch nach der Wikingerzeit weiter gebaut und verwendet. Die Schiffe werden nach ihrer Größe und Funktion in Langschiff, Knorr und kleinere Schiffe unterschieden.,41 Genau 1 Jahr nach dem Ende der Dreharbeiten "Wickie und die starken Männer" wurde das Filmkulissendorf "FLAKE" am 12. September 2009 in Walchensee eröffnet. Verpassen Sie nicht unseren traditionellen Wikingermarkt am letzten Wochenende der bayrischen Sommerferien! Dieses Jahr findet dieser am 07. und 08.09.2013 statt. Im Sommer 2008 wurde der Film "Wickie und die starken Männer" am Walchensee von Michael "Bully" Herbig gedreht. Ein Teil der Filmkulisse hat die Gemeinde Kochel am See erhalten und diese wieder in Walchensee aufgebaut. Das Filmkulissendorf "Flake" wurde am 12. September in Walchensee mit einem Wikingermarkt eröffnet. Auf Filmspuren durch den Landkreis (5 Fotos) Kuchenpause im Klostercafé Benediktbeuern, es muss nicht imer der lautere Biergarten sein ... DER TEUFELSGEIGER mit David Garrett in der Hauptrolle. Die Geschichte um den geheimnisvollen Geigenvirtuosen Niccolò Paganini spielt im London des 19. Jahrhunderts. Viele Szenen entstanden aber in Bayern. DAVID GARRETT - Garrett vs. Paganini (official TV Spot) Kino Kino - Bayerisches Fernsehen: Filmausschnitt "Paganini der Teufelsgeiger" Ausstellung "Bernd Eichinger... Alles Kino" (29.10.2013 – 02.02.2014) im Kunstfoyer der Versicherungskammer Bayern Ausschnitte aus Eichingers Filmen, Fotos, Trophäen, Filmkostüme und viele private Erinnerungsstücke. Der Eintritt ist frei! Die folgenden Ausführungen orientieren sich im Wesentlichen an dem im Literaturverzeichnis angeführten Werk von Hjalmar Falk von 1912. Die Knorr (auch: Knörr, Knarr) war der Schiffstyp, mit dem die Wikinger zur Landnahme auf den nordatlantischen Inseln aufbrachen. Der Schiffbau machte bereits vor der Wikingerzeit eine große Entwicklung durch. Als Haupttypen lassen sich unterscheiden: Das Langschiff und das Lastschiff, Knorr genannt. Langschiff und Knorr waren mit Segeln ausgestattet. Das Schiff hatte ein Deck. Der Platz zwischen den Spanten hieß rúm und war der Aufenthaltsort der Mannschaft, auf Deck zum Rudern, unter Deck als Stauraum und Schlafstätte. Manche Schiffe hatten auch Kajüten.[1] Frauen hielten sich bei Gefahr und Regen im Allgemeinen unter Deck auf. Eine Toilette gab es nicht. Man hockte sich auf die Reling. Der Klogang hieß daher ganga til borðs. Durch zahlreiche Repliken wurde aber die Hochseetauglichkeit der Wikingerschiffe bewiesen, so beispielsweise 1893, als man ein Rennen zwischen einem Nachbau des Gokstad-Schiffes, der „Viking", und einem Nachbau der Santa Maria, mit der Columbus Amerika entdeckte, zur Weltausstellung in Chicago quer über den Atlantik veranstaltete. Es wurde geschildert, dass die Viking leicht wie eine Möwe über die Wellenkämme glitt und mit einem Durchschnitt von 9,3 kn deutlich schneller war als das Columbus-Schiff mit 6,3 kn. Besonders repräsentative Schiffe erhielten auch einen Namen. So hieß das erste große Kriegsschiff Olav Tryggvasons „Kranich".[39] Dann brachte er noch ein Schiff aus Helgeland mit, das „Wurm" hieß. Dann ließ er ein noch größeres Schiff bauen mit 34 Rudersitzen auf jeder Seite. Das war der Lange Wurm. Das Vorgängerschiff hieß seitdem „Der kurze Wurm". Ursprünglich diente bei Booten ein schwerer Stein mit einem Loch zum Durchziehen des Ankertaus als Anker. Sehr früh aber übernahmen die Skandinavier den eisernen Anker der Römer, wie an der Übernahme des lateinischen Fremdwortes ancora in die Sprache zu erkennen ist: altnordisch „akkeri",[71] irisch „accaire", altschwedisch „akkæri", „ankare", angelsächsisch (bereits bei Beowulf) „ancor". Beowulf (möglicherweise altengl. für „Bienen-Wolf", Kenning für „Bär") ist ein episches Heldengedicht in angelsächsischen Stabreimen. Mit seinen 3.182 Versen stellt es das bedeutendste erhaltene Einzelwerk angelsächsischer Sprache dar; gleichzeitig macht es zehn Prozent des gesamten erhaltenen Textguts dieser Sprachform aus. Das Epos entstand vermutlich nach dem Jahr 700 und spielt in der Zeit vor 600 n. Chr. in Skandinavien. Wie bei vielen anderen mittelalterlichen Texten ist für das Epos kein zeitgenössischer Titel überliefert; seit dem 19. Jahrhundert ist der Name des Helden Beowulf als Name des Gedichts in Gebrauch.ärung) Beowulf Mining ist ein britisch-schwedisches Geoexplorations-Unternehmen. Beowulf sucht in Nordschweden nach Gold, Silber, Uranium und Eisenerze. Die Firma ist am AIM Market in London und am AktieTorget in Stockholm [1] gelistet. Für große Diskussion sorgten die Bohrprogramme Kallak South und Kallak North nahe Kallak in Nordschweden. Die Firma Jokkmokk Iron Mines AB ("JIMAB") beauftragte die Firma für Probebohrungen, die im Dezember 2012 starteten. Die angrenzende Saami-Community wandte sich gegen die Bohrungen. Ende Juni 2013 besetzten Naturschutzaktivisten u. a. von Fältbiologerna die Geräte der Firma[2] [3]. Geplant ist ein 800 ha großer Tagebau, aus dem 600 Millionen Tonnen Eisenerz gewonnen werden sollen. Das geplante Abbaugebiet liegt nur wenige Kilometer südlich von Laponia, einem Gebiet, dem die Unesco in den 1960er Jahren den Status Weltnaturerbe wie Weltkulturerbe verliehen hat. Beowulf ist ein Cluster, der unter dem freien Betriebssystem Linux oder BSD läuft. Mittlerweile gibt es auch spezielle Linux-Versionen für Cluster wie beispielsweise ClusterKnoppix. „Beowulf" ist nicht die Bezeichnung für eine bestimmte Software, sondern bezeichnet vielmehr den Aufbau des Clusters, der aus vernetzten ladenüblichen Personal Computern (Class I Cluster, siehe auch Off-The-Shelf-Computer) oder auch aus spezialisierter Hardware besteht (Class 2 Cluster). Die einzelnen Rechner kommunizieren über IP. Dabei ermöglicht es Software wie Message Passing Interface und PVM, Rechenoperationen aufzuteilen. Die Leistungsfähigkeit lässt sich durch das Hinzufügen weiterer Rechner steigern. Das „Beowulf-Projekt" wurde 1994 von Donald Becker und Thomas Sterling ins Leben gerufen, um eine sowohl kostengünstige als auch leistungsfähige Alternative zu Supercomputern zu entwickeln. Heute werden Beowulf-Rechner z.B. zur Forschung an Universitäten eingesetzt. So unterhielt z. B. das Rechenzentrum der TU Chemnitz den Beowulf-Cluster „CLIC", der von der Chemnitzer Megware im Jahr 2000 installiert wurde. Dieser ging im Sommer 2007 außer Betrieb, da er durch einen neuen Hochleistungsrechner ersetzt wurde. Bang & Olufsen a/s (B&O) ist ein dänischer Hersteller für Unterhaltungselektronik (TV-, HiFi-Geräte) und Telefone im Hochpreis-Segment. B&O legt nach eigenen Angaben bei den Produkten großen Wert auf leichte Bedienbarkeit, außergewöhnliches Design und guten Service. Bang & Olufsen wurde 1925 von Peter Bang (1900–1957) und Svend Olufsen (1897–1949) gegründet. Erstes Produkt des neu gegründeten Unternehmens war der Eliminator, der es ermöglichte, die vorher batteriebetriebenen Radiogeräte am lokalen Stromnetz zu betreiben. 1927 baute B&O ein neues Fabrikgebäude in Struer, das so konzipiert wurde, dass es im Falle einer Insolvenz der Firma auch als Schule dienen könnte. Ein Meilenstein in der Radioentwicklung war der von Peter Bang entworfene Beolit 39, der zu Weihnachten 1938 auf den Markt kam. Es war einer der ersten Radioapparate, der ganz aus Bakelit gepresst war, und das erste Mal, dass der Produktname „Beo…" verwendet wurde. Mitte der 1950er Jahre wurde das Unternehmen designbewusst und versucht sich so mit Erfolg in der immer härter werdenden Konkurrenz der Heimelektronikbranche zu behaupten. Während den Beolit 39 noch der Firmenchef selbst entworfen hatte, engagierte das Unternehmen stetig mehr international bekannte Industriedesigner. Die Formgebung nach dem Motto „weniger ist mehr" (less is more) ist deutlich durch den Bauhausstil inspiriert. Derzeit sind einige Geräte in der permanenten Sammlung des Museum of Modern Art in New York, darunter der Beomaster 1200 und 3000 (1972), der Beolit 400 (1972), das Beosystem 6000 (1975) und der Beolab 6000 (1993). Ein besonderes Merkmal bei B&O ist es, sämtliche Teile der Anlage, auch ältere, mit nur einer universellen Fernbedienung steuern zu können. Es ist sogar möglich, Produkte von anderen Herstellern mit einer B&O-Fernbedienung zu steuern. Mit Zusatzgeräten kann man Licht, Heizung, motorisierte Leinwände oder sogar Rollläden mit dieser Fernbedienung steuern. Mit B&O-Geräten kann man sein Heim durch ein sogenanntes Linksystem (BeoLink) komplett „vernetzen". BeoLink bietet die Möglichkeit, alle in einem Hauptraum vorhandenen Audio- und Videoquellen (Radioempfänger, TV-Gerät, CD- und Blu-ray-Player, Festplattenreceiver usw.) von bis zu 16 Nebenräumen aus zu nutzen und zu bedienen. B&O verkauft seit vielen Jahren passende Möbel zu seinen Produkten, bei denen die Verkabelung leicht zu verstecken ist. B&O-Geräte werden in speziellen B&O-Geschäften und von spezialisierten Hifi-Händlern angeboten, häufig Franchisepartner, die B&O zu einer ansprechenden Warenpräsentation anhält. Diese Warenpräsentation muss sich strikt an die Vorgaben von B&O halten. Geräte anderer Hersteller sind in den B&O-Geschäften meist nicht zu finden. Seit geraumer Zeit kooperiert Bang & Olufsen auch mit mehreren namhaften Autoherstellern. Seit 2006 ist das Spitzenmodell von Audi, der Audi A8, optional mit einem Soundsystem von Bang & Olufsen, dem „Advanced Sound System" erhältlich. 2007 folgten weitere Audi-Modelle. Seit 2008 kooperiert B&O zudem mit Aston Martin und Mercedes-Benz (für seine AMG-Modelle). Seit 2011 sind auch die 6er-Modelle vom BMW mit einem B&O-Hifi-System erhältlich. Der weltgrößte Hersteller für Mobilfunktelefone, Samsung, verwendete in den ehemaligen Spitzenmodellen seiner Mobiltelefone (wie z. B. das SGH-E950 oder SGH-U900 Soul) für die MP3-Musikwiedergabe Mini-Lautsprecher von B&O mit dem Produktnamen „ICEpower". Im Jahre 1932 kaufte Svend Olufsen das bis heute gültige Firmenlogo von einem Malerlehrling für 10 Dänische Kronen. Die Dänische Krone (dänisch: im Singular Dansk krone, im Plural Danske kroner) ist seit dem 1. Januar 1875 die offizielle Währung des Königreichs Dänemark, einschließlich der autonomen Provinzen Grönland und Färöer. Sie unterliegt dem Wechselkursmechanismus II und ist somit seit der Einführung des Euro am 1. Januar 1999 an diesen gebunden. Die Krone wird von der Dänischen Nationalbank in fünf verschiedenen Banknotenwerten und sechs verschiedenen Münzwerten in Kronen und Øre ausgegeben. Dabei wird eine Dänische Krone in 100 Øre unterteilt, obwohl die derzeit kleinste Münze einen Wert von 50 Øre hat. Anders als die grönländischen unterscheiden sich die färöischen Banknoten durch ihr landesspezifisches Design.änische_Krone Die dänischen Kronjuwelen sind die Symbole der dänischen Monarchie. Die Kronjuwelen des Dänischen Königshauses bestehen aus einer Krone, dem Zepter als Symbol geistlicher und dem Reichsapfel als dem Symbol weltlicher Autorität, dem Staatsschwert und der Ampulla, aus der das Öl für die königliche Salbung gegossen wird. Ursprünglich trugen die Wahlkönige die Juwelen zu ihrer Krönung, als Geistliche und Adel die Krone auf dem Kopf des Königs platzierten. Mit der Einführung des Absolutismus 1660 wurde der Krönungsakt durch eine Salbung ersetzt. Der König trug die Krone bereits, wenn er die Kirche betrat, und wurde durch die Salbung geweiht. Für die Salbung Christians V. wurde eine neue Krone (die sogenannte Absolute Krone) und ein Thron aus Narwal-Zähnen angefertigt. In der Schatzkammer im Kopenhagener Schloss Rosenborg werden neben den Regalien weitere Kostbarkeiten aufbewahrt, etwa der Diamant Christians IV., perlen- und goldverzierte Sättel, Elfenbeinschnitzereien, Kristalle und Edelsteine sowie Broschen in Form fantastischer Tiere. Das älteste Stück ist das Schwert Christians III. von 1551.änische_Kronjuwelen Der Begriff Monarchie (altgr. μοναρχία monarchía ‚Alleinherrschaft', aus μόνος monos ‚ein' und ἀρχεῖν archein ‚herrschen') bezeichnet eine Staats- bzw. Herrschaftsform, bei der ein Monarch oder eine Monarchin das Amt des Staatsoberhauptes innehat (und bildet somit das Gegenstück zum modernen Republikbegriff). Die Machtbefugnisse der betreffenden Person können je nach Form der Monarchie variieren: Dieses Spektrum reicht von fast keiner (parlamentarische Monarchie) über durch eine Verfassung begrenzte (konstitutionelle Monarchie) bis hin zu alleiniger, uneingeschränkter politischer Macht (absolute Monarchie). Die entartete, illegitime und despotische Form der Monarchie ist die Tyrannis. Zusätzlich wird zwischen Erb- und Wahlmonarchie unterschieden: In der erstgenannten Form wird der Herrscher durch Erbfolge, in der zweitgenannten durch eine Wahl meist auf Lebenszeit bestimmt. In Erbmonarchien wird der Herrschaftsanspruch des Staatsoberhauptes in der Regel auf eine göttliche Bestimmung zurückgeführt. Auch eine Verehrung als eigenständige Gottheit oder Person göttlichen Ursprungs ist möglich (sehr verbreitet in antiken Reichen, z. B. im alten Ägypten oder im Römischen Reich, aber auch in neuerer Zeit, z. B. im Kaiserreich China oder bis nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Japan). Die die Monarchie rechtfertigende Staatstheorie beziehungsweise -ideologie ist der Monarchismus oder auch Royalismus. Ein Anhänger der Monarchie wird als Monarchist oder Royalist bezeichnet, ein Gegner als Republikaner, Monarchomach oder auch Antimonarchist. Das Königreich Dänemark (dänisch Kongeriget Danmark [ˈkɔŋəʀiːəð ˈdɛnmɑʀg]) ist eine parlamentarische Monarchie und ein souveräner Staat. Zum Staatsgebiet gehören Dänemark und die Färöer, die sich beide in Nordeuropa befinden, sowie Grönland, das zu Nordamerika zählt. Das Königreich Dänemark ist daher ein interkontinentaler Staat. Das Mutterland, der Teil zwischen der Skandinavischen Halbinsel und Mitteleuropa, umfasst eine Fläche von 43.094 km², wovon 23.872 km² auf die Halbinsel Jütland entfallen und der Rest auf Inseln. Dänemark ist seit 1949 Mitglied der NATO und seit 1973 der Europäischen Union. Die autonomen Gebiete Grönland und die Färöer führen eigene Flaggen, haben eigene Amtssprachen und gehören zur NATO, jedoch nicht zur EU. Die einzige Landgrenze hat Dänemark zu Deutschland. Im dortigen, ehemals dänischen Südschleswig lebt eine dänische Minderheit. In Dänemark gibt es hingegen im zwischen 1866 und 1920 preußischen respektive deutschen Nordschleswig eine deutsche Minderheit. Dort ist Deutsch anerkannte regionale Verkehrs- und Verwaltungssprache gemäß der Europäischen Charta der Regional- oder Minderheitensprachen.änemark Wegen seiner Inseln und der zerklüfteten Buchten verfügt das flächenmäßig kleine Land über eine enorme Küstenlänge von 7314 km. Dänemarks einzige Landgrenze besteht im Süden zu Deutschland (Grenzlänge: 67 km), des Weiteren wird das Land durch die Nordsee, das Skagerrak, das Kattegat und die Ostsee begrenzt.änemark Mit dem nördlichen Teil der Halbinsel Jütlands und seinen Inseln bildet Dänemark den Übergang von Mitteleuropa nach Skandinavien. 443 aller dänischen Inseln sind benannt und davon sind 72 bewohnt.[5] Insgesamt gibt es in Dänemark 1419 Inseln mit einer Fläche größer als 100 m².[6] Die größte Insel des Landes ist Seeland mit 7.031 km², gefolgt von Vendsyssel-Thy (Nordjütland) mit 4685 km² (das aber nicht als Insel wahrgenommen wird) und Fünen mit einer Größe von 2985 km². Seeland, in dessen östlichem Teil die Hauptstadt Kopenhagen liegt, wird durch den Großen Belt von der Insel Fünen getrennt, die wiederum durch den Kleinen Belt von Jütland getrennt ist. Die dritte Meeresstraße in der Region ist der Öresund zwischen Seeland und der Südspitze Schwedens. Das Königreich Schweden (schwedisch Konungariket Sverige anhören?/i) ist eine parlamentarische Monarchie in Nordeuropa. Das Staatsgebiet schließt, neben dem östlichen Teil der skandinavischen Halbinsel, die Inseln Gotland und Öland mit ein. Schweden ist Mitglied des Nordischen Rats und seit 1995 der Europäischen Union. Die Europäische Union (EU) ist ein aus 28 Staaten bestehender Staatenverbund. Seine Bevölkerung umfasst über eine halbe Milliarde Einwohner. Der von den EU-Mitgliedstaaten gebildete Europäische Binnenmarkt ist der am Bruttoinlandsprodukt gemessen größte gemeinsame Markt der Welt. Seit dem Vertrag von Lissabon besitzt die Europäische Union eine eigene Rechtspersönlichkeit und verfügt seither über ein Rede- und Einsichtsrecht bei den Vereinten Nationen.[7] Das politische System der EU, das sich im Zuge der europäischen Integration herausgebildet hat, basiert auf zwei Grundverträgen, dem Vertrag über die Europäische Union (EU-Vertrag) und dem Vertrag über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union (AEU-Vertrag). Es beinhaltet sowohl supranationale (überstaatliche) als auch intergouvernementale (zwischenstaatliche) Elemente. Während im Europäischen Rat und im nach Fachressorts aufgeteilten Rat der Europäischen Union (Ministerrat) die nationalen Regierungen vertreten sind, repräsentiert das Europäische Parlament bei der Rechtsetzung der EU unmittelbar die Unionsbürger. Die Europäische Kommission als Exekutivorgan und der Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union als Rechtsprechungsinstanz sind ebenfalls supranational. Die Anfänge der EU gehen auf die 1950er Jahre zurück, als zunächst sechs Staaten die Europäischen Gemeinschaften gründeten. Eine gezielte wirtschaftliche Verflechtung sollte nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg neue militärische Konflikte für die Zukunft unmöglich machen und durch den größeren Markt das Wirtschaftswachstum beschleunigen. Im Lauf der folgenden Jahrzehnte traten in mehreren Erweiterungsrunden weitere Staaten den Gemeinschaften bei. Mit dem Vertrag von Maastricht gründeten die EG-Mitgliedstaaten 1992 die Europäische Union, die nun auch Zuständigkeiten in nichtwirtschaftlichen Politikbereichen besaß. In mehreren Reformverträgen, zuletzt im Vertrag von Lissabon, wurden die supranationalen Kompetenzen nochmals ausgebaut, zugleich wurden die gemeinsamen Institutionen schrittweise demokratisiert.äische_Union Innerhalb der EU bilden 17 Staaten die Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion. Sie haben seit 1. Januar 2002 eine gemeinsame Währung, den Euro, der bereits 1999 als Buchgeld eingeführt worden war. Mit dem Ziel eines europaweiten Raums der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts arbeiten die EU-Mitgliedstaaten auch in der Innen- und Justizpolitik zusammen. Durch die Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik bemühen sie sich auch um ein gemeinsames Auftreten gegenüber Drittstaaten. Die Europäische Union hat Beobachterstatus in der G8, ist Mitglied in der G20 und vertritt ihre Mitgliedstaaten in der WTO. 2012 wurde der Europäischen Union der Friedensnobelpreis „für über sechs Jahrzehnte Beitrag zur Förderung von Frieden und Versöhnung, Demokratie und Menschenrechten in Europa" zuerkannt. Gründungsmitglieder Ursprung der heutigen Europäischen Union waren die 1951 und 1957 gegründeten Europäischen Gemeinschaften (EGKS, EWG und Euratom). Ihre Mitgliedstaaten waren Belgien, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Luxemburg und das Königreich der Niederlande. Drei dieser Gründungsmitglieder – Belgien, die Niederlande und Luxemburg – beschlossen 1958 mit dem Benelux-Vertrag eine nochmals intensivierte Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft, die dem 1993 verwirklichten Europäischen Binnenmarkt als Vorbild dienen konnte. 1973 traten der Europäischen Gemeinschaft in der ersten Norderweiterung das Vereinigte Königreich, Irland und Dänemark bei In den 1980er Jahren folgten Griechenland (1981), Portugal und Spanien (beide 1986) als Neumitglieder. Diese Staaten hatten teils schon seit langem eine Annäherung an die Europäischen Gemeinschaften gesucht, waren jedoch wegen ihrer autoritären Regierungen nicht zugelassen worden. Erst nach erfolgreichen Demokratisierungsprozessen konnten sie beitreten. Mit der deutschen Wiedervereinigung am 3. Oktober 1990 vergrößerte sich die Zahl der Bürger innerhalb der Europäischen Gemeinschaft um die rund 16 Millionen neuen Staatsbürger der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, deren Staatsgebiet sich seitdem auch auf die Fläche der ehemaligen DDR erstreckt. Zu den supranationalen Politikfeldern der EU gehören unter anderem die Zollunion, der Europäische Binnenmarkt, die Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion, die Forschungs- und Umweltpolitik, das Gesundheitswesen, der Verbraucherschutz, Bereiche der Sozialpolitik sowie der Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts, der Aspekte der Innen- und Justizpolitik umfasst, unter anderem die Einwanderungspolitik, die justizielle Zusammenarbeit in Zivilsachen und die polizeiliche und justizielle Zusammenarbeit in Strafsachen.äische_Union
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:25PM  

    projekt lies - Social Mention
 Die 10 gröβten Sehenswürdigkeiten Oslos Erleben Sie das älteste Skimuseum der Welt mit der 4000-jährigen Geschichte des Skilaufens. Genießen Sie vom Schanzenturm die herrliche Aussicht über Oslo und erleben Sie einen "Sprung" von der Holmenkollenschanze per Simulator. Umfassendes und interessantes Souvenirgeschäft auf dem Dach Oslos. Bewirtung im Schanzen-Café. Ski-Simulator an der Holmenkollen Sprungschanze. Springen Sie am "Kollen" und erleben Sie mit den besten Skifahrern der Welt das Gefühl, auf den härtesten Abfahrtspisten der Welt zu fahren. Eine Technologie, die es früher nur für Piloten und Astronauten gab, kombiniert die Bewegungen eines Flugsimulators mit einem "Eye-View"-Film, um ein ganz spezielles und realistisches Gefühl zu erzeugen. Oslo?/i (deutsch [ˈɔslo], norwegisch ['ʊʃlʊ] oder ['ʊslʊ]), vormals Christiania (1624 bis 1924) bzw. Kristiania (alternative Schreibweise von 1877/1897 bis 1924), ist die Hauptstadt Norwegens mit 626.953 Einwohnern (31. März 2013). Insgesamt leben im Osloer Ballungsraum rund 1,9 Millionen Menschen, mehr als ein Drittel der Bevölkerung Norwegens.ärung) Dänemark-Norwegen war in den Napoleonischen Kriegen mit Frankreich verbündet, infolgedessen musste Dänemark nach deren Ende Norwegen an Schweden abtreten. 1877 änderte sich unter dem schwedisch-norwegischen König Oskar II. die offizielle Schreibweise in der Matrikel und im Staatskalender in Kristiania, während die Stadtverwaltung bis 1897 die Schreibweise Christiania beibehielt.[2] Erst 1924, zwanzig Jahre nach Eigenständigkeit Norwegens, wurde beschlossen, der Stadt (nach 300 Jahren) zum 1. Januar 1925 wieder den ursprünglichen Namen Oslo zu geben. Das monumentale Rathaus von Oslo, dessen Errichtung Jahrzehnte, nämlich von 1915 (erster Architektenwettbewerb) bis zur Fertigstellung 1950 in Anspruch nahm, kann als Symbolbauwerk der neu gewonnenen Unabhängigkeit gelten. Oslo bedeutet übersetzt entweder „Ebene der Götter" oder „Ebene unterhalb des Hügels" – letzte Klarheit darüber ist nicht mehr zu erlangen.[3] Ein Kosename der Stadt ist Tigerstaden (Tigerstadt), nach einem Gedicht von Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson („Sidste Sang", 1870). In diesem Gedicht wird Oslo als gefährliche und unbarmherzige Stadt beschrieben. Vor dem Rathaus und vor dem Bahnhof erinnern Tigerskulpturen an diesen Namen, der seinen negativen Klang inzwischen verloren hat.ärung) Der Tiger (Panthera tigris) ist eine in Asien verbreitete Großkatze. Er ist die größte aller lebenden Katzenarten und aufgrund des charakteristischen dunklen Streifenmusters auf goldgelbem bis rotbraunem Grund unverwechselbar. Es gibt acht bis neun Unterarten, die als Festlandsunterarten und Inselunterarten unterschieden werden. Die größten Unterschiede bestehen zwischen den kleinen, kontrastreichen Sumatratigern und den großen, eher blass gefärbten Sibirischen Tigern, auch als Amurtiger bezeichnet. Sumatratiger erreichen eine durchschnittliche Kopf-Rumpf-Länge von etwa 140 cm, eine Schwanzlänge von rund 60 cm und ein Gewicht von etwa 120 kg (Männchen) beziehungsweise 90 kg (Weibchen). Männliche Sibirische Tiger dagegen erreichen eine Kopf-Rumpf-Länge von bis zu 280 cm, besitzen einen rund 90 cm langen Schwanz und wiegen etwa 250 kg. Sibirische Tigerweibchen sind mit etwa 150 kg Körpergewicht allerdings deutlich kleiner als die Männchen. Damit ist diese Unterart nach dem Eisbären und Braunbären das größte landbewohnende Raubtier. Als typische Unterarten, die im Erscheinungsbild zwischen diesen Extremen stehen, können der indische Bengaltiger und der Indochinesische Tiger gelten. Ursprünglich stellte der heute ausgestorbene Balitiger die kleinste Unterart dar. Tiger leben in der Regel einzelgängerisch und ernähren sich in erster Linie von größeren Huftieren. Dabei bewohnen sie unterschiedlichste Lebensräume, wie tropische Regenwälder, Grasländer, Sumpfgebiete oder boreale Wälder. Ursprünglich war der Tiger vom Kaukasus und dem Fernen Osten Russlands über Ost-China, den indischen Subkontinent und Hinterindien bis Sumatra, Java und Bali verbreitet. Heute ist er aus großen Teilen seines ehemaligen Verbreitungsgebietes verschwunden und drei Unterarten sind bereits ausgestorben. Insgesamt gibt es Schätzungen zufolge noch 3000 bis 5000 wildlebende Tiger, die nun größtenteils auf isolierte Schutzgebiete beschränkt sind. Die Art wird von der IUCN als „stark gefährdet" (Endangered) eingestuft. „Die Färbung bietet dem Tiger völligen Schutz. Wenn er sich in der Taiga zwischen den Büschen und dem dürren Laub bewegt, so fließen die schwarzen, gelben und weißen Farben ganz ineinander und das Tier nimmt eine eintönige braungraue Farbe an. Besonders im Herbst, zwischen den orange und rot gefärbten Weinblättern und den trockenen gelben Wedeln des Farnkrautes, das mit vielen schwärzlichen Stengeln durchsetzt ist, läßt sich der Tiger selbst auf nähere Entfernung kaum erkennen." Wladimir Arsenjew[4] Das bleibende Gebiss beinhaltet 30 Zähne, wobei die Zahnformel der anderer rezenter Katzen entspricht: Dabei ist der erste obere Molar (Backenzahn) sehr klein oder fehlt häufig ganz. Gleiches gilt für den ersten oberen Prämolaren. Am auffälligsten sind die Eckzähne (Canini), die im Oberkiefer bis zu 70 mm aus dem Zahnfleisch ragen. Die unteren Eckzähne sind etwas kürzer. Die Reißzähne werden vom vierten oberen Prämolaren und dem ersten unteren Molaren gestellt und sind bei ausgewachsenen Tigern jeweils 34 bis 38 mm beziehungsweise 26 bis 29 mm lang. Die Stadt wurde wiederholt von Stadtbränden heimgesucht, jedoch immer wieder aufgebaut. Nach der Reformation verfielen das Kloster und die meisten der zahlreichen Kirchen. Nach den Bränden wurden diese Gebäude abgetragen und die Steine für andere Bauzwecke verwendet. Während der schwedischen Belagerung 1537 brannte die Stadt abermals. Nach dem großen Brand von 1624 wurde die Stadt jedoch nicht wieder aufgebaut, sondern auf Befehl des dänischen Königs Christian IV. – Norwegen war zu dieser Zeit Provinz Dänemarks – näher an die Festung Akershus verlegt. Die neu erbaute Stadt wurde nach dem Idealbild der Renaissance mit rechteckigen Quartieren und breiten Straßen errichtet und erhielt eine Festungsanlage mit Bastionen. Die Häuser baute man nun in Stein oder aus gemauertem Fachwerk, um das Ausbreiten von Bränden zu verhindern. Gleichzeitig erhielt die Stadt den Namen Christiania, nach dem König Christian IV.[2] Das alte Oslo lag nun außerhalb der Stadtmauern von Christiania. Trotz königlichen Verbots wurde es wieder besiedelt, hauptsächlich von Armen und Landlosen, die sich das teure Leben im modernen Christiania nicht leisten konnten. Innerhalb der Kernstadt herrscht ein für Europa ungewöhnlich hohes Preisniveau. In entsprechenden Rankings, basierend auf standardisierten Warenkörben, belegt die Stadt regelmäßig Spitzenplätze. Laut The Economist hat Oslo seit 2006 Tokio als die weltweit teuerste Stadt abgelöst. Bis dahin hatte die japanische Hauptstadt 14 Jahre lang Platz eins belegt.[4] Die Universität Oslo ist mit etwa 30.000 Studenten die größte des Landes und wurde 1811 nach Vorbild der Berliner Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität gegründet. 1952 fanden die Olympischen Winterspiele in Oslo statt, unter anderem am Holmenkollen. Der Begriff Oslo-Friedensprozess bezeichnet eine Reihe von Abkommen zwischen Palästinensern und Israel zur Lösung des Nahostkonflikts. Der Friedensprozess bekam diesen Namen, weil die ersten geheimen Verhandlungen der Streitparteien PLO und Israel unter norwegischer Vermittlung in Oslo stattfanden. In Taba (Ägypten) unterzeichneten Rabin und Arafat am 24. September 1995 das „Interimsabkommen über das Westjordanland und den Gazastreifen" (auch Oslo II genannt). Die Palästinenser bekamen für etwa drei Prozent des Westjordanlands (mit über 80 % der palästinensischen Bevölkerung des Westjordanlandes) autonome Regierungskompetenzen zugesprochen. In etwa einem Viertel des Gebietes sollten sich die Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde und Israel die Verwaltung teilen (Gebiet B). In den restlichen 73 % sollten die Israelis weiter allein die Kontrolle ausüben. Am 4. November 1995 wurde Ministerpräsident Rabin vom rechtsradikalen jüdischen Studenten Jigal Amir in Tel Aviv erschossen. Rabins Nachfolger wurde Schimon Peres. Peres führte die Friedenspolitik Rabins weiter und trat Anfang 1996 die Verhandlungen über den permanenten Status in Taba an. Im Juli 2000 fand unter der Vermittlung der USA ein Camp David II genanntes Treffen von Barak und Arafat statt, bei dem ein letztes Mal versucht wurde, eine Übereinkunft über einen permanenten Status zu finden. Am 25. Juli wurden die Verhandlungen jedoch ohne Übereinkunft abgebrochen. Beide Seiten beschuldigten sich später gegenseitig, für das Scheitern verantwortlich zu sein. Mit dem Ausbruch der zweiten Intifada im September 2000 war eine endgültige Lösung des Konflikts wieder in weite Ferne gerückt. Sehenswürdigkeiten Zum besonderen Flair Oslos in der inneren Fjordlage tragen viele Sehenswürdigkeiten bei. Die bedeutendste ist die so genannte Gamlebyen (deutsch Altstadt) mit den freigelegten Grundmauern des mittelalterlichen Oslo sowie das Schloss und die Burg Festung Akershus (Akershus slott og festning). Entlang der zentralen Einkaufsstraße, der Karl Johans gate, liegen sehenswerte Regierungsgebäude wie das Storting sowie das Slottet, das Königliche Schloss. Auf Nr. 31 – im Gebäude des 1874 vom Restaurateur Julius Fritzner eröffneten Grand Hotel – befindet sich heute noch das Grand Café, in dem einst Henrik Ibsen Stammgast war. Ebenfalls im Stadtzentrum liegen das markante Rathaus, in dem alljährlich der Friedensnobelpreis verliehen wird, der Osloer Dom (Oslo Domkirke) sowie das Nationaltheater. Das Neue Opernhaus der Norwegischen Oper, geplant vom norwegischen Architekturbüro Snøhetta, wurde 2008 eröffnet. Auch die Museen der Stadt bieten zahlreiche Sehenswürdigkeiten. Dazu zählen vor allem das Fram-Museum, Kon-Tiki-Museum auf Bygdøy, die Nationalgalerie, das Munch-Museum mit dem Nachlass des Malers Edvard Munch, das Norsk Folkemuseum, ein Freilichtmuseum mit wiedererrichteten Gebäuden aus ganz Norwegen, und das Vikingskipshuset mit archäologischen Wikingerschiffsfunden. 1993 wurde das private Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst eröffnet, das über eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Werken norwegischer und internationaler Gegenwartskunst verfügt, darunter seit 2002 die monumentale Porzellanskulptur Michael Jackson and Bubbles von Jeff Koons. Die deutsche Besatzungszeit wird im Holocaustmuseum, in der Villa Grande sowie dem Widerstandsmuseum Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum im Komplex der Festung Akershus aufgearbeitet. Die wechselvolle Geschichte der Stadt wird im Oslo Bymuseum gezeigt, dem Stadtmuseum auf Gut Frogner. Das Vikingskipshuset (deutsch Wikingerschiffhaus) ist ein norwegisches Museum in Oslo. Das Museum widmet sich den archäologischen Wikinigerschiffsfunden aus Tune, Gokstadt (Sandefjord), Oseberg (Tønsberg) und dem Borre-Friedhof in Horten (Vestfold). Die Hauptattraktionen des Museums sind das Gokstad-Schiff, das Oseberg-Schiff und das Tuneschiff. Des Weiteren befinden sich im Museum verschiedene Gegenstände der Wikingerzeit wie Betten, Pferdekarren, Zeltbestandteile, Eimer und Grabbeilagen. Gegründet wurde das Museum 1913 durch den schwedischen Hochschullehrer Gabriel Gustafson. Ein Architektenwettbewerb für das Museum fand statt, den der Architekt Arnstein Arneberg gewann. Der Museumsbau wurde finanziell vom norwegischen Parlament unterstützt. Wikingerschiff ist die Bezeichnung für die Schiffstypen, die während der Wikingerzeit (800–1100) in Nordeuropa benutzt wurden. Diese Schiffe wurden auch nach der Wikingerzeit weiter gebaut und verwendet. Die Schiffe werden nach ihrer Größe und Funktion in Langschiff, Knorr und kleinere Schiffe unterschieden.,41 Genau 1 Jahr nach dem Ende der Dreharbeiten "Wickie und die starken Männer" wurde das Filmkulissendorf "FLAKE" am 12. September 2009 in Walchensee eröffnet. Verpassen Sie nicht unseren traditionellen Wikingermarkt am letzten Wochenende der bayrischen Sommerferien! Dieses Jahr findet dieser am 07. und 08.09.2013 statt. Im Sommer 2008 wurde der Film "Wickie und die starken Männer" am Walchensee von Michael "Bully" Herbig gedreht. Ein Teil der Filmkulisse hat die Gemeinde Kochel am See erhalten und diese wieder in Walchensee aufgebaut. Das Filmkulissendorf "Flake" wurde am 12. September in Walchensee mit einem Wikingermarkt eröffnet. Auf Filmspuren durch den Landkreis (5 Fotos) Kuchenpause im Klostercafé Benediktbeuern, es muss nicht imer der lautere Biergarten sein ... DER TEUFELSGEIGER mit David Garrett in der Hauptrolle. Die Geschichte um den geheimnisvollen Geigenvirtuosen Niccolò Paganini spielt im London des 19. Jahrhunderts. Viele Szenen entstanden aber in Bayern. DAVID GARRETT - Garrett vs. Paganini (official TV Spot) Kino Kino - Bayerisches Fernsehen: Filmausschnitt "Paganini der Teufelsgeiger" Ausstellung "Bernd Eichinger... Alles Kino" (29.10.2013 – 02.02.2014) im Kunstfoyer der Versicherungskammer Bayern Ausschnitte aus Eichingers Filmen, Fotos, Trophäen, Filmkostüme und viele private Erinnerungsstücke. Der Eintritt ist frei! Die folgenden Ausführungen orientieren sich im Wesentlichen an dem im Literaturverzeichnis angeführten Werk von Hjalmar Falk von 1912. Die Knorr (auch: Knörr, Knarr) war der Schiffstyp, mit dem die Wikinger zur Landnahme auf den nordatlantischen Inseln aufbrachen. Der Schiffbau machte bereits vor der Wikingerzeit eine große Entwicklung durch. Als Haupttypen lassen sich unterscheiden: Das Langschiff und das Lastschiff, Knorr genannt. Langschiff und Knorr waren mit Segeln ausgestattet. Das Schiff hatte ein Deck. Der Platz zwischen den Spanten hieß rúm und war der Aufenthaltsort der Mannschaft, auf Deck zum Rudern, unter Deck als Stauraum und Schlafstätte. Manche Schiffe hatten auch Kajüten.[1] Frauen hielten sich bei Gefahr und Regen im Allgemeinen unter Deck auf. Eine Toilette gab es nicht. Man hockte sich auf die Reling. Der Klogang hieß daher ganga til borðs. Durch zahlreiche Repliken wurde aber die Hochseetauglichkeit der Wikingerschiffe bewiesen, so beispielsweise 1893, als man ein Rennen zwischen einem Nachbau des Gokstad-Schiffes, der „Viking", und einem Nachbau der Santa Maria, mit der Columbus Amerika entdeckte, zur Weltausstellung in Chicago quer über den Atlantik veranstaltete. Es wurde geschildert, dass die Viking leicht wie eine Möwe über die Wellenkämme glitt und


 tauhid - Social Mention: BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:09
    Buat airmata menitis menyaksikan kebesaran Allah ini...Terharu dan sangat kagum...Subhanallah...! Mampukah Video Ini Mendapat 5.000 Share InShaAllah
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Nov 18th 2013, 22:31, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


 projekt quran - Social Mention: Juhuuuuu!!!! ISLAMKONFERENZ (Heucheleikonferenz gegen den Islam) IN BERLIN GEPLATZT Eigentlich sollte am kommenden Donnerstag das nächste Islamforum stattfinden, das ist eine Art Islamkonferenz auf Landesebene, bei der sich muslimische Verbände regelmäßig mit "hochrangigen" (Speichellecker der KUFAR) Vertretern der Senatsverwaltungen austauschen. Doch der Termin ist jetzt überraschend geplatzt. Die muslimischen Verbände haben ihre Teilnahme am Islamforum „bis auf weiteres" abgesagt, bestätigte Lydia Nofal, die den Verein Inssan vertritt. Es zeigt, wie angespannt das Verhältnis zwischen dem Land Berlin und den Muslimen derzeit ist. In Berlin leben rund 220000 bis 300000 Muslime. Eskaliert ist die Lage wegen eines Streits über die Organisation der Seelsorge für muslimische Gefangene. Das Projekt war vor zwei Monaten überraschend vom Justizsenator Thomas Heilmann (CDU) gestoppt worden. Die Sprecherin der Justizverwaltung, Lisa Jani, verweist auf Informationen des Verfassungsschutzes (NSU/Beweismittelvernichtrer). Bei einigen Beteiligten des Projekts habe es Sicherheitsbedenken gegeben. Genauer äußerte sie sich nicht. Dem Vernehmen nach werden etwa die Hälfte der 30 Seelsorgerkandidaten Propaganda-Delikte sowie salafistisches Gedankengut (Quran & Sunna) vorgeworfen. Bei den muslimischen Verbänden, die die ehrenamtlichen Seelsorger ausgewählt und ausgebildet hatten, stößt die Ablehnung auf Unverständnis: „Die Vorwürfe des Verfassungsschutzes sind absolut intransparent", sagt Lydia Nofal. Die Zahl der Muslime in den Gefängnissen steigt (was den KUFAR auch gefällt), deshalb entstand vor einigen Jahren die Idee, die Betreuung im Gefängnis zu verbessern. Anders als bei der evangelischen und der katholischen Kirche haben muslimische Insassen keinen festen Ansprechpartner. Viele muslimische Seelsorger arbeiten ehrenamtlich, ihre Ausbildung ist nicht geregelt. Trotz des Konfliktes zwischen muslimischen Verbänden und Senatsverwaltung sei die Gefangenenseelsorge in der Praxis nicht gefährdet, versichert Justiz-Sprecherin Jani. Sie schätzt den Anteil Gefangener muslimischen Glaubens auf 15 bis 20 Prozent. Die Muslime mit deutschem Pass sind dabei allerdings nicht mitgerechnet. Brisant dabei ist, dass einige der Seelsorger, die auf der Liste des Verfassungsschutzes auftauchen, bereits im Gefängnis aktiv sind. Die Integrationsbeauftragte des Landes, Monika Lüke, kann die Enttäuschung der Muslime verstehen. Sie will sich bei der Senatsverwaltung für Justiz dafür einsetzen, dass die Kooperation doch noch zustanden kommt. „Der Bedarf an muslimischen Seelsorgern ist nicht gedeckt", sagt sie. Die muslimischen Verbände wollen sich am Donnerstag erst mal untereinander über das weitere Vorgehen verständigen.,23785272,25003240.html
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:24PM  

    projekt quran - Social Mention
    Juhuuuuu!!!! ISLAMKONFERENZ (Heucheleikonferenz gegen den Islam) IN BERLIN GEPLATZT Eigentlich sollte am kommenden Donnerstag das nächste Islamforum stattfinden, das ist eine Art Islamkonferenz auf Landesebene, bei der sich muslimische Verbände regelmäßig mit "hochrangigen" (Speichellecker der KUFAR) Vertretern der Senatsverwaltungen austauschen. Doch der Termin ist jetzt überraschend geplatzt. Die muslimischen Verbände haben ihre Teilnahme am Islamforum „bis auf weiteres" abgesagt, bestätigte Lydia Nofal, die den Verein Inssan vertritt. Es zeigt, wie angespannt das Verhältnis zwischen dem Land Berlin und den Muslimen derzeit ist. In Berlin leben rund 220000 bis 300000 Muslime. Eskaliert ist die Lage wegen eines Streits über die Organisation der Seelsorge für muslimische Gefangene. Das Projekt war vor zwei Monaten überraschend vom Justizsenator Thomas Heilmann (CDU) gestoppt worden. Die Sprecherin der Justizverwaltung, Lisa Jani, verweist auf Informationen des Verfassungsschutzes (NSU/Beweismittelvernichtrer). Bei einigen Beteiligten des Projekts habe es Sicherheitsbedenken gegeben. Genauer äußerte sie sich nicht. Dem Vernehmen nach werden etwa die Hälfte der 30 Seelsorgerkandidaten Propaganda-Delikte sowie salafistisches Gedankengut (Quran & Sunna) vorgeworfen. Bei den muslimischen Verbänden, die die ehrenamtlichen Seelsorger ausgewählt und ausgebildet hatten, stößt die Ablehnung auf Unverständnis: „Die Vorwürfe des Verfassungsschutzes sind absolut intransparent", sagt Lydia Nofal. Die Zahl der Muslime in den Gefängnissen steigt (was den KUFAR auch gefällt), deshalb entstand vor einigen Jahren die Idee, die Betreuung im Gefängnis zu verbessern. Anders als bei der evangelischen und der katholischen Kirche haben muslimische Insassen keinen festen Ansprechpartner. Viele muslimische Seelsorger arbeiten ehrenamtlich, ihre Ausbildung ist nicht geregelt. Trotz des Konfliktes zwischen muslimischen Verbänden und Senatsverwaltung sei die Gefangenenseelsorge in der Praxis nicht gefährdet, versichert Justiz-Sprecherin Jani. Sie schätzt den Anteil Gefangener muslimischen Glaubens auf 15 bis 20 Prozent. Die Muslime mit deutschem Pass sind dabei allerdings nicht mitgerechnet. Brisant dabei ist, dass einige der Seelsorger, die auf der Liste des Verfassungsschutzes auftauchen, bereits im Gefängnis aktiv sind. Die Integrationsbeauftragte des Landes, Monika Lüke, kann die Enttäuschung der Muslime verstehen. Sie will sich bei der Senatsverwaltung für Justiz dafür einsetzen, dass die Kooperation doch noch zustanden kommt. „Der Bedarf an muslimischen Seelsorgern ist nicht gedeckt", sagt sie. Die muslimischen Verbände wollen sich am Donnerstag erst mal untereinander über das weitere Vorgehen verständigen.,23785272,25003240.html
    Nov 12th 2013, 09:15
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 mujahid - Social Mention: BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:41PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:30
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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
Nov 18th 2013, 22:15, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


 tauhid - Social Mention: BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 18:59
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 mujahid - Social Mention: BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:41PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:23
    Akan datang Panji-panji Hitam dari Timur, seolah-olah hati mereka adalah kepingan-kepingan besi. Sesiapa mendengar tentang mereka, hendaklah datang kepada mereka dan berbaiatlah kepada mereka, sekalipun merangkak di atas salji.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:25PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    It's this simple. Islamists hate Israel. Obama is Islamist. He hates Israel and would love nothing better then to wipe them from existence.
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:11
    An Israeli television network reported Sunday night that Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to President Barack Obama, has been holding secret talks with the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, and that the international negotiations underway in Geneva are merely a "facade" cov...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Dem. Rep. George Miller: GOP Waging 'Jihad' Against American People By Opposing Obamacare
    Oct 2nd 2013, 23:23
    Rep. George Miller (D., Calif.) accused fellow California Rep. Tom McClintock (R., Calif.) of waging "jihad" against the American people by opposing Obamacar...
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 projekt lies - Social Mention: Kooperation zur Realisierung einer Kindertagesstätte Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, die Limbachstiftung in Berkum und das DRK Wachtberg e.V. strebten die gemeinsame Errichtung und den gemeinsamen Betrieb einer Kindertagesstätte in Wachtberg-Berkum an. Für diesen Zweck war die Gründung einer gemeinsamen gemeinnützigen Gesellschaft beabsichtigt. Der Inbetriebnahme war für 2015 vorgesehen. Wie die Limbachstiftung dem DRK Wachtberg e.V. vor wenigen Tagen mittelte, sähe die Limbachstiftung für diese Kooperation keine Grundlage mehr. Dazu nehmen wir Stellung: Das DRK Wachtberg e.V. bedauert zutiefst, dass nach der Entscheidung der Limbachstiftung die Möglichkeiten einer Kooperation zum Bau und Betrieb einer Kindertagesstätte nicht weiter verfolgt werden können. Dabei widersprechen wir allerdings der seitens der Limbachstiftung vermittelten Darstellung, dass dies auf Defizite bei der Projektumsetzung durch das DRK Wachtberg e.V. zurückzuführen sei. Hierzu wurde aus Kreisen der Limbachstiftung geäußert, dass eine ausreichende Finanzierungbestätigung von uns nicht vorgelegt worden sei. Dies ist unzutreffend. Richtig ist, dass das DRK Wachtberg e.V. eine Finanzierungbestätigung der Kreissparkasse Köln über den gesamten auf den Ortsverein entfallenden Finanzbedarf vorgelegt hat. Etwaige Fördermittel blieben hierbei vollständig unberücksichtigt. Diese Finanzierungbestätigung setzte jedoch voraus, dass das für den Bau und Betrieb der Kindertagesstätte zu verwendende Grundstück als Sicherheit zur Verfügung stünde. Dies entsprach bis dahin auch den gemeinsamen Vorstellungen des DRK Wachtberg e.V. und der Limbachstiftung. Warum sich die Limbachstiftung an diesen Absprachen zuletzt nicht mehr festhalten lassen wollte, ist uns nicht bekannt, und dieses Vorgehen kann von uns auch nicht nachvollzogen werden. Unabhängig davon ist das DRK Wachtberg e.V. davon überzeugt, dass es auch unter Berücksichtigung der seitens der Limbachstiftung geänderten Verhandlungsgrundlage ohne weiteres möglich gewesen wäre, die erforderliche Finanzierung sicherzustellen und das Projekt erfolgreich zu realisieren. Aus unserer Sicht ist kein Anlass erkennbar, die Gespräche abzubrechen. So war das DRK Wachtberg e.V. sogar bereit, sich konstruktiv mit den finanziellen Gegebenheiten der Limbachstiftung auseinanderzusetzen. Etwa war bei der Projektplanung zu berücksichtigen, dass es seitens der Limbachstiftung aktuell wohleinen erheblichen Rückstellungsbedarf für absehbare Verbindlichkeiten bei einer Zusatzversorgungskasse gab und gibt, der eine nachhaltige Schwächung der finanziellen Basis der Limbachstiftung befürchten ließ. Bedauerlicherweise war die Limbachstiftung trotz ausdrücklicher und konkreter Nachfrage nicht bereit, Einzelheiten dieses Gesichtspunkts gegenüber dem DRK Wachtberg e.V. offen zu legen und die für eine gemeinsame Tätigkeit erforderliche Transparenz herzustellen. Das DRK Wachtberg ist weiterhin daran interessiert, den Bürgern in Wachtberg und den Kindern in und um Berkum künftig eine Kindertagesstätte anzubieten, zumal vonseiten des Kreisjugendamtes zuletzt tatsächlich kurzfristig zur Verfügung stehende Fördermittel in Aussicht gestellt wurden, wenn bis zum 15.11.2013 dem Amt unsere Realisierungsmöglichkeit angezeigt wird. Die Limbachstiftung hatte das DRK Wachtberg e.V. bekanntlich deshalb als Projektpartner ausgewählt, weil das DRK Wachtberg e.V. über die umfassende und belastbare Expertise verfügt, die für den Betrieb einer solchen Einrichtung unabdingbar erforderlich ist. Auch weiterhin sind wir der Auffassung, dass diese Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen für den Betrieb einer Kindertagesstätte zwingend sind, um ein zufriedenstellendes Angebot für Kinder und Eltern gewährleisten zu können. Mit dem für uns nicht nachvollziehbaren Abbruch der Verhandlungen durch die Limbachstiftung steht das für die Durchführung dieses Projekts erforderliche Grundstück leider nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Wir meinen, dass dies nicht so bleiben muss.Das DRK Wachtberg e.V. hat dem Kreisjugendamt gegenüberdaher fristgerecht verdeutlicht, dass unsererseits die Realisierungsmöglichkeit an der Grundstücksfrage scheitert und sieht daher Hinweisen und Angeboten über potenziell geeignete Flächen im Gebiet der Gemeinde Wachtberg-Berkum mit großem Interesse entgegen. Zugleich soll die Hoffnung nicht aufgegeben werden, dass sich nunmehr auch einmal die Gemeinde für dieses für sie so wichtige Projekt engagiert und starkmacht. Mit einem geeigneten Grundstück könnte und sollte der Bau und Betrieb einer Kindertagesstätte alsbald möglich werden. Kontakt: Michael Bau Geschäftsführer DRK Ortsverein Wachtberg e.V. Auf dem Kummgraben 9 53343 Wachtberg 0228/9431110 - 0172/7148048
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:25PM  

    projekt lies - Social Mention
    Kooperation zur Realisierung einer Kindertagesstätte Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, die Limbachstiftung in Berkum und das DRK Wachtberg e.V. strebten die gemeinsame Errichtung und den gemeinsamen Betrieb einer Kindertagesstätte in Wachtberg-Berkum an. Für diesen Zweck war die Gründung einer gemeinsamen gemeinnützigen Gesellschaft beabsichtigt. Der Inbetriebnahme war für 2015 vorgesehen. Wie die Limbachstiftung dem DRK Wachtberg e.V. vor wenigen Tagen mittelte, sähe die Limbachstiftung für diese Kooperation keine Grundlage mehr. Dazu nehmen wir Stellung: Das DRK Wachtberg e.V. bedauert zutiefst, dass nach der Entscheidung der Limbachstiftung die Möglichkeiten einer Kooperation zum Bau und Betrieb einer Kindertagesstätte nicht weiter verfolgt werden können. Dabei widersprechen wir allerdings der seitens der Limbachstiftung vermittelten Darstellung, dass dies auf Defizite bei der Projektumsetzung durch das DRK Wachtberg e.V. zurückzuführen sei. Hierzu wurde aus Kreisen der Limbachstiftung geäußert, dass eine ausreichende Finanzierungbestätigung von uns nicht vorgelegt worden sei. Dies ist unzutreffend. Richtig ist, dass das DRK Wachtberg e.V. eine Finanzierungbestätigung der Kreissparkasse Köln über den gesamten auf den Ortsverein entfallenden Finanzbedarf vorgelegt hat. Etwaige Fördermittel blieben hierbei vollständig unberücksichtigt. Diese Finanzierungbestätigung setzte jedoch voraus, dass das für den Bau und Betrieb der Kindertagesstätte zu verwendende Grundstück als Sicherheit zur Verfügung stünde. Dies entsprach bis dahin auch den gemeinsamen Vorstellungen des DRK Wachtberg e.V. und der Limbachstiftung. Warum sich die Limbachstiftung an diesen Absprachen zuletzt nicht mehr festhalten lassen wollte, ist uns nicht bekannt, und dieses Vorgehen kann von uns auch nicht nachvollzogen werden. Unabhängig davon ist das DRK Wachtberg e.V. davon überzeugt, dass es auch unter Berücksichtigung der seitens der Limbachstiftung geänderten Verhandlungsgrundlage ohne weiteres möglich gewesen wäre, die erforderliche Finanzierung sicherzustellen und das Projekt erfolgreich zu realisieren. Aus unserer Sicht ist kein Anlass erkennbar, die Gespräche abzubrechen. So war das DRK Wachtberg e.V. sogar bereit, sich konstruktiv mit den finanziellen Gegebenheiten der Limbachstiftung auseinanderzusetzen. Etwa war bei der Projektplanung zu berücksichtigen, dass es seitens der Limbachstiftung aktuell wohleinen erheblichen Rückstellungsbedarf für absehbare Verbindlichkeiten bei einer Zusatzversorgungskasse gab und gibt, der eine nachhaltige Schwächung der finanziellen Basis der Limbachstiftung befürchten ließ. Bedauerlicherweise war die Limbachstiftung trotz ausdrücklicher und konkreter Nachfrage nicht bereit, Einzelheiten dieses Gesichtspunkts gegenüber dem DRK Wachtberg e.V. offen zu legen und die für eine gemeinsame Tätigkeit erforderliche Transparenz herzustellen. Das DRK Wachtberg ist weiterhin daran interessiert, den Bürgern in Wachtberg und den Kindern in und um Berkum künftig eine Kindertagesstätte anzubieten, zumal vonseiten des Kreisjugendamtes zuletzt tatsächlich kurzfristig zur Verfügung stehende Fördermittel in Aussicht gestellt wurden, wenn bis zum 15.11.2013 dem Amt unsere Realisierungsmöglichkeit angezeigt wird. Die Limbachstiftung hatte das DRK Wachtberg e.V. bekanntlich deshalb als Projektpartner ausgewählt, weil das DRK Wachtberg e.V. über die umfassende und belastbare Expertise verfügt, die für den Betrieb einer solchen Einrichtung unabdingbar erforderlich ist. Auch weiterhin sind wir der Auffassung, dass diese Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen für den Betrieb einer Kindertagesstätte zwingend sind, um ein zufriedenstellendes Angebot für Kinder und Eltern gewährleisten zu können. Mit dem für uns nicht nachvollziehbaren Abbruch der Verhandlungen durch die Limbachstiftung steht das für die Durchführung dieses Projekts erforderliche Grundstück leider nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Wir meinen, dass dies nicht so bleiben muss.Das DRK Wachtberg e.V. hat dem Kreisjugendamt gegenüberdaher fristgerecht verdeutlicht, dass unsererseits die Realisierungsmöglichkeit an der Grundstücksfrage scheitert und sieht daher Hinweisen und Angeboten über potenziell geeignete Flächen im Gebiet der Gemeinde Wachtberg-Berkum mit großem Interesse entgegen. Zugleich soll die Hoffnung nicht aufgegeben werden, dass sich nunmehr auch einmal die Gemeinde für dieses für sie so wichtige Projekt engagiert und starkmacht. Mit einem geeigneten Grundstück könnte und sollte der Bau und Betrieb einer Kindertagesstätte alsbald möglich werden. Kontakt: Michael Bau Geschäftsführer DRK Ortsverein Wachtberg e.V. Auf dem Kummgraben 9 53343 Wachtberg 0228/9431110 - 0172/7148048
    Nov 17th 2013, 21:48
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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 22 Themen
Nov 18th 2013, 21:59, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


 projekt koran - Social Mention: Foto de toi Islamic Finance Darstellung der Entwicklung, Instrumente und Methoden sowie Produkte und Dienstleistungen Inhaltsverzeichnis I Inhaltsverzeichnis Inhaltsverzeichnis I Abbildungsverzeichnis IV Tabellenverzeichnis V Abkürzungsverzeichnis VI 1 Einleitung. 1 1.1 Ausgangssituation und Problemstellung 1 1.2 Ziel und Aufbau der Arbeit 2 1.3 Rahmen und Abgrenzung 2 1.4 Begriffserklärung 3 1.5 Vorgehensweise 3 2 Grundlagen des Islams 4 2.1 Der Islam 4 2.2 Pflichten eines Moslems 4 2.2.1 Erste Säule: Das Glaubensbekenntnis 5 2.2.2 Zweite Säule: Das Gebet 5 2.2.3 Dritte Säule: Die soziale Pflichtabgabe 6 2.2.4 Vierte Säule: Fasten 6 2.2.5 Fünfte Säule: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka 7 2.3 Helal und Haram 7 2.4 Unterschied Zakat und Sadaqa 8 2.5 Quellen des Islams: Koran und Sunna 8 2.5.1 Der Koran 8 2.5.2 Die Sunna 9 2.6 Scharia 9 2.6.1 Quellen der Scharia 10 2.6.2 Sharia Supervisory Board 10 2.7 Muslimische Bevölkerung in Zahlen 12 2.8 Islamisches Wirtschaftssystem 13 3 Grundlagen des Islamic Finance 16 3.1 Definition 16 3.2 Geschichtliche Entwicklung 16 3.3 Institutionen des Islamic Finance 18 3.3.1 Islamic Development Bank 18 3.3.2 Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) 19 3.3.3 International Islamic Financial Market (IIFM) 19 3 3 4 Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) 19 Inhaltsverzeichnis II 3.3.5 International Islamic Rating Agency - (IIRA) 20 3.3.6 Islamische Banken 21 Unterschied zwischen islamischen und konventionellen Banken 22 3.4 Grundsätzliche Verbote 22 3.4.1 Riba 22 3.4.2 Gharar 25 3.4.3 Maisir/Qimar 26 3.5 Weitere Verbote der islamischen Finanzierung 27 3.5.1 Verbot des Verkaufs von Waren vor dem endgültig angestrebten Zustand 28 3.5.2 Verbot des zufälligen Erwerbs einer Ware 28 3.5.3 Verbot des Weiterverkaufs eines Kaufobjektes vor dessen Besitzergreifung 28 3.5.4 Verbot des Verkaufs eines Schuldverhältnisses gegen ein anderes Schuldverhältnis 29 3.5.5 Verbot von mehreren Kaufverträgen oder Kettenverträgen, die sich in einem Vertrag verbergen 29 3.5.6 Verbot des Verkaufs gegen eine Anzahlung 29 4 Instrumente und Methoden des Islamic Finance 30 4.1 Finanzierungsinstrumente auf der Grundlage des Fremdkapitals 30 4.1.1 Murabaha 30 4.1.2 Salam 31 4.1.3 Istisna 33 4.1.4 Arbun 35 4.1.5 Qard Hasan 35 4.2 Finanzierungsinstrument auf der Grundlage des Leasings 36 4.2.1 Ijara 36 4.3 Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten auf der Grundlage des Eigenkapitals 37 4.3.1 Mudaraba 37 4.3.2 Musharaka 39 Abnehmende Musharaka 40 4.4 Service 41 4.4.1 Wakala 41 5 Weiterentwickelte Produkte und Dienstleistungen 43 5.1 Islamischer Kapitalmarkt 43 5.1.1 Islamische Aktien 43 5.1.2 Islamische Anleihen (Sukuk) 44 Grundmodell eines Sukuks 45 Emissionierte Sukuks spezifiziert nach Ländern 46 Sukuk-al-Ijara 47 Sukuk-al-Musharaka. 48 5 1 2 5 Sukul-al-Murabaha 48 Inhaltsverzeichnis III Sukuk-al-Mudaraba 48 Sukuk-al-Salam 48 Sukuk-al-Istisna 48 5.1.3 Islamische Fonds 49 Aktienfonds 49 Immobilienfonds. 52 Rohstofffonds 52 Hedgefonds 52 5.2 Islamische Versicherungen 53 5.2.1 Takaful 53 Takaful nach dem Mudaraba - Modell 55 Takaful nach dem Wakala - Modell 57 5.2.2 Retakaful 58 6 Islamic Finance in Deutschland 59 6.1 Marktpotenzial in Deutschland 59 6.2 Bisherige Entwicklung 60 6.3 Nichterfolgsgründe 61 7 Fazit 63 Literaturverzeichnis 66 Internetverzeichnis 68 Abbildungsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Abbildung 1: Fünf Säulen des Islams Abbildung 2: Vielfalt in Glauben Abbildung 3: Wachsender Islam CHRISTEN und MUSLIME in Prozent der Weltbevölkerung Abbildung 4: Murabaha - Struktur Abbildung 5: Salam - Struktur Abbildung 6: Istisna - Struktur Abbildung 7: Ijara - Struktur Abbildung 8: Mudaraba - Struktur Abbildung 9: Musharaka - Struktur Abbildung 10: Abnehmende Musharaka - Struktur Abbildung 11: Sukuk - Struktur Abbildung 12: Islamischer Investmentfonds nach dem Mudarabah - Konzept Abbildung 13: Takaful - Modell auf Mudarabah - Basis Abbildung 14: Takaful - Modell auf Wakalah - Basis Tabellenverzeichnis V Tabellenverzeichnis Tabelle 1: Die Entwicklung des islamischen Finanzsystems 18 Tabelle 2: Gegenüberstellung von Islamic Banking und konventionellem Bankgeschäft 22 Tabelle 3: Klassifikation der Sukuk - Ausgaben nach Ländern (in Million ) 47 Tabelle 4: Vergleich Deutschland mit Großbritannien 60 Abkürzungsverzeichnis VI Abkürzungsverzeichnis AAOIFI Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions IDB Islamische Entwicklungsbank IFSB Islamic Financial Services Board IIFM International Islamic Financial Market IIRA International Islamic Rating Agency 1 Einleitung 1 1 Einleitung 1.1 Ausgangssituation und Problemstellung Das islamische Finanzwesen ist zurzeit der am schnellsten wachsende Finanzsektor und rückt durch die aktuelle Weltwirtschaftskrise in den Mittelpunkt, und zwar nicht nur in der islamischen Welt, sondern auch für konventionelle Banken der westlichen Welt. Die negativen Auswirkungen der Weltwirtschaftskrise haben die islamischen Banken nicht allzu sehr betroffen, da diese Banken nicht mit dem weltweiten Bankensystem gekoppelt sind. Im Gegensatz zu den konventionellen Banken orientieren sich die islamischen Banken an den Grundsätzen des Islams, wobei die Hauptquellen der Koran und die Sunna sind. Die Banken bieten ihren Kunden schariakonforme Kredite und Konten an, wobei die Scharia das Kontrollorgan des Islamic Finance bildet. Zu den Hauptunterschieden zwischen den islamischen und westlich orientierten Banken gehören die Erhebung von Zinsen, als Riba bezeichnet, und Geschäfte, die mit Risiken verbunden sind. Beide sind in islamischen Banken verboten. Es herrscht also ein Spekulationsverbot, das Gharar genannt wird. Weiterhin wird ein Glücksspielverbot vorgeschrieben, also ein „Verbot von Finanzderivaten" 1 , welches als Maisir/Qimar bezeichnet wird. Des Weiteren ist es verboten, mit Geld weiteres Geld zu erschaffen. Aus diesem Grunde umgeht das islamische Wirtschaftssystem Leerverkäufe wie auch Beteiligungen an Wirtschafssektoren mit Alkohol, Tabak, Schweinefleisch- und Waffenherstellung. Vor allem in Großbritannien kann man beobachten, wie erfolgreich die islamischen Banken ihre Produkte in Europa an muslimische und nicht-muslimische Kunden ver- kaufen und wie der Markt der islamischen Finanzierung immer mehr an Volumen zu- nimmt. Die westliche Welt zeigt Interesse, mithilfe der Instrumente der islamischen Finanzierung die Krise zu bewältigen, und hat die Absicht, diese Instrumente exakt zu analysieren, um diese dann selbst einzusetzen und eigene Produkte zu verkaufen. Deshalb solle in dieser Arbeit das Islamic Finance ihrem Wesen nach dargestellt werden. 1 Mahlknecht, Michael: Islamic Finance. Einführung in Theorie und Praxis (1. Auflage) Weinheim: Wiley-Vch Verlag GmbH. 2009, S. 26. 1 Einleitung 2 1.2 Ziel und Aufbau der Arbeit Das Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Philosophie der islamischen Finanzierung darzustellen. Es soll erfahren werden, was Sinn und Zweck dieser Art von Finanzierung ist. Die Frage, warum es keine Zinsen gibt, und auch, warum Spekulationen und Glücksspiele verboten sind, soll geklärt werden. Außerdem ist es das Ziel, die Instrumente der islamischen Finanzierung darzustellen und auf die Teilgebiete des Islamic Finance einzugehen. Die Arbeit ist folgendermaßen gegliedert: Im ersten Kapitel werden die Ausgangssituation und Problemstellung, das Ziel der Arbeit, Rahmen und Abgrenzung, Begriffserklärung sowie Vorgehensweise dargestellt. Im zweiten Kapitel werden die Grundlagen des Islams veranschaulicht, wobei auf die Philosophie des Islams eingegangen wird, die Pflichten eines Moslems werden erläutert. Halal und Haram, die Scharia, die Quellen des Islams und auch das islamische Wirtschaftssystem werden geschildert. Dieses Kapitel dient dazu, einem nicht muslimischen Leser einen kurzen Gesamtüberblick und ein Verständnis der Religion zu verschaffen. Das dritte Kapitel dient dazu, das Islamic Finance zu diskutieren: mit einer Definition, der Vorstellung der Institutionen, der grundsätzlichen Verbote des Islamic Finance sowie weiterer Verbote. Im vierten Kapitel werden dann die Instrumente des Islamic Finance behandelt, die in die Rubriken Handels- und Projekt-, Leasing-, Beteiligungsfinanzierungen sowie Dienstleistungen unterteilt werden. Das fünfte Kapitel stellt die Produkte vor, die seitens der Scharia durch die grundlegenden islamischen Vertragstypen aus dem Kapitel 4 weiterentwickelt wurden, unterteilt in den islamischen Kapitalmarkt und islamische Versicherungen. Das sechste Kapitel soll die bisherigen oder auch zukünftigen Erfolge des Islamic Finance darstellen. Das siebente und letzte Kapitel fasst das Thema Islamic Finance abschließend zusammen. 1.3 Rahmen und Abgrenzung Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Finanzinstrumente des Islamic Finance wurden nach ihrem Bekanntheitsgrad und Nutzungsgrad ausgewählt. Es gibt neben diesen Formen 1 Einleitung 3 noch weitere andere islamische Finanzgeschäfte, die aber im Rahmen dieser Arbeit keine Beachtung finden Die Arbeit grenzt sich bewusst nur auf klassische Finanzinstrumente ein. 1.4 Begriffserklärung In dieser Arbeit tauchen viele arabische Begriffe auf, die in verschiedenen Quellen keine einheitliche Schreibweise aufweisen. Aus diesem Grunde wird hier die Schreibweise aus der Publikation „Islamic Finance" von Mahlknecht aus dem Jahre 2009 verwendet. Der arabische Begriff für Gott lautet Allah und wird innerhalb dieser Arbeit fortlaufend benutzt. Außerdem fallen Begriffe wie islamische Finanzwelt oder islamische Finanzinstrumente, die sich aber nur auf schariakonforme Geschäfte beziehen. An einigen Textstellen folgen englische Begriffe, da diese sich im Deutschen durchgesetzt haben und in englischer Form in Deutschland im Zusammenhang mit dem Islamic Finance angewendet werden. 1.5 Vorgehensweise Im Rahmen der Arbeit werden Bücher, Artikel, Forschungsberichte, Medien und historische Quellen herangezogen. Außerdem werden Gespräche mit Imamen in Moscheen sowie Gespräche im Verwandten- und Bekanntenkreis genutzt, um die Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse zum Thema Islamic Finance in die Arbeit einzubringen. Ergänzend musst angegeben werden, dass es zum Thema Islamic Finance in Deutschland kaum Literatur gibt und deshalb auch Quellen in türkischer und englischer Sprache herangezogen wurden. 2 Grundlagen des Islams 4 2 Grundlagen des Islams 2.1 Der Islam Das arabische Wort Islam hat die Bedeutung „Unterwerfung, Versöhnung und Frieden." 2 Die Bedeutung Frieden kommt von der Verwandtschaft des Wortes Islam mit dem Wort Salam (arabisch Frieden). Islam ist die Bezeichnung einer Religion, bei der die Anhänger als Muslime oder Moslems bezeichnet werden. Der Islam ist eine „monotheistische Religion" 3 , d. h. die Muslime glauben nur an einen einzigen Gott Allah. Das Wort Allah ist die arabische Bezeichnung für Gott. Allah ist der Schöpfer und der Allmächtige. Die Abbildung Allahs ist verboten und unvorstellbar. Der Islam nach dem Christentum die zweitgrößte Weltreligion. Der Grundgedanke eines Muslims ist es, Allah nach der Art und Weise zu dienen, wie er es ihm befohlen hat. Der Islam hat zwei Hauptquellen, den Koran und die Sunna. Der Qur'an bzw. Koran ist die wörtliche Offenbarung Gottes, die durch den Erzengel an Mohammed übermittelt wurde. Den Koran zeichnete Mohammed in arabischer Sprache auf. Der Koran gilt als das heilige Buch aller Muslime. In der Sunna werden die Aussagen und Handlungen des Propheten Mohammed dokumentiert. 4 Vorschriften für die Lebensweise wurden in beiden festgeschrieben und beide sind für einen Moslem ein Fundament, wonach er sich zu richten hat. Auf diese beiden Quellen wird in den nächsten Abschnitten nochmals eingegangen. Der Islam ist nicht nur allein eine Religion, er ist auch ein Rechtssystem, das in alle Lebensgebiete eingreift. 2.2 Pflichten eines Moslems Der Islam basiert auf fünf Säulen (arkan al-Islam) 5 , die die Pflichten eines Moslems beschreiben. Das Glaubensbekenntnis, das Gebet, die „soziale Pflichtabgabe" 6 sowie das Fasten im Ramadanmonat und die Pilgerreise nach Mekka bilden diese fünf Säulen. 2 Vergl.: Imran, H.: Das islamische Wirtschaftssystem. Normen und Prinzipien einer alternativen Öko- ( 2. Auflage) Salzwasser-Verlag. 2008. S. 9. 3 Hofmann, M: Islam. Kreuzlingen / München: Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag. 2001, S. 13. 4 Vergl.: Imran (2008), S. 13f. 5 Hoffman (2001), S.38. 6 Islamic Relief., 20.11.2009 (10.12.2009). 2 Grundlagen des Islams 5 Abbildung 1: Fünf Säulen des Islams Quelle: Eigene Darstellung in Anlehnung an Hofmann, [2001], S. 38 ff. 2.2.1 Erste Säule: Das Glaubensbekenntnis In der ersten Pflicht, dem Glaubensbekenntnis, geht es darum, dass man erst ein Muslim werden kann, wenn man die islamische Glaubensformel (schahada; wörtlich: Zeugnis) gesagt hat. Hierbei wird der folgende Text gesprochen: „Ich bezeuge, dass es keine Gottheit außer Allah gibt, und ich bezeuge, dass Muhammad Allahs Gesandter ist (aschhadu an la illaha illa Allah, wa aschhadu anna Muhammad ar-rasulu'llah)." 7 Nachdem man diesen Text gesprochen hat, wird man offiziell zu einem Moslem. 2.2.2 Zweite Säule: Das Gebet Die zweite Pflicht ist das Gebet „(salat; persisch: namaz)" 8 . Ein Moslem hat die Pflicht, fünfmal am Tag zu beten, was er 7 Hoffmann (2001): S. 38. 8 Hoffmann (2001): S. 39. 2 Grundlagen des Islams 6 • „im Zustand ritueller Reinheit - unter Waschen von Händen, Unterar- 2.2.3 Dritte Säule: Die soziale Pflichtabgabe Die dritte Pflicht, die soziale Pflichtabgabe, wird als Zakat bezeichnet. Die Zakat ist eine Art Steuer, mit der geregelt wird, dass jeder Moslem einen Teil seines Vermögens bzw. seines Einkommens zu spenden hat. Jedoch müssen nur die Muslime die Steuer zahlen, die eine gute wirtschaftliche/ökonomische Lage haben und deren Schulden nicht ihr Vermögen übersteigen. Der Sinn und Zweck dieser Säule ist es, sein „Herz von Egoismus, Habsucht und der Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber dem Leid anderer Menschen" 10 zu säubern. In den folgenden Kapiteln wird die Zakat noch einmal erwähnt und der Vergleich zu Almosen klar verdeutlicht. 2.2.4 Vierte Säule: Fasten Die vierte Säule ist Fasten („arabisch Saum, auch Siyam") 11 im Ramadanmonat (30 Tage). Der Ramadanmonat ist deshalb so wichtig, da in diesem Monat der Koran von Allah an Mohammed herabgesandt wurde. Jeder Moslem, der körperlich gesund ist, muss in diesem Monat fasten, außer einigen Ausnahmen wie z. B. Schwangere, alte Menschen, Reisende und Kinder. Ein Moslem darf während des Fastens nur bis zum Anbeginn der Morgendämmerung essen und muss bis zur nächsten Mahlzeit auf den Untergang der Sonne warten. Das Fasten soll den Moslem lehren, sich selbst zu beherrschen und Einfühlvermögen für arme Menschen zu entwickeln. 9 Hoffmann (2001): S. 39. 10 Islamic Relief (2009). 11 Imran (2008), S. 12. 2 Grundlagen des Islams 7 2.2.5 Fünfte Säule: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka Die fünfte und letzte Säule des Islams ist die Pilgerfahrt („hadsch") 12 nach Mekka. Jeder erwachsene Moslem, der ökonomisch in der Lage ist, diese Fahrt zu finanzieren, hat die Pflicht, einmal in seinem Leben nach Mekka zu reisen. 13 Das Leben eines Moslems ist nach diesen Säulen reglementiert, es gibt aber noch weitere Verhaltensregeln und Bestimmungen, die ein Moslem beachten muss. Deshalb werden im nächsten Abschnitt Verbotenes (Haram) und Erlaubtes (Helal) im Islam beschrieben. 2.3 Helal und Haram Haram (Sünde) bezeichnet eine für einen Moslem verbotene Tat. Im Gegensatz dazu bedeutet das Wort Helal die Erlaubnis einer Tat. Neben den fünf Säulen des Islams, die die Grundlage des Daseins eines Moslems sein sollen, existieren weitere Verbote, die ihm im Koran vorgeschrieben sind und als Haram bezeichnet werden. Zu diesen Verboten gehören solche Dinge wie das Essen von Schweinefleisch oder das Konsumieren von Alkohol, aber auch „Verkauf, Handeln oder Transport solcher Waren" 14 sind nicht erlaubt. Gleichermaßen ist es auch nicht erlaubt, an Unternehmen, die in irgendeiner Weise mit diesen Produkten handeln oder diese produzieren, teilzuhaben bzw. daran mitzuwirken. 15 Haram sind außerdem noch „Glücksspiele, Pornografie und Prostitution" 16 sowie auch das Tätigen von Geschäften, die mit Zinsen oder Risiken behaftet sind. Diese sind einige relevante Beispiele, die im Leben eines Moslems verboten bzw. haram sind. Dagegen ist Helal nicht explizit vorgeschrieben. Helal ist das, was nicht verboten wurde und im Leben eines Moslems als erlaubt gilt. Wer also nach dem islamischen Recht finanzieren oder investieren möchte, darf nur mit den im Folgenden vorgestellten Instrumenten wirtschaften und sich an den hier be- 12 Hoffmann 13 Vergl.: Hoffmann (2001): S. 44. 14 Vergl.: Imran (2008), S. 22. 15 Vergl.: Imran (2008), S. 22. 16 Vergl.: Imran (2008), S. 22.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:24PM  

    projekt koran - Social Mention
    Foto de toi Islamic Finance Darstellung der Entwicklung, Instrumente und Methoden sowie Produkte und Dienstleistungen Inhaltsverzeichnis I Inhaltsverzeichnis Inhaltsverzeichnis I Abbildungsverzeichnis IV Tabellenverzeichnis V Abkürzungsverzeichnis VI 1 Einleitung. 1 1.1 Ausgangssituation und Problemstellung 1 1.2 Ziel und Aufbau der Arbeit 2 1.3 Rahmen und Abgrenzung 2 1.4 Begriffserklärung 3 1.5 Vorgehensweise 3 2 Grundlagen des Islams 4 2.1 Der Islam 4 2.2 Pflichten eines Moslems 4 2.2.1 Erste Säule: Das Glaubensbekenntnis 5 2.2.2 Zweite Säule: Das Gebet 5 2.2.3 Dritte Säule: Die soziale Pflichtabgabe 6 2.2.4 Vierte Säule: Fasten 6 2.2.5 Fünfte Säule: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka 7 2.3 Helal und Haram 7 2.4 Unterschied Zakat und Sadaqa 8 2.5 Quellen des Islams: Koran und Sunna 8 2.5.1 Der Koran 8 2.5.2 Die Sunna 9 2.6 Scharia 9 2.6.1 Quellen der Scharia 10 2.6.2 Sharia Supervisory Board 10 2.7 Muslimische Bevölkerung in Zahlen 12 2.8 Islamisches Wirtschaftssystem 13 3 Grundlagen des Islamic Finance 16 3.1 Definition 16 3.2 Geschichtliche Entwicklung 16 3.3 Institutionen des Islamic Finance 18 3.3.1 Islamic Development Bank 18 3.3.2 Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) 19 3.3.3 International Islamic Financial Market (IIFM) 19 3 3 4 Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) 19 Inhaltsverzeichnis II 3.3.5 International Islamic Rating Agency - (IIRA) 20 3.3.6 Islamische Banken 21 Unterschied zwischen islamischen und konventionellen Banken 22 3.4 Grundsätzliche Verbote 22 3.4.1 Riba 22 3.4.2 Gharar 25 3.4.3 Maisir/Qimar 26 3.5 Weitere Verbote der islamischen Finanzierung 27 3.5.1 Verbot des Verkaufs von Waren vor dem endgültig angestrebten Zustand 28 3.5.2 Verbot des zufälligen Erwerbs einer Ware 28 3.5.3 Verbot des Weiterverkaufs eines Kaufobjektes vor dessen Besitzergreifung 28 3.5.4 Verbot des Verkaufs eines Schuldverhältnisses gegen ein anderes Schuldverhältnis 29 3.5.5 Verbot von mehreren Kaufverträgen oder Kettenverträgen, die sich in einem Vertrag verbergen 29 3.5.6 Verbot des Verkaufs gegen eine Anzahlung 29 4 Instrumente und Methoden des Islamic Finance 30 4.1 Finanzierungsinstrumente auf der Grundlage des Fremdkapitals 30 4.1.1 Murabaha 30 4.1.2 Salam 31 4.1.3 Istisna 33 4.1.4 Arbun 35 4.1.5 Qard Hasan 35 4.2 Finanzierungsinstrument auf der Grundlage des Leasings 36 4.2.1 Ijara 36 4.3 Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten auf der Grundlage des Eigenkapitals 37 4.3.1 Mudaraba 37 4.3.2 Musharaka 39 Abnehmende Musharaka 40 4.4 Service 41 4.4.1 Wakala 41 5 Weiterentwickelte Produkte und Dienstleistungen 43 5.1 Islamischer Kapitalmarkt 43 5.1.1 Islamische Aktien 43 5.1.2 Islamische Anleihen (Sukuk) 44 Grundmodell eines Sukuks 45 Emissionierte Sukuks spezifiziert nach Ländern 46 Sukuk-al-Ijara 47 Sukuk-al-Musharaka. 48 5 1 2 5 Sukul-al-Murabaha 48 Inhaltsverzeichnis III Sukuk-al-Mudaraba 48 Sukuk-al-Salam 48 Sukuk-al-Istisna 48 5.1.3 Islamische Fonds 49 Aktienfonds 49 Immobilienfonds. 52 Rohstofffonds 52 Hedgefonds 52 5.2 Islamische Versicherungen 53 5.2.1 Takaful 53 Takaful nach dem Mudaraba - Modell 55 Takaful nach dem Wakala - Modell 57 5.2.2 Retakaful 58 6 Islamic Finance in Deutschland 59 6.1 Marktpotenzial in Deutschland 59 6.2 Bisherige Entwicklung 60 6.3 Nichterfolgsgründe 61 7 Fazit 63 Literaturverzeichnis 66 Internetverzeichnis 68 Abbildungsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Abbildung 1: Fünf Säulen des Islams Abbildung 2: Vielfalt in Glauben Abbildung 3: Wachsender Islam CHRISTEN und MUSLIME in Prozent der Weltbevölkerung Abbildung 4: Murabaha - Struktur Abbildung 5: Salam - Struktur Abbildung 6: Istisna - Struktur Abbildung 7: Ijara - Struktur Abbildung 8: Mudaraba - Struktur Abbildung 9: Musharaka - Struktur Abbildung 10: Abnehmende Musharaka - Struktur Abbildung 11: Sukuk - Struktur Abbildung 12: Islamischer Investmentfonds nach dem Mudarabah - Konzept Abbildung 13: Takaful - Modell auf Mudarabah - Basis Abbildung 14: Takaful - Modell auf Wakalah - Basis Tabellenverzeichnis V Tabellenverzeichnis Tabelle 1: Die Entwicklung des islamischen Finanzsystems 18 Tabelle 2: Gegenüberstellung von Islamic Banking und konventionellem Bankgeschäft 22 Tabelle 3: Klassifikation der Sukuk - Ausgaben nach Ländern (in Million ) 47 Tabelle 4: Vergleich Deutschland mit Großbritannien 60 Abkürzungsverzeichnis VI Abkürzungsverzeichnis AAOIFI Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions IDB Islamische Entwicklungsbank IFSB Islamic Financial Services Board IIFM International Islamic Financial Market IIRA International Islamic Rating Agency 1 Einleitung 1 1 Einleitung 1.1 Ausgangssituation und Problemstellung Das islamische Finanzwesen ist zurzeit der am schnellsten wachsende Finanzsektor und rückt durch die aktuelle Weltwirtschaftskrise in den Mittelpunkt, und zwar nicht nur in der islamischen Welt, sondern auch für konventionelle Banken der westlichen Welt. Die negativen Auswirkungen der Weltwirtschaftskrise haben die islamischen Banken nicht allzu sehr betroffen, da diese Banken nicht mit dem weltweiten Bankensystem gekoppelt sind. Im Gegensatz zu den konventionellen Banken orientieren sich die islamischen Banken an den Grundsätzen des Islams, wobei die Hauptquellen der Koran und die Sunna sind. Die Banken bieten ihren Kunden schariakonforme Kredite und Konten an, wobei die Scharia das Kontrollorgan des Islamic Finance bildet. Zu den Hauptunterschieden zwischen den islamischen und westlich orientierten Banken gehören die Erhebung von Zinsen, als Riba bezeichnet, und Geschäfte, die mit Risiken verbunden sind. Beide sind in islamischen Banken verboten. Es herrscht also ein Spekulationsverbot, das Gharar genannt wird. Weiterhin wird ein Glücksspielverbot vorgeschrieben, also ein „Verbot von Finanzderivaten" 1 , welches als Maisir/Qimar bezeichnet wird. Des Weiteren ist es verboten, mit Geld weiteres Geld zu erschaffen. Aus diesem Grunde umgeht das islamische Wirtschaftssystem Leerverkäufe wie auch Beteiligungen an Wirtschafssektoren mit Alkohol, Tabak, Schweinefleisch- und Waffenherstellung. Vor allem in Großbritannien kann man beobachten, wie erfolgreich die islamischen Banken ihre Produkte in Europa an muslimische und nicht-muslimische Kunden ver- kaufen und wie der Markt der islamischen Finanzierung immer mehr an Volumen zu- nimmt. Die westliche Welt zeigt Interesse, mithilfe der Instrumente der islamischen Finanzierung die Krise zu bewältigen, und hat die Absicht, diese Instrumente exakt zu analysieren, um diese dann selbst einzusetzen und eigene Produkte zu verkaufen. Deshalb solle in dieser Arbeit das Islamic Finance ihrem Wesen nach dargestellt werden. 1 Mahlknecht, Michael: Islamic Finance. Einführung in Theorie und Praxis (1. Auflage) Weinheim: Wiley-Vch Verlag GmbH. 2009, S. 26. 1 Einleitung 2 1.2 Ziel und Aufbau der Arbeit Das Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Philosophie der islamischen Finanzierung darzustellen. Es soll erfahren werden, was Sinn und Zweck dieser Art von Finanzierung ist. Die Frage, warum es keine Zinsen gibt, und auch, warum Spekulationen und Glücksspiele verboten sind, soll geklärt werden. Außerdem ist es das Ziel, die Instrumente der islamischen Finanzierung darzustellen und auf die Teilgebiete des Islamic Finance einzugehen. Die Arbeit ist folgendermaßen gegliedert: Im ersten Kapitel werden die Ausgangssituation und Problemstellung, das Ziel der Arbeit, Rahmen und Abgrenzung, Begriffserklärung sowie Vorgehensweise dargestellt. Im zweiten Kapitel werden die Grundlagen des Islams veranschaulicht, wobei auf die Philosophie des Islams eingegangen wird, die Pflichten eines Moslems werden erläutert. Halal und Haram, die Scharia, die Quellen des Islams und auch das islamische Wirtschaftssystem werden geschildert. Dieses Kapitel dient dazu, einem nicht muslimischen Leser einen kurzen Gesamtüberblick und ein Verständnis der Religion zu verschaffen. Das dritte Kapitel dient dazu, das Islamic Finance zu diskutieren: mit einer Definition, der Vorstellung der Institutionen, der grundsätzlichen Verbote des Islamic Finance sowie weiterer Verbote. Im vierten Kapitel werden dann die Instrumente des Islamic Finance behandelt, die in die Rubriken Handels- und Projekt-, Leasing-, Beteiligungsfinanzierungen sowie Dienstleistungen unterteilt werden. Das fünfte Kapitel stellt die Produkte vor, die seitens der Scharia durch die grundlegenden islamischen Vertragstypen aus dem Kapitel 4 weiterentwickelt wurden, unterteilt in den islamischen Kapitalmarkt und islamische Versicherungen. Das sechste Kapitel soll die bisherigen oder auch zukünftigen Erfolge des Islamic Finance darstellen. Das siebente und letzte Kapitel fasst das Thema Islamic Finance abschließend zusammen. 1.3 Rahmen und Abgrenzung Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Finanzinstrumente des Islamic Finance wurden nach ihrem Bekanntheitsgrad und Nutzungsgrad ausgewählt. Es gibt neben diesen Formen 1 Einleitung 3 noch weitere andere islamische Finanzgeschäfte, die aber im Rahmen dieser Arbeit keine Beachtung finden Die Arbeit grenzt sich bewusst nur auf klassische Finanzinstrumente ein. 1.4 Begriffserklärung In dieser Arbeit tauchen viele arabische Begriffe auf, die in verschiedenen Quellen keine einheitliche Schreibweise aufweisen. Aus diesem Grunde wird hier die Schreibweise aus der Publikation „Islamic Finance" von Mahlknecht aus dem Jahre 2009 verwendet. Der arabische Begriff für Gott lautet Allah und wird innerhalb dieser Arbeit fortlaufend benutzt. Außerdem fallen Begriffe wie islamische Finanzwelt oder islamische Finanzinstrumente, die sich aber nur auf schariakonforme Geschäfte beziehen. An einigen Textstellen folgen englische Begriffe, da diese sich im Deutschen durchgesetzt haben und in englischer Form in Deutschland im Zusammenhang mit dem Islamic Finance angewendet werden. 1.5 Vorgehensweise Im Rahmen der Arbeit werden Bücher, Artikel, Forschungsberichte, Medien und historische Quellen herangezogen. Außerdem werden Gespräche mit Imamen in Moscheen sowie Gespräche im Verwandten- und Bekanntenkreis genutzt, um die Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse zum Thema Islamic Finance in die Arbeit einzubringen. Ergänzend musst angegeben werden, dass es zum Thema Islamic Finance in Deutschland kaum Literatur gibt und deshalb auch Quellen in türkischer und englischer Sprache herangezogen wurden. 2 Grundlagen des Islams 4 2 Grundlagen des Islams 2.1 Der Islam Das arabische Wort Islam hat die Bedeutung „Unterwerfung, Versöhnung und Frieden." 2 Die Bedeutung Frieden kommt von der Verwandtschaft des Wortes Islam mit dem Wort Salam (arabisch Frieden). Islam ist die Bezeichnung einer Religion, bei der die Anhänger als Muslime oder Moslems bezeichnet werden. Der Islam ist eine „monotheistische Religion" 3 , d. h. die Muslime glauben nur an einen einzigen Gott Allah. Das Wort Allah ist die arabische Bezeichnung für Gott. Allah ist der Schöpfer und der Allmächtige. Die Abbildung Allahs ist verboten und unvorstellbar. Der Islam nach dem Christentum die zweitgrößte Weltreligion. Der Grundgedanke eines Muslims ist es, Allah nach der Art und Weise zu dienen, wie er es ihm befohlen hat. Der Islam hat zwei Hauptquellen, den Koran und die Sunna. Der Qur'an bzw. Koran ist die wörtliche Offenbarung Gottes, die durch den Erzengel an Mohammed übermittelt wurde. Den Koran zeichnete Mohammed in arabischer Sprache auf. Der Koran gilt als das heilige Buch aller Muslime. In der Sunna werden die Aussagen und Handlungen des Propheten Mohammed dokumentiert. 4 Vorschriften für die Lebensweise wurden in beiden festgeschrieben und beide sind für einen Moslem ein Fundament, wonach er sich zu richten hat. Auf diese beiden Quellen wird in den nächsten Abschnitten nochmals eingegangen. Der Islam ist nicht nur allein eine Religion, er ist auch ein Rechtssystem, das in alle Lebensgebiete eingreift. 2.2 Pflichten eines Moslems Der Islam basiert auf fünf Säulen (arkan al-Islam) 5 , die die Pflichten eines Moslems beschreiben. Das Glaubensbekenntnis, das Gebet, die „soziale Pflichtabgabe" 6 sowie das Fasten im Ramadanmonat und die Pilgerreise nach Mekka bilden diese fünf Säulen. 2 Vergl.: Imran, H.: Das islamische Wirtschaftssystem. Normen und Prinzipien einer alternativen Öko- ( 2. Auflage) Salzwasser-Verlag. 2008. S. 9. 3 Hofmann, M: Islam. Kreuzlingen / München: Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag. 2001, S. 13. 4 Vergl.: Imran (2008), S. 13f. 5 Hoffman (2001), S.38. 6 Islamic Relief., 20.11.2009 (10.12.2009). 2 Grundlagen des Islams 5 Abbildung 1: Fünf Säulen des Islams Quelle: Eigene Darstellung in Anlehnung an Hofmann, [2001], S. 38 ff. 2.2.1 Erste Säule: Das Glaubensbekenntnis In der ersten Pflicht, dem Glaubensbekenntnis, geht es darum, dass man erst ein Muslim werden kann, wenn man die islamische Glaubensformel (schahada; wörtlich: Zeugnis) gesagt hat. Hierbei wird der folgende Text gesprochen: „Ich bezeuge, dass es keine Gottheit außer Allah gibt, und ich bezeuge, dass Muhammad Allahs Gesandter ist (aschhadu an la illaha illa Allah, wa aschhadu anna Muhammad ar-rasulu'llah)." 7 Nachdem man diesen Text gesprochen hat, wird man offiziell zu einem Moslem. 2.2.2 Zweite Säule: Das Gebet Die zweite Pflicht ist das Gebet „(salat; persisch: namaz)" 8 . Ein Moslem hat die Pflicht, fünfmal am Tag zu beten, was er 7 Hoffmann (2001): S. 38. 8 Hoffmann (2001): S. 39. 2 Grundlagen des Islams 6 • „im Zustand ritueller Reinheit - unter Waschen von Händen, Unterar- 2.2.3 Dritte Säule: Die soziale Pflichtabgabe Die dritte Pflicht, die soziale Pflichtabgabe, wird als Zakat bezeichnet. Die Zakat ist eine Art Steuer, mit der geregelt wird, dass jeder Moslem einen Teil seines Vermögens bzw. seines Einkommens zu spenden hat. Jedoch müssen nur die Muslime die Steuer zahlen, die eine gute wirtschaftliche/ökonomische Lage haben und deren Schulden nicht ihr Vermögen übersteigen. Der Sinn und Zweck dieser Säule ist es, sein „Herz von Egoismus, Habsucht und der Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber dem Leid anderer Menschen" 10 zu säubern. In den folgenden Kapiteln wird die Zakat noch einmal erwähnt und der Vergleich zu Almosen klar verdeutlicht. 2.2.4 Vierte Säule: Fasten Die vierte Säule ist Fasten („arabisch Saum, auch Siyam") 11 im Ramadanmonat (30 Tage). Der Ramadanmonat ist deshalb so wichtig, da in diesem Monat der Koran von Allah an Mohammed herabgesandt wurde. Jeder Moslem, der körperlich gesund ist, muss in diesem Monat fasten, außer einigen Ausnahmen wie z. B. Schwangere, alte Menschen, Reisende und Kinder. Ein Moslem darf während des Fastens nur bis zum Anbeginn der Morgendämmerung essen und muss bis zur nächsten Mahlzeit auf den Untergang der Sonne warten. Das Fasten soll den Moslem lehren, sich selbst zu beherrschen und Einfühlvermögen für arme Menschen zu entwickeln. 9 Hoffmann (2001): S. 39. 10 Islamic Relief (2009). 11 Imran (2008), S. 12. 2 Grundlagen des Islams 7 2.2.5 Fünfte Säule: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka Die fünfte und letzte Säule des Islams ist die Pilgerfahrt („hadsch") 12 nach Mekka. Jeder erwachsene Moslem, der ökonomisch in der Lage ist, diese Fahrt zu finanzieren, hat die Pflicht, einmal in seinem Leben nach Mekka zu reisen. 13 Das Leben eines Moslems ist nach diesen Säulen reglementiert, es gibt aber noch weitere Verhaltensregeln und Bestimmungen, die ein Moslem beachten muss. Deshalb werden im nächsten Abschnitt Verbotenes (Haram) und Erlaubtes (Helal) im Islam beschrieben. 2.3 Helal und Haram Haram (Sünde) bezeichnet eine für einen Moslem verbotene Tat. Im Gegensatz dazu bedeutet das Wort Helal die Erlaubnis einer Tat. Neben den fünf Säulen des Islams, die die Grundlage des Daseins eines Moslems sein sollen, existieren weitere Verbote, die ihm im Koran vorgeschrieben sind und als Haram


 tauhid - Social Mention: BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:35
    Meremang bulu roma saya mendengar bacaan yang sangat merdu ini, tiba2 mengalir airmata. Ya Allah... Rindunya pada ayat2 suci Mu ya Allah ya tuhan ku... Lihat budak itu seringkali lap matanya, barang kali airmatanya mengalir... P\S kalau video lawak laju je korang like & Share Yang ni boleh 10.000 Likes :) Boleh 5.000 Share :) ♥ Aeril Zafrel & Wawa Zainal ♥
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    Adapun yang dikatakan Iman, Islam, Tauhid, dan Makrifat itu tidak boleh dipisah-pisahkan antara satu dengan lain karena sesungguhnya : Islam tanpa Iman itu kosong bagai sebiji padi yang tidak berisi. Iman tanpa Tauhid itu tidak berguna seperti padi yang tidak menjadi beras. Tauhid tanpa Makrifat itu tidak sempurna bagai beras tidak menjadi nasi. Makrifat itu adalah landasan pada Islam itu sendiri.
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:35
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 nasheed - Social Mention: Chal Daaru Peete Hai ,,, Samay Se Chura kar Kuchh Waqt,,, ,,, Chal Zindagi Jeete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Wo Sapno Ki Chaddar Jo Fat Gayi Hai,,, ,,, ,,, Nashe Me Hi Sahi,,, Aaj Usko Seete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... ... ... Usko Bata Do Ki Ab Aur Intzaar Nahi Uska,,, Uske Intzaar Me Na Jane Kitne Din,,, Mahine,,, Saal Bus Yun hi Beete Hai,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... ... ... Aaj Gumnaam Hi Sahi,,, Par Shaayd Ek Din Hamara Bhi Ekk Naam Hoga,,, ,,, ,,,, Isi Ummeed Me Jeete Hai ,,, ,,, . . Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... ... .. Eleven popular lines after drinking.. 1.Bhai hai tu mera 2.Gadi main chlaunga 3.Aaj chad nahi rahi 4.Main dil se teri izzat karta hoon 5.Yeh mat samajh k main pee ke bol raha hoon 6.Yaar kam to nahi padegi? 7.Ek chhota sa aur ho jaye 8.Tu bol bhai kya chahiye, tere liye jaan bhi hajir hai. 9.Apne baap ko mat sikha 10.Kaash wo mil jati to ye hath mein na hoti & the best one 11.Sunday se daru band... Aur gym chalu.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    nasheed - Social Mention
    Chal Daaru Peete Hai ,,, Samay Se Chura kar Kuchh Waqt,,, ,,, Chal Zindagi Jeete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Wo Sapno Ki Chaddar Jo Fat Gayi Hai,,, ,,, ,,, Nashe Me Hi Sahi,,, Aaj Usko Seete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... ... ... Usko Bata Do Ki Ab Aur Intzaar Nahi Uska,,, Uske Intzaar Me Na Jane Kitne Din,,, Mahine,,, Saal Bus Yun hi Beete Hai,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... ... ... Aaj Gumnaam Hi Sahi,,, Par Shaayd Ek Din Hamara Bhi Ekk Naam Hoga,,, ,,, ,,,, Isi Ummeed Me Jeete Hai ,,, ,,, . . Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... ... .. Eleven popular lines after drinking.. 1.Bhai hai tu mera 2.Gadi main chlaunga 3.Aaj chad nahi rahi 4.Main dil se teri izzat karta hoon 5.Yeh mat samajh k main pee ke bol raha hoon 6.Yaar kam to nahi padegi? 7.Ek chhota sa aur ho jaye 8.Tu bol bhai kya chahiye, tere liye jaan bhi hajir hai. 9.Apne baap ko mat sikha 10.Kaash wo mil jati to ye hath mein na hoti & the best one 11.Sunday se daru band... Aur gym chalu.
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:15
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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
Nov 18th 2013, 21:45, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


 tauhid - Social Mention: BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:42PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 18:51
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:41PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    If you want to know that what is Freedom...!! : Ask it from those who are in prison...?? : If you want to know that what is happiness... !! : Ask it from those oppressed muslims...!! : who don't know what is happiness...!! : If you want to know that what is the purpose of life...!! : Ask it from a Mujahid who fisabilillah fights...!! : If you want to know that what is real success...!! : Find it on a smiley face of a Martyr...!! : Where you will see no signs of regret...!! # affi
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:38
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:24PM  

    projekt quran - Social Mention
    Nov 15th 2013, 13:22
    The way we fight against antisemitism cannot be granted as a merit or the humanitarian gesture. It's neither only about the struggle for the dignity of the Jews, but in the same way it's our struggle for our own dignity. It's about every person's dignity. Generalization, characteristic for the very essence of antisemitism, leads beyond the moral categories which cannot be breached if we don't want our civilization to fail. Tadeusz Mazowiecki ("Antisemitism of good and kind people", 1960)   The common perception amongst many people across Europe is that Western Europe can be described as being more tolerant than Central-Eastern part of the continent. This looks like mutual perception of people from the both sides of former Iron Curtain.   In fact, the truth is more complicated. That's why we wish to look at the real situation. Is it true that racism is not so common problem in Western Europe? Is it better - despite the legal situation - to be gay in Paris than in Warsaw?   By taking on hate speech examples in Poland and France, we would like to try to define the similarities and differences between European countries. Considering the necessary oversimplifications, we can perceive France as a good example of Western European country, as many social processes in modern history of France are significant for most of the countries with post-colonial history that we could name "Western". Just to mention some of them: the sexual revolution, the European integration… On the other hand, Poland - as a country situated "between Germany and Russia" experienced fate similar in many ways to those of any other Central-Eastern European countries, where the processes like sexual revolution happened a bit later.   Before we start, we must emphasize one thing - we realize the hate speech can be based on various criteria, like: age, gender, disabilities, social status etc.. However, as the Conference is about nationalism, we'd like to focus specifically on cultural- and ethnic-related forms of hate speech, as well as the LGBT people, who is also a vulnerable target of extreme-right groups especially - but not only! - in Central-Eastern Europe.   Foreigners   The general perception of everyone who don't fit to the criteria of majority group is similar in Poland and in France.   In Poland, people perceive the Western Europeans - in general - as being welcomed in Poland. Polish people don't see the problem with immigration from the countries that are culturally similar, like Belarus or Ukraine. We can, however, observe some specific manner to treat the people from the former USSR as our poor brothers and sisters, who need sympathy and care. It's hard to realize for many people that someone from the former USSR could achieve success in life. Usually, they're associated with the simple physical works, e.g. "Ukrainka (Ukrainian women)" is a synonym of cleaning lady or babysitter. One year ago, in a Polish radio broadcast, the hosts made dirty comments about Ukrainian people, just a day after Ukraine national football team lost their last match on Euro 2012.  The first of the hosts, Kuba Wojewodzki, started with the claim that "he acted like a real Pole - he threw his Ukrainka out of the house", and the second one replied: "I won't pay her cause I don't have to, and if she were more beautiful I would've raped her". This program caused many controversies in Poland and Ukraine, and certainly didn't affect the mutual relations in a positive way. Many people defended the hosts, proclaiming that it was only the pastiche of the approach of Polish upper-middle class towards their immigrant workers. This case is especially meaningful, as these clearly inappropriate words were said, and later they were defended not by bigoted right-wingers, but by moderate young people, often with really open minds and with no bad intentions. In France, xenophobic attitudes also vary according to the origin of the people seen as "foreigners." The European citizens: German, English, Polish or Portuguese etc. are relatively spared of xenophobic discourse. However, recent incidents showed that racism and incitement to racial hatred targeting "visible minorities" are far from being eradicated in France. Even if we thought so-called "colonial" racism disappeared, Christiane Taubira - Minister of Justice and, born in French Guiana, has been the subject of racist attacks lately. Last month, Anne-Sophie Leclerc, FN candidate in the municipal elections in Rethel, compared the Minister to a monkey. Besides a pitiful photomontage, she added "In this image, all is said. Ultimately, I prefer to see her hanging in a tree than at the Government (...)". Few days ago a similar incident took place in Nantes, while during a protest against the gay weddings a young teenager threw a banana at Christiane Taubira, shouting "Here is the banana for the monkey". As one of Le Monde's columntists proclaimed: "What made [it] possible is the daily repetition of another scene, more mundane but no less pernicious, which gradually we got used to. It's getting common: somewhere, in a public place, someone makes a racist/misogynic/homophobic statement. People don't protest, even if they disagree, because it always end with someone proclaiming: I'm tired of political correctness!, and this is the end of discussion"   The Roma population is also a target of hate speech in entire Europe. Despite the tragedy of Roma people during the World War II, and notwithstanding a long-standing tradition of romophobia in every European country, it's not seen as really inappropriate to hate Roma people. They are associated with being beggars and thieves, and are barely seen as a valuable members of society.   In France, this idea prevails, many people agree with the speech of Nicolas Sarkozy. In 2002, he stated" "How comes  that - in some of these camps - we can see such beautiful cars, when there are so few people working ?". Such ideas can lead sometimes to particularly dangerous hate speech. In July 2013, moving in a Roma settlement, the deputy mayor of Cholet, Gilles Bourdouleix , blurted out: "Maybe Hitler did not kill enough of those people." In Poland, the situation looks quite different when compared to other Central European countries, as Roma community is relatively small. However, we face the same type of stereotypes that one can say even from the mouths of well-educated and generally open-minded people. Last summer, radical neo-fascist organization called for destruction of Bulgarian Roma's camp in Wroclaw, luckily no one got hurt. The people responsible for the action used the term of "Final Solution" to describe their plans toward the occupants of the camp…   Islamophobia   Islamophobia seems to be a common issue in the entire European continent, those days. If the social and historical contexts of the "fear" of Muslims vary from one country to another, hate speech seems to be spreading exponentially in all Europe. Countries like Poland "borrow" the discourse from the countries of Western Europe. The portrait of Arab/Muslim painted by the contemporary islamophobes does not differ so much from the image of a Jew from the first half of XXth century.   Western Islamophobia seems to have flowered in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, however it has deeper roots in French society. After decolonization of Algeria in 1962, immigration intensified in France and many immigrants were forced to live in very difficult social conditions. In the early 1980's the children of immigrants, started to claim for equal rights. While those young people were born in France and grew up in French culture, they did not get the same opportunities as the other because they were seen as "Arabs". Despite the "Marche des Beurs" (March of Arabs) which brought more than 100,000 people in Paris in 1983, their voice was not heard. Meanwhile, in the 80's showed a significant growth of the Front National' popularity in France. By this time, many young people – disappointed by the French reality – turned their attention to Islam. In fact, Islam of the suburbs was the radical version of this religion. In 1998, French national football team won the World Cup – by this time, the slogan "black-blanc-beur" (black-white-Arab) gained popularity, and people were really proud of their multicultural society. However, during the the 2000's a French society faced a significant increase in Islamophobia. In recent years, the debates about Muslims in France have brought large polemics. The issue of the ban on burqa has crystallized tensions in 2009, while the year 2013 saw the birth of the polemic around the street prayers. Hate speech has swollen around these issues and Marine Le Pen, the Front National president, denounced the street prayers of Muslims, calling them "occupation" without "armor" or "soldiers", but "occupation anyway." The integration of Muslims in France is seen as a threat for the principle of secularism. Despite these hate speech, many racist clichés about Arabic people prevail in France, for example when a job is badly done, it is called " Arab's work."   In Poland, the Tatar community is described as a model example of "Europeanization of Islam". Tatars lived in the territories of Polish-Lithuanian state since the XIVth century. It's quite ironic that Jan Sobieski, a Polish king known for "preventing the Muslim invasion on Europe", was also the one who brought Tatars - Muslim nation - to modern Polish lands. 9/11 was definitely a milestone for the islamophobic resentments in Poland. People suddenly realized that we have small Muslim community in Poland, and they became hostile to everyone with "Middle-Eastern approach" - even if they could be members of Armenian immigrant's community, people of the oldest Christian nation in the world. The really sad reflection is how the image of Chechnyan refugees changed - from the poor victims of Russian regime to the part of "islamization of Poland". In 2010, the wave of islamophobic feelings arised when the Muslim League in Poland started to build their cultural-religious center, which is known as the "mosque of Warsaw". It was perhaps the beginning of what we could call as a common fear on the islamization of Poland. More and more people started to think it's a huge problem. Internet discussions have been covered by primitive comments. Many islamophobes refers to the situation in Western Europe as the "examples of the next periods of islamization". The recent example, significant for islamophobic resentments in Poland, is an event organized on Tuesday, 12.11, a day after Polish Independence Day. The debate's name is: "No to the new - wahhabist - mosques in Poland!". Cover photo presents a lady in burqa reading Quran while speaking to some crowd, and a well-known, spread-over-the-Internet picture from some demonstration (in UK, perhaps) with a guy holding "Islam will dominate the world" slogan. We can take a look at the discussion on the wall of this specific event on Facebook, as it's certainly not the only one but quite incisive example of how these stereotypes and oversimplifications about Muslims work in Polish society. In one of the discussions, people try to stay on basis of content, discussing the numbers of refugees - Chechnyan mainly - in Poland. At some point someone, however, comes out with a statement that "in Western Europe, it started similar - just some people at one point, and now it's inferno!". This is kind of argument that can be easily repelled, however - it's really hard to change the position of people who truly believe these opinions. Even if this is not a "direct" hate speech, still it can justify more strong opinions, as it's "necessity" to "deal with the problem". Then, in the same facebook event, we have a link to the article about debate in "Gazeta Wyborcza", leading national newspaper with leftist-liberal views. They are called "Koszerna", which means "Kosher" newspaper by the participants. Someone admitted that it's inappropriate to make antisemitic statements, because "many Israeli Jews struggle against Muslim extremists". Someone immediately replied: "but in the meantime, the others Jews from Israeli government force Poland to legalize ritual slaughter, which makes the islamization of Poland easier. We shouldn't take being skeptical about anti-Polish actions made by some Jews as a form of antisemitism". But the official response of "Education Centre", organizers of the debate is even "better": "some Jews in Europe and America stay in one line with moonbats in their promotion of Islam and their struggle against antisemitism and antislamism. And that's what Wyborcza's doing - they're not only leftist and liberal, but also Jewish newspaper"[1].   Jews - new forms of antisemitism?   The recent report of the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) about discrimination and hate crimes against Jews in the EU members States demonstrates that antisemitism is still alive in European countries. In fact, the anti-Semitic incidents seem to multiply for the last ten years.   In France, the Governement led major education campaigns after the end of the Second World War to put an end to anti-Semitism. These campaigns were very efficient for years and decades, it has been very rare till the 1980's that you would hear antisemitic hate speech. However, as the report on the status of anti-Semitism in Europe presents, nowadays  85% of French Jews believe that anti-Semitism is a problem in their country, against 66% at European level. The French Jews feel the more insecure in Europe, for several reasons. The areas where the most of respondents feels anti-Semitism is still alive are: the Internet, media, expressions of hostility towards Jews in the street, and other public places, etc...   In 2006, French society was particularly shocked by the case of the "gang of barbarians" , in which a young Jewish man, Ilan Halimi, was kidnapped, tortured and then killed by a gang led by Youssouf Fofana. Anti-Semitism played a role in the violence of criminals and their choice of a Jewish victim, supposedly wealthy. On the 19th March 2012, three children and a teacher were killed at a Jewish school by Mohammed Merah. For the first time since the WWII, children were killed in France only because they were Jews… The problem of the resurgence of antisemitic crimes and hate speech in France might be partly explained by the perception of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. According to the respondents of the FRA survey, the most frequent comments made on Jews by non-Jews is: "Israel is behaving like Nazis towards the Palestinians". It is a fact that some young people newly converted to what is called "radical Islam" in the French suburbs tend to consider that it is the duty of every good Muslim to fight against the Jews for this reason. After the death of Merah – shot by a police - a proliferation of antisemitic speech on the internet was visible. On some social networks, Merah was hoisted to the status of martyr and some have called him a hero of modern times.   In Poland, we face a phenomenon of "antisemitism without Jews". Since the Shoah tragedy and 1968 "anti-Zionist" campaign of Polish authorities, the Jewish community in Poland is barely visible. Nevertheless, some stereotypes still lie in Polish people's heads, and still a word "Jew" can be seen as a form abuse in some communities, amongst school students for example. There were also some controversies around reprivatization of the properties nationalized by Communist authorities, which sometimes meant giving them back to the descendants of Jewish owners.


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Nov 18th 2013, 21:29, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Ex LibrisIT'S No Masterpiece, but 'Averton' Tells an Important Story,861/670.html
    Dec 5th 2009, 08:00
    The President has already met with his top military and civilian defense advisors and has ordered a surge in U.S. troop deployment in Afghanistan, so what I have to say to him is too late to make much difference.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:41PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    Flats for PUNJAB University (PU) employees of lower grade at New Campus - LAHORE PUNJAB University (PU) Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran inaugurated newly-built 12 flats for the employees of lower grade at New Campus on Friday and also laid foundation stone of 12 more flats to provide more residential facilities to the employees. The newly...
    Oct 5th 2013, 06:48
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 jihad - Social Mention: From Nek Muhammad to Maulana Fazlul Once Pakistan consented to fight US imposed war on terror as a Frontline State, it was asked by USA to flush out about 1000 foreign militants from FATA failing which the US military would be constrained to barge in. At that time, there were no Taliban in FATA or elsewhere in Pakistan except for a small percentage of Afghan Taliban fans. Regular troops ex 11 Corps entered Tirah Valley in Khyber Agency for the first time and from there proceeded to Shawal Valley in North Waziristan (NW) and then to South Waziristan (SW) in 2002 to launch operations against foreigners as well as their sympathizers. Their entry into SW and Musharraf's attempts to appease American paymasters sowed seeds of mistrust and gave birth to Pakistani Taliban. Terrorism in Pakistan grew when Pak Army at the behest of USA fought the militants in Mehsud belt in SW and later in NW and authorized employment of drones. Foreign agencies based in Kabul on the other hand provided massive covert support to militant groups to fight and defeat Pak Army, kill pro-government elements in FATA and make the northwestern region chaotic. Undermining of Islam and cruelty perpetrated upon captives in CIA detention centres inflamed anti-Americanism and anti-Army sentiments among Islamists. Terrorism scaled new heights after Obama took over in January 2009 and formulated aggressive Af-Pak policy. Obama clearly spelt out at the outset that the US would take physical action against a target in FATA by drones or US Special Forces whenever any actionable intelligence came its way. Nek Muhammad belonging to Yargul Khai sub-clan of Ahmadzai Wazir tribe in SW was the first Taliban commander to confront the Army. At the age of 19, he had joined the ranks of Mujahideen and had fought the Northern Alliance in provinces of Northern Afghanistan and had risen in ranks rapidly. He got acquainted with Osama bin Laden, Zawahiri, IMU leader Tahir Yaldeshev and Uyghur leader Hasan Mohsin. After taking part in war against the US led forces in Afghanistan in end 2001, he returned to Wana and formed Jaishal Qiba al Jihadi al-Siri al-Alimi. He provided shelter to al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters who had fled from Afghanistan. In March 2004, bloody battle was fought by the Army to evict Chechen; Uzbek and Tajik militants from SW. Less Uzbeks, the rest were flushed out. 400 al-Qaeda operatives were captured and handed over to USA. Lt Gen Safdar Commander 11 Corps prevailed upon Nek and the two signed a peace deal at Shakai Fort on April 24, 2004. Safdar embraced Nek, calling him 'a soldier of peace'. Soon after, Nek was killed by US drone near Wana on June 18, 2004 and the Army took the responsibility of his killing. After his death, Baitullah Mehsud hailing from Shabi Khel clan of Mehsud tribe emerged as the major militant leader. In the same timeframe, his cousin Abdullah Mehsud entered the arena of militancy in SW. He had lost a leg to a landmine in 1996 while fighting Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. He also fought against US led forces in October 2001 till he was arrested in December 2001. CIA released him from Guantanamo Bay Jail in early 2004 after fitting him with a prosthetic limb and thoroughly brainwashing him for 25 months and tasking him to fight Pak forces in SW. After his return he organized a 5000 strong force and operated in areas outside the realm of Baitullah Mehsud in Jandola, Tank and surroundings. He was behind abduction of two Chinese engineers working in Gomal Zam dam project. In the aftermath of Nek's death, Maulvi Nazir from Ahmadzai Wazir tribe replaced him in Wazir dominated SW, and by and large remained on friendly terms with the Army essentially because of age-old enmity between Wazirs and Mehsuds. He contributed to Afghan Taliban war effort by training and sending fighters. In 2006, he affiliated his group with Jamiat ul Ulema Islam Fazlur Rahman group and established Islamic laws in SW. In March 2007, Nazir in response to Army's demand, asked Uzbeks to quit SW or disarm and get registered. When they refused to comply, his group battled with them and by April 12 they managed to push them out of their area. Since both Baitullah and Abdullah vied for gaining dominance over Pakistani Taliban, they operated separately and didn't enjoy friendly relations. Reportedly, he killed himself with a grenade once he was surrounded by security forces in Zhob on July 24, 2007. Zainuddin took over the leadership of his group. Suspecting that Baitullah had a hand in his death, he got into an alliance with Maulvi Nazir and later also allied with Turkistan Bhittani based in Jandola. Zain-Baitullah animosity peaked from March 2009 onwards and ended when Zain was killed on June 23, 2009 in DIK by a gunman of Baitullah. Pakistan government announced reward money of Rs 50,000,000 for arrest of Baitullah in June 2009. After restoring order in SW, the security forces then entered Mehsud inhabited SW in 2004 where they were confronted by Baitullah Mehsud. After a hard fight, the troops cleared area up to short of Srarogha, and then both sides agreed to sign peace deal on February 8, 2005. The military agreed to withdraw leaving behind FC troops. The ceasefire however lasted only for five months after which Baitullah resumed attacks and started killing pro-government elements. By that time NW dominated by Hafiz Gul Bahadur led Othmanzai Wazir tribe heated up because of which additional troops had to be sent there from Kohat. Another peace agreement was signed by the Army with Gul Bahadur in September 2006 after the military agreed to remove pickets and release prisoners. Agreement was broken but renewed in August 2008, which is still intact. In the meanwhile, Bajaur under Maulvi Faqir Muhammad became restive. Efforts to broker peace agreement with Faqir were scuttled by a drone attack on a religious Madrassa in Bajaur on October 30, 2006 killing 82 young students. The ISPR bailed out USA by claiming it was Army's doing. In retaliation, the militants fired RPG rockets on KP Governor's security camp and on the convoy of 11 Corps Commander Lt Gen Aurakzai on November 8, 2006. The same day, Punjab Centre's training centre in Dargai was targeted by a suicide bomber killing 42 recruits and wounding 20. In March 2007, peace deal was inked with Maulvi Faqir in Bajaur. By then, the militants had gained control of three agencies of SW, NW and Bajaur. Bajaur incident on October 30, 2006 followed by Lal Masjid military operation in July 2007 in which over 100 inmates were killed were two events which galvanized the rural youth from deprived class to gravitate towards militancy. A militant outfit Janood-e-Hafsa comprising militants mostly from Southern Punjab was formed by Asmatullah Muawia to avenge deaths of Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa victims. Muawia linked up with Khalid Umar Khurasani led militants in Mehmand Agency and later when Baitullah formed TTP from an alliance of five militant groups in FATA in December 2007, Muawia allied with TTP, which had become more proactive after Lal Masjid tragedy. Hundreds of suicide bombers lined up and there was sudden escalation of suicide attacks in urban centres targeting both military and civilian targets TTP is a different entity from Mullah Omar which has confined its fight against Pakistan and Pak security forces only. Over a period of time it has spread its tentacles to settled areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) including Swat, Malakand and Darra Adam Khel (DAK) as well as Pashtun belt of Balochistan, southern Punjab wherefrom large numbers were enrolled as Punjabi Taliban with the help of Muawia and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, and Karachi. TTP was able to convert SW, Swat and Bajaur into highly fortified strongholds. As long as Tariq Afridi was in command of TTP chapter in DAK, he continuously threatened Kohat tunnel. Al-Qaeda linked with TTP provides technical, tactical and financial support to TTP. Several other banned extremist groups engaged in Kashmir Jihad, sectarianism and in criminal activities have joined TTP out of expediency, enabling TTP to strike targets in urban centres. 2007 was a bloody year in which the TTP scored several successes including capture of 247 soldiers on September 2 without firing a shot. Operation Zalzala was launched by 14 Division under Maj Gen Tariq Khan in SW in January 2008 and after achieving tactical success and regaining control, another ceasefire took place in February 2008. Ceasefire didn't last long as the militants captured Jandola on June 24, 2008, which was later recaptured by the Army. In Kurram Agency, sectarian war between sub-tribes stoked by foreign hand took a heavy toll of lives. TTP chapter of Kurram Agency under Fazal Saeed Utazai broke away from TTP and formed his own group. Mehmand Agency under Khurasani and Orakzai Agency became hotspots. Turbulence in the two agencies was controlled by launching targeted operations. In Khyber Agency, Mangal Bagh heading Lashkar-e-Islam (LI) emerged in Bara Tehsil in 2007 as a powerful entity and threatened Jamrud and the capital city of Peshawar. After pushing out pro-government Ansar-ul-Islam (AI) from Bara, LI chased it to Tirah Valley. After a hard fight from January to March 2013, LI in collusion with TTP managed to expel AI from Tirah resulting in deaths of 250 and displacement of 2-300,000 people. The Army supported by PAF launched Operation Rah-e-Shahadat and succeeded in evicting the duo by June. The only two Pashtun militant groups which stayed out of TTP and stuck to peace agreements with Army were Maulvi Nazir led group in SW and Hafiz Gul Bahadur led group in NW. In addition, a group led by Sirajuddin Haqqani based in NW is also friendly to the government and Army. On June 21, 2006 Sirajuddin had issued a decree that it was not Afghan Taliban policy to fight Pak Army. His father Jalaluddin Haqqani, a leading war veteran of Afghan Jihad against the Soviets had migrated with his family to NW in 1980, but later on shifted back to his hometown Khost. His youngest son Omar Haqqani was killed in Khost in 2008, while other two sons Badruddin and Mohammad were killed by drones in NW in 2009 and August 2013 respectively. Recently, the fourth son Dr. Naseeruddin Haqqani was murdered in Islamabad on November 11, 2013. Possible suspects are CIA and Afghan NDS since Haqqani Network has been banned by USA and considered as a huge threat in Eastern Afghanistan and Kabul. Sirajuddin carries head bounty of $5 million. Swat and Malakand Division under the sway of Maulana Fazlullah, son-in-law of TNSM's head Maulana Sufi, virtually made Swat into a State within a State and unleashed a reign of terror on the people of Swat and surrounding districts between 2007 and early 2009. Known as 'Mullah Radio', he not only exhorted people on radio to join his cadre but also trained teenage boys as suicide bombers at Mingora and at his HQ in Peochar. Bajaur became the exclusive domain of Maulvi Faqir Muhammad because of easy inflow of arms, equipment and funds from Kunar. This route of supply was also used for Swat via Dir. Srarogha became the command centre of TTP where Qari Hussain trained small boys aged between 11 to 18 years as suicide bombers. The three fortifications of Swat, Bajaur and SW had stored tons of sophisticated weaponry, ammunition and explosives in secret tunnels and caves to last them for next ten years. After the second military operation in Swat, peace deal was signed with Maulana Sufi and Fazlullah in February 2009. KP government agreed to introduce Nizam-e-Adal in Swat and Malakand Division and the other side agreed to renounce violence. Hardly had the ink dried on the agreement when Fazllulah's men opened new fronts in Buner and Lower Dir, which raised alarm bells that militants were working their way towards Islamabad. All political forces got together and passed a joint resolution to combat the militant threat with full force. It led to launching of military operation codenamed Rah-e-Rast on April 26, 2009 which ensued heavy fighting but in the end security forces supported by PAF emerged as winners. Injured Fazlullah and his key leaders escaped to Kunar. Many fled to Karachi and got settled in Pashtun community. Heavy fighting ensued in Loisam area of Bajaur in August 2008 in which hundreds of foreign fighters poured in from Afghanistan. Situation was stabilized within four days. In response to a suicide attack on Marriot Hotel in Islamabad in September 2008 planned by Faqir's men, an offensive was launched in Bajaur. By the time an operation was launched in Swat, all areas under the control of militants in Bajaur were recaptured and over 1000 militants including five high profile al-Qaeda operatives were killed and RAW trained Afghan militants pushed out. Peace was restored after Faqir and his hardcore militants fled to Kunar. On night of August 5, 2009, Baitullah Mehsud was killed by a drone in the house of in-laws of his recently married second wife in SW. It led to war of succession but ultimately Baitullah's bodyguard and driver Hakeemullah Mehsud was appointed the Ameer of TTP on August 22, who was as vicious as Fazlullah. However, the cracks in TTP never got repaired. Notwithstanding inner tensions, the Mehsuds suspected Maulvi Nazir's hand in the killing of their Ameer and attacked his camp in late August 2009 resulting in deaths of several men of Nazir. Baitullah's death and impending operation in SW impelled Hakeemullah to step up terrorist attacks. 2009 saw commencement of group attacks in Lahore. October 2009 was the heaviest in which GHQ was attacked on 10th, a military convoy was hit on 12th killing 41 soldiers, FIA building in Lahore attacked on 15th, ISI office in Peshawar on 16th, Islamic University Islamabad on 20th, a Brig was killed on 22nd, security post at Kamra attacked on 23rd, bomb blast in a restaurant in Peshawar on the same day, a Brig and his mother were shot at in Islamabad on 27th. Market in Shangla, police stations in Kohat and Peshawar and UN World Food Program offices in Islamabad were also targeted. These attacks impelled Gen Ashfaq Kayani to launch another military operation against the strongest base of TTP in SW. Operation Rah-e-Nijat was unleashed on 17th October 2009 and despite stiff resistance, the bastion of power was overpowered in a month time. The operation owed its success to Maulvi Nazir and Gul Bahadur's cooperation who agreed not to disturb Army's bases of operations resting within their respective areas of influence. Mehsuds ignored Bahadur but not Nazir. An attempt was made on him by a suicide bomber in November 2011, in which he received injuries but survived. In order to get back to his hometown in Makeen and also to extend his influence into Wazir dominated SW, it is speculated that Hakeemullah planned to kill his rival Maulvi Nazir. He passed on the information to NDS about his location through his emissary, which enabled CIA to kill him with drone near Angoor Adda in SW on January 2, 2013. With the dismantling of their main base in SW, the disarrayed TTP fighters sought refuge in other tribal agencies and in neighboring Nangarhar. Nucleus of TTP however shifted to Mirali in NW inhabited by second biggest tribe of Dawars after Othmanzai Wazir tribe. Some took refuge in area of Torikhel sub-tribe of Othmanzai tribe, reputed to be most ferocious fighters. For all practical purposes, TTP had lost its fighting potential after Operation Rah-e-Nijat. However, RAW and Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) with the blessing of CIA reinvigorated TTP that had been created with a set agenda to pulverize Pak Army. Absconding Fazlullah, Faqir, Khurasani and their men were activated in safe havens of Kunar and Nuristan. They were given houses, free rations and monthly pay as well arms and training facilities and launched into Dir, Mehmand, Bajaur and Chitral to heat up western border. Likewise, empty kitty of TTP was refilled and assigned new targets. The TTP's relocated base is now in NW, but its tentacles are spread all over the country. During the period of 2011-2012, large number of terrorist groups banned by Pakistan teamed up with TTP thereby strengthening the hands of Hakeemullah, but also added to his command and control problems. Most of the groups are Punjab based and the total numbers of groups are over 50 including 37 offshoot groups of TTP. Linkage of Punjabi Taliban led by Asmatullah Muawia with TTP has given the TTP added advantage to strike targets within Punjab. Knowing that he was the most wanted man and the US had kept $5 million head money on him in 2010 after the deadly suicide attack on CIA base in Khost, Hakeemullah kept changing his abodes frequently and hardly stayed in NW to protect himself from drones. For all practical purposes, his deputy Waliur Rahman managed TTP's affairs. Qari Hussain's death by a drone further weakened the hold of Hakimullah and strengthened Wali led lobby favoring talks with the government. Death of Waliur Rahman on May 30, 2013 disrupted the peace process that had begun to shape up after the election of pro-talks federal government and KP government. Hakeemullah appointed Khalid, alias Sajna, another pro-peace TTP leader and close friend of Wali as his deputy and head of TTP chapter in SW. But he never felt comfortable with him since he was more inclined towards anti-peace group. When Nawaz Sharif offered dialogue in his address to the nation in August, some of the TTP leaders like Ehsanullah Ehsan, Sajna and Muawia hailed his offer. Considering it to be an act of defiance against the policy of TTP Shura, Hakeemullah sacked Ehsan and Muawia and replaced Sajna with his very close confidante Latif Mehsud as his deputy and also appointed him as head of TTP chapter NW. His knee-jerk reactions indicated growing rift within TTP between pro-peace and anti-peace groups. The latter group has remained stuck to their stance of holding talks with the government from a position of strength with the aim of getting the constitution radically altered by injecting Islamic clauses, replacing Anglo-Saxon laws with Islamic laws, getting all their prisoners released, ending drone war, getting out of US imposed war and sharing power. Arrest of Hakeemullah's deputy Latif Mehsud in Afghanistan by US Special Forces in end October became big news. Reportedly, he was being escorted by NDS officials to Jalalabad to meet Indian High Commissioner. Another report says that he was sent as TTP emissary to Afghanistan by Hakeemullah to procure monetary and material assistance from NDS and guidance regarding peace talks offered by Pak government. Assigning future tasks besides meeting their demands by the NDS in league with RAW has been a routine affair for the last many years. None can deny that the US led ISAF and CIA are in full knowledge of TTP secret links with NDS and RAW and covert operations supervised by RAW. It is also a known fact that TTP is an asset of CIA, RAW and NDS and the trio have played a role in the election of TTP Ameer. Hakeemullah had earned applauds for carrying out sensational terror attacks against military targets in Pakistan. The leading story is that in the face of fast changing ground situation in Afghanistan because of Taliban's uncontrollable resurgence, Karzai's tantrums and efforts to disrupt Doha peace initiative, rising incidents of in-house attacks and Pakistan's grievances that the US had done nothing to address its security concerns, and the US having eventually realized that ISAF's safe pullout from Afghanistan was not possible without Pakistan's willing cooperation, Latif was arrested by the US military to mollify Pakistan and to warm up its frosty relations. It is also being said that CIA is abandoning TTP. The actual story is however similar to the one related to Maulvi Nazir's death. Hakeemullah had become a liability for his patrons after he got inclined to peace talks and hence marked as a target. He had to be bumped off and another Ameer, totally in their iron grip, chosen. Latif was arrested because he was the only one who knew the exact program of Hakeemullah's planned visit to NW on October 31. Probably $ 5 million award was too attractive an inducement for Latif to change his loyalties who otherwise was not in favor of talks. To assume that CIA has lost interest in TTP will be premature. CIA will use this card to keep Pakistan under pressure during its transition phase. Hakeemullah was killed by a drone in Dandey Darpakhel on October 31, 2013 at a time when he had accepted the dialogue offer and was expected to meet the government delegation of three Ulema on the following day. Ch Nisar had worked hard to tie up the loose ends and was very hopeful for a breakthrough. It was natural for peace lovers to feel disturbed over the gory incident, which was a willful attempt to derail peace process. To suspect that Pak government had a hand in killing of Hakeemullah, it doesn't make sense. Karzai's outburst of anger over arrest of Latif was a put up show. Asmatullah Shaheen was named interim TTP chief and on November 7, much to the surprise of all and sundry the most ruthless and wanted man in Pakistan Fazlullah was named as the new Ameer and equally brutal Khalid Haqqani hailing from Swabi as his deputy. It is for the first time that both the top appointments have been doled out to non-tribesmen. In his urge to prove that he is as good, if not better than his predecessors in the field of militancy, Fazlullah would strive to intensify militancy and strike high profile targets. He will do as told to do by his benefactors. TTP spokesman Azam Tariq has threatened that "every drop of Hakeemullah's blood will turn into a suicide bomber. Reprisal attacks have already started. Regardless of the threats and TTP's announcement that no talks will be held, the government is determined to pursue the dialogue process to end a violent anti-State campaign that has claimed well over 40,000 lives. Talking from position of weakness would however be a recipe for disaster. Efforts must continue to cultivate and strengthen pro-talks groups and isolate and weaken anti-peace talks groups led by Fazlullah. At the same time, well-thought out strategy must be devised how to checkmate new wave of violence in the coming months. The US and Karzai regime must be clearly told to stop their double game and hand over Fazlullah at the earliest, or else, Pak Army should take out its armed drone from the closet and have a go. Gul Bahadur has been unable to control activities of TTP and other militant groups based in NW despite his pleadings and warnings. Neither his Shura Muraqba has been able to control violence and vices. He must assert his authority to checkmate terrorism emanating out of NW before the government is compelled to launch a major operation.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    From Nek Muhammad to Maulana Fazlul Once Pakistan consented to fight US imposed war on terror as a Frontline State, it was asked by USA to flush out about 1000 foreign militants from FATA failing which the US military would be constrained to barge in. At that time, there were no Taliban in FATA or elsewhere in Pakistan except for a small percentage of Afghan Taliban fans. Regular troops ex 11 Corps entered Tirah Valley in Khyber Agency for the first time and from there proceeded to Shawal Valley in North Waziristan (NW) and then to South Waziristan (SW) in 2002 to launch operations against foreigners as well as their sympathizers. Their entry into SW and Musharraf's attempts to appease American paymasters sowed seeds of mistrust and gave birth to Pakistani Taliban. Terrorism in Pakistan grew when Pak Army at the behest of USA fought the militants in Mehsud belt in SW and later in NW and authorized employment of drones. Foreign agencies based in Kabul on the other hand provided massive covert support to militant groups to fight and defeat Pak Army, kill pro-government elements in FATA and make the northwestern region chaotic. Undermining of Islam and cruelty perpetrated upon captives in CIA detention centres inflamed anti-Americanism and anti-Army sentiments among Islamists. Terrorism scaled new heights after Obama took over in January 2009 and formulated aggressive Af-Pak policy. Obama clearly spelt out at the outset that the US would take physical action against a target in FATA by drones or US Special Forces whenever any actionable intelligence came its way. Nek Muhammad belonging to Yargul Khai sub-clan of Ahmadzai Wazir tribe in SW was the first Taliban commander to confront the Army. At the age of 19, he had joined the ranks of Mujahideen and had fought the Northern Alliance in provinces of Northern Afghanistan and had risen in ranks rapidly. He got acquainted with Osama bin Laden, Zawahiri, IMU leader Tahir Yaldeshev and Uyghur leader Hasan Mohsin. After taking part in war against the US led forces in Afghanistan in end 2001, he returned to Wana and formed Jaishal Qiba al Jihadi al-Siri al-Alimi. He provided shelter to al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters who had fled from Afghanistan. In March 2004, bloody battle was fought by the Army to evict Chechen; Uzbek and Tajik militants from SW. Less Uzbeks, the rest were flushed out. 400 al-Qaeda operatives were captured and handed over to USA. Lt Gen Safdar Commander 11 Corps prevailed upon Nek and the two signed a peace deal at Shakai Fort on April 24, 2004. Safdar embraced Nek, calling him 'a soldier of peace'. Soon after, Nek was killed by US drone near Wana on June 18, 2004 and the Army took the responsibility of his killing. After his death, Baitullah Mehsud hailing from Shabi Khel clan of Mehsud tribe emerged as the major militant leader. In the same timeframe, his cousin Abdullah Mehsud entered the arena of militancy in SW. He had lost a leg to a landmine in 1996 while fighting Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. He also fought against US led forces in October 2001 till he was arrested in December 2001. CIA released him from Guantanamo Bay Jail in early 2004 after fitting him with a prosthetic limb and thoroughly brainwashing him for 25 months and tasking him to fight Pak forces in SW. After his return he organized a 5000 strong force and operated in areas outside the realm of Baitullah Mehsud in Jandola, Tank and surroundings. He was behind abduction of two Chinese engineers working in Gomal Zam dam project. In the aftermath of Nek's death, Maulvi Nazir from Ahmadzai Wazir tribe replaced him in Wazir dominated SW, and by and large remained on friendly terms with the Army essentially because of age-old enmity between Wazirs and Mehsuds. He contributed to Afghan Taliban war effort by training and sending fighters. In 2006, he affiliated his group with Jamiat ul Ulema Islam Fazlur Rahman group and established Islamic laws in SW. In March 2007, Nazir in response to Army's demand, asked Uzbeks to quit SW or disarm and get registered. When they refused to comply, his group battled with them and by April 12 they managed to push them out of their area. Since both Baitullah and Abdullah vied for gaining dominance over Pakistani Taliban, they operated separately and didn't enjoy friendly relations. Reportedly, he killed himself with a grenade once he was surrounded by security forces in Zhob on July 24, 2007. Zainuddin took over the leadership of his group. Suspecting that Baitullah had a hand in his death, he got into an alliance with Maulvi Nazir and later also allied with Turkistan Bhittani based in Jandola. Zain-Baitullah animosity peaked from March 2009 onwards and ended when Zain was killed on June 23, 2009 in DIK by a gunman of Baitullah. Pakistan government announced reward money of Rs 50,000,000 for arrest of Baitullah in June 2009. After restoring order in SW, the security forces then entered Mehsud inhabited SW in 2004 where they were confronted by Baitullah Mehsud. After a hard fight, the troops cleared area up to short of Srarogha, and then both sides agreed to sign peace deal on February 8, 2005. The military agreed to withdraw leaving behind FC troops. The ceasefire however lasted only for five months after which Baitullah resumed attacks and started killing pro-government elements. By that time NW dominated by Hafiz Gul Bahadur led Othmanzai Wazir tribe heated up because of which additional troops had to be sent there from Kohat. Another peace agreement was signed by the Army with Gul Bahadur in September 2006 after the military agreed to remove pickets and release prisoners. Agreement was broken but renewed in August 2008, which is still intact. In the meanwhile, Bajaur under Maulvi Faqir Muhammad became restive. Efforts to broker peace agreement with Faqir were scuttled by a drone attack on a religious Madrassa in Bajaur on October 30, 2006 killing 82 young students. The ISPR bailed out USA by claiming it was Army's doing. In retaliation, the militants fired RPG rockets on KP Governor's security camp and on the convoy of 11 Corps Commander Lt Gen Aurakzai on November 8, 2006. The same day, Punjab Centre's training centre in Dargai was targeted by a suicide bomber killing 42 recruits and wounding 20. In March 2007, peace deal was inked with Maulvi Faqir in Bajaur. By then, the militants had gained control of three agencies of SW, NW and Bajaur. Bajaur incident on October 30, 2006 followed by Lal Masjid military operation in July 2007 in which over 100 inmates were killed were two events which galvanized the rural youth from deprived class to gravitate towards militancy. A militant outfit Janood-e-Hafsa comprising militants mostly from Southern Punjab was formed by Asmatullah Muawia to avenge deaths of Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa victims. Muawia linked up with Khalid Umar Khurasani led militants in Mehmand Agency and later when Baitullah formed TTP from an alliance of five militant groups in FATA in December 2007, Muawia allied with TTP, which had become more proactive after Lal Masjid tragedy. Hundreds of suicide bombers lined up and there was sudden escalation of suicide attacks in urban centres targeting both military and civilian targets TTP is a different entity from Mullah Omar which has confined its fight against Pakistan and Pak security forces only. Over a period of time it has spread its tentacles to settled areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) including Swat, Malakand and Darra Adam Khel (DAK) as well as Pashtun belt of Balochistan, southern Punjab wherefrom large numbers were enrolled as Punjabi Taliban with the help of Muawia and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, and Karachi. TTP was able to convert SW, Swat and Bajaur into highly fortified strongholds. As long as Tariq Afridi was in command of TTP chapter in DAK, he continuously threatened Kohat tunnel. Al-Qaeda linked with TTP provides technical, tactical and financial support to TTP. Several other banned extremist groups engaged in Kashmir Jihad, sectarianism and in criminal activities have joined TTP out of expediency, enabling TTP to strike targets in urban centres. 2007 was a bloody year in which the TTP scored several successes including capture of 247 soldiers on September 2 without firing a shot. Operation Zalzala was launched by 14 Division under Maj Gen Tariq Khan in SW in January 2008 and after achieving tactical success and regaining control, another ceasefire took place in February 2008. Ceasefire didn't last long as the militants captured Jandola on June 24, 2008, which was later recaptured by the Army. In Kurram Agency, sectarian war between sub-tribes stoked by foreign hand took a heavy toll of lives. TTP chapter of Kurram Agency under Fazal Saeed Utazai broke away from TTP and formed his own group. Mehmand Agency under Khurasani and Orakzai Agency became hotspots. Turbulence in the two agencies was controlled by launching targeted operations. In Khyber Agency, Mangal Bagh heading Lashkar-e-Islam (LI) emerged in Bara Tehsil in 2007 as a powerful entity and threatened Jamrud and the capital city of Peshawar. After pushing out pro-government Ansar-ul-Islam (AI) from Bara, LI chased it to Tirah Valley. After a hard fight from January to March 2013, LI in collusion with TTP managed to expel AI from Tirah resulting in deaths of 250 and displacement of 2-300,000 people. The Army supported by PAF launched Operation Rah-e-Shahadat and succeeded in evicting the duo by June. The only two Pashtun militant groups which stayed out of TTP and stuck to peace agreements with Army were Maulvi Nazir led group in SW and Hafiz Gul Bahadur led group in NW. In addition, a group led by Sirajuddin Haqqani based in NW is also friendly to the government and Army. On June 21, 2006 Sirajuddin had issued a decree that it was not Afghan Taliban policy to fight Pak Army. His father Jalaluddin Haqqani, a leading war veteran of Afghan Jihad against the Soviets had migrated with his family to NW in 1980, but later on shifted back to his hometown Khost. His youngest son Omar Haqqani was killed in Khost in 2008, while other two sons Badruddin and Mohammad were killed by drones in NW in 2009 and August 2013 respectively. Recently, the fourth son Dr. Naseeruddin Haqqani was murdered in Islamabad on November 11, 2013. Possible suspects are CIA and Afghan NDS since Haqqani Network has been banned by USA and considered as a huge threat in Eastern Afghanistan and Kabul. Sirajuddin carries head bounty of $5 million. Swat and Malakand Division under the sway of Maulana Fazlullah, son-in-law of TNSM's head Maulana Sufi, virtually made Swat into a State within a State and unleashed a reign of terror on the people of Swat and surrounding districts between 2007 and early 2009. Known as 'Mullah Radio', he not only exhorted people on radio to join his cadre but also trained teenage boys as suicide bombers at Mingora and at his HQ in Peochar. Bajaur became the exclusive domain of Maulvi Faqir Muhammad because of easy inflow of arms, equipment and funds from Kunar. This route of supply was also used for Swat via Dir. Srarogha became the command centre of TTP where Qari Hussain trained small boys aged between 11 to 18 years as suicide bombers. The three fortifications of Swat, Bajaur and SW had stored tons of sophisticated weaponry, ammunition and explosives in secret tunnels and caves to last them for next ten years. After the second military operation in Swat, peace deal was signed with Maulana Sufi and Fazlullah in February 2009. KP government agreed to introduce Nizam-e-Adal in Swat and Malakand Division and the other side agreed to renounce violence. Hardly had the ink dried on the agreement when Fazllulah's men opened new fronts in Buner and Lower Dir, which raised alarm bells that militants were working their way towards Islamabad. All political forces got together and passed a joint resolution to combat the militant threat with full force. It led to launching of military operation codenamed Rah-e-Rast on April 26, 2009 which ensued heavy fighting but in the end security forces supported by PAF emerged as winners. Injured Fazlullah and his key leaders escaped to Kunar. Many fled to Karachi and got settled in Pashtun community. Heavy fighting ensued in Loisam area of Bajaur in August 2008 in which hundreds of foreign fighters poured in from Afghanistan. Situation was stabilized within four days. In response to a suicide attack on Marriot Hotel in Islamabad in September 2008 planned by Faqir's men, an offensive was launched in Bajaur. By the time an operation was launched in Swat, all areas under the control of militants in Bajaur were recaptured and over 1000 militants including five high profile al-Qaeda operatives were killed and RAW trained Afghan militants pushed out. Peace was restored after Faqir and his hardcore militants fled to Kunar. On night of August 5, 2009, Baitullah Mehsud was killed by a drone in the house of in-laws of his recently married second wife in SW. It led to war of succession but ultimately Baitullah's bodyguard and driver Hakeemullah Mehsud was appointed the Ameer of TTP on August 22, who was as vicious as Fazlullah. However, the cracks in TTP never got repaired. Notwithstanding inner tensions, the Mehsuds suspected Maulvi Nazir's hand in the killing of their Ameer and attacked his camp in late August 2009 resulting in deaths of several men of Nazir. Baitullah's death and impending operation in SW impelled Hakeemullah to step up terrorist attacks. 2009 saw commencement of group attacks in Lahore. October 2009 was the heaviest in which GHQ was attacked on 10th, a military convoy was hit on 12th killing 41 soldiers, FIA building in Lahore attacked on 15th, ISI office in Peshawar on 16th, Islamic University Islamabad on 20th, a Brig was killed on 22nd, security post at Kamra attacked on 23rd, bomb blast in a restaurant in Peshawar on the same day, a Brig and his mother were shot at in Islamabad on 27th. Market in Shangla, police stations in Kohat and Peshawar and UN World Food Program offices in Islamabad were also targeted. These attacks impelled Gen Ashfaq Kayani to launch another military operation against the strongest base of TTP in SW. Operation Rah-e-Nijat was unleashed on 17th October 2009 and despite stiff resistance, the bastion of power was overpowered in a month time. The operation owed its success to Maulvi Nazir and Gul Bahadur's cooperation who agreed not to disturb Army's bases of operations resting within their respective areas of influence. Mehsuds ignored Bahadur but not Nazir. An attempt was made on him by a suicide bomber in November 2011, in which he received injuries but survived. In order to get back to his hometown in Makeen and also to extend his influence into Wazir dominated SW, it is speculated that Hakeemullah planned to kill his rival Maulvi Nazir. He passed on the information to NDS about his location through his emissary, which enabled CIA to kill him with drone near Angoor Adda in SW on January 2, 2013. With the dismantling of their main base in SW, the disarrayed TTP fighters sought refuge in other tribal agencies and in neighboring Nangarhar. Nucleus of TTP however shifted to Mirali in NW inhabited by second biggest tribe of Dawars after Othmanzai Wazir tribe. Some took refuge in area of Torikhel sub-tribe of Othmanzai tribe, reputed to be most ferocious fighters. For all practical purposes, TTP had lost its fighting potential after Operation Rah-e-Nijat. However, RAW and Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) with the blessing of CIA reinvigorated TTP that had been created with a set agenda to pulverize Pak Army. Absconding Fazlullah, Faqir, Khurasani and their men were activated in safe havens of Kunar and Nuristan. They were given houses, free rations and monthly pay as well arms and training facilities and launched into Dir, Mehmand, Bajaur and Chitral to heat up western border.


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    Taghut - Social Mention
    Asking for help from fellow informed atheists/amateur theologians.
    Jan 23rd 2013, 11:46
    Greetings /r/trueatheism, This is my first post here, although I have been a regular of all of the atheist sections for around 6 months. I am currently in a stage of interest, in all religions, because I already know a basic foundation is going to be very necessary since I've had various people attack me with threats of Hell and Damnation already. But I don't want to get off topic, I have read the entire bible twice, as well as being raised a "Christian" until I was 14 when my mom died. I now just over Christmas break from college, spent the majority of my time reading the Quran, from Islam, and as of no surprise, I was thankful I did. I found myself in a discussion with a fellow student about the corruptions in government, when one of our janitor ladies decided to jump in, shouting absurdities, like Barack Obama is a Muslim and not from America. I reacted with my typical reaction of just smiling and letting her talk, because people like this can not be reasoned with and are not worth discussion, in my opinion. Until she stated something that obviously caught my attention. She stated that Islam teaches to kill. I obviously refuted this fact, because this is something written in a book where I can show you, her, anybody who needs to see it, that this is not true. This is where my situation gets sticky, she told me her husband has a masters degree is theology, and he is on the phone lol. . . After roughly a 20 minute conversation this is what our argument/discussion obviously came down to: He claims the Hadith teaches Muslims to kill. ~~I have no background in the Hadith and if you had asked me before today, I had no idea it was even a major influence of Islam? I KNOW for a fact that the Quran in various place says to "Kill Infidels" and then it GOES ON to say things like, "If they try to take your land," or, "Persecution is worse than death." He claims Muhammad killed Jews to set an example ~~Again I am so lost here, never reading the book, although my retaliatory argument involved Adolf Hitler, and how the Vatican gave Powerful Nazi's passports to leave for South Africa to avoid execution after the war, and his retaliatory complaint(after heavy explanation of the factual evidence behind this) that Jesus did not teach through killing, Muhammad did, which makes the example powerful. So far I have found various pieces within the Hadith, but I can't read the whole thing right now, I have 6 classes, and tests are right around the corner. It just doesn't make sense to me when people say this, and I feel it MUST be taken out of context, because even is Muhammad killed people, Allah(their God) forbids the killing of anybody. Here is what I have found, and if anybody can pitch in with Text and Knowledge, it would be very greatly appreciated. For those who don't fully know of Islam, this is your chance to learn a few things, from those of us who will be posting materials. Volume 4, Book 52, Number 260: Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, 'Don't punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment.' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' " but I also found that Muhammad says this: Surat Al-Baqarah 2:256: "There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing." No "Compulsion," Compulsion is a fairly clear word, it means being forced to do something. All studies thusfar have been done from and backed up in other locations. Please back up with credible citations anything you find. Edit : I forgot my second source, which is from the USC's MSA group: submitted by korelan to TrueAtheism [link] [5 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    #islam #muhammed #muslims #quran #sunnah #allah #syria #jews #heaven #Palestine #jihad #niqab #hijab #muslim #muslimah #peace #love #ummah #khalifa #dawah #jannah #mujahid #Egypt #shariah #zionist #Christian #jesus
    Nov 9th 2013, 10:31
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 mujahid - Social Mention: BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:41PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:29
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Nov 18th 2013, 21:21, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Freed Gitmo Terrorist Arrested in Israel Plotting Bio Weapons Attack
    Nov 18th 2013, 16:40
    AINA - Found 2 hours ago... in Pakistan and tried to enter Israel via the Allenby Bridge in 2010 to put his knowledge to good jihad use and train Palestinian Authority... Israel Confirms It Is Holding al-Qaeda Suspect - Time Israel detaining al-Qaeda suspect - BBC Israel confirms it is holding al-Qaida suspect - Israel holds al-Qaeda suspect without charge - Al Jazeera Explore All Asiaone
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Obamacare Damaged the Nations System; some dems don't mind
    Nov 18th 2013, 12:20
    The healthcare law caused major headaches for Democrats inextricably tied to it....39 House Dems defected to support a GOP bill to make plans outlawed by ObamaCare available thru 2014, despite a veto threat.
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Nov 18th 2013, 21:07, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Ar EssayA Call for Jihad Against Muslim Extremists,861W/407.html
    Jan 19th 2011, 08:00
    For those who don't remember, in November the Lamont Library at Harvard revealed that 36 books on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered issues were damaged by "what appeared to be urine," according to The Harvard Crimson.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

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    UK: Jihad terror suspect who fled in a burqa linked to jihad plot on... UK: Jihad terror suspect who fled in a burqa linked to jihad plot on...
    Nov 12th 2013, 18:56
    UK: Jihad terror suspect who fled in a burqa linked to jihad plot on London #Olympics #Jihad Watch #Islamists #bbcqt Careful! Distributing this photo is "racially aggravated public disorder" Nonetheless, in Insane Britannia to distribute his photo is to commit...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

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    Nov 10th 2013, 20:03
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

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    Nov 9th 2013, 10:58
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 mujahid - Social Mention: BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:41PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    BANGITLAH SINGA TAUHID PASUKAN PANJI ISLAM Semangat juang Seorang Hamba ALLah Ayuh bangkit wahai pemuda dan pemudi Islam..membuka mata diseluruh dunia TAKBIIR: ALLAUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR-ALLAHUAKBAR,ALFATIHA....AAMIIN hai hati yang berjiwa besar, hati yang bercita-cita mulia, hati yang kuat tekadnya, hati yang tinggi semangatnya, hati yang kental imannya.. Siapkanlah dirimu untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah.. Kerana kamulah yang akan dipilih untuk menjadi mujahid fisabilillah dan penghuni syurga firdaus.. In shaa Allah.. Sabda Rasulullah: �Syurga di bawah bayangan pedang� (bukhrai dan muslim)Allah Tuhanku, Rasul Ikutanku, Quran panduanku, Jihad jalanku, Syahid cita-citaku "Dunia ini tidak diberikan bagi orang yang berpangku tangan dan tidur. Dunia hanya diberikan kepada para Mujahidin yang bersabar. Bangunlah, kembalilah meraih kemuliaan, kembali kepada kebaikan agama kalian, kembali kepada Kitabullah, dan sunnah Rasul-Nya. Karena itulah sumber kekuatan." -SYAIKH AHMAD YASSIN (Rahimahullah) M.ALHUSNIE THAMRIN-ALKHOTTOB
    Nov 18th 2013, 19:35
    Meremang bulu roma saya mendengar bacaan yang sangat merdu ini, tiba2 mengalir airmata. Ya Allah... Rindunya pada ayat2 suci Mu ya Allah ya tuhan ku... Lihat budak itu seringkali lap matanya, barang kali airmatanya mengalir... P\S kalau video lawak laju je korang like & Share Yang ni boleh 10.000 Likes :) Boleh 5.000 Share :) ♥ Aeril Zafrel & Wawa Zainal ♥
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Nov 18th 2013, 20:54, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:38PM  

    helfen in not - Social Mention
    Kitti, eine wunderschöne Hündin mit viel Charme sucht ein Zuhause. Wir helfen Hunden in Not, helft mit und teilt .....
    Nov 18th 2013, 18:22
    Natürlich suchen auch die Hunde im Tierheim von Magdi ein Zuhause, denn das Leben dort kann nicht die Endstation sein. Alle Hunde sind geimpft, entwurmt, gechipt und sind oder werden noch kastriert. Bei Fragen bitte PN an uns senden.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    UK soldier posed for smiling photo with Afghan policeman who murdered... UK soldier posed for smiling photo with Afghan policeman who murdered...
    Nov 8th 2013, 11:41
    UK soldier posed for smiling photo with #Afghan policeman who murdered him moments later - #Jihad Watch #Islamists This photo epitomizes the tragic wrongheadedness of our misadventure in Afghanistan. But the lesson, as ever, will not be learned. "Pictured with...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    UK: Reporters distributing photos of jihad terror suspect are arrested... UK: Reporters distributing photos of jihad terror suspect are arrested...
    Nov 12th 2013, 07:46
    UK: Reporters distributing photos of jihad terror suspect are arrested for "racially aggravated public disorder" - Jihad Watch This is the same Britain that banned Pamela Geller and me from the country for opposing jihad terror, while admitting Mohammed al-Arefe, who...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    Taghut - Social Mention
    Reflect on the statements of Shaikh Rabee, Shaikh Muhammad Bin Haadi and the Mashaayikh of Yemen
    Nov 4th 2013, 22:12
    Allaah (The Most High) said: الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا يُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ الطَّاغُوتِ فَقَاتِلُوا أَوْلِيَاءَ الشَّيْطَانِ إِنَّ كَيْدَ الشَّيْطَانِ كَانَ ضَعِيفًا Those who believe, fight in [&#8230;]
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Nov 18th 2013, 20:49, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    Taghut - Social Mention
    Kitab ut-Tauhid Ch. 1 At-Tauhid (The Oneness of Allah)
    Sep 7th 2011, 12:11
    Allah the Almighty said: "And I (Allah) created not the Jinns and men except they should worship Me (Alone)." 51:56 And He stated: "And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): 'Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) Taghut (all false deities etc. i.e. do not worship Taghut besides Allah).' " 16:36 And He said: "And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour. And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: 'My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was small.' " 17:23, 24 And He said: "Worship Allah and join none with Him in worship." 4:36 And He said: "Say (O Muhammad May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ): Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from: Join not anything in worship with Him; be good and dutiful to your parents; kill not your children because of poverty -We provide sustenance for you and for them; come not near to shameful sins (illegal sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly, and kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause (according to Islamic law), This He has commanded you that you may understand. And come not near to the orphan's property, except to improve it, until he (or she) attains the age of full strength; and give full measure and full weight with justice. We burden not any person, but that which he can bear. And whenever you give your word (i.e. judge between men or give evidence, etc.), say the truth even if a near relative is concerned, and fulfill the Covenant of Allah. This He commands you, that you may' remember. And verily, this is My Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you away from His Path. This He has ordained for you that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious)." 6:151-153 Ibn Mas'ud (May Allah be pleased with him) said: "Whoever wishes to ascertain the very will of Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) on which the Prophet has put his seal, let him read the Statement of Allah: 'Say (O Muhammad (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him): Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from: Join not anything in worship with Him... (up to) ...And verily, this is My Straight Path.'" It is narrated that Mu'adh bin Jabal (May Allah be pleased with him) said: I was riding behind the Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) on a donkey and he said to me "O Mu'adh, do you know what is the right of Allah on his slaves and what is the right of the slaves upon Allah?" I responded: "Allah and His Messenger know best." He continued, "The Right of Allah upon His slaves is to worship Him Alone and never to associate anything with him. The right of slaves upon Him is not to punish any person who does not associate anything with Him." I said: "O Allah's Messenger, may I not give the glad tidings to the people?" He replied: "No. Do not inform them lest they rely on (this promise and lapse in their service to Him)[1] ." [The above Hadith is mentioned in two Sahih Books (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)]. Important issues of the Chapter 1) Wisdom of Allah in creating jinn and mankind. 2) Worship is Tauhid, as, in this issue there had always been dispute (between the Prophets and the polytheists). 3) Those who have not fulfilled the requirements of Tauhid are such as they have not worshipped Allah, and in this sense is the meaning of the verse: "Nor will you worship that which I worship" 109:3 4) The wisdom in sending the Messengers. 5) The message of the Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) (Tauhid) applies to all nations. 6) All Prophets have brought one and the same religion. 7) The major issue is that the worship of Allah cannot be performed until Taghut is denounced and rejected. In this meaning is the saying of Allah: "Whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold." 2:256 8) At-Taghut is inclusive of all that is worshipped other than Allah. 9) The tremendous importance of the three entirely clear verses of Surah Al-An'am 6:151-153 among the early pious predecessors. In these verses are 10 issues, the first of which is the prohibition of Shirk. 10) The clear verses in Surah Al-Isra 17:22-39 have 18 substantial issues. Allah begins them with: "Set not up with Allah any other ilah (god), (O man) or you will sit down reproved, forsaken (in the Hell-fire)". 17:22 And ended with: "And set not up with Allah any other ilah (god) lest you should be thrown into Hell, blameworthy and rejected." 17:39. Allah informed us the importance of these issues by saying: "This is (part) of Al-Hikmah (wisdom, good manners and high character, etc.) which your lord has inspired to you." 17:39 11) The verse of Surah An-Nisaa 4:36 called "The verse of the ten rights" to which Allah the Most High begins by saying: "And worship Allah, and join none with Him in worship." 12) We must note the admonition of Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) which he made before his death. 13) To recognize Allah's right upon us. 14) To recognize the rights of slaves on Allah, if they fulfill His right. 15) This issue was unknown to most of the Companions of Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) 16) Permissibility to hide some knowledge for the common good (as determined by the Shari'ah). 17) It is desirable to pass the pleasing news to other Muslims. 18) Fear of depending (of the people) upon the expansiveness of Allah's mercy. 19) The statement of one, who is asked on matters that are not known to him: "Allah and His Messenger know the best". 20) It is correct to impart knowledge selectively to someone and not to others. 21) The humility of Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) on riding a donkey with a companion behind. 22) It is legitimate to have a second rider behind. 23) Superiority of Mu'adh bin Jabal (May Allah be pleased with him) The great importance of this issue (of Tauhid). [1] Mu'adh (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated this Hadith avoiding the sin of concealment. [Translator] submitted by cepeskadadcepe to islam [link] [15 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    Taghut - Social Mention
    Human Rights: then and now
    Jun 17th 2011, 21:08
    UDHR articles Quranic verses #1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. " the male, a portion equal to that of two females;..." 4:11 #2: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. "And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people..." 2:143 #3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. "...This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. ..." 5:3 #4: No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. "Do they seek other than the religion of Allah (the true Islamic Monotheism - worshipping none but Allah Alone), while to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to Him shall they all be returned." 3:83 #5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. "The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off from opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter. " 5:33 #6: Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. "And whoever of you have not the means wherewith to wed free, believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those (slaves) whom your right hands possess, and Allah has full knowledge about your Faith; you are one from another. Wed them with the permission of their own folk (guardians, Auliya' or masters) and give them their Mahr according to what is reasonable; they (the above said captive and slave-girls) should be chaste, not committing illegal sex, nor taking boy-friends. ..." 4:25 #7: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. ... "allah is the Wali (protector or Guardian) of those who believe. He brings them out from darkness into light. But as for those who disbelieve, their Auliya (supporters and helpers) are Taghut [false deities and false leaders], they bring them out from light into darkness..." 2:257 #8: Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. "But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission." 4:65 #9: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. "O you who believe! When believing women come to you as emigrants, examine them; Allah knows best as to their Faith, then if you ascertain that they are true believers send them not back to the disbelievers. They are not lawful (wives) for the disbelievers nor are the disbelievers lawful (husbands) for them. But give them (the disbelievers) that (amount of money) which they have spent [as their Mahr] to them. And there will be no sin on you to marry them if you have paid their Mahr to them. Likewise hold not the disbelieving women as wives, and ask for (the return of) that which you have spent (as Mahr ) and let them (the disbelievers) ask back for that which they have spent. That is the Judgement of Allah, He judges between you. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. " 60:10 #10: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. again see 4:65 #11: No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed... "Verily, those who annoy allah and His Messenger allah has cursed them in this world, and in the Hereafter..." 33:57 #12: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. "The fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. ..." 24:2 #16: Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. "And do not marry Al-Mushrikat (idolatresses, etc.) till they believe. And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress), even though she pleases you. And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikun till they believe..." 2:221 #17: No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. "They ask you about the spoils of war. Say: "The spoils are for allah and the messenger." So fear allah and adjust all matters of difference among you, and obey allah and His messenger, if you are believers. ..." 8:1 #18: !!! Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers. " 3:85 #19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. "And those who argue concerning Allah after He has been responded to - their argument is invalid with their Lord, and upon them is [His] wrath, and for them is a severe punishment." 42:16 #20: No one may be compelled to belong to an association. "And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], "Worship Allah and avoid Taghut." And among them were those whom Allah guided, and among them were those upon whom error was [deservedly] decreed. So proceed through the earth and observe how was the end of the deniers." 16:36 #21: Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives... "Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah , except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination." 3:28 #22: Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. "Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle...." 2:177 #30: Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein. again see 3:85 above Reference: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Original discussion here submitted by Big_Brain to qurans [link] [comment]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:39PM  

    igmg - Social Mention
    hbpa for hmhzy igmg
    Aug 22nd 2013, 22:28
    chanel handbags witf canada goose outlet fylwb canada goose jacket rczbj scarpe gucci ynpot Cheap Burberry Outlet Store Online Sale Burberry Handbags And Burberry Hobo Bags.Free Shipping! jukbww Submitted [&#8230;]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    Taghut - Social Mention
    He said; Islam is bla bla bla bla! WHAT?
    Sep 26th 2013, 08:01
    I saw this comment, some people said "muslims kills, non muslims" about last terrorist attacks in pakistan and indonesia, did you belive this? Did you read Holy Koran? You will be a beliver or non beliver, you have no right to talk like that! 9/11 is a lie Laden is a lie El Qaida is a lie! But mossad, cia, kgb is not a lie, you got the point? ;) Did you saw terrorist list in last attack? there all from west, their leader from england, they talk in english! Islam forbid killing, lying and attacking others freedom, even their believer or not.. If you saw anyone made terrorism, killing people, and tells "ı'm a muslim, this is islam" you dont belive that! For example: a supporter which dress a chealsea uniform, sit in the chelsea tribune on manchester-Chelsea derby match and says "i'm a manchester united fanatic!!!" and be happy with all manchester goals, who would believe that man a manchester fan? This is absurd surely! You will say: "So.. why they made fake actions like that" Islam strictly forbid drugs, human trade, slavery, alcohol, fornication, terrorism, homosexualty.. Mafia, terrorist organisations, and ofcourse some countries made HUGE amount money with drugs, human trade, slavery, make fake wars and weapon sale, alcohol, homosexualty etc.. There are 1.7 Billion Muslims in our planet, Islam is the fastest groving religion in the brittania, usa, and ofcourse world, because islam is a miracle, everything a human in need, about world, about life, about being a human, about marriage, about health, about everything in the holy koran, and prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h.) traditions... There was 10 Crusade in the history from year 1000.. They now said "We bring democracy to the middle-east", it's all about MONEY from 2001 to now Over 2.5 Million Iraq citizin has died, every day in ıraq, afghanistan, syria, egypt, over 300 people killing, this is a plan.. Did you hear Nevus ordo seclorum?! The new world order plan, they want middle-east, and Turkey.. Because there full of petrol, boron element, gold, matchless nature, and strategic location, because west think like that; "China has 2billion people, they have technology, we must build a fortress in middle-east, we must protect ourselves" they made middle-east a slave camp, they made those people illiterate, but in history first university was build in middle-east.. did you realize something? In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. "whosoever killed a person – unless it be for killing a person or for creating disorder in the land – it shall be as if he killed all mankind; and whoso saved a life, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. And our Messengers came to them with clear Signs, Yet even after that, many of them commit excesses in the land. " The Food (Maide) 32. "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Taghut (evil) and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. " The Heifer (Al-Baqarah) 256. İslam is that, please read the whole book and hadiths "Thy Lord hath decreed, that ye worship none save Him, and (that ye show) kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain to old age with thee, say not "Fie" unto them nor repulse them, but speak unto them a gracious word." The Israelites (Isra) 23. LAST NOTE: Fight with Fire, not with fire fighter! PEACE! Take care! P.S.: Any offensive, anti freedom, anti relgious mesages will be ignored, please be respectful, thanks! submitted by Maviturk to religion [link] [2 comments]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 18 07:40PM  

    Taghut - Social Mention
    Aug 10th 2011, 13:48
    2:30 And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood explain Qurtubi may God have mercy on him and others that the angels had seen and what was learned from the corruption of the jinn, and bloodshed, because the land was where the jinn before the creation of Adam He sent them is Iblees and his followers even, and put them Islands seas and the parties to the mountains, and then God created Adam dwell him in the earth . This was narrated from Ibn Abbas and Abu Al 3Alya Ibn Jarir with his isnaad from Ibn Abbas said: The first inhabitants of the land the jinn, It was narrated like that 'Abd-Allaah ibn' Amr, it says: the jinn, the sons of the elves in the earth before He created Adam, two thousand years, It was narrated like that for, Qatada all - that is true - raised in the rule; and the sign of creatures before Adam, they can carry the existence of these fossils to those creatures that existed before Adam, Accordingly, the monkey, can not be grandfather human, On the contrary may be a case of deterioration of the humanitarian beacuse he violated natural inclination and divine law so monster to a monkey and a pig, or a creature that was before Adam occupant ground. and the prove that Allah do this with the Jew when Violated with Moses 5:60 Say, "Shall I inform you of [what is] worse than that as penalty from Allah ? [It is that of] those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He became angry and made of them apes and pigs and slaves of Taghut. Those are worse in position and further astray from the sound way." Allah knows best submitted by ysooo to islam [link] [2 comments]
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